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Stemflow is an essential hydrologic process shaping the soil of forests by providing a concentrated input of rainwater and solutions. However, the transport of metazoans by stemflow has yet to be investigated. This 8-week study documented the organisms (<?2 mm) present in the stemflow of different tree species. Because the texture of the tree bark is a crucial determination of stemflow, trees with smooth bark (Carpinus betulus and Fagus sylvatica) and rough bark (Quercus robur) were examined.


Up to 1170 individuals per liter of stemflow were collected. For rotifers and nematodes, a highly positive correlation between abundance and stemflow yield was determined. Both taxa were predominant (rotifers: up to 70%, nematodes: up to 13.5%) in the stemflow of smooth-barked trees whereas in that of the oak trees collembolans were the most abundant organisms (77.3%). The mean number of organisms collected per liter of stemflow from the two species of smooth-barked trees was very similar. A higher number of nematode species was found in the stemflow of these trees than in the stemflow of rough-barked oak and all were typical colonizers of soil- and bark-associated habitats.


This pilot study showed for the first time that stemflow is a transport vector for numerous small metazoans. By connecting tree habitats (e.g., bark, moss, lichens or water-filled tree holes) with soil, stemflow may influence the composition of soil fauna by mediating intensive organismal dispersal.

Nitric oxide (NO) is a simple ubiquitous signaling molecule and plays important roles in almost every biological system. Recent evidences suggest that NO may act as an endocrine molecule. The aim of this review is considering available literature on endocrine roles of NO and/or its metabolites, i.e. nitrite and nitrate. Existing data suggest the idea that NO is a hormone that after production in tissues, it is stabilized and transported as nitrite and/or S-nitrosothiols in the blood to target cells.  相似文献   

The diversity of algal species is a rich source of many different bioactive metabolites. The compounds extracted from algal biomass have various beneficial effects on health. Recently, co-culture systems between microalgae and bacteria have emerged as an interesting solution that can reduce the high contamination risk associated with axenic cultures and, consequently, increase biomass yield and synthesis of active compounds. Probiotic microorganisms also have numerous positive effects on various aspects of health and represent potent co-culture partners. Most studies consider algae as prebiotics that serve as enhancers of probiotics performance. However, the extreme diversity of algal organisms and their ability to produce a plethora of metabolites are leading to new experimental designs in which these organisms are cultivated together to derive maximum benefit from their synergistic interactions. The future success of these studies depends on the precise experimental design of these complex systems. In the last decade, the development of high-throughput approaches has enabled a deeper understanding of global changes in response to interspecies interactions. Several studies have shown that the addition of algae, along with probiotics, can influence the microbiota, and improve gut health and overall yield in fish, shrimp, and mussels aquaculture. In the future, such findings can be further explored and implemented for use as dietary supplements for humans.  相似文献   

The nature of atonia in sleep continues to be enigmatic. This article discusses a new hypothesis for complete core muscle relaxation in REM sleep, suggesting a bottom-up recuperative perspective. That is, does the atonia in REM sleep provide a utility to help restore the mechanobiology and respective diurnal intervertebral disc hydraulic loss? By combining the effects of gravity with current compressive concepts in spinal stability, this article looks at vertebral approximation as a deleterious experience with an intrinsic biological need to keep vertebrae separated. Methods using polysomnography and recumbent MRI are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - Oats represent a promising alternative to small-grain cereals from Triticeae group (wheat, barley, rye) for persons suffering from any form of gluten intolerance,...  相似文献   

Cereal foods are a major source of energy in diets worldwide, and contribute to the intake of dietary fibre, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and many minerals. Many of them are characterized by rapid glycaemic responses, and also carry refined ingredients such as sugar and fat. In order to increase the nutrient density of cereal-based foods it is important to use as much of the grain raw material as possible in the consumer end product. The strong evidence that foods rich in whole grain and dietary fibre and with slow glycaemic response have health-protective effects has stimulated interest in developing new technologies to improve the nutrition profiles of cereal foods, and to modulate physiological responses in consumers. These developments should address the issues raised by the increased content of insoluble dietary fibre in recipes, which requires a re-examination of the relationship between structure and properties, in the light of current rheological models. These aspects are reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   



Within semi-closed areas like the Mediterranean Sea, anthropic wastes tend to concentrate in the environment. Metals, in particular, are known to persist in the environment and can affect human health due to accumulation in the food chain. The seagrass Posidonia oceanica, widely found in Mediterranean coastal waters, has been chosen as a "sentinel" to quantify the distribution of such pollutants within the marine environment. Using a technique similar to dendrochronology in trees, it can act as an indicator of pollutant levels over a timeframe of several months to years. In the present study, we measured and compared the levels of eight trace metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Cd, and Pb) in sheaths dated by lepidochronology and in leaves of shoots sampled from P. oceanica meadows collected from six offshore sites in northern Corsica between 1988 and 2004; in the aim to determine 1) the spatial and 2) temporal variations of these metals in these areas and 3) to compared these two types of tissues.  相似文献   

On the bases of archaeological discoveries, the earliest domestication of rice has been confirmed in the middle and lower Changjiang River basin, while in the region wild rice populations are found in shallow swamps under a climate with freezing winter cold. These findings lead us re-examine the past ideas about domestication and differentiation of rice. Historically, in 1930s two sub-species, indica and japonica, were proposed on the basis of sterility in F1 hybrids between them. Soon after that, the two types were classified by the associations of a number of genetically independent traits. The characteristic associations of traits have been explained by the hybrid sterility or reproductive barriers which were assumed to comprise a set of duplicate recessive lethal genes and to be an inner genetic mechanism to lead to the varietal differentiations. In 1980s, the hybrid sterility between Indica and Japonica types was analyzed, and Indica, Japonica, and wide-compatibility type which gives fertile hybrids when cross to Indica and Japonica types, are proved to contain an allele, S5 i, S5 j and S5 n, respectively at a locus on chromosome 6. And those gametes having S5 j allele are found to be partially aborted in the hybrid genotypes of S5 i/S5 j while no gamete abortion occurs in S5 i/S5 n and S5 j/S5 n genotypes. Since then, the gene S5 n has been used in hybrid rice breeding to obtain fertile and vigorous hybrids between subspecies, and the long-disputed problem of hybrid sterility has been solved. Also in such studies the characteristic association of traits found in each of varietal groups is better explained by founder effects. On the other hand, a large number of native cultivars of rice were surveyed with enzyme polymorphism in 1980s and later with molecular markers. As a result, profound genetic diversity is found in cultivated rice as well as in wild rice. These findings seem to lead us to the idea of multiple independent domestications of rice. However, before reaching such a conclusion, at least two factors, i.e., long-distance-dissemination of some genotypes and the possibilities of introgression by local wild rice to primitive cultivars need to be examined. Taking the two factors as well as the historical events into consideration, it is considered here that the perennial japonica cultivars which are close to wild rice in the Changjiang River basin were disseminated to East India through Assam or along the Bengal Bay, where they were transformed under the introgressions of local wild rice and formed a secondary center, from which some genotypes seem to be disseminated to colonies in Southeast Asia under the influence of Hinduism. Later some of the genotypes were introduced into China and constituted so called Indica type. This may be a reasonable picture for the varietal differentiation.  相似文献   

China is the largest worldwide potato producer where around half of the crops is planted in the semi-arid region frequently affected by water restriction. While innovative methods are needed for water-saving irrigation methods, the use of low-cost and environmental-friendly technology must be prioritised. In this study, potato production under drip irrigation (DI, commonly adopted to save water) was compared with partial root-zone drying furrow irrigation (PRD) using the same water volume per irrigation, in both methods. Two initiation timings (early and late) were tested under shelter and field conditions, the water supplied during every irrigation being 50% of the crop water demand calculated for furrow full irrigation (FI, as control). The comparison of both methods was done through the assessment of tuber fresh-yield and estimated economic and environmental (carbon footprint and irrigation water use efficiency, WUEi) benefits. Late PRD and DI produced the highest WUEi without significant yield reduction. PRD produced 3.1% higher net benefit than DI with an estimated CO2 emission of 3659 kg ha?1 CO2 (14% lower than DI). The input-output ratio (total input costs/yield output) for PRD was 0.4, which was 10% lower than DI. The study’s results suggested that PRD, with no less than 50% of the water applied in FI per application, not only maintained yield but could also increase revenues while saving water and reducing CO2 emissions, compared to DI. Such results might help reduce the pressure on the water reserves in semi-arid potato-producing areas in China. Notwithstanding, a scaling-up of PRD technology must be tested in those regions to substantiate the findings of this preliminary study.  相似文献   

While output for potatoes in China averaged nearly 73 million metric tonnes in 2008–2010, the trends for production, area, and yield have been far more volatile than suggested in earlier studies. A new set of estimated growth rates for potato production in China during the last five decades based on FAO times series data found that periods of rapid expansion were then followed by ones of stagnation and decline. Although increases in potato output have been impressive, China’s share of both regional and global production has declined in recent years as a result. This paper analyses these and other dimensions to the evolution of potato production in China during the last half century by synthesizing previous research before reassessing alternative future projections, highlighting opportunities for industry, and identifying some key topics for future research.  相似文献   

Seed-yield stability, frequently associated with drought-tolerance strategies, is one of the main breeding objectives for the development of crops for semi-arid mediterranean-type environments. Since breeding of new industrial crops targeted for arid lands is not appreciably different from that of traditional crops, higher yield is achieved by increased harvest-index, at the cost of losing traits associated with drought-tolerance and reduced seed-yield stability. Using Lesquerella as a model we compared selected and unselected accessions of annual (L. gracilis and L. angustifolia) and perennial (L. pinetorum and L. mendocina) genotypes grown in field experiments in Patagonia, Argentina. Our objective was to assess the effects of breeding for increased seed-yield on traits related to the main characteristics that define the most common ideotype for mediterranean-type environments: early vigor, conservative growth strategy post-anthesis and reserves storage. Our specific question was: Have any of the attributes associated with seed-yield stability been indirectly selected during the domestication process? Our results show that these characteristics were reduced or lost, in selected lines compared to their wild relatives. Early vigor was lower in selected accessions and was associated mainly with reduced relative growth rate and CO2 assimilation. During the reproductive period the growth strategy was changed by selection towards a non-conservative and more acquisitive resource use strategy. Traits associated with this strategy were linked to higher water use efficiency and growth capacity (higher CO2 assimilation rate, specific leaf area, and leaf allocation), but also with loss of structural adaptation to low resource environments (i.e. low specific leaf area), an increase in nutrient and water demands, and reduced nutrient use efficiency. Carbohydrates accumulation pre-anthesis was lower in selected accessions of all four species, and also, just in perennials we found lower reserves storage post-anthesis. These changes in the pattern of carbohydrates accumulation could be associated to lower seed-yield stability due to the loss of buffer capacity linked with the use of pre-anthesis reserves for seed filling. On the other hand, in perennial species lower reserves storage after seed harvest could reduce plant longevity and survival. We conclude that indirect changes occurred during the preliminary domestication of both annual and perennial species of Lesquerella used in our experiment. These changes were against those required if these species were to be developed as crops for semi-arid, mediterranean environments and should result in low seed-yield stability.  相似文献   

Improving nitrogen use efficiency is important for the potato crop, because of its relatively low ability to take up available soil mineral nitrogen (N). Splitting of N fertilizer application is a suitable approach to better match N need and supply. In-season crop N monitoring methods are therefore required to support such strategies. This paper deals with the state of the art and potential development of characteristics, use and implementation of well known and more recent methods aimed to assess in-season potato Crop Nitrogen Status (CNS). A short overview of this concept is given for the potato crop. The most important and available methods for CNS assessment are evaluated for their accuracy, precision, sensitivity, sensibility and feasibility. These are: the petiole sap nitrate concentration test; the leaf chlorophyll concentration measurement using a hand-held chlorophyll meter; the measurement of crop light reflectance through a hand-held radiometer using passive sensors. More recent methods still under investigation based on near, ground-based, air-borne or space-borne remote sensing are discussed for their scientific and practical interest in the near future. The current and potential use and implementation of these methods into decision support systems for potato N fertilization management aimed at improving the potato crop nitrogen use efficiency are analysed by: comparing relative and raw data; establishing threshold values of CNS; and combining or integrating the CNS values into models dedicated to N recommendation or to crop growth simulation.  相似文献   

In regions where rainfall is low and variable, water stored in the soil profile prior to sowing can alter yield expectation and hence management decisions. Thus, wheat farmers in Mediterranean regions may be able to benefit from knowing the amount of soil water at sowing by optimising their nitrogen (N) fertiliser management and by deciding on whether or not to sow a crop. We used the ASPIM-Nwheat model to explore how levels of plant available soil water (PAW) at sowing, N fertiliser rate, soil, site and season-type (below or above median rainfall) affected wheat yields at sites in the Mediterranean area of southwest Australia. Overall, the greatest influence on yield potential and the consequent N fertilisation requirement was season-type. The additional yield per mm PAW at sowing was generally higher in seasons with below median rainfall, except when yields were severely water-limited by below median rainfall of <222 mm combined with <40 mm PAW at sowing on light clay soil with 109 mm plant available water capacity (PAWC). Sowing was generally warranted; only on light clay soil with <10 mm PAW at sowing and below median rainfall of <222 mm was there an opportunity for a conditional sowing strategy. Scope for varying N fertiliser rates with PAW at sowing was limited to soils with higher PAWC (109 and 130 mm, respectively) in below median rainfall seasons at the wetter site (295 mm mean seasonal rainfall), and in both season-types at the drier site (225 mm mean seasonal rainfall). Only in these combinations, soil water at sowing modified the optimal N fertiliser rate for maximum average yield resulting in significant interactions between PAW at sowing and N fertiliser rates. Similar interactions were found for a site in the Mediterranean Basin and a site in the eastern Australian subtropics on soil with high PAWC (183 and 276 mm, respectively). In contrast, there was no benefit from modifying crop management based on PAW at sowing on soil with low PAWC (i.e. sandy soil) and/or under conditions of high in-season rainfall. The conditional N management approach becomes more viable as the proportion of water stored in the soil prior to sowing increases relative to total crop water use and as the PAWC of the soil increases. Knowledge of PAW at sowing × N fertiliser rate interactions in a particular soil × site × season-type context can help to identify sites where a more targeted N management dependent on amounts of PAW at sowing is potentially profitable.  相似文献   

Ⅱ-you 92 is an indica hybrid rice that was developed by Jinhua Agri Res Inst, Zhejiang Province. Ⅱ-you 92 has a suitable growth duration of 122—125 d as double—cropping late season rice, 3—4 d shorter than that of Shanyou 64 and 6—7 d shorter than Shanyou 10. It has a compact plant type, high tillering ability and plant height of 85—90 cm. A number of 3.4—3.6 million effective panicles per ha can be reached. Besides, it has 120—125 grains per panicles, about 85% seed-setting rate and 25—26 g 1000-grain weight. The average yield of Ⅱ-you 92 is 7.5—8.0 t/ha, 10% higher than that of the check hybrid Shanyou 64. Ⅱ-you 92 is adaptable to fertile paddy field and resistant to lodging. It is also resistant to rice blast and WBPH. Because Ⅱ-you 92 has a larger stigma and a higher outcrossing rate which derived from its maternal parent Ⅱ-32A, a high yield of F_1 hybrid seed of 3.0-4.5 t/ha can be easily achieved, the cost of hybrid seed production is lower.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to measure the variability in ‘realized’ tiller morphology and identify whether there are emergent generalizations about a tiller ideotype for productivity or survival. Morphological traits during the vegetative growth stage were measured for 2 years in the field for eight perennial ryegrass cultivars: six diploid and two tetraploid cultivars under low and high nitrogen fertilizer (50 and 225 kg N ha?1 year?1 respectively). Traits measured were lamina width, length and area; pseudo‐stem length and diameter; an index of tiller shape; tiller dry weight; tiller density; and herbage mass. Almost all the traits differed significantly between cultivars and significant correlations were found between the 2 years. Principal component analysis identified that tiller morphology and dry‐matter yield were independent. No trait associations indicating alternative cultivar‐specific tiller morphologies were detected but cultivars differed in tiller size. The patterns of change between the 2 years indicated a possible morphological trajectory as swards age. The genetic compensatory relationship between tiller size and density had a 1:1 slope, indicative of constant yield. This implies that larger tillers would be more leafy, and higher leafiness of tetraploid over diploid cultivars was confirmed by the leaf:non‐leaf ratio and tiller shape index.  相似文献   

Two major human-made problems in rice production systems in the north of Vietnam concern the low plant-available silicon content of soils and the low biodiversity. The results of the LEGATO project suggest a change to an environmentally friendly rice production system that will help to recover biodiversity. We propose here a framework for a demonstration and dissemination model that will be exemplary for the farmers once it has been successfully realized. We advocate local-option models in different districts to demonstrate to farmers. The methods should be adapted to local and ecoregional differences in climate and land-use tradition, and they explicitly take into account soil care, organic fertilizer, manual weeding, native nectar-rich plant bunds, manual pest snail collection, hymenopteran nesting aids, and biodiversity and yield monitoring.  相似文献   

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