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超高茬麦套稻田杂草发生特点、成因及化除策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998~2001年对江苏省5个不同生态区125个麦套稻田示范点的田间杂草发生情况进行了调查分析,初步掌握了麦套稻田杂草的发生特点,主要表现为种类多、发生早、群体大、危害重。免耕方式、前茬余草和前期田间管理粗放是造成杂草发生严重的原因。通过试验提出了"前封后杀"的化除策略,并研究出多项配套化学除草技术,促进了超高茬麦套稻田技术的大面积推广应用。  相似文献   

近几年来,麦套稻轻型栽培由于其省工、节本、产量高的特点,深受农民欢迎,推广应用面积越来越大.在大面积生产实践中,影响麦套稻产量的主要障碍因子是杂草,本试验研究麦套稻田杂草防除,希望通过"药防、水控"等技术措施,达到减轻麦套稻田杂草危害程度的目的.  相似文献   

麦套稻田杂草发生与防除技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
麦套稻田杂草种类多、密度高、出草早、出草期长、危害重。用“一封、二杀、三挑”的防除方法 ,即水稻套种后第 5d用 5 0 %速除 10 0g/6 6 7m2 等除草剂进行土壤封闭。水稻 3~ 4叶期用 36 %二氯·苄 5 0g/6 6 7m2 喷雾进行二杀。水稻生长中后期视田间残留杂草情况 ,用千金等除草剂进行挑治 (三挑 ) ,对水稻安全 ,增产效果好。  相似文献   

根据超高茬麦田套稻栽培技术及田间杂草发生的特点,提出“治早治小、封杀结合”的杂草防治措施,并在水稻不同生长期进行了不同药剂的田间试验,取得显著效果。  相似文献   

麦套稻是一种不耕稻、不整地、不育秧、不栽秧的简化稻作栽培方式,秸秆全量还田,既增加土壤有机质、保护了环境,又极大地减轻了劳动强度、缓解了夏收夏种的季节性农忙矛盾.同时,能延长水稻生长期10~15d,有利于水稻的高产稳产,该项轻型栽培技术得到广大群众认可,正在江苏省各稻区示范推广.  相似文献   

直播稻田杂草发生与防除技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本县自1991年水稻进行直播栽培以来,面积逐年扩大,至1997年已扩大到3500hm2,增产显著,比移栽稻增产2成以上。水稻直播栽培,防除杂草控制草害是直播栽培成败的关键。几年来,我们陆续引进国内主要除草剂品种进行试验、示范和推广,积累了一些经验,简...  相似文献   

徐晨光 《植物医生》1999,12(4):31-32
水稻直播具有省工、省力、省本的效果,但杂草危害影响直播稻的稳产、高产。为解决直播稻田的草害问题,从1995年到1998年,我们开展了直播稻田杂草发生规律调查和综合防除技术的研究,现将结果报道于下,供参考。一、直播稻田杂草发生的特点(一)杂草种类多、数量大由于直播稻田稻种量少、生育期长、田间长期干湿交替,使得杂草发生种类多、数量大。全市直播田主要杂草共约18种,分别是禾本科的稗草、千金子,双穗雀稗、游草;莎草科的异型莎草、扁杆蔗草、水莎草、日照飘拂草、牛毛毡;阔叶类的矮慈菇,节节菜、鸭舌草、四叶萍…  相似文献   

60 %草大帅可湿性粉剂是吴县市宝带农药有限责任公司开发的稻田除草剂 ,1999年分别在浙江、江苏、上海等地进行了药效试验。1 材料与方法1.1 供试药剂供试药剂有 6 0 %草大帅WP(吴县市宝带农药有限责任公司产 )、30 %草杀特EC(杭州农药总厂产 )、37.75 %龙杀WP(上海杜邦农化有限公司产 )、30 %扫特EC(汽巴 -嘉基公司产 )、10 %苄黄隆WP(常州农药厂产 )、17.2 %幼禾葆WP(乐吉化工厂产 )。1.2 试验方法试验分别在水稻秧田、直播稻田和抛秧稻田中进行 ,小区面积为 2 0m2 。草大帅设每亩 2 0、40、6 0 g三种用量 ,以当地常规…  相似文献   

稻思达(商品名TOPSTAR)是法国罗纳普朗克公司研制开发的新型芽期选择性稻田除草剂。近几年进入国内市场。该除草剂对移栽稻具有杀草谱广、安全性好、施药简便等特点。为了探明该药对本地移栽稻田杂草的防陈效果和对水稻的安全性,我们在早稻上进行了防治试验。1材料与方法1.  相似文献   

王鹏 《湖北植保》1998,(3):22-23
枣阳市稻田杂草发生趋势及防除对策枣阳市植保站(441200)王鹏近年来,随着农村种植业结构的调整,耕作制度的改变、化学除草剂的大面积使用,农田杂草优势种群和群落结构相继发生变化,为指导农民科学治理农田杂草,在我市对稻田杂草进行定点抽样调查。现汇报如下...  相似文献   

地膜洋葱田杂草发生特点与化除技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
东辛农场地处黄海之滨,气候温暖湿润,土壤肥沃,随着种植业结构的调整,洋葱已成为该场主要经济作物.近年来,地膜覆盖技术的推广应用以及良好的水分条件和温光资源,使洋葱田杂草发生严重.2000~2001年,我们采用普查和定点调查相结合的方法,基本摸清了东辛农场洋葱田杂草种类及地膜覆盖洋葱田的出草规律,并进行了以33%施田补乳油为主的田间防治药效试验.  相似文献   

江苏丰县地区麦田杂草发生特点及其治理对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
由于小麦品种频繁串换等诸多因素,近几年江苏丰县麦田杂草发生呈现三大特点,阔叶草优势种显著改变;禾本科恶性杂草面积和种类剧增;多数禾本科杂草群落组成呈现明显明显的区域性分布,为了有效控制麦田草害,必须采取加大统一供种力度,严格检疫,推广轮作灭草等农业防治措施及开展高产安全化学除草等一系列综合治理对策。  相似文献   

蟹田稻由于播种、移栽期、栽培方式、水肥管理、生态环境等与常规稻相差较大,病虫发生以条纹叶枯病、三化螟较重,其他病虫均轻于常规稻。根据2a试验,提出了秧田期狠压病虫基数,中、后期主攻纹枯病、三化螟和稻飞虱的策略,并提出相应的施药时间和方法。  相似文献   

针对山东省滨州市小麦田春季化学除草防效较差的现状,进行了麦田冬前化学除草技术探讨,并通过推广该技术,改变了当地农民春季化学除草的习惯,使除草效果大幅度提高,收到了较好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

Change in weed control studies of rice paddy fields in Korea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper was reviewed on the research status of weed control according to cultivating patterns of rice in Korea. Weed control study in a nursery bed was chiefly carried out to control the species of barnyardgrass at the times of machine transplanting. Propanil and nitrofen were applied successfully in wet-nursery beds, and chlornitrofen and pyrazolate/butachlor were also successfully applied in protected semi-irrigated rice nursery beds in the 1970s. Sequential application of herbicides in the mid-1980s has resulted in the end of hand weeding. In machine transplanting, basic research such as the selection of herbicides was conducted in the early 1970s, and its related research including crop injury, seedling age, and reaction of cultivars were done in the late 1970s to early 1980s. Effects of the continuous application of herbicides and its methods of labor saving for rice cultivation were studied in the mid to late 1980s. When the rice planting methods were newly established, such as transplanting when seedlings were 10-days-old and direct seeding from the early 1990s, weed control research relating to herbicides was carried out (e.g. herbicide registration, crop injury, water management, appropriate application time, and neighboring application with insecticide). Weed control for the dill seeding of fields in wetted and reclaimed saline land have been experimented with, particularly in terms of the physio-ecological characteristics and the control of problematic weeds, and the resistance of weeds to herbicides was also investigated systematically.  相似文献   

Alfalfa, rice by-products and their incorporation for weed control in rice   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Two alfalfa varieties, namely Rasen and Yuba , and rice by-products of Koshihikari ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Japonica ), including hull and bran were used for weed control in rice. Rasen and Yuba were sequentially evaluated to have the strongest allelopathic potential among eight common alfalfa varieties in Japan. Rasen , Yuba and rice by-products in a laboratory experiment exhibited suppression of emergence of lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L.), barnyardgrass ( Echinochloa oryzicola Vasing.), and monochoria ( Monochoria vaginalis Presl var. plantaginea Solms-Laub.). In a paddy field experiment, at 15 days after application, a dose of 1 ton ha−1 of alfalfa, rice by-products and the incorporated alfalfa-rice by-products significantly inhibited weed growth and reduced weed species, except for rice bran. However, at 40 days after application, the greatest weed control was sequentially recorded with Yuba (95.2%), Rasen (90.5%) and the incorporated Rasen -hull (88.3%). Rice hull exhibited stronger (51.7%) weed control than the negligible weed control of rice bran (25.1%). Inhibition of both Rasen and Yuba on weed emergence after application became more vigorous, whereas those of rice by-products were gradually devitalized. Rasen had a maximum increase of rice yield (80.6%) compared to the control and it was slightly higher (9.6%) than the herbicide treatment. Findings showed that Rasen was the most promising material for weed control among those studied. Results denoted that weed control capability of allelopathic materials had an impetuous effect on rice growth and yield.  相似文献   

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