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An 18-year-old Friesian stallion was examined approximately one week after reportedly presenting scrotal swelling due to torsion of the spermatic cords. Upon presentation no scrotal swelling was noted, the testes were normally oriented, and no abnormalities of the spermatic cords were noted. However, both testes were smaller than expected for a mature stallion and deep palpation revealed that the consistency of the testes was nodular. Ultrasonographic evaluation of the testes revealed diffuse heterogeneous parenchyma with multiple hypoechoic nodular areas. Grossly, the testicular parenchyma was effaced by multiple gray-tan nodules of varying consistency interspersed with gray-white bands of tissue. Microscopic analysis revealed multiple pleomorphic neoplastic foci disseminated throughout both testes. Histological and immunohistochemical features were atypical and consistent with the diagnosis of bilateral testicular mixed germ cell-sex cord stromal tumours. Bilateral testicular tumours and testicular mixed cell tumours are extremely rare in stallions and this is the first report of bilateral testicular mixed germ cell-sex cord-stromal tumours in a stallion. Our findings indicate that certain ultrasonographic characteristics are suggestive of testicular tumour and that immunohistochemistry markers can be used to better characterize testicular neoplasms in stallions.  相似文献   

A five-year-old Thoroughbred stallion had been showing urinary incontinence with staining of the hind legs for some time, and was in poor physical condition. On rectal examination a large calculus was palpated in the urinary bladder. Urine culture revealed a Proteus infection. The calculus, weighing 420 gm., was removed by laparo-cystotomy, using a left paramedian approach well anterior to the external inguinal ring. Anaesthesia was maintained with halothane during the operation. Aftercare included treatment with antibiotics, a diuretic, hot fomentations on the edematous area, and mild exercise. The stallion made a complete recovery, and was discharged twenty-seven days post-operatively.  相似文献   

Surgical Treatment of Priapism in a Stallion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Priapism occurred in a stallion after the administration of acetylpromazine. When conservative measures failed, the corpus cavernosum penis (CCP) was drained and irrigated, and a vascular shunt between the erectile bodies was created. Subsidence of erection resulted, but subsequently, the stallion was unable to retract or erect the penis. The stallion was castrated and the penis was surgically retracted into the sheath.  相似文献   

This report describes a bilateral seminoma in a stallion. After slaughter, histological examination revealed that the tumour consisted predominantly of polyhedral tumour cells with large nuclei, obvious nucleoli and a small border of cytoplasm. The mitotic index was low and Ki67 staining revealed 4% nuclear staining. To our knowledge, this paper is the first using Ki67 staining as a method to evaluate the mitotic rate in a testicular seminoma in the stallion.  相似文献   

Tumours are rare in the bovine testicle. A case of malignant Sertoli cell tumour in a 29‐month‐old Simmenthal bull that was hospitalized with a history of severe unilateral scrotal swelling is reported. On inspection and palpation, the scrotal sac was found enlarged with fluctuant content in the right side. The right testicle was enlarged, hard and indolent. Also the right plexus pampiniformis and funiculus spermaticus were enlarged. Sonograms revealed severe changes in the right testicle with a loss of homogeneity and multiple hyperechogenic areas. After slaughter, the scrotum with testicles were removed and evaluated pathologically. On section, the right testicle contained areas of necrosis, haemorrhage, and mineralization. Histology showed Sertoli cells in tubular structures surrounded by dense fibrous stroma replacing normal testicular tissue. Both lymphatic and blood vessels were infiltrated by neoplastic cells. Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic cells stained positive for vimentin and negative for cytokeratin and S‐100. Based on the pathological observations a diagnosis of right‐sided malignant Sertoli cell tumour with vascular invasion and hydrocele was established.  相似文献   

This case report describes the occurrence of persistent penile erection in a breeding stallion that occurred while the horse was under inhalant anesthesia for a carpal arthroscopy. The horse had no history of breeding problems, and no abnormalities were detected on physical examination, complete blood count, or serum chemistry tests performed prior to surgery. Anesthesia was induced with guaifenesin and ketamine after sedation with xylazine and was maintained with isoflurane in 100% oxygen. Penile erection developed approximately 35 minutes after induction and persisted for over 2 hours despite various physical and pharmacological attempts to alleviate it (massage, cold compresses, intravenous benztropine administration, and intracavernosal phenylephrine). Successful resolution of the erection was obtained by cannulation and drainage of blood from the corpus cavernosum and subsequent irrigation with heparinized sterile saline and infusion of phenylephrine in the corpus cavernosum. The detumescent penis was placed back into the sheath, and purse string sutures were placed in the sheath to ensure the penis would remain inside the sheath during recovery. The stallion's recovery from anesthesia was uneventful, the sutures were removed, and the horse was fitted with a penile sling to prevent additional edema or trauma. The stallion recovered completely from the persistent penile erection. Semen was collected 6 days after the event, and he returned to normal pasture breeding 6 weeks after surgery.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old thoroughbred stallion presented with severe colic, which was resolved surgically. On postsurgical palpation and rectal ultrasonography, the left seminal vesicle was enlarged, the left testicle and epididymis showed signs of inflammation with hydrocele. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory treatment were administered. Fever and colic syndrome recurred, with severe inflammation of the left testis and epididymis, and unilateral orchiectomy was performed. Histopathological diagnosis confirmed chronic orchioepididymitis, and Klebsiella pneumoniae was identified and typed from all cultures. At breeding soundness examination 2 months after treatment with ceftiofur, K. pneumoniae was again isolated, and cytology revealed degenerated polymorphonuclear cells and red blood cells. Transurethral endoscopic examination was used to locate the infection in the left seminal vesicle, and ticarcillin-clavulanic was locally infused for 10 days. Nevertheless, the pathogen was once again isolated in the ejaculate, and the affected seminal vesicle was again treated locally for 5 consecutive days, using imipenem-cilastatin, a new antibiotic showing high sensitivity. Follow-up breeding soundness examination revealed an improvement in seminal characteristics and no pathogen isolation. Total pregnancy rate (31 of 36; 86%) and first cycle pregnancy rate (18 of 36; 50%) in the last breeding season reached levels similar to those prior to infection (65 of 82; 80% and 47 of 82; 57% respectively), suggesting that local treatment with imipenem-cilastatin in stallions with seminal vesicle infections is effective and, in this case, did not produce any adhesions or other undesirable effects, permitting the stallion to resume breeding with no apparent deleterious effect on fertility despite having only one testicle.  相似文献   

To date, the only repeatable method to select spermatozoa for chromosomal sex is the Beltsville sorting technology using flow cytometry. Improvement of this technology in the equine species requires increasing awareness of the modifications that the sorting procedure induces on sperm intactness. Oxidative stress is regarded as the major damaging phenomenon, and increasing evidence regards handling of spermatozoa – including sex sorting – as basic ground for oxidative damage. The aim of this study was to disclose whether the flow cytometric sorting procedure increases the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and to identify if ROS production relates to DNA damage in sorted spermatozoa using specific flow cytometry‐based assays. After sorting, oxidative stress increased from 26% to 33% in pre‐ and post‐incubation controls, to 46% after sex sorting (p < 0.05). Proportions of DNA fragmentation index post‐sorting were approximately 10% higher (31.3%); an effect apparently conduced via oxidative DNA damage as revealed by the oxyDNA assay. The probable origin of this increased oxidative stress owes the removal of enough seminal plasma due to the unphysiological sperm extension, alongside a deleterious effect of high pressure on mitochondria during the sorting procedure.  相似文献   

Bilateral Leydig Cell Tumor in Stallion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors report a rare case of bilateral Leydig cell tumor in a noncryptorchid stallion, describing the gross and microscopic findings. An 8-year-old Appaloosa stallion was examined for a unilateral enlargement of the testis associated with discomfort during palpation and signs of colic. General health conditions were good. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the testis provided the diagnosis of bilateral Leydig cell tumor. Bilateral orchiectomy was performed and the testes were submitted to histopathologic examination that confirmed the diagnosis of Leydig cell tumor.  相似文献   

马、驴精液的保存与应用技术发展速度相对较慢,文幸从马、驴精液的采集,处理,稀释,冷冻,解冻,授精等几个方面就目前国内外发展情况进行了概述.  相似文献   

Multiple whitish nodules in the thoracic cavity at the site of the thymus were observed in a 101-week-old male ICR mouse. In a histopathological examination, the neoplastic cells were predominantly fusiform in shape and proliferated in sarcomatoid growth patterns. Some neoplastic cells showed epithelial growth patterns, such as the ductal structures. Mitotic figures were frequently seen, and small necrotic foci and invasion to adjacent thoracic organs were noted. In Alcian blue staining, bluish materials were observed between fusiform-shaped cells and in some of the lumens of the ductal structures. In immunohistochemistry, both fusiform-shaped and ductal structure-forming cells were positive for vimentin and weakly positive to positive for cytokeratin. Based on the aforementioned findings, the thoracic nodules were diagnosed as a mixed type of malignant mesothelioma. This case was thought to be rare because of the very low occurrence of spontaneous mesothelioma in mice.  相似文献   

Peptostreptococcus anaerobius is a genus of anaerobic Gram + cocci with increasing resistance to the most commonly used antimicrobials. The purpose of this report is to present the successful management of bacteremia due to P. anaerobius in an adult horse. A 19-year-old, Westphalian stallion presented with chronic cough, intermittent pyrexia, depression, and partial anorexia. Laboratory examination revealed neutrophilic leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, increase of alkaline phosphatase, and hepatic enzymes. The stallion was unresponsive to the initial supportive treatment presenting gradual increase in neutrophilic leukocytosis and azotemia. Ultrasonographic examination and serologic testing were performed to limit differential diagnosis. Blood cultures revealed P. anaerobius, and the antimicrobial regimen was modified accordingly. The horse responded positively to the aforementioned protocol, showing marked improvement of clinical signs and normal WBC values, 7 days after initiation of oxytetracycline therapy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of bacteremia due to P. anaerobius in an adult horse and emphasizes the need of injudicious administration of antimicrobial agents, facing the challenge of multidrug-resistant anaerobic Gram + cocci.  相似文献   

Sperm concentration and sperm membrane intactness (SMI) or viability are two measures of sperm quality that provide important but different information about a stallion's reproductive capability. Sperm concentration is a measure that, by itself, informs little about the reproductive status of either the stallion or the ejaculate. Nevertheless, it is part of the product, along with semen volume, that determines total sperm number. The correct calculation of total sperm number directly affects the number of mares a stallion can breed and therefore, fertility. If either sperm concentration or semen volume is incorrectly measured, both the number of mares that a stallion can breed and the fertility of those breedings are affected. Although considerable between-stallion variation exists, sperm concentration, semen volume and total sperm number tend to be seasonal and vary with ejaculation frequency.  相似文献   

A 5‐year‐old Arabian stallion was managed for breeding with fresh/extended semen during a period of 8 months with a resulting per cycle pregnancy rate of 26.3%. The stallion was in good health and no abnormalities of the reproductive tract were observed. Evaluation of several ejaculates revealed that sperm production and semen quality were mostly unchanged during the period of evaluation, that sperm production was normal and that semen quality was extremely poor. The most prevalent sperm defects were abnormal heads and mid‐pieces. Most abnormal heads were microcephalic and/or tapered and considerable variation in sperm head dimensions within and among ejaculates was observed. A unique defect characterized by swollen/roughened mid‐piece caused by accumulation of cytoplasmic‐like material and abnormal mitochondrial sheath was observed. Nuclear vacuoles, acrosome defects, and teratoids were also prevalent and most sperm presented multiple abnormalities. The absence of any clear cause or any signs of testicular degeneration, combined with normal sperm production, and constant abnormal sperm production suggest an inherent, congenital disturbance of spermatogenesis as the cause of teratospermia in this case.  相似文献   

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