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本研究目的是通过乳酸诺氟沙星治疗鸡大肠杆菌病,总结出其对鸡大肠杆菌病的效果以及药物使用的剂量。从太原地区某鸡场分离到一株大肠杆菌,使用乳酸诺氟沙星、氯霉素、卡那霉素、庆大霉素、红霉素等药物对其做药敏实验,检测出乳酸诺氟沙星对鸡源大肠杆菌具有高敏感性。使用试管法测定其对鸡大肠杆菌的最低抑菌浓度,结果表明乳酸诺氟沙星对鸡大肠杆菌的最低抑菌浓度为0.24?g/m L。最后通过治疗实验对180只无大肠杆菌病的鸡做攻毒和治疗实验,表明不同剂量的药物治疗组鸡的死亡率明显低于感染不给药组。通过本实验证明乳酸诺氟沙星用于治疗鸡大肠杆菌病具备高效低毒特点,为鸡大肠杆菌病的临床用药提供参考。  相似文献   

鸡大肠杆菌病是由致病性大肠杆菌引起的条件性传染病。近年来,随着养鸡业的发展,以及生产上盲目滥用药物,造成大肠杆菌耐药菌株不断产生,使鸡大肠杆菌病发病范围广、死亡率较高,有的高达30%以上,造成巨大损失。因此,我们根据鸡大肠杆菌病的病因、发病机制、临床病理和药物作用机理,研制开发出疗效显著、质量可靠、应用方便、价格低廉的复方中药“禽痢康”。通过临床治疗试验,该药对鸡大肠杆菌病的治愈率可达97%。  相似文献   

鸡场大肠杆菌耐药性调查及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本试验选用多种抗生素,对临床分离的鸡大肠杆菌进行药敏试验以指导临床合理选用抗菌药物治疗鸡大肠杆菌病。  相似文献   

观察不同药物对鸡大肠杆菌病的治疗效果。在无菌条件下,对发病鸡采集病料来诊断是否感染大肠杆菌病,通过对病料的进一步检测来掌握鸡大肠杆菌病的发病特点和生化反应。通过实验室进行药敏试验,选择敏感药物来治疗大肠杆菌病。将发病鸡随机分成4组,使用不同的抗生素药物来进行治疗。药敏试验结果与治疗效果相一致。鸡大肠杆菌病对氟苯尼考、强力霉素等药物比较敏感,尤其是氟苯尼考属于高度敏感药物。同时在治疗过程中,养殖环境、饲料营养、应激条件和卫生消毒等措施也可以直接影响到药物治疗效果。建议日常生产中在鸡发生疾病后,尽量通过实验室做药敏试验来选择敏感药物来治疗,有利于提高治疗效果。  相似文献   

鸡大肠杆菌病是兽医临床上的多发病,为鸡细菌性疾病之首,占33%。由于大肠杆菌的血清型较多,并且极易产生耐药性,为了防治该病,养鸡场常用大量的抗菌药物,导致细菌耐药性更加严重和复杂,给鸡大肠杆菌病的治疗带来极大的困难。笔者试验检测了常用的抗菌药物对河南省6个地区鸡致病性大肠杆菌的抑菌效果,并比较了各地区的分离菌株与标准菌株药物敏感性差异,旨在为临床合理用药提供科学的指导。  相似文献   

分析头孢拉定治疗鸡大肠杆菌病的疗效。选择20只患有大肠杆菌病的鸡作为研究对象,所有鸡均采用头孢拉定口服治疗,观察药物的治疗效果。用头孢拉定对患有大肠杆菌病的鸡治疗的总有效率可达到95.0%,死亡率为5.0%。因此,头孢拉定在鸡的大肠杆菌病治疗中疗效显著,值得推广与应用。  相似文献   

目的:探究复方庆大霉素注射液治疗鸡的大肠杆菌病的临床疗效。方法:选取日龄为20日已经感染大肠杆菌的鸡作为试验对象,共120只,将其均分为2组,每组60只。分别为治疗组的感染鸡实施复方庆大霉素注射液治疗,对照组的感染鸡实施硫酸庆大霉素注射液治疗,观察两组大肠杆菌病鸡的临床疗效。结果:治疗组感染鸡的临床治疗有效率为93.3%,对照组感染鸡的临床治疗有效率为68.3%,两组感染大肠杆菌病鸡的临床治疗效果差异存在统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:复方庆大霉素注射液能够有效治疗被大肠杆菌感染的病鸡,减少病鸡的死亡率,是一项值得推广的应用。  相似文献   

近年来,随着养鸡业的发展以及在生产中滥用药物造成大肠杆菌耐药株的不断产生,使鸡大肠杆菌病成为危害养鸡业的传染病之一。对海安县王某家饲养的肉杂鸡进行了临床诊断、细菌培养鉴定,血清试管凝集试验,最终确诊为鸡大肠杆菌病。并通过两种配方药的治疗取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

随着集约化养鸡场的增多和规模的不断扩大.鸡的细菌性疾病越来越复杂,特别是由致病性大肠杆菌引起的鸡大肠杆菌病已成为养鸡场的常见多发病.常引起较高的发病率和死亡率。 禽致病性大肠杆菌的血清型很多,引起鸡大肠杆菌病越来越严重.致病性和耐药性也一年比一年强.很多鸡场反映,常用抗菌药物对鸡大肠杆菌病的防治效果不佳,甚至无效。临床盲目超量应用广谱抗菌药物.浪费十分惊人,随之也带来药物毒副作用、菌群失调等不良后果。更重要的是动物源性带耐药质粒的肠道菌可通过畜禽产品的加工、食用等过程传播给人类。兽医临床大剂量盲目使用抗菌药不但给兽医临床治疗带来困难,而且助长了耐药菌的产生.加剧了治疗和用药的恶性循环,对人构成潜在的危害。因此,有必要测定鸡致病性大肠杆菌的耐药情况.寻找疗效最好的药物。  相似文献   

鸡大肠杆菌病虽然不是烈性传染病,但是作为条件性疫病,致病性大肠杆菌的存在仍会降低禽类的抵抗力,导致禽类发生混合感染或继发感染,给养禽业造成严重的经济损失。阿荣旗养鸡户往往采用抗菌药物对该病进行预防和治疗。诸多试验表明,大肠杆菌极易产生耐药性,临床上盲目使用抗生素会加剧治疗和用药的恶性循环,药物残留也对人类健康构成潜在威胁。本研究针对阿荣旗养鸡业实际情况,就鸡大肠杆菌病的流行情况和综合性防治措施开展研究,以便为有效控制鸡大肠杆菌病的发生和流行提供可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

The present trial examined the possibility that diazepam (DZP, 1 mg/kg) induces hyperphagia by acting on the dopaminergic system. Quinpirole (QP), dopamine D-2 receptor agonist, was used for this purpose. Mice fasted for 24 hr were treated with QP 1 (QP-1) or 2 (QP-2) mg/kg 30 min prior to termination of the starvation. DZP was given to untreated mice and half of the QP-1 and QP-2 treated mice 10 min before the termination of the starvation. Food consumed during six 30 min intervals (30 min-feeding), food consumed for 3 hr (total feeding), time required to enter the room containing food by passing through a maze with four multiple routes (time to banquet), latent period to commencement of eating food after entering the banquet room (latent period), and feeding frequency for the 30 min intervals as well as for 3 hr were measured. DZP stimulated feeding, shortened the latent period without affecting the time to banquet and increased the feeding frequency. The hyperphagic effect was restricted to the first 30 min interval only. Both QP-1 and QP-2 first reduced, then progressively stimulated, and finally reduced feeding without modifying total feeding, thus making a bell-shaped profile. They also prolonged both the time to banquet and the latent period, and reduced the feeding frequency of the first 30 min interval but not that for 3 hr. Both QP-1 and QP-2 canceled all the effects of DZP. These results imply that dopamine D2 receptor is involved in the induction of hyperphagia by DZP.  相似文献   

脂肪是动物体内重要的贮能物质,其合成分解是一个复杂的生理生化过程,受日粮、内分泌、脂肪组织自身等多方面调控处于动态平衡之中.当机体需要时,甘油三酯水解成游离脂肪酸和甘油供其他组织利用,在这一过程中甘油三酯(TG)脂肪酶是限速酶,使甘油三酯向甘油二酯和脂肪酸转化,因其活性受多种激素调控,故称为激素敏感脂肪酶(hormone sensitive lipase,HSL).  相似文献   

Five Collies sensitive to toxic effects of ivermectin and 7 nonsensitive Collies were given 100 micrograms of ivermectin/kg of body weight, PO. Blood samples were collected from each dog before treatment; at posttreatment hours 1, 2, 3.5, 5, and 8; and at posttreatment days 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and 21. Each sample was assayed for ivermectin concentration, and statistical analyses were performed on the resulting plasma concentration data to determine differences in absorption and clearance of drugs between the 2 groups. Variables measured were area under the curve (using the trapezoidal rule), peak plasma concentration, and the time to peak concentration. Differences between sensitive and nonsensitive Collies for variables analyzed were not significant (P greater than 0.05).  相似文献   

The identification of Cryptosporidium species and genotypes is necessary to determine sources of infection in outbreaks and the risk factors associated with their transmission. Few studies have applied isolation methods to field samples because of difficulties with detection of oocysts in environmental samples, particularly in soil and manure. The objective of this study was to develop an easy to use method which can be applied to field samples to rapidly detect the presence of Cryptosporidium parasites and identify their species. The assay included an oocyst recovery method combined with spin column DNA extraction, followed by PCR-hybridization for detection and a real-time PCR-melting curve analysis for species assignment. An internal positive control (IPC) was developed to determine the presence of PCR inhibitory substances. Two oocyst recovery methods, sodium chloride and sucrose flotation techniques were compared. Two commercial DNA extraction kits were performed using feces, soil and water samples each inoculated with different concentration of Cryptosporidium oocysts. Subsequently, methods were used to test field samples. The sucrose flotation method provided the greatest analytical sensitivity detecting as few as 10 oocysts. The PCR-hybridization detection limit was 10 oocysts for feces and soil, and less than 10 oocysts for water samples. IPC was positive for all inoculated and field samples indicating 0% PCR inhibition. Cryptosporidium species DNA samples were detected with the real-time PCR and were differentiated by the melting curve analysis. The results of this study demonstrate the potential of the assay system for rapid detection of Cryptosporidium parasites in environmental samples.  相似文献   

A sensitive bioassay for detection of dietary estrogens in animal feeds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Estrogen-responsive proliferation in the MCF-7 cell line was used as a bioassay for detection of dietary estrogens. The bioassay procedure was adapted to screen for estrogenic activity in feedstuffs that have been associated with hyperestrogenism in livestock. Methanolic feed extracts were added to the cell culture medium at microliter/ml concentrations for 4 days, after which the cell proliferation response was measured as DNA content. The half-maximal response for estradiol occurred at 2 pM, or 0.54 pg/ml. For zearalenone, a weaker estrogen, the half-maximal response occurred at approximately 200 pM, or 64 pg/ml. The bioassay was calibrated against a number of known estrogens (estradiol, diethylstilbestrol, zearalenone, zearalanol [cattle implant], beta-zearalenol, zearalane), including the naturally occurring phytoestrogens (formononetin, genistein, daidzein, biochanin A, and coumestrol). The estrogenic activity of feed samples was expressed as equivalents of zearalenone (ppm zearalenone) that would have to be present to equally stimulate proliferation of the MCF-7 cells. The sensitivity of the bioassay was 0.05-0.1 ppm equivalents of zearalenone in feed, well below the threshold level associated with reproductive problems. The feed additive melengestrol acetate (MGA) showed no estrogenic activity in this assay. Estrogenic activity of feed extracts was confirmed by competitive inhibition with the antiestrogens tamoxifen or LY156758 (keoxifene) to show that stimulation of growth by feed extracts was through an estrogenic mechanism. Confirmation of known estrogens was by tandem mass spectroscopy. The assay is a sensitive and reliable screening procedure for detecting estrogenic activity in feedstuffs.  相似文献   

A technique for anaesthesia of Pietrain pigs using thiopentone or ketamine, ventilation with nitrous oxide and oxygen and muscle relaxation with pancuronium, is described. Bilateral adrenalectomy was carried out by a mid line laparotomy and details of the surgical technique are illustrated. Four of the 10 animals died 7--13 hours after surgery with a hyperthermic response.  相似文献   

A temperature sensitive (ts) vaccine strain designated ts-11 was selected after exposure of a low passage culture of the immunogenic Australian field isolate (strain 80083) of Mycoplasma gallisepticum to 100 mg/ml of N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Viable counts (assayed as colour changing units (CCU)/25 microliters) of a thawed stock culture of ts-11 were typically log10 3 to log10 5 higher when incubated at 33 degrees C (the permissive temperature) than duplicate viable counts incubated at 39.5 degrees C (the restrictive temperature). Doses of approximately 2 x 10(7) CCU of ts-11 caused no gross lesions or loss of egg production when inoculated into the air sacs of susceptible chickens and no clinical or pathological signs of sinusitis when inoculated into the infraorbital sinuses of susceptible turkey poults, whereas the parent strain 80083 was demonstrably pathogenic. However, 1 of 10 poults inoculated intra-abdominally with approximately 2 x 10(7) CCU of ts-11 did show signs of mild airsacculitis. Eight-week-old pullets were vaccinated by eye drop with up to 1.4 x 10(7) CCU of ts-11 and simultaneously subjected to several stressful management practices, without apparent ill effects. Administration by coarse aerosol of 5 ml of ts-11 vaccine/25 day-old broilers, with or without 25 doses of infectious bronchitis virus vaccine caused no obvious signs of respiratory disease. The non virulent ts phenotype was maintained after 3 passages of strain ts-11 in chickens. Chickens vaccinated 3 weeks previously with ts-11 or with strain 80083 were placed in contact with susceptible chickens for a period of 2 weeks.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

During general anaesthesia some pigs develop a hyperthermic response which is often fatal. The syndrome is most common in pigs which are susceptible to stress and have a low proportion of body fat. On the basis of an experimental investigation in Pietrain pigs recommendations are presented for the clinical management and treatment of susceptible animals.  相似文献   

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