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光照对日本栗树结实具有重要影响。通过分析树冠的日射量和雌花的受光量对日本栗树结实的影响,找出影响原因及所带来的后果,提出在实际生产中要重视整形修剪工作,应通过整形修剪保持合理的树冠间隔,并采用合理的树形和保留合理的结果母枝量,以改善日本栗树的采光,进而达到优质高产的目的。  相似文献   

温室跨度对日光温室光照环境的影响模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借助中国农业大学首次研发的日光温室光环境模拟预测软件,模拟研究了一定跨度(6m)和不同跨度(6、8、10m)下,指定时刻温室内各点的光照度分布,以及不同跨度、指定时间段,温室内各表面的累积光辐射能量的分布规律及温室的透光率。结果表明:随着温室跨度的增加,温室地面和墙面的累积光辐射能量是增加的,而两者的光照度却呈下降的趋势;考虑到温室内作物吸收能量的效率与种植规模的因素,温室跨度以8m为宜。温室的平均透光率在温室跨度为8m时达到最大值63.6%。这一结论,与日光温室实际建造的普遍做法相符。  相似文献   

诱导光源光照梯度对蝗虫趋光响应的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘启航  周强 《农业机械学报》2011,42(10):105-109,140
为了设计蝗虫LED诱导光源以及诱导光场的数字化调控,利用LED光源和行为试验装置,采用对比试验法,进行了不同时间段内蝗虫对紫、绿紫蓝光照梯度的趋光选择对比试验,分析了影响蝗虫趋光响应的原因.结果显示:蝗虫的趋光响应与光谱光梯度、蝗虫生物特征及环境因素有关;相同光梯度条件下,蝗虫对紫光的趋光响应优于绿紫蓝;不同光梯度条件下,蝗虫趋向于较强的光梯度,并当绿紫蓝光照度高出紫光的10倍以上时,蝗虫对绿紫蓝的选择高于紫光;蝗虫生物特征及环境因素制约了提高光照强度对蝗虫趋光响应在不同时间段内的增效作用;蝗虫对紫、绿紫蓝光谱光照敏感程度不同,蝗虫趋光行为上表现出了在夜间不同时间段内蝗虫对紫、绿紫蓝光的趋光敏感临界点及最适和最佳趋光光照度范围不同.  相似文献   

光照是决定森林树种生长、发育和完成正常更新过程的关键因素之一。幼龄植物对光照响应的种间差异能在很大程度上解释树种的生态位分化。介绍了木本植物形态和光合生理对光照响应的研究进展。  相似文献   

介绍了玉米结实性差的表现特征,分析了造成玉米结实性差的主要原因,并提出了预防措施。  相似文献   

曲波  张谨华  王鑫  赵红梅 《农业工程》2018,8(7):128-131
以藜麦为材料,采用水培方法,设置2种光照时间(8和12 h)和2种温度(10和25 ℃)对藜麦幼苗进行交叉处理。研究不同温度和光照对藜麦幼苗的发芽率、鲜质量、干质量、含水量、株高和根长、根系活力和叶绿素含量的影响,为藜麦的高产种植提供依据。结果表明:25 ℃下光照8 h时,幼苗整株鲜质量、干质量和株高最大,但与其他处理差异不显著;10 ℃下光照12 h时,幼苗叶绿素含量和根系活力最高。可见,低温延长光照时间有利于藜麦后期生长,并且藜麦适于高寒地区种植。   相似文献   

LED光源下不同光照时间对生菜生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究LED光源下光照时间的延长对生菜生长、品质和离子吸收量的影响,选择3个光照时间(12,16,20 h)和2个生菜品种(美国大速生和香港玻璃)进行水培实验,并对试验数据进行了分析。试验分析结果表明:延长光照时间能够提高生菜的株高、叶长和叶宽、地上部分鲜重、根鲜重和地上部分干重;随着光照时间的延长,生菜可溶性糖含量显著增加,硝酸盐含量显著减少,二者呈负相关关系,其蛋白质含量显著降低;同时,延长光照时间能够显著增加生菜对硝酸根、铵根、磷酸根和钾离子的吸收量。因此,LED光源下延长光照时间有利于增加生菜株高、叶面积和产量,改善品质,并促进离子吸收。  相似文献   

日本农产品质量安全管理现状及对中国农业的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本十分重视农产品和以农产品为原料的食品类卫生安全,通过制定一系列农产品质量标准法律体系、检验检测体系措施.并研发高科技检验检测及监管手段,建立起健全的食品安全管理体系:介绍日本农产品质量安全体系建设情况以及相关法律法规,分析其对巾闲农业尤其是农产品贸易的影响。随着日本农产品质量安全管理的日趋严格,中国作为口水主要的农产品出口国.必须不断调整农业产业结构,重视农产品质量安全,促进中日农产品贸易及中围农业的健康发展。  相似文献   

日本十分重视农产品和以农产品为原料的食品类卫生安全,通过制定一系列农产品质量标准法律体系、检验检测体系措施.并研发高科技检验检测及监管手段,建立起健全的食品安全管理体系:介绍日本农产品质量安全体系建设情况以及相关法律法规,分析其对巾闲农业尤其是农产品贸易的影响。随着日本农产品质量安全管理的日趋严格,中国作为口水主要的农产品出口国.必须不断调整农业产业结构,重视农产品质量安全,促进中日农产品贸易及中围农业的健康发展。  相似文献   

In the semi-arid region of Tigray, Northen Ethiopia a two season experiment was conducted to measure evapotranspiration, estimate yield response to water stress and derive the crop coefficient of teff using the single crop coefficient approach with simple, locally made lysimeters and field plots. During the experiment we also estimated the water productivity of teff taking into account long-term rainfall probability scenarios and different levels of farmers’ skills. During the experimental seasons (2008 and 2009), the average potential evapotranspiration of teff ranged from 260 to 317 mm. The total seasonal water requirement of teff was found to lower in contrast to the assumptions of regional agronomists that teff water requirement is comparable to that of wheat and barley (375 mm). The average single crop coefficient values (kc) for the initial, mid and late season stages of teff were 0.8-1, 0.95-1.1 and 0.4-0.5, respectively. The seasonal yield response to water stress was 1.04, which indicates that teff exhibits a moderately sensitive and linear response to water stress. The results suggest that teff is likely to give significantly higher grain yield when a nearly optimal water supply is provided. The study showed that, in locations where standard equipment is not affordably available, indicative (rough) crop evapotranspiration values can be obtained by using field plots and employing locally made lysimeters. The difference in economic water productivity (EWP) and the crop water productivity (CWP) for teff were assessed under very wet, wet, normal, dry and very dry scenarios. In addition two groups of farmers were evaluated, a moderately (I) and a highly skilled (II) group. The results showed that higher EWP and CWP were obtained under very wet scenario than very dry scenario. There was also a 22% increase in EWP and CWP under group II compared to group I farmers. The increase was due to a 22% reduction in unwanted water losses achieved through use of improved technology and better irrigation skills. Both EWP and CWP can be used to evaluate the pond irrigation water productivity (IWP) for a given climate, crop and soil type, and skill and technology level of the farmer. For special crops like teff extra criteria may be needed in order to properly evaluate the pond irrigation water productivity. During the experimental seasons, a high IWP for teff was attained when about 90% of the optimal water need of the crop was met. IWP can be used as an indicator as how much supplementary irrigation has to be applied in relation to the rainfall and other sources of water supply in order to assure greatest yield from a total area. However, the supplemental irrigation requirement of the crops may vary with season due to seasonal rainfall variability.  相似文献   

光强对生菜硝酸盐累积的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以意大利耐抽苔生菜为试验材料,研究了5个梯度(75,150,225,450,550mol/s·m2)光照强度处理对其叶绿素相对含量、干重等生理指标和硝酸盐累积的影响。结果表明,光照强度显著的影响植株生长及各测定指标。叶绿素含量与光强呈正相关;地上部分和地下部分硝酸盐的累积与光强呈负相关;光合速率的日变化出现第一个波峰的时间要比田间作物滞后;分析各指标后表明最适合生菜生长的光照强度为450mol/(s·m2),达到了低硝酸盐的累积与生长品质的统一。  相似文献   

Summary Four irrigation treatments: no irrigation; early irrigation (150 mm); late irrigation (150 mm); and early+late irrigation (275 mm), with 363 mm of rain; and four basic applications of nitrogen (0, 60, 120, 180 kg ha–1), with and without an additional nitrogen top dressing of 60 kg ha–1, were applied to autumn-sown wheat.For any given total nitrogen rate, there was no difference between the single and the split application.Grain yields ranged from 3040 kg ha–1 for the unirrigated, zero-nitrogen treatment to 6340 kg ha–1 for the two irrigations, 180 kg ha –1 N treatment. There was a strong interaction of irrigation and nitrogen on grain yields which was due mainly to the late irrigation: in the absence of the late irrigation the optimal nitrogen rate was 120 kg hat, followed by a marked decline in yield with additional nitrogen, whereas the application of the late irrigation shifted the optimum nitrogen rate to 180 kg ha–1. In the absence of the late irrigation, increasing the nitrogen rate from 0 to 240 kg ha –1 reduced kernel weight from 42 to 32 mg, whereas late irrigation largely prevented this decrease (42 to 39 mg). The reduction in kernel weight was evident even at the first nitrogen increments, in the range where grain yield was still increasing. Lack of nitrogen reduced soil moisture extraction during the grain filling stage, particularly from soil layers deeper than 60 cm.Stomatal aperture in the irrigated treatments was markedly larger in nitrogen-supplied than in nitrogen-deficient wheat, although the leaf hydration was similar; in the unirrigated treatment, the nitrogen-supplied plants had a lower hydration and smaller stomatal aperture than nitrogen-deficient plants.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel, No: 282-E, 1977 series  相似文献   

不同覆盖材料对日光温室室内光环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统研究了6种不同的覆盖材料聚乙烯膜(PE)、乙烯醋酸乙烯复合膜(EVA)、聚氯乙烯膜(PVC)、聚酯膜(PET)、氟素膜(ETFE)及聚碳酸酯板(PC)对日光温室室内光环境的影响,包括平均透光率、直射光与散射光的比例、温室室内各表面的光辐射照度分布和光辐射日变化情况,目的是全面了解覆盖材料对日光温室光分布的影响,旨在从光辐射角度,为日光温室建造和室内作物种植提供科学依据。研究结果表明:最好的覆盖材料为氟素膜(ETFE)和聚酯膜(PET),最差的为聚乙烯膜(PE)。不同覆盖材料的平均透光率以氟素膜(ETFE)和聚酯膜(PET)为最好,均达到67.5%;太阳光经过不同覆盖材料后,照射到温室地面的光辐射照度以氟素膜(ETFE)和聚酯膜(PET)为最大,均为1 3 1.8 W/m2,以聚乙烯膜(PE)为最小,为114.2W/m2,两者相差15.4%;11月22-24日,温室地面的光辐射照度呈逐渐上升的趋势。对于不同的覆盖材料,温室地面的光辐射照度以氟素膜(ETFE)和聚酯膜(PET)为最大,聚乙烯膜(PE)为最小。  相似文献   

对不同放牧压力下草原砂质栗钙土微生物量C、N、P进行较为系统地研究。结果表明:就土壤原土来看,随着放牧压力的增大,土壤微生物量C,N先增加后减少;土壤微生物量C在放牧率2.67只羊/hm2时相对较高,微生物量P随着放牧压力的增大逐渐降低。  相似文献   

对不同LEDs光质及植物生长灯对甘蔗组培苗的影响进行了试验研究,结果表明:LEDs红蓝混合光下培养甘蔗材料增殖和生根状况要优于LEDs单色光及白光下的材料,而且不定芽增殖、不定芽形态、增殖阶段干物质含量、色素含量、生根苗质量方面均优于或不低于荧光灯下培养的材料,可以作为荧光的替代光源用于甘蔗组培苗生产。植物生长灯下培养材料与荧光灯差异不显著。   相似文献   

Irrigation frequency is one of the most important factors in drip irrigation scheduling, and a proper irrigation frequency can establish moderate moist and oxygen conditions in the root zone throughout the crop period. Field experiments on the effects of irrigation frequency on radish growth and water use were carried out in 2001 and 2002. The experiment included six irrigation frequencies: once every day, once every 2 days, once every 3 days, once every 4 days, once every 6 days and once every 8 days. There was no significant difference among the six treatments on radish development and yield, but significant differences in radish roots distribution and market quality were found. Radishes irrigated once every 3 days had well-developed roots throughout the crop period, the lowest cracking rate and the least number of radishes of Grade 3. The observation results of lysimeter in 2002 showed that radish evapotranspiration decreased as irrigation frequency decreased, and the general changing tendency of 2-day ET of high irrigation frequency was related to that of 2-day evaporation. It is recommended that radish irrigation frequency should be once every 3 days and the irrigation amount should be estimated according to the evaporation of 20 cm diameter pan in the North China Plain.  相似文献   

不同LED光质对番茄幼苗生长特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保证设施番茄周年生产的壮苗供给,研究了人工气候环境下不同光质处理对番茄幼苗不同时期内生长特性的影响,以确定培育番茄壮苗的最佳人工光源。试验采用LED为光源,选取红蓝比分别为3(RB3/1)、5(RB5/1)、7(RB7/1)和白光(W)4个处理对番茄幼苗进行为期28 d的照射,光周期为12 h/12 h,自然光照射为对照,并利用综合评价方法分析不同LED光质对番茄幼苗不同时期内生长特性的影响。试验结果表明:光质对番茄苗期下胚轴、叶面积和根冠比的影响极显著(P0.01);生长初期光质对幼苗生长株高、茎粗、根数、根长、生物量、壮苗指数和G值的影响不显著,而后变为显著(P0.05),且不同时期内光质对各项指标的影响存在差异;依据不同生长时期各项指标的综合评价结果,确定番茄苗期较优光照组合为出芽后两周内采用红蓝比为RB7/1光质,而后采用白光LED光质进行照射;红蓝比为RB3/1的光质不适宜单独作为照射光源用于培育番茄壮苗。  相似文献   

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