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With the implementation of the policy for house monetarization,the real-estate guaranty company develops quickly in our country.However,there exist many problems as it is a newly emerged thing in financial system of real estate.The problems are as follows: the estate security company is defined as a medium agency in legislature,which does not conform to its feature as financial business;the local restrictions will cause the decrease of credit,weakness in risk-taking capacity and supervision of the company.Such predicament hinders the development of the guaranty company seriously.In order to resolve these problems, the crucial way is to clarify the status of the guaranty company as a non-bank financial institution,and to set up a national guaranty company to offer official security to the people of low income and enhance internal and external supervision.Only through these steps can we realize the functions of the guaranty company for real estate and give full play of its potential function.  相似文献   

Achievement audit is an important part of management audit , but until now there is no available way to judge achievement .Most of internal audit judge by financial index .But because of the limitation of financial analyze , financial index analyze technique has much limitation itself . In this article , we introduce a new way--BSC to judge achievement , and also use it to achievement audit.  相似文献   

在国际金融危机中,黑龙江省畜牧业也受到了多方面的影响。本文依据官方统计数据和资料,结合实证调查,分析了当前国际金融危机给黑龙江省畜产品出口、畜产品消费和畜牧业生产效益带来的不利影响和有利因素,并提出了应对金融危机的对策和措施。  相似文献   

马威理 《中国农学通报》2010,26(20):434-438
为了解决大学生村官可持续发展问题,通过分析制度嵌入理论,结合大学生村官制度的调研,结果表明:大学生村官制度嵌入在有利的政治经济环境中,具有长远的发展意义,但其非制度化的特征引起的工资福利问题、认同度问题、职能划分问题制约其可持续发展;重构大学生村官制度的嵌入环境,鼓励大学生村官自主创业,能够很好地解决这一问题。因此,各级政府应该不断探索大学生村官自主创业的模式,并在理论和实践上不断使其完善。  相似文献   

摘要:产业结构的变动是国民经济发展的重要特征,投入产出模型是检验经济中各产业的相互联系,进而分析一个国家或地区的宏观经济运行情况的一种经济数量分析方法。面对全球金融危机,本文运用投入产出表对金融产业与其他产业结构进行关联分析是深刻揭示金融产业结构内在机理的重要方法。本文选用了中间投入率、影响力系数、感应力系数三个指标来分析在全球金融危机中,北京、上海金融业的发展问题。研究发现,金融危机对于中国经济产业的直接冲击不会太大,但是对北京、上海的冲击可能是相对严重的。当前需要注意截断房地产开发业金融业的强烈作用,同时维护农业的发展。关键词:金融危机,投入产出;中间投入率,中国;北京;上海  相似文献   

农村金融体系现状及其完善对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
宋根节 《中国农学通报》2008,24(10):570-574
我国的农村金融体系虽经多年改革,但仍然存在着大量问题,加上政府对农村金融的过分干预,这些严重阻碍了农村经济社会的发展,本文通过对当前农村金融体系现状的分析,指出了我国农村金融体系所存在的问题及其原因,并就完善农村金融体系提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

摘要:普惠金融理念注重弱势群体享受金融服务的权利,正在被社会各界所接受。本文从普惠金融视角出发,阐释了当前新型农村金融定位、发展现状与前景、存在的问题与困境,提出了加大农村新型金融机构补贴、建立激励约束机制、构建协调发展机制等建设性政策建议。  相似文献   

中国农村金融生态环境问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄庆安 《中国农学通报》2009,25(13):278-287
摘要:农村金融生态环境的优劣评判依据是农村区域经济的发展和稳定程度,金融法律法规的完善程度及其在农村的执行状况,农村信用环境的健全程度,以及地方政府对农村金融活动的管理方式和介入程度。当前,我国农村金融生态环境面临农村宏观经济的形势严峻,农村金融缺口严重,行政力量对农村金融活动干预失当,且农村金融的市场化程度低,法制环境缺失,社会信用意识淡薄,征信体系建设滞后。因而,要改善农村金融生态环境的现状就必须统筹城乡经济社会发展,消除“二元结构”,促进农村经济发展;规范地方政府行为,建立地方治理与农村金融活动良性互动的关系,同时建立良好的法律和执法体系,为农村金融生态营造良好的法制环境,全面推进信用体系建设,规范农村金融生态的信用秩序。  相似文献   

Information system audit is a product of combining both information technique and audit. Its generalized application can normalize the running of information system for various industrial department over whole life circle under the condition of high speed development, reduce information risk,and also guarantee profit to enterprise.Aiming at the different understanding on ISA generally used in China,we analyze and compare the difference between ISA and CAA(computer assisted audit),such as meaning,object,content,technique,method and operator,and so on.The paper shows that both ISA and CAA should be developped in audit field,that ISA is a new kind of audit to be different from CAA,and that there exists some disadvantage by means of computer audit summarizing CAA and ISA,so it is necessary to speed up to develop ISA.  相似文献   

中国农业节水技术推广金融保险支持创新研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孙伟  孟军 《中国农学通报》2010,26(23):451-454
为促进农业节水技术推广的发展,必须加强金融保险支持。通过对农业节水技术推广现状和金融保险支持情况分析,我们发现已取得一定成效,但还存在金融体系不完善、银财的配套措施不力、涉农贷款数量增长慢、金融服务水平不高和涉农保险机构少、保险覆盖面小、转嫁风险能力弱等问题。鉴于此,必须在金融体系建设、银财配套、提高贷款数量、提高服务效率和开发相应险种进行风险本地转嫁及再保险进行风险区域性或国际性转嫁等方面创新,以支持农业节水技术推广。  相似文献   

This paper argues that international security forces in Timor Leste depend upon civilian partners in HIV/AIDs "knowledge networks" to monitor prostitutes' disease status. These networks produce mobile expertise, techniques of government and forms of personhood that facilitate international government of distant populations without overt coercion. HIV/AIDs experts promote techniques of peer education, empowerment and community mobilisation to construct women who sell sex as health conscious sex workers. Such techniques make impoverished women responsible for their disease status, obscuring the political and economic contexts that produced that status. In the militarised context of Timor Leste, knowledge of the sexual conduct of sub-populations labelled high risk circulates among global HIV/AIDs knowledge networks, confirming their expert status while obscuring the sexual harm produced by military intervention. HIV/AIDs knowledge networks have recently begun to build Timorese sex worker organisations by contracting an Australian sex worker NGO to train a Timorese NGO tasked with building sex worker identity and community. Such efforts fail to address the needs and priorities of the women supposedly empowered. The paper engages theories of global knowledge networks, mobile technologies of government, and governmentality to analyse policy documents, reports, programmes, official statements, speeches, and journalistic accounts regarding prostitution in Timor Leste.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper considers the convergence of immigration/globalisation and education in New Zealand. The issues of immigrant students at Epsom Normal Primary School were raised nationally in 1995, and this incident serves as a useful departure point to consider some of the challenges involved in bridging the gap between immigration and education. Educational immigration is a notion used by Belich (2001) amongst others, to suggest that immigrants arrive in New Zealand in order to bypass full cost fees paid by international students. This notion, while useful, is challenged. Research undertaken in North Shore City as well as official immigration figures show the complexities of the issue: immigrant communities may be indirect recruiters of these students, but there are also an increasing number of international students becoming permanent residents. Either way, education providers face particular challenges with migrant students, not only in terms of English language abilities, but also in the lack of financial incentive migrant students give to an education provider relative to international students’ contributions. These micro issues are placed in perspective when returning to considering the transient nature of many young migrants exploring opportunities in a globalised world.  相似文献   

随着信息技术不断创新发展和移动终端的普及与应用,新型媒体的形态层出不穷,使得传播媒介的“粘合特性”更为凸显,行业媒介化营销是行业当下发展的重中之重。微信公众号作为新媒体时代的新型社交平台,具有宏大的受众群体和广泛影响力,逐步受到社会各界的普遍关注。通过深入探讨研究微信公众号实际应用现状,对农业技术市场宣传中的应用可行性进行分析,并以山西高新农业技术市场微信公众号为例,提出相关应用建议。  相似文献   

通过对食品工业中包装设计相关文献的检索、梳理及分析,综述了包装设计在食品工业中的应用研究现状,分析了食品工业中包装设计的缓冲功能、保鲜功能,对食品包装材料的环保研究现状进行了阐述,对食品工业中包装设计的发展趋势进行了展望,以期为深入开展相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

VaR model is one of methods to measure and control market risk.This paper analyzes VaR model principle and its main factors.According to function relation,the relationship between the portfolio value and its market risk factors are sorted in two kinds: linear and nonlinear.The method of calculating the VaR is put forward.Finally,the article analyzes the application of VaR model to portfolio,risk control,information disclosure and financial supervison.  相似文献   

为了研究区域公共文化服务评价指标体系的构建和山东省17地市基本公共文化服务发展状况,运用层次分析法构建了评价指标体系,利用综合指数测评法对山东省17地市公共文化服务建设水平进行了研究。将公共图书馆、艺术表演团体、艺术馆与文化馆、文化站、大众传媒、公共文化经费投入6个模块作为一级指标,每个模块分别选取若干二级指标,总共选取了27个二级指标构建了评价指标体系,对山东省17地市的公共文化发展状况进行了分模块测评比较和总体测评比较研究,研究发现山东省17地市公共文化服务总体发展较好,但是在进行分模块比较时,地区间差异较大,在进行综合测评时,这种地区间发展水平的差异明显降低,从中可以看出各地对公共文化服务建设侧重不同。  相似文献   

伴随事业单位改革的推进,财务管理模式的转变和“过紧日子”要求的提出,农业事业单位财务工作面临着新的挑战。本文分析了新形势下财务管理存在的主要问题,从财务管理创新的视角,探索对策措施,创新财务管理模式,加快财务管理信息化建设,加强财务管理队伍建设等,以期提升财务管理服务水平和保障能力,促进农业事业单位健康发展。  相似文献   

Financial mechanism should be put in force under certain circumstance. Based on the practice in China, this paper investigates the tendency of development of financial management, that is from normative approach to positive approach, qualitative analysis to quantitative analysis, tangible assets to intangible assets and basic financial instrument to derivative financial instrument. The objective of the research is to develop the financial management theory and make good use of the financial management skills.  相似文献   

Based on longitudinal office distribution data on top domestic financial enterprises, this study explores the evolution of China's financial city network in the last two decades by means of a social network analysis. The position of each city in financial city network is evaluated from two aspects which are external financial resources attraction and headquarters financial development based, respectively, on urban weighted indegree and urban weighted outdegree. Taking these two aspects together, the top echelons of the financial city network can be regarded as potential national or regional financial centers. Furthermore, by means of a panel data regression analysis, determining factors of financial city network evolution are explored from perspectives of location, institution, and social‐economy. We find that most cities have witnessed significant changes in city position, especially in terms of external financial resources attraction, and the influencing factors of financial development vary by region due to the disparities in regional financial development environments.  相似文献   

绥化市农民专业合作社贷款影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
贷款难问题是制约绥化市农民专业合作社发展的瓶颈,本文基于绥化市农民专业合作社的调查数据,对影响农民专业合作社贷款的因素进行实证分析并提出相应的政策建议。分析结果发现,经营能力、无形资产、银社关系、社长个人特征以及外部环境是影响绥化市农民专业合作社贷款的主要因素,其中经营能力对合作社贷款的获得主要体现在固定资产规模这一因素上,无形资产对合作社是否获得贷款影响不明显,银社关系、社长经历以及外部环境对合作社能否获得信贷有一定程度影响。因此,本文有针对性地提出加大政府倾斜和财政支持力度、加强农村金融机构的服务职能等政策建议。  相似文献   

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