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Reasons for performing study: To improve the understanding of exercise related sudden death in Thoroughbred racehorses. Objectives: To describe the post mortem findings in cases of sudden death associated with exercise in 268 Thoroughbred racehorses. Methods: Gross and histological post mortem findings of 268 cases of sudden death were collated and reviewed. Cases originated from 6 racing jurisdictions around the world. Sudden death was defined as acute collapse and death in a closely observed and previously apparently healthy Thoroughbred racehorse, during, or within one hour after, exercise. Cause of death as determined by the attending pathologist was categorised as definitive, presumptive or unexplained and compared between the different populations. Cardiopulmonary lesions recorded at post mortem examination were compared between different populations. Results: Pathologists recorded a definitive cause of death in 53% (143/268) of cases. Major definitive causes of sudden death included cardiac failure, apparent pulmonary failure, pulmonary haemorrhage, haemorrhage associated with pelvic fractures or with idiopathic blood vessel rupture, and spinal cord injury. A presumptive cause of death was made in 25% (67/268) of cases and death remained unexplained in 22% (58/268) of cases. There were several statistically significant inter‐population differences in the cause of death and in reporting of cardiopulmonary lesions. Conclusions: Sudden death can be attributed to a variety of causes. Causes of sudden death and the lesions found in cases of exercise‐related sudden death are similar in different racing jurisdictions. However, the lesions are often not specific for the cause of death and determination of the cause of death is therefore affected by interpretation by the individual pathologist.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to detect and characterize latent equine herpes virus (EHV)-1 and -4 from the submandibular (SMLN) and bronchial lymph (BLN) nodes, as well as from the trigeminal ganglia (TG) of 70 racing Thoroughbred horses submitted for necropsy following sustaining serious musculoskeletal injuries while racing. A combination of nucleic acid precipitation and pre-amplification steps was used to increase analytical sensitivity. Tissues were deemed positive for latent EHV-1 and/or -4 infection when found PCR positive for the corresponding glycoprotein B (gB) gene in the absence of detectable late structural protein gene (gB gene) mRNA. The EHV-1 genotype was also determined using a discriminatory real-time PCR assay targeting the DNA polymerase gene (ORF 30). Eighteen (25.7%) and 58 (82.8%) horses were PCR positive for the gB gene of EHV-1 and -4, respectively, in at least one of the three tissues sampled. Twelve horses were dually infected with EHV-1 and -4, two carried a latent neurotropic strain of EHV-1, six carried a non-neurotropic genotype of EHV-1 and 10 were dually infected with neurotropic and non-neurotropic EHV-1. The distribution of latent EHV-1 and -4 infection varied in the samples, with the TG found to be most commonly infected. Overall, non-neurotropic strains were more frequently detected than neurotropic strains, supporting the general consensus that non-neurotropic strains are more prevalent in horse populations, and hence the uncommon occurrence of equine herpes myeloencephalopathy.  相似文献   

Horse racing is a contest between horses, usually held for the purpose of betting. Thoroughbred horse racing is the most diffused form of horse racing throughout the world. Thoroughbred is one of the most versatile of horse breeds and has influenced the development of many other breeds. Thoroughbred horses served as a foundation stock for the development of the light horse breeds. The two types of horse racing are flat racing and jumping races/steeplechases. The measures of racing performance are broadly classified into three categories. They are time and its several variations, handicap or similar performance ratings and earnings. One common measure of the performance of racehorses evaluated genetically is racing time or final time. The heritability estimates differed according to method of estimation, age, sex, track and distance. Time measure generally had a heritability in the range of 0.1 to 0.2 with the higher values for shorter races. For handicap and earning measures the heritabilities reported were generally higher in the range of 0.3 to 0.4; hence these may be considered in genetic evaluation of racing performance of Thoroughbred horses. The average generation interval of Thoroughbred horses was 11.2 ± 4.5 and 9.7 ± 3.8 years for males and females respectively, which limits the genetic progress in racing horses. However, the major advantage is that the racing performance may be evaluated in both males and females and repeated observations can be obtained on the same animal in relatively short periods. These factors coupled with the reasonable heritability of some measures of racing performance, suggest that mass selection based on performance tests would be the selection procedure of choice to improve the racing performance of Thoroughbred horses. In general, the inbreeding at the rate that is usually practised in Thoroughbred population does not enable much gene fixing. However, practice of close inbreeding may be avoided, even though it still fascinates breeders at subconscious level.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters of racing performance and investigate the fixed effects that influence the performance of Thoroughbred race horses. The data included the performance of two, three and four year old horses raced in flat races and consisted of 10,800 time records and 10,912 ranking value. Two criteria were used in order to analyze the performance: racing time and a normalized ranking value. The effects of age of horse at racing and post position were significant for all traits (P < 0.05). The effect of hippodrome also was significant for racing time (P < 0.001). The genetic parameters were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method using DFREML program. The heritability estimates for racing time at 1000, 1400 and + 1600 m were 0.13 (± 0.009), 0.11 (± 0.007) and 0.09 (± 0.009) and for ranking value were 0.15 (± 0.010), 0.17 (± 0.008), 0.13 (± 0.009) and 0.11 (± 0.013) for entire data set, 1000, 1400 and + 1600 m respectively. Estimates of repeatability of racing time for 1000, 1400 and + 1600 m were 0.26, 0.19 and 0.17; and for ranking value were 0.28, 0.32, 0.25 and 0.20 for entire data set, 1000, 1400 and + 1600 m respectively. The genetic correlation of two criteria was 0.68–0.79 depended on distances of races.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Research investigating trends in racehorse careers require a benchmark for accurate comparison. Currently little whole population data exists for horses racing in Australia. Objectives: To determine the range and variation in career length and number of career starts for horses racing in Australia. To document and provide evidence regarding the current differences between the sexes for career length and careers starts. Methods: Racing data were collected for Thoroughbreds over a 10‐year period. Career length, number of career starts and spells per year were evaluated. Statistical analyses were performed using the statistical package R. Results: A total of 2,782,774 performance records yielded career information for 164,046 horses. Median career length and number of career starts for the population were 14.7 months and 10 starts, respectively. Significant differences (P<0.001) were present between the sexes for all career outcomes. Between 2000 and 2010, the percentage of Thoroughbreds racing in Australia with careers longer than 12, 24, 36 and 48 months was 56.65, 32.35, 16.66 and 7.74, respectively. Conclusions and potential relevance: Clear differences in career outcomes exist between intact males, females and geldings racing in Australia. Future research should be conscious of these differences when analysing population data.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Determining the risk of fatality of Thoroughbred horses while racing is essential to assess the impact of intervention measures designed to minimise such fatalities. OBJECTIVES: To measure the risk of racehorse fatality in jump and flat starts on racecourses in Victoria, Australia, over a 15 year period and to determine proportional mortality rates for specific causes of death. METHODS: All fatalities of Thoroughbred horses that occurred during or within 24 h of a race were identified from a database. The risk of a start resulting in a racehorse fatality in all races and within flat and jump races, proportional mortality rates, population attributable risk, population attributable fraction and risk ratios were calculated along with 95% confidence intervals. Poisson regression was also performed to estimate risk ratios. RESULTS: There were 514 fatalities over the 15 year period; 316 in flat races and 198 in jump races. The risk of fatality was 0.44 per 1000 flat starts and 8.3 per 1000 jump starts (18.9 x greater). The risk of fatality on city tracks was 1.1 per 1000 starts whereas on country tracks it was 0.57 per 1000 starts. Of the 316 fatalities in flat races, 73.4% were due to limb injury, 2.5% to cranial or vertebral injury and 19.0% were sudden deaths. Of the 198 fatalities in jump races, 68.7% were due to limb injury, 16.2% to cranial or vertebral injury and 3.5% were sudden deaths. The risk of fatality in flat starts increased between 1989 and 2004 but the risk in jump starts remained unchanged over the 15 year period. CONCLUSIONS: The risk of fatality in flat starts was lower in Victoria than North America and the UK but the risk in jump starts was greater. Catastrophic limb injury was the major reason for racehorse fatality in Victoria but there was a larger percentage of sudden deaths than has been reported overseas. The risk of fatality in jump starts remained constant over the study period despite jump racing reviews that recommended changes to hurdle and steeple races to improve safety. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This study provides important benchmarks for the racing industry to monitor racetrack fatalities and evaluate intervention strategies.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe and enumerate conditions that interrupted training and racing in a population of Thoroughbred racehorses in New Zealand. METHODS: A longitudinal study design was used to collect data on horses training under the care of 20 licensed racehorse trainers from venues in the mid to lower regions of the North Island between October 1997 and July 2000. Incidence rates were reported for first and second occurrences for different categories of musculoskeletal injury (MSI), and first occurrences of upper and lower respiratory tract disease, using training days as time-at-risk. The proportion of horses that retired or died due to MSI, respiratory tract or miscellaneous conditions was used to estimate risk of exit for each type of event. Duration of training preparation, starts per 100 training days, and proportion of starts that ended in first, second or third place, were calculated for horses at risk for first MSI, and all subsequent MSIs. In training preparations that had at least one start and that ended in MSI, the cumulative percentage of MSIs by day of diagnosis was reported for 0-21 days after the last start in the preparation. RESULTS: Horses (n=1,571) were followed during 3,333 training preparations and 392,290 training days. Events associated with the end of a training preparation or spell period included MSI (n=834), respiratory event (RE; n=165), miscellaneous event (ME; n=58), and voluntary retirements (n=360). Causes of MSI included lameness (n=400), shin soreness (n=207), tendon and ligament conditions (n=98), injury or laceration (n=56), fractures (n=55), and back disorders (n=18). MSIs involved the limbs in 97% of cases, and the lower limbs up to the carpus or hock in the fore- and hindlimbs, respectively, in 81% of cases. Most (93%) lower limb conditions involved a forelimb while 70% of MSIs that involved structures above the carpus or hock involved a hindlimb. Incidence rates (IRs) are reported for each age group for first and second occurrences of MSI, and first occurrence of upper and lower respiratory tract disease. The risk of MSI was higher in horses that had incurred one previous MSI (RR 1.4, 95% CI=1.2-1.7; p<0.001) than in horses without any previous MSI. The proportion of horses that exited due to death or retirement varied with the type of injury, and the highest proportion was associated with recurrent fractures, and tendon and ligament injuries (46.2 and 44.4%, respectively). The overall IR of horses exiting the study due to retirement or death increased with increasing age, and was higher in females than males for horses aged 2, 3, 4, and > or =5 years. A reduction in the number of starts per 100 training days was observed in horses aged > or =5 years when returning to training after an initial MSI (p=0.004). Male horses of all age groups and females younger than 4 years had shorter median training preparations (p<0.05) when returning to training after an initial MSI compared with preparations at risk for a first occurrence of MSI. Between 27 and 62% of cases of MSI that occurred in training preparations after at least one start were reported on the day of the last start, and the remainder were reported in the days to weeks following the last start of that preparation. CONCLUSION: Incidence rates, and proportions of affected horses that retired or died as a result of injury or disorder varied with type of injury and age of horse. Horses returning to training after an initial MSI were at higher risk of subsequent MSIs and showed changes in duration of training preparations, but little change in starts per 100 training days or probability of placing in each start. MSIs in racing horses were less likely to be reported on the day of a race than at other times in the training preparation for all ages except 2-year-olds.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe and enumerate conditions that interrupted training and racing in a population of Thoroughbred racehorses in New Zealand.

METHODS: A longitudinal study design was used to collect data on horses training under the care of 20 licensed racehorse trainers from venues in the mid to lower regions of the North Island between October 1997 and July 2000. Incidence rates were reported for first and second occurrences for different categories of musculoskeletal injury (MSI), and first occurrences of upper and lower respiratory tract disease, using training days as time-at-risk. The proportion of horses that retired or died due to MSI, respiratory tract or miscellaneous conditions was used to estimate risk of exit for each type of event. Duration of training preparation, starts per 100 training days, and proportion of starts that ended in first, second or third place, were calculated for horses at risk for first MSI, and all subsequent MSIs. In training preparations that had at least one start and that ended in MSI, the cumulative percentage of MSIs by day of diagnosis was reported for 0–21 days after the last start in the preparation.

RESULTS: Horses (n=1,571) were followed during 3,333 training preparations and 392,290 training days. Events associated with the end of a training preparation or spell period included MSI (n=834), respiratory event (RE; n=165), miscellaneous event (ME; n=58), and voluntary retirements (n=360). Causes of MSI included lameness (n=400), shin soreness (n=207), tendon and ligament conditions (n=98), injury or laceration (n=56), fractures (n=55), and back disorders (n=18). MSIs involved the limbs in 97% of cases, and the lower limbs up to the carpus or hock in the fore- and hindlimbs, respectively, in 81% of cases. Most (93%) lower limb conditions involved a forelimb while 70% of MSIs that involved structures above the carpus or hock involved a hindlimb. Incidence rates (IRs) are reported for each age group for first and second occurrences of MSI, and first occurrence of upper and lower respiratory tract disease. The risk of MSI was higher in horses that had incurred one previous MSI (RR 1.4, 95% CI=1.2–1.7; p>0.001) than in horses without any previous MSI. The proportion of horses that exited due to death or retirement varied with the type of injury, and the highest proportion was associated with recurrent fractures, and tendon and ligament injuries (46.2 and 44.4%, respectively). The overall IR of horses exiting the study due to retirement or death increased with increasing age, and was higher in females than males for horses aged 2, 3, 4, and ≥5 years. A reduction in the number of starts per 100 training days was observed in horses aged ≥5 years when returning to training after an initial MSI (p=0.004). Male horses of all age groups and females younger than 4 years had shorter median training preparations (p>0.05) when returning to training after an initial MSI compared with preparations at risk for a first occurrence of MSI. Between 27 and 62% of cases of MSI that occurred in training preparations after at least one start were reported on the day of the last start, and the remainder were reported in the days to weeks following the last start of that preparation.

CONCLUSION: Incidence rates, and proportions of affected horses that retired or died as a result of injury or disorder varied with type of injury and age of horse. Horses returning to training after an initial MSI were at higher risk of subsequent MSIs and showed changes in duration of training preparations, but little change in starts per 100 training days or probability of placing in each start. MSIs in racing horses were less likely to be reported on the day of a race than at other times in the training preparation for all ages except 2-year-olds.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of growth and training on metabolic properties in muscle fibers of the gluteus medius muscle in adolescent Thoroughbred horses. ANIMALS: Twenty 2-year-old Thoroughbreds. PROCEDURE: Horses were randomly assigned to 2 groups. Horses in the training group were trained for 16 weeks, and control horses were kept on pasture without training. Samples were obtained by use of a needle-biopsy technique from the middle gluteus muscle of each horse before and after the training period. Composition and oxidative enzyme (succinic dehydrogenase [SDHI) activity of each fiber type were determined by use of quantitative histochemical staining procedures. Whole-muscle activity of SDH and glycolytic enzyme (phosphofructokinase) as well as myosin heavy-chain isoforms were analyzed biochemically and electrophoretically, respectively. RESULTS: The SDH activity of type-I and -IIA fibers increased during growth, whereas whole-muscle activity was unchanged. Percentage of type-IIX/B muscle fibers decreased during training, whereas that of myosin heavy-chain IIa increased. The SDH activity of each fiber type as well as whole-muscle SDH activity increased during training. An especially noticeable increase in SDH activity was found in type-IIX/B fibers. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Changes in muscle fibers of adolescent Thoroughbreds are caused by training and not by growth.The most noticeable change was for the SDH activity of type-IIX/B fibers. These changes in the gluteus medius muscle of adolescent Thoroughbreds were considered to be appropriate adaptations to running middle distances at high speeds.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Many racing jurisdictions monitor pre-race serum concentration of total carbon dioxide (TCO2) among racing horses. To our knowledge, factors influencing concentration of TCO2 among horses participating in racing have not been systematically evaluated and reported. OBJECTIVES: To determine if characteristics of horses and racing conditions routinely recorded were significantly associated with pre-race concentration of TCO2, while accounting for and estimating effects of trainer and horse. METHODS: Pre-race serum TCO2 concentrations from 5028 starts made by 2,349 horses trained by 287 trainers at 2 racetracks in California during 2005 were examined. Data regarding characteristics of starters and race conditions obtained from a commercial database were recorded for each start. Data were analysed using mixed-effects, with TCO2 concentration as the dependent variable, and trainer and horse nested within trainer as random effects. RESULTS: Sex, class and distance of race, frusemide administration and cloudy weather conditions were significantly (P<0.001) associated with pre-race TCO2 concentration. Horses that finished in the top 3 positions had values that were slightly (0.2 mmol/) but significantly (P<0.001) greater than horses not finishing in the top 3. There were significant effects of trainer on pre-race TCO2 concentration. CONCLUSIONS: A variety of factors may influence pre-race TCO2 concentration in horses. Horses with better performance tend to have higher pre-race TCO2 concentrations. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: TCO2 concentration is associated with improved performance although the magnitude of effect was quite small. Regulatory programmes based on monitoring should consider the influence of other factors on TCO2 concentration.  相似文献   

During training, a 6-year-old standardbred gelding collapsed, exhibiting severe epistaxis and agonal breathing and was euthanized. The horse had a recent history of poor performance, lethargy, and unilateral eyelid swelling with serous ocular discharge. Postmortem and histopathologic examination findings revealed thoracic lymphosarcoma and concurrent exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The presence of abnormal T waves in three or more electrocardiographic leads has been used to diagnose the cause of poor race performance in horses. This study investigated the relationship between previous racing performance in Standardbred horses and T waves, and the effect of training on the T wave. Thirty-two horses were electrocardiographed in two Sydney racing stables. Sixteen horses (50%) had ECGs with three or more leads with abnormal T waves, and these horses had won more races, had a greater ratio of wins per start and a greater number of dollars earned per start than horses with less than three abnormal T waves (P < 0.05). Horses with abnormal T waves also had significantly faster racing times (P < 0.01). There were significant (P < 0.01) correlations between the number of abnormal T waves and both number of wins (R = 0.47) and dollars earned per start (R = 0.45). Fastest winning mile rate was also negatively correlated with number of leads with abnormal T waves (R =?0.52, P < 0.01). Twenty two horses were also electrocardiographed within seven days of good racing performance. The mean number of abnormal T waves was 2.7 ± 0.41, and the mean T wave amplitude in the four chest leads (CV, CR, CL, CF) was 0.9 ± 0.15 mV. Thirteen horses (59%) had abnormal T waves in three or more leads. The effect of training on the T wave was also investigated in nine previously untrained and unraced Standardbred racehorses. There were significant effects of training (P < 0.01) on the number of abnormal T waves and mean chest lead T wave amplitude. These increases occurred in the second phase of training during which faster exercise, race trials and racing were conducted. We concluded that abnormal T waves are a common finding in the race-fit Standardbred horse, and can be found in more than 50% of horses currently performing well in races. In addition, chest lead T waves become more positive after training.  相似文献   

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