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通过对某饲料厂冷却风网的运行参数测定,发现风网内的风量当冷却器中物料处于高料位时低于最小理论推荐值,风机的选用不合适及风机的运行性能下降等问题。同时,在启动电机前关闭风机风门可大幅降低电机的启动电流。据此建议冷却风网的工艺设计应充分考虑最大风阻状况下满足风量的要求;应设置风门,并在生产中适时调节。  相似文献   

Otoscopy, rhinoscopy, and bronchoscopy are indispensable techniwues in ear, nose, and throat clinics and in diseases of the trachea and the bronchial tree. The quality of the instruments used in these techniques is of primary importance. The endoscopic procedures, the instruments used, and the indications for the examinations are discussed.  相似文献   

Bronchoscopy is a useful tool in the evaluation and management of canine and feline respiratory diseases. Diagnostic indications include the evaluation of structural diseases (tracheobronchial collapse, stricture, intraluminal mass); inflammatory conditions (chronic bronchitis, pneumonia); and traumatic injuries. Several airway-sampling techniques are available with bronchoscopy; bronchoalveolar lavage has proved to be the most satisfactory specimen-collection technique. Therapeutic indications of bronchoscopy at this time in veterinary medicine are mainly limited to foreign body removal. As advances are made in veterinary bronchopulmonary medicine, other therapeutic applications of the bronchoscope may be realized.  相似文献   

The various modes of inheritance are described and illustrated with canine examples. The information required to establish that a given anomaly is of genetic origin is stated, and the methods for reducing the incidence of hereditary diseases are discussed. Résumé. L'auteur décrit les différents modes d'hérédité et les illustre à l'aide d'exemples relevés chez le chien. Il fournit les données nécessaires pour vérifier qu'une anomalie donnée est d'origine génétique et passe en revue les méthodes permettant de réduire l'incidence des maladies héréditaires. Zusammenfassung. Die verschiedenen Vererbungsgänge werden beschrieben und mit Beispielen der Vererbung bei Hunden belegt. Die benötigten Informationen für die Feststellung, dass eine bestimmte Anomalie genetischen Ursprungs ist, werden genannt und die Methoden beschrieben, die Häufigkeit des Auftretens von Erbkrankheiten zu vermindern.  相似文献   

This paper points out, which dental diseases can be treated successfully in the general veterinary practice and which patients should be assigned to a veterinary dental referral practice. Furthermore, the occurrence and shape of defects in the enamel and cementum are discussed, which can be caused by incorrect use of ultrasonic scalers or sharp edges of the instrument tips.  相似文献   


Laparoscopy is described as a safe, simple, and relatively non‐invasive diagnostic technique for the visualization of abdominal organs. The instruments required, the procedure of laparoscopy, and indications and contra‐indications are described. The advantages of laparoscopy above laparotomy are discussed.  相似文献   

Small animal reproductive techniques have become quite advanced in recent years. Techniques described in this paper include transcervical catheterization for the purpose of insemination and intrauterine diagnostics (e.g., cytology, culture, and/or biopsy), and semen cryopreservation that allows international shipping of valuable semen and preservation of reproductive capacity. The use of uterine and fetal monitoring devices that enable intervention and mediation of dystocia is also described.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To ascertain anaesthetic practices currently for dogs and cats in Australia. METHODS: A questionnaire was distributed to 4,800 veterinarians throughout Australia, seeking data on numbers of dogs and cats anaesthetised per week; drug preferences for anaesthetic premedication, induction and maintenance; use of tracheal intubation, supplemental nitrous oxide and anaesthetic antagonists; and types of vaporisers, breathing systems and anaesthetic monitoring devices used or available. Additional questions concerned proportions of different animal types seen in the practice, and the respondent's university and year of graduation. RESULTS: The response rate was 19%; 95% of respondents graduated from Australian universities, about half since 1985. Most responses (79%) came from mainly small animal practices. On average 16 dogs and 12 cats were anaesthetised each week. Premedication was used more often in dogs than cats, with acepromazine and atropine most favoured in both species. For anaesthetic induction, thiopentone was most preferred in dogs and alphaxalone/alphadolone in cats. Inhaled agents, especially halothane, were preferred for maintenance in both species. Most respondents usually employed tracheal intubation when using inhalational anaesthetic maintenance, but intubation rates were lower during injectable anaesthetic maintenance and a minority of respondents provided supplemental O2. Nitrous oxide was administered regularly by 13% of respondents. The agents most frequently used to speed recovery from anaesthesia were doxapram and yohimbine. The most widely used vaporisers were the Fluotec Mark III and the Stephens machine. Most (95%) respondents used a rebreathing circuit for large dogs and a non-rebreathing system was used for small dogs by 68% of respondents. Most respondents (93%) indicated some form of aid was available to monitor general anaesthesia: the three most mentioned were an apnoea alarm, oesophageal stethoscope and electrocardiogram. CONCLUSION: Diverse approaches were evident, but there appeared to be less variation in anaesthetising dogs: premedication was more frequent and less varied in type, while thiobarbituates dominated for induction and inhalants for maintenance. Injectable maintenance techniques had substantial use in cats, but little in dogs. Evident disparity between vaporisers available and circuits used suggested either confusion in terminology or incorrect use of some vaporisers in-circuit. While most respondents used monitoring equipment or a dedicated observer to invigilate anaesthesia, the common reliance on apnoea alarms is of concern, because of unproven reliability and accuracy.  相似文献   

Laparoscopy is described as a safe, simple, and relatively non-invasive diagnostic technique for the visualization of abdominal organs. The instruments required, the procedure of laparoscopy, and indications and contra-indications are described. The advantages of laparoscopy above laparotomy are discussed.  相似文献   

The objectives, methods and results of a comprehensive survey of the work done by sixty-one veterinary surgeons engaged in small animal practice are summarized and collated.
The study was undertaken on behalf of the BSAVA Scientific Committee and took place during 1972/1973. The implications and the possible lines along which this type of practice may evolve are discussed.  相似文献   

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