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The effect of FeCl3 (10 mM) on osmotic water uptake into detached sweet cherry fruit (Prunus avium L.) and on the (3)H2O permeability (P(d)) of excised exocarp segments (ES) or enzymatically isolated cuticular membranes (CM) was investigated. ES or CM were mounted in an infinite dose diffusion system, where diffusion is monitored from a dilute donor solution through an interfacing ES or CM into a receiver solution under quasi steady-state conditions. In the absence of FeCl3, (3)H2O diffusion through stomatous ES was linear over time, indicating that P(d) was constant. Adding FeCl3 to the donor decreased P(d) by about 60%. P(d) remained at a decreased level when replacing the FeCl3 donor again by deionized water. The decrease in P(d) was positively and linearly related to the stomatal density of the ES. There was no effect of FeCl3 on the P(d) of astomatous sweet cherry fruit ES or CM regardless of the presence of wax (epicuticular or cuticular). FeCl3 decreased P(d) when added to the donor (-63%) or receiver (-16%), but there was no effect when it was added to donor and receiver solutions simultaneously. The decrease in P(d) depended on the pH of the receiver and the presence of citrate buffer. There was no effect of FeCl3 with citrate buffer as a receiver regardless of pH (range 2.0-6.0). When using nonbuffered receiver solutions with pH adjusted to pH 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, or 6.0, FeCl3 markedly decreased (3)H2O diffusion at pH > or = 3 but had no effect at pH 2.0. FeCl3 increased the energy of activation (E(a)) for (3)H2O diffusion (range 15-45 degrees C) through stomatous ES but had no significant effect in astomatous CM. The increase in E(a) by FeCl3 was positively related to stomatal density. FeCl3 decreased the P(d) for 2-(1-naphthyl)[1-(14)C]acetic acid (NAA) and 2,4-dichloro[U-(14)C]phenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in stomatous ES. The magnitude of the effect depended on the degree of dissociation and was larger for the dissociated acids (pH 6.2) than for the nondissociated acids (pH 2.2). Incubating whole fruit in isotonic solutions of selected osmotica resulted in significant water uptake that was inversely related to the molecular weight of the osmotica and was consistently lower for fruit treated with FeCl3. The FeCl3 induced decrease in water fluxes was larger for osmotica having a low molecular weight than for those with a higher molecular weight. Our data indicate that FeCl3 decreased the permeability of the stomatous sweet cherry exocarp to water and other polar substances by pH-dependent formation of precipitates that decrease transport along polar pathways. Decreasing the permeability of polar pathways by a precipitation reaction is a useful target in developing strategies against rain-induced fruit cracking.  相似文献   

The effects of the chloride salts LiCl, CaCl(2), MgCl(2), AlCl(3), EuCl(3), and FeCl(3) and the iron salts FeCl(2), FeCl(3), Fe(NO(3))(3), FeSO(4), and Fe(2)(SO(4))(3) on water conductance of exocarp segments (ES) and rates of water uptake into detached sweet cherry fruit (Prunus avium L. cv. Adriana, Early Rivers, Namare, Namosa, and Sam) were studied. ES were excised from the cheek of mature fruit and mounted in stainless steel diffusion cell; water penetration was monitored gravimetrically from donor solutions containing the above mineral salts into a PEG 6000 (osmolality = 1.14 osM, pH 4.8, 25 degrees C) receiver solution. Conductance of ES was calculated from the amount of water taken up per unit of surface area and time by dividing by the gradient in water activity across ES. LiCl, CaCl(2), MgCl(2), FeCl(2), and FeSO(4) had no significant effect on conductance, but AlCl(3), FeCl(3), Fe(NO(3))(3), and Fe(2)(SO(4))(3) significantly reduced conductance compared to water only as a donor. Also, EuCl(3) lowered conductance; however, this effect was not always significant. Effects of salts on water conductance of ES and rates of water uptake into detached fruit were closely related (R 2 = 0.97***). Upon application of an FeCl(3)-containing donor conductance decreased instantaneously. FeCl(3) concentrations of <6.6 x 10(-)(4) M had no effect on conductance, but concentrations at or above this threshold decreased conductance. FeCl(3) lowered water conductance at a receiver pH of 4.8, but not at pH < or =2.6. The effect of FeCl(3) on conductance was largest in cv. Namare and smallest in cv. Adriana. There was no significant effect of FeCl(3) on conductance for transpiration. Formation of aluminum and iron oxides and hydroxides in the exocarp as a result of a pH gradient between donor and receiver solution is discussed as the potential mechanism for Fe(3+) and Al(3+) reducing conductance for water uptake.  相似文献   

A modified potometer consisting of a water-filled glass tube mounted in parallel with a metric scale and connected to a fruit was used to study water uptake into detached fruits of sweet cherry. Results describing quantities of imported water from some introductory studies were in the same range as in previously published studies conducted with alternative methods. Water uptake was measured in fruits of four cultivars kept in air of approximately 50±5% RH followed by immersion in water 1–2 h into the experimental period. This caused a significant decrease in water uptake. However, the fruits continued to accumulate water at a reduced rate. When the fruits were dried, the water uptake immediately increased to the same level as before the immersion in water. The fruit skin of two cultivars was exposed to normal air after being ruptured with four shallow cuts to simulate cuticular fractures or shallow cracks. These two treatments did not give statistically different water uptake through the pedicel, although there was a tendency to an increased rate of water uptake in fruits with ruptured fruit skin.  相似文献   

甜樱桃采后热空气处理抑制青霉病的工艺优化   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
为确定热空气处理控制采后甜樱桃果实青霉病的最优条件,采用响应曲面法研究了不同温度-时间的热空气处理对甜樱桃采后青霉病的抑菌效果和果实品质的影响。甜樱桃果实采后用不同温度热空气(40~48℃)和不同处理时间(60~180 min)处理后,接种青霉菌在20℃、相对湿度90%~95%的条件下贮藏5 d,贮藏结束后测定果实的病斑直径、硬度、抗坏血酸含量和固酸比,建立了4个响应值的二次多项数学模型,分析了拟合程度,并利用模型的响应面对甜樱桃的抗病性和果实品质进行了探讨。结果表明,热空气处理控制采后甜樱桃果实青霉病的较优条件为热处理温度为44℃、热处理时间为114 min,该条件显著(P0.05)抑制了甜樱桃采后青霉病的扩展,与对照组相比,热处理较好的保持了甜樱桃果实品质,显著(P0.05)减缓了硬度、抗坏血酸含量和固酸比的下降,为热空气处理在甜樱桃贮藏保鲜中的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

定位观测研究红壤坡地土壤 大气界面水分传输结果证明 ,不同地表植被群落构建和不同农业利用景观土壤蒸发量有差异 ,但水汽传输通量的动态变化规律一致 ,土壤蒸发量日变化为典型单峰曲线。界面水分传输通量受诸多因素影响 ,当地表植被群落稳定、作物因素影响较小时 ,水汽通量除受气候条件影响外还明显受土壤含水量特别是表层土壤含水量的影响。界面水汽传输通量与净辐射能呈显著正相关 ,与环境温度有很好的相关性 ,温度越高其蒸发越强 ,与空气湿度呈极显著负相关。界面水汽传输通量主要受 0~ 2 0cm表层土壤水分控制 ,二者间存在线性关系。土壤蒸发量占系统蒸散量的 1/ 3 ,该部分非生产性水分消耗有控制降低的可能 ,可通过土壤培肥、灌溉控制、物理障碍等手段抑制土壤蒸发。  相似文献   

定位观测红壤坡地典型作物系统叶面冠层 大气界面水分传输结果表明 ,叶面冠层 大气界面水汽传输通量大小取决于景观植物群落的构建 ,稳定群落叶面冠层 大气界面水汽传输通量有明显日变化规律 ,除受植物生理机制影响外 ,还明显受土壤水分和气象条件的影响。植株叶片蒸腾速率有明显日变化规律且呈单峰型曲线及多峰态势。净辐射、空气饱和水汽压差、气温、地表温度、风速对蒸腾的影响均达极显著水平 (正相关 ) ,其中净辐射、气温为主要影响因子。叶片气孔导度可反映叶片蒸腾速率 ,叶片气孔阻力日变化规律是植物对气象条件的响应 ,且受土壤水分状况强烈影响。改善作物生长环境 ,调节气孔行为 ,进而协调作物蒸腾作用和光合作用耗水制约 ,可调控叶面冠层 大气界面水分传输 ,提高作物水分利用效率  相似文献   


Potassium sulfate was applied to established, non‐irrigated, K deficient trees on fine textured soil by banding, placing in augered holes and injecting into the soil. Additional trees received a heavy compost mulch in early fall. Trenches were dug in the fall beside trees to break roots and then were backfilled with K2SO4, dolomite lime or a combination of the two. One percent K solutions of KNO3 or K2SO4 were sprayed on trees four times during the growth season.

Sweet cherry trees only responded to compost mulch applications within two years. August midshoot leaf K, leaf N and fruit size were increased within one year however tree growth and yield were not affected. Fruit size and shoot growth were partially dependent on August leaf K level.

August midshoot leaf K of prune trees was increased within one growing season by all treatments except trench plus lime. Trees receiving compost also had increased levels of leaf N, P, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu and B. Yield and shoot growth were increased only by compost mulch applications. Fruit size was partially dependent on August leaf K levels.  相似文献   


Fall trunk injections of 200 g K in K2SO4 solution or up to 300 g K in K2HPO4 solution had no effect on sweet cherry mid‐shoot leaf K in August. Phosphorus content was significantly increased in buds in March and midshoot leaves in August one year by fall injection of K2HPO4 (79.2 g P).

Spring trunk injections of 12.5 g K (K2S04 or K2HPO4) in prune increased leaf K within four days and K levels remained higher than controls for at least 22 days with K2SO4 Leaf P was increased within four days by K2HPO4 and was higher than controls in August.

Fruit set in sweet cherry was significantly lower on trees injected with 200 g K (K2S04) and 300 g K (K2HPO4). Yield was significantly lower for all injection treatments and was probably caused at least in part by reduced fruit set. Fruit quality was not affected by K injections.  相似文献   


Scope and Background

It is acknowledged that diffuse sources cause the most important nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) losses to the river system and substantially enrich the groundwater in nitrates. These losses arise primary from agricultural activities mainly fertilizer applications, and they are determined by soil attributes. In cold climates, winter conditions and freezing of soils may influence the infiltration capacity of the soil and thereby can have a serious effect on the partitioning of excess precipitation and subsequently on the soil and nutrient transportation. The purpose of this article is to investigate the behaviour of six widespread and different textured soil types, on nutrient (N, P) losses under cold climate conditions. The investigation was conducted in the Norwegian Vansjø-Hobølv catchment through the application of a physical model named Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), taking into consideration the additional aspect of freezing soils during winter, which distinguishes Scandinavian from other European soils.


SWAT is a physical river basin model that was developed for the U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service, by the Blackland Research Center in Texas. In the current modeling approach the catchment was divided into 43 Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs) which consist of different combinations of the existed landcover and soil types. Nitrogen and phosphorus losses arising from these HRUs were estimated for the period 1990–2001 through the simultaneous simulation of water and sediment processes that are closely linked to the nutrient processes. The model took into account soil temperature in order to quantify water and nutrient transport to deeper layers, considering negligible downward movement when the soil temperature was under 0°C. It also simulated the aboveground development of the snowpack and the snowmelt processes on a daily basis. The six different soil types were distinguished in two groups according to their similarity in texture and other physical properties, one group of fine-textured soils and a group of coarse soils. The results were evaluated for different crop cultivations (barley, oats and wheat) of the aforementioned soils. Finally, the model was calibrated and validated by comparing predicted results with measured data.

Results and Discussion

Fine-textured soils caused significant runoff, sediment, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) yields to the river system while coarser soils were characterized by high water drainage and nitrates leaching. The first soil group caused a mean of 517 mm of runoff in annual basis, 200 mm higher than this arising from coarse soils. Moreover, 3 tonnes of sediments per hectare, 24.6 kgN/ha and 0.54 kgP/ha were lost annually to surface water from fine soils while the average respective losses originating from coarse soils were only 1.3 tn of sediments/ha, 13.6kgN/ha and 0.17kgP/ha. The sensitivity ranking of the soil types to TN and TP losses was silty-clay-loam>silty-loam>clay>loamy>sandy-loam>sandy. An average of 277 mm of water was percolated annually under the bottom of the soil profile in coarse soils causing the additional leaching of 5.6 kgN-NO3/ha whereas the losses originating from fine-textured soils were 153 mm and 2.5 kg/ha respectively. According to their sensitivity in nitrates leaching, the six soil types were ranked in the following order: sandy>loamy>sandy-loam>silty-loam>silty-clay-loam>clay.

Conclusions and Perspectives

The results showed that even though under cold climate conditions, with monthly periods of average air-temperatures below zero, the overall amounts of annual TN and TP losses to surface waters as well as nitrates leaching to groundwater were considerable. This demonstrates that the cold climate conditions did not affect the long-term behavior of the six widespread Norwegian soils, which on an annual basis responded similarly to the respective European soils. According to the model’s estimations, infiltration with N and P transport still occur in wintertime, and comparing to other studies that reported similar results, different possible explanations were considered. The results demonstrate the need of considering the soil differentiation in Scandinavian countries similarly to the rest of Europe in order to apply mitigation measures against nitrogen and phosphorus losses to surface and groundwater.

基于冠层温度的夏玉米水分胁迫理论模型的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
该文探讨并建立了适合于中国华北平原夏玉米的作物水分胁迫指数(CWSI)模型。通过对夏玉米的冠层最小阻力、零平面位移和粗糙度进行分生育阶段取值,得到了适合于夏玉米的水分胁迫指数模型。  相似文献   

Direct drilling of autumn-sown cereal crops reduced the loss of nitrate in drainage. Losses of nitrate nitrogen in water draining from arable land have been measured for 4 seasons, 1980–1984. The field experiment was on a mole-drained clay soil in southern England. Autumn-sown cereal crops were established by direct drilling or after ploughing and traditional seed-bed preparation. Losses ranged from 3 to 75 kg N ha−1 year−1, with an average of 34 kg N ha−1 year−1. Most of the loss (about 90%) was removed via the mole-drain system. Measured loss of nitrate from the direct-drilled soil was 76% (range 48–89%) of that lost from the ploughed soil. Mole drains apparently increased loss of nitrate directly to the river system. In the absence of mole drains, nitrate loss in surface drainage averaged 6 kg N ha−1, compared with 4 kg N ha−1 in the presence of drains. However, in one year, exceptionally high amounts of nitrate (80 kg N ha−1) were lost from undrained, direct-drilled land because of poor crop establishment; deep leaching of nitrate in the undrained soil was not measured. Approximate calculations show that up to half the autumn-applied fertiliser-N was lost by leaching and up to 15% of spring applications.  相似文献   

This paper lists selected observational and modeling studies which provide evidence that agriculture, through the transformation and management of vegetation, has had, and continues to have, an impact upon the weather and climate on the local, regional and global scales. The influence of agriculture on weather and climate, through the alteration of the physiological properties of the land cover, is illustrated by examples from the cropped grassland of the Canadian Prairies.The physiological and physical properties of the vegetation, along with the land cover's impact upon the level of available soil moisture, affect the weather and climate by influencing the transfer of heat, moisture and momentum from the land surface to the overlying air. The principle physiological properties are leaf area, stomatal resistance, and rooting depth; the main physical properties are albedo and surface roughness. By land clearing, cultivation and the grazing of domesticated animals, man has transformed and now manages the vegetation over vast areas of the globe. Agriculture influences the availability of energy and water vapour mass for moist deep convection on the local and regional scales. By creating latent heat flux discontinuities, it may induce mesoscale circulations that initiate moist deep convection. Agriculture, by affecting the level of stored soil moisture, moisture that is available to the vegetation during a later period, may influence the level of convective activity within a region during a subsequent season. Thus agriculture, through the physiological and physical properties of the land cover, has had, and continues to have, an impact upon near surface weather elements and, more significantly, upon the regional hydrologic cycle.Spatially coherent and persistent patterns of thunderstorms play a role in the export of heat and moisture from lower to higher latitudes—this may effect the general circulation. Thus agriculture, by influencing the occurrence, location and intensity of moist deep convection, particularly in the tropics, may also influence global weather and climate.  相似文献   

For development of an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the organophosphorus insecticide fenitrothion, the specificity of the antiserum R-3 generated with the bifunctional hapten, LysMNPA (2-[[[(3-methyl-4-nitrophenyl)oxy]methylcarbonyl]amino]-6-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)aminohexanoic acid) and the application to the residual analysis of some water samples were evaluated. At optimized ELISA conditions, the quantitative working range was from 1 to 39 ng/mL with a limit of detection of 0.3 ng/mL and an IC(50) value of 6 ng/mL. Cross-reactivity to structurally similar organophosphorus compounds and related chemicals was determined. The antiserum R-3 showed significant cross-reactivity with fenitrooxon and 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol, which have a 3-methyl-4-nitrophenoxy group as common structures, but showed relatively low cross-reactivity with other compounds. Each water sample (river water, tap water, purified water, and bottled water) had a matrix effect and was investigated by adding Tween 20 in the assay buffer. These four kinds of water samples were fortified with fenitrothion at several concentration levels and were directly analyzed with only dilution with an equal volume of antiserum solution. The mean recovery was 105.9%, and the mean coefficient of variation was 10.9%. The results suggested that the developed ELISA would be very suitable for a preliminary screening for fenitrothion in water samples at such low levels.  相似文献   

<正> 为了探索黄河中游黄土丘陵沟壑区的水土流失规律,有效地控制水土流失,发展生产,减少入黄泥沙,寻求合理利用水土资源的有效途径,黄河水利委员会于1953年在这一类型区建立了绥德水土保持科学试验站,进行了科学试验。30多年来,绥德站的同志依靠当地政府和群众,采取定位试验与调查研究,试验、示范、推广相结合的方法,以韭园沟、辛店试验场为试验示范基地,先后  相似文献   

An autosampler attached to a purge and trap instrument was used to aid routine analyses of grain samples for volatile compounds associated with off-odors. Trapped volatiles were transferred to a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer instrument for separation and detection. Dynamic extraction of volatiles from approximately 18 g of whole grain at 80 degrees C was accomplished by purging helium through a sample vial with a Teflon-lined septum on each end. The autosampler automatically added internal standard to the sample before purging began, which required the addition of 1 mL of water for complete transfer of the standard to the sample. The added water enhanced extraction of 1-octen-3-ol, 1-octen-3-one, and some other compounds from soybeans but not from starchy grains such as corn and wheat. Addition of a free radical scavenger, such as citric acid, greatly diminished the recovery of 1-octen-3-ol and 1-octen-3-one from soybeans.  相似文献   

A 5-year experiment on water balance was conducted in a flat rainfed wheat field with an area of 66 m×100 m in Fengqiu, Henan Province, China. Results of the experiment showed that the correlation between wheat yield and water consumption was not significant, but that between wheat yield and the ratio of water supply to Penman evaporation was significant, following a parabolic curve. The water consumption process, as well as the growing season of wheat plant, could be divided into three periods. The first (154 days) was vegetative growth period, during which the water consumption accounted for 35% of the total; the second (65 days) reproductive growth period, during which the water consumption occupied 57%, indicating the importance of water consumption in this period; and the third (5~9 days) maturation period, during which water supply was not important to yield formation. According to the statistics of meteorological data over the years in this region, the hydrological conditions of the five seasons covered a probability range of 74.8%. The results (3.465.63 t ha-1) indicated that the productivity of the wheat field under rainfed conditions in this region had a degree of confidence of 74.8%.  相似文献   

目前对精确喷施机具本身研究较多,而对喷施对象—果树叶面积指数(LAI)的快速检测方面达不到与机具对接的要求。其中,LAI快速检测样机构建中,光学模型的构建是关键。针对果树具有单一、独立、冠层不规则、不均匀的特点,进行了计算机随机分布模型的仿真和LAI计算。基于从简单到复杂、一般到个别的原则,用VC语言构建了平面随机分布矩形叶子及其LAI测试界面。根据真实番石榴果树的具体参数如投影区域面积和叶宽度等进行匹配,构建随机分布计算分析模型,并应用在基于真树和人造树的虚拟番石榴树LAI计算中,得到虚拟果树阴影率的变  相似文献   

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