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Two sets of experiments were carried out to evaluate the potential of eggs and endotrophic larvae of captive Paracentrotus lividus as alternative live prey for marine fish larvae first feeding. The first consisted in rearing sparids, Diplodus sargus and Sparus aurata, larvae until 15 days after hatching in a recirculation system. Compared with the commonly used live prey – rotifer Brachionus spp. – general lower values of survival and growth were obtained when fish larvae were fed with the alternative live prey. Among these, eggs showed to be the preferred feeding. Broodstock feed showed to play a fundamental role on prey quality and consequent fish larvae survival. In the second set of experiments, the 24‐h ingestions of the first feeding larvae in static water were determined for five currently cultured fish larvae species. Except for larger and more predatory Dicentrarchus labrax larvae, there was a trend for higher P. lividus egg ingestion, followed by pre‐plutei and prisms. Prey size, colour and movement affected food selection by fish larvae. It is concluded that, in spite of the alternative live prey being readily consumed by all tested fish larvae, they cannot however presently compete with rotifers in marine fish larvae first feeding.  相似文献   

Knowledge on the biochemistry of proteins and amino acids (AA) of eggs and larvae of echinoids is scarce and the possibility to modify their profiles by diet manipulations is unknown. The protein content of eggs, prisms and pre‐plutei and the amino acid composition of eggs of Paracentrotus lividus from captive broodstock fed prepared diets were analysed and compared with the ones obtained from wild broodstock. Diets differed on protein source (fish or soy meals) and on protein content (10–40% dry weight – DW). Total and soluble protein content of both eggs and larvae was higher than 400 g kg?1 DW and 200 g kg?1 DW respectively. Glycine was the most abundant free AA. Very few differences were found among P. lividus eggs and larvae biochemical parameters, suggesting that their AA composition can hardly be changed by broodstock diet manipulations.  相似文献   

The present work evaluates the influence of broodstock diets [Marine Cuisine®– MC, MC supplemented with highly unsaturated fatty acid- (HUFA) enriched Artemia biomass – MC + AB, and MC supplemented with squid – MC + S] on larval production, newly hatched and early zoeal stage survival and fatty acid profile of newly hatched larvae of Lysmata amboinensis . These parameters are compared with those from larvae hatched from embryos spawned in the wild. The number (±SE) of larvae produced with MC and MC + S (1077 ± 219 and 1103 ± 184, respectively) was similar to that in broodstock carrying embryos spawned in the wild (1224 ± 111), while those fed MC + AB displayed significantly lower values (1044 ± 161). Larvae produced with MC + AB displayed lower survival for all starvation periods, while larvae spawned in the wild displayed the highest survival. No larvae resisted 144 h of starvation and none moulted to zoea II. The fatty acid comparison revealed that larvae from embryos spawned in the wild displayed the highest levels of DHA, as well as higher DHA/EPA and n -3/ n -6 ratios. These results suggest that broodstock diets commonly used to promote ornamental shrimp's maturation (based on mixed frozen components) are far from being optimal.  相似文献   

This study compared the growth of sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus larvae cultured using two different rearing methods: a variable method based on a variable amount of feed (microalgae) and seawater exchange (30% or 50%) established according to the phytoplankton concentration in the larval cultures and a fixed method characterized by a fixed amount of feed and seawater exchange. Three microalgae diets, Isochrysis sp. (Tahitian strain, T‐Iso), Chaetoceros gracilis and a 50:50 mixed diet, were tested with both rearing methods. Larval development and survival were assessed at the 6‐arm pluteus stage (P6), competence (Cp) and metamorphosis (Mt). Data showed that the variable method reduced the requirements for phytoplankton and seawater exchange. Indeed, through the optimization of feed rations, it was possible to reduce the production of debris and settled phytoplankton, minimizing the need for water exchanges. Higher larval survival resulted at Cp and Mt stages for those reared with the variable method as opposed to the fixed one. Survival and development were also influenced by the tested dietary treatments: at Mt stage, the mixed diet resulted in a higher larval survival (63.3 ± 8.9%) than T‐Iso (19.7 ± 12.1%) and C. gracilis (23.4 ± 15.1%) (< 0.05). These results suggest that the use of the variable method improves the larval survival and development and also it reduces resource consumption (phytoplankton, seawater use and work effort), which in turn could potentially improve the hatchery production of P. lividus.  相似文献   

Protein and energy are two of the main limiting factors for sea urchin growth. However, the requirement of daily protein and energy to maximize gonadal production is still unknown. Paracentrotus lividus were fed three experimental diets: Ulva lactuca, Gracilaria conferta and a prepared diet for 2 months in the fall of 1999 and spring of 2000. Sea urchins from a laboratory‐cultured population of equal age, weight and test diameter were used. Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC%) for protein and energy, using acid‐insoluble ash as a marker, were measured for all experimental diets. Apparent digestibility coefficients for protein was high (>75%) for all diets. Energy digestibility varied among the diets and was lowest for G. conferta (50–62%). The three diets contained varying digestible protein (DP) to digestible energy (DE) ratios of 25, 26 and 12 mg kJ?1 for U. lactuca, G. conferta and the prepared diet respectively. Digestible protein intake was similar for all treatments, but DE intake was greater for sea urchins fed the prepared diet in both seasons. As a result, the gonad production was significantly higher for urchins fed the prepared diet, suggesting that energy was limiting in the algal diets. Paracentrotus lividus spawned during the spring experiment, resulting in protein loss in all treatments. Protein loss was lowest in the sea urchins fed the prepared diet. Enhanced gonadal growth and gamete development of P. lividus resulted from the higher dietary energy content of the prepared diet.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess the potential use of different dried macroalgae as food in the rearing of Paracentrotus lividus. Growth, consumption and food conversions were compared in adult sea urchins fed with fresh or dried thalli of four macroalgae species. Six experimental diets were tested: (a) fresh Palmaria palmata; (b) fresh Saccharina latissima; (c) dry P. palmata; (d) dry S. latissima; (e) dry Laminaria digitata and (f) dry Grateloupia turuturu. Linear growth rates were similar for all treatments. Specific growth rate was higher in sea urchins fed with fresh P. palmata, but no difference was found between animals fed with fresh S. latissima and those fed with dried diets. Regarding daily food consumption (DFC), sea urchins consumed the same amount of dried macroalgae as fresh but exhibited a higher food conversion efficiency (FCE) when fed with fresh P. palmata. However, this FCE was only significantly higher when compared to sea urchins fed with dry L. digitata. Dried G. turuturu is not a suitable diet due to its rapid degradation after rehydration. The results suggest that P. lividus adults can be reared on dried macroalgae thalli without detriment to their somatic growth, especially over short periods. The low cost of feeding sea urchins with this diet could help small shellfish farmers to diversify their production into echinoculture.  相似文献   

Essential fatty acid requirements of cultured marine fish larvae   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
Feeding of marine fish larvae is, in most cases, limited to the administration of two species of live prey. This reduction in the range of food available for the cultured larvae may occasionally lead to nutritional imbalances or deficiencies. A large amount of research has been recently devoted to the study of the essential fatty acid requirements of marine fish larvae. Studies on the biochemical composition of developing eggs and larvae, as well as the comparison of the patterns of loss and conservation during starvation, pointed out the importance of n-3 HUFA and arachidonic acid as essential fatty acids for larvae of marine fish. The biochemical composition of marine fish larvae, in terms of lipid content and fatty acid composition of total and polar lipids, is modified by dietary levels of essential fatty acids. Larval growth, survival and activity have also been reported to be affected by dietary levels of essential fatty acids. In addition, some pathological signs, such as hydrops or abnormal pigmentation, have been related to essential fatty acid deficiency in these fish. Based on these effects, the essential fatty acid requirements of marine larval fish have been reported to range between 0.3 and 55 g kg?1 n-3 HUFA on a dry weight basis, suggesting that quantitative requirements of fish larvae may differ from those of juveniles or adults. But quantitative requirements for larvae of the same species reported by various authors are often contradictory. These differences are discussed in relation to the dietary lipid content, ratio 20:5n-3/22:6n-3 and culture conditions used.  相似文献   

During this study different concentrations of magnesium chloride (MgCl2) were tested on adult wild‐caught sea urchins (Paracentrotus lividus) immediately after their collection in the field in order to assess whether MgCl2 can act as an anaesthetic during their transport and prevent unplanned spawning. Such accidental spawning is a stress response associated with transport of this species. The mortality and gonadal indices were recorded after a 1‐h submersion in different strength solutions of MgCl2 (5, 20, 40, 80 and 100 mmol L−1 MgCl2), followed by 5 h of dry transport under two different temperatures (19 and 25 °C). The effective concentration of MgCl2 was defined as one that does not induce mortality and gonad mass loss following sea urchin transport and laboratory conditioning. Treatment of sea urchins with 5 mmol L−1 MgCl2 prevented mortality and unplanned spawning; however, elevated concentrations of magnesium (40, 80 and 100 mM) were toxic to sea urchins, inducing a massive mortality and gonad mass decrease during the acclimatization period, essentially when sea urchins were transported under an elevated temperature (25 °C). It is concluded that MgCl2 is a suitable non‐toxic anaesthetic, easily available for adult sea urchins (P. lividus) when it is used at its optimal anaesthetizing concentration.  相似文献   

Aquaculture International - The development of rearing protocols promoting the larval development, pre and post-metamorphosis are key for echinoculture. Mixed diets combining diatom with other...  相似文献   

Fertilized eggs and developing larvae of hatchery reared Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), were analyzed to determine the changes occurring in their proximate and amino acid (AA) composition. The fertilized dry egg weighed 31 μg and contained 13.71 μg (44%) protein, 8.48 μg (27%) lipid and 0.657 J of gross energy. Dry weight decreased by 39% during hatching. The protein, lipid and carbohydrate nutrients decreased by 4.86, 4.15 and 0.09 μg, respectively from egg to 2-days post hatching (dph) larvae (pre-feeding). The protein content of the spawned eggs and larvae were hydrolysed to AA in the laboratory. The fertilized eggs had a total AA content of 42% of their dry weight. The egg contained 1.287 μg, 1.132 μg, 0.964 μg, 0.942 μg, 0.787 μg and 0.713 μg of leucine, lysine, arginine, valine, threonine and phenylalanine, respectively and these six indispensable amino acids (IAA) constituted approximately 78% of the total IAA. In the early feeding stages of L. calcarifer larvae, the ratio of IAA/DAA increased from 0.797 in the pre-feeding stage to 1.632 after 2 days of feeding. During larval growth of L. calcarifer, the percentage contribution of isoleucine and leucine to total IAA contents increased, while it decreased for lysine, phenyl alanine and arginine. L. calcarifer larvae were found to have proteins, which are rich in glutamic acid, leucine and lysine, and poor in threonine and histidine, suggesting high dietary leucine and lysine IAA requirement. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Total lipid content, total lipid fatty acids, lipid classes and their fatty acid compositions were studied in eggs of gilthead sea bream from two different broodstocks. The two broodstock diets used had the same total lipid content, but differed with respect to their fatty acid levels. The lipid class composition of eggs from different origins was not significantly different. The predominant polar lipids were phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and sphingomyelin, and the main neutral lipid classes were cholesterol esters and triacylglycerols. The fatty acid composition of total lipids and main lipid classes in the two groups of eggs showed marked differences, reflecting the influence of fatty acid levels in the broodstock diets.  相似文献   

The quality of the microalgae provided on Paracentrotus lividus larvae rearing is a primordial factor having a direct (nutritional properties) and indirect (water quality) impact on growth, competence and survival. Skeletonema costatum is a diatom commonly used in the bivalve cultivation. However, the use of this diatom in P. lividus larval cultivations is poorly known. The Rhodomonas spp. is a microalgae commonly used in sea urchin larvae culture. Three different diets were tested on P. lividus larvae and post‐larvae cultivation (D1—Rhodomonas marina, D2—S. costatum, D3—mixture of both algae). Larvae fed with the D2 diet (55.8%) and D3 (39.9%) had a survival at 15 DAH higher than D1 (5.5%). The low survival in D1 could be due to the higher microbiological load on microalgae (Vibrio alginolyticus and V. pectenicide). Larvae fed with S. costatum (D2) showed a lower development than other diets. The competency index was lower for larvae fed with the D2. These results show that microalgae diversified diets contribute to a better development of P. lividus larvae. During the settlement and post‐settlement phase, there was also a lower growth of the sea urchin fed with the D2 and a higher survival for D3.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of the dietary docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to arachidonic acid (ARA) ratio on the survival, growth, hypersaline stress resistance and tissue composition of black sea bass larvae raised from first feeding to metamorphic stages. Larvae were fed enriched rotifers Brachionus rotundiformis and Artemia nauplii containing two levels of DHA (0% and 10% total fatty acids=TFA) in conjunction with three levels of ARA (0%, 3% and 6% TFA). On d24ph, larvae fed the 10:6 (DHA:ARA) treatment showed significantly (P<0.05) higher survival (62.3%) than larvae fed 0:0 (DHA:ARA) (27.4%). Notochord length and dry weight were also significantly (P<0.05) greater in the 10:6 (DHA:ARA) treatment (8.65 mm, 2.14 mg) than in the 0:0 (DHA:ARA) (7.7 mm, 1.65 mg) treatment. During hypersaline (65 g L−1) challenge, no significant differences (P>0.05) were observed in the median survival time (ST50) between larvae fed 10% DHA (ST50=25.6 min) and larvae fed 0% DHA (ST50=18.2 min). The results suggested that black sea bass larvae fed prey containing 10% DHA with increasing ARA within the range of 0–6% showed improved growth and survival from first feeding through metamorphic stages.  相似文献   

Eggs from a F1 cultured broodstock of sole were compared with eggs from wild‐caught breeders throughout one spawning season, to evaluate if egg quality may be affected by culture‐related conditions. Fourteen batches of eggs from cultured broodstock and 17 batches from wild‐caught sole were compared with respect to fatty acid (FA) composition, egg size, fertilization rate and hatching rate. Based on a multivariate analysis of the FA profiles, it was possible to discriminate between culture and wild inheritance. Eggs from cultured broodstock had high levels of C20:1(n‐9), C18:2(n‐6) and C18:3(n‐3), whereas eggs from wild fish had high levels of C16:1(n‐7), C20:4(n‐6) and C20:5(n‐3). Differences in FA profiles were most likely related to dietary differences. Fertilization and hatching rates were generally low and lowest in eggs from cultured broodstock, but not related to FA composition. Larval growth of one batch from each group was compared. Larval growth was not correlated to broodstock origin, FA composition or egg or larval size. However, larval survival was significantly lower for larvae from cultured broodstock.  相似文献   

The pattern of conservation and loss of fatty acids from the yolk sac during the endogenous feeding period and subsequent starvation was studied in pompano and snook larvae. Fundamental information on the early fatty acid dynamic and mobilization of pompano and snook larvae was collected. In both species, fatty acids were utilized as an energy source after hatching. Mono‐unsaturated fatty acids were catabolized, while saturated and poly‐unsaturated fatty acids were conserved. High levels of arachidonic acid (ARA) in pompano and snook eggs, as well as selective retention in the unfed larvae suggest a high dietary requirement for this fatty acid during the early stages of larval development. The effect of an ARA supplementation was therefore investigated in snook larvae at the rotifer feeding stage. The fatty acid profile of the larvae was successfully influenced to match that of wild eggs; however, no significant improvement in growth or survival was observed. Future research should be carried out over a longer period of time and include factors related to stress resistance.  相似文献   

In Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis), the variability in spawning quality is a major limiting factor for successful production, especially when breeders are fed with an artificial diet. The influence of the dietary DHA/EPA/AA ratio on the egg and larval quality and on the fatty acid and lipid class composition of eggs has been investigated in perch broodstock. Two experimental diets (16% lipids) with two different DHA/EPA/AA ratios, D1 (3/2/2) and D2 (23/9/1), were compared with a natural diet consisting of cultured carp juveniles, CC (10/10/1) and with a commercial diet for salmonids, CDS (14/16/1). Percentages of fertilization and hatching were comparable between fish fed D1, D2 and CC, with the highest hatching rate observed for D1 (63.5 ± 3.8%). These diets supported better values than the CDS. Larval survival and TL50 observed after osmotic stress were higher for the D1 group, followed by larvae produced by fish fed D2 and CC. Larvae from fish fed D1, D2 and CC were significantly more robust than larvae from the CDS group. Differences were observed regarding the fatty acid (FA) profile in the eggs, which was related to the dietary FA composition. The results indicate that a ratio of 3/2/2 seemed to be effective for obtaining eggs and larvae of good quality.  相似文献   

Oily emulsions containing constant levels of total fatty acids (FAs) and varying eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) levels were used to enrich rotifers. Common dentex larval survival and growth were compared between groups fed different enriched live prey. Growth, survival rate, and lipid composition of larvae suggest that feeding common dentex in the first 15 days posthatching with 2.5–3% EPA, 6–8% docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and DHA/EPA ratio of 2.0–2.5 is sufficient to fulfill their EPA requirements. Higher amounts of dietary EPA did not result in any significant improvement in growth or survival. EPA requirement during this period of larval development does not seem to be as critical as other FAs during the first 15 days of common dentex larval development, but it does not exclude its essentiality later in development. In the case of ARA, nutritional requirements are low compared to other marine finfish species, with the upper limit of this essential FA being around 2% of total FAs provided in the live prey composition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the long‐term effects (7‐month experiment) of diets consisting of fish oil (Kilka fish) and vegetable oil (rapeseed) on the reproductive performance of sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) broodstock. Forty‐five broodstock (990.3 ± 20.05 g) were randomly allocated to three different diet treatments. Three experimental diets were formulated with graded levels of fish oil (100% FO), vegetable oil (100% VO), and a combination of fish and vegetable oil (50% FO + 50% VO). At the end of the 7‐month feeding trial period, the weight gain and final weight were changed significantly different between the treatments (p < 0.05). Broodstock fed the FO + VO diet had higher growth than those fed the only FO or VO diets (p < 0.05). The highest germinal vesicle migration percentage was observed in FO + VO treatment (p < 0.05). The DHA/EPA, DHA/ARA and EPA/ARA ratios in oocyte exhibited a significant difference in the different treatments (p < 0.05). This study indicates that nutrition of broodstock with diet including FO + VO (p < 0.05) can positively affect the growth performance of larvae compared with only FO or VO diets. Furthermore, the high levels of 18:1n‐9, AL and ALA contents in oocytes from broodstock fed VO and the lowest ALA content in oocytes from broodstock fed FO underlined the important role of broodstock diets in the reproductive process and embryonic and/or larval developments of sterlet.  相似文献   

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