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The use of azoxystrobin (Quadris) for early blight control often results in potato vines remaining greener later in the growing season. This observation has lead to the suggestion that nitrogen (N) fertilizer could be applied at lower rates when azoxystrobin is used in a fungicide program since high N rates are sometimes used to help manage early blight. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of azoxystrobin for control of early blight under various N fertility management regimes and to determine if azoxystrobin affected plant N fertilizer requirements. Plots were established in 1999 and 2000 at Becker, MN, on a Hubbard loamy sand as a complete factorial, split-plot arrangement using a randomized complete block design with four replications. Fungicide treatments were used as the whole plot factor and included an untreated control, chlorothalonil, and azoxystrobin rotated with chlorothalonil. Fertility treatments were used as the sub-plot factor and included N applied at three levels (170, 250, and 340 kg ha?1) and two timings (all prehilling or pre- and post-hilling). Early blight was problematic in 1999 and both early and late blight were severe in 2000. Significant interactions were observed between fungicide and fertility treatments for disease control. Control of diseases with fungicides was generally more effective at higher N rates regardless of N application timing. When azoxystrobin was used in the fungicide program, N rate was not as critical in managing foliar disease. In 1999, an interaction was not observed between N rate and fungicide treatment for yield. Yields increased with increasing N rate regardless of fungicide program. However, a significant interaction did occur between N rate and fungicide treatment in 2000 where yields decreased linearly in the control with increasing N rate, increased linearly with N rate using chlorothalonil, and did not respond significantly to N rate using azoxystrobin/chlorothalonil. Results of this study indicate that interactions between the incidence of early/late blight disease and N requirement for potato may depend on the rate of vine death and conditions affecting tuber maturity. At equivalent N rates, post-hilling N tended to depress yield regardless of fungicide program, suggesting that under the conditions of this study late season N is not an effective practice for managing foliar diseases such as early or late blight.  相似文献   

Clear and black slit plastic mulches had little effect on tuber yields when compared with unmulched controls during two growing seasons. Mulching films significantly increased the incidence of pinkeye, caused byPseudomonas spp. and varius types of soft rot in 1974 but not in 1975. The incidence of tuber greening was higher than normal both years due to inability to hill with mulch films in place. Under these conditions, black plastic reduced the incidence of greening. Significant yield responses were observed for an increase in nitrogen fertilization rate from 100 (45.36 kg) to 140 (63.5 kg) but not from 140 to 180 1b, (81.65 kg) N/A. Plastic mulches did not affect the nitrogen response. Higher post-harvest inorganic soil nitrogen levels were found under both mulches compared with unmulched controls.  相似文献   

The effect of decreased nitrogen rates (90, 60 and 30 kg N/ha) with and without irrigation on celery yield quantity and internal quality were studied in field experiments in 1993 and 1994. The decreased nitrogen rates reduced yields in both years. In the dry and warm conditions of 1994 nitrogen × irrigation interaction was clearly observed; irrigation increased yield more at higher nitrogen rates than at lower nitrogen rates. In the rainy conditions of 1993 irrigation did not effect the yield level.On the other hand, in both years, decreased nitrogen rates increased dry matter, vitamin C and dietary fiber contents, and nitrogen had a minor effect on total sugar content. In 1994 alpha- and beta carotene and thiamin were also analyzed but nitrogen had no effect on them. Irrigation increased dry matter and total sugar contents at the two lowest nitrogen rates in 1994, but decreased vitamin C contents in both years. There was also slight evidence that irrigation might decrease alpha- and beta-carotene and thiamin contents.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of furrow and drip irrigation giving 0, 33, 66, 100 and 133% of the maximum evapotranspiration (ETM) was studied on leaf transpiration, stomatal resistance, tuber growth, yield and yield response of cv. Spunta. The research was carried out in Sicily in 1988 and 1989 on early potato crops grown during the winter/spring cycle. Increased water supply increased leaf transpiration, plant fresh weight, tuber growth rate, yield and earliness, and decreased stomatal resistance and tuber dry weight. A higher yield response was obtained at the lower water regimes (ETM of 33 and 66%). There were no significant differences between the two methods of irrigation.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on sand and loam soils to evaluate the response of three potato cultivars to subsoiling and irrigation frequency. Subsoiling was of little benefit on the loam soil. On the sand, subsoiling promoted deep rooting and allowed potatoes to avoid water stress usually associated with four days between irrigations. Russet Burbank was much more sensitive to water stress than was Nooksack or Lemhi, especially in the percentage of tubers not graded U.S. No. 1. Benefits from subsoiling may be inadequate to justify the cost if a reliable high-frequency irrigation system is available.  相似文献   

为明确适用于灌区胡麻高产优质生产的密度和氮肥施用量,以内亚9号为材料,于2017和2018年连续两年进行田间试验,分析播种密度与氮对胡麻籽粒木酚素及脂肪酸组分含量及其产量的影响.播种密度分别为3.0×106、6.0×106和9.0×106粒每公顷,现蕾前结合灌水进行的氮肥追施量分别为每公顷0、16、32和48 kg氮....  相似文献   

采用田间小区试验,研究灌水对高油大豆和高蛋白大豆品种产量和品质的影响.试验结果表明,灌水使高油大豆的产量略有提高,较对照增产1.9%,对高蛋白大豆产量未表现出增产效果.灌水对不同品质的大豆蛋白质和脂肪含量影响不同,灌水可提高高油大豆品种脂肪含量,降低蛋白质含量.相反,灌水提高高蛋白大豆品种蛋白质含量,降低脂肪含量.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to obtain more information on the effects of soil moisture and nitrogen on yield and quality of the Russet Burbank potato. Total yield of tubers increased with nitrogen rates as a result of more tubers per plant and larger tubers but the percent of malformed tubers also increased. Increased nitrogen rates decreased of dry matter of tubers and increased the total amino-nitrogen content of the tubers. Placing all of the nitrogen in bands on each side of the row produced more tubers having growth cracks, culls and reduced yield of No. 1’s when compared with broadcasting. Applying a moisture stress to potato plants during the early tuber set period increased the percentage of malformed tubers having pointed stem ends, bottlenecks and dumbbell shapes; although total yield and grade of tubers were not significantly affected. Irrigating when available soil moisture was 75 or 85 percent instead of 65 percent during the growing season did not affect total yield, grade or tuber quality at the five percent probability level.  相似文献   

Many potatoes in the Northwest are grown on sandy soils with sprinkler irrigation. The low water holding capacity and restricted rooting often associated with coarse-textured soils create conditions where water stress injury is likely. Temporary water shortage due to irrigation system failure is a hazard on these soils. The Russet Burbank cultivar is often severely injured by such water stress. It is not known how the cultivars Nooksack and Lemhi respond to these conditions. A study was conducted to compare the responses of Russet Burbank, Nooksack, and Lemhi cultivars to interruptions in irrigation during tuber initiation or during bulking, and to gradually increasing water stress from declining water application rates during the last 8 to 10 weeks of the growing season. In most categories evaluated, Russet Burbank was most injured by water stress, especially in percent U.S. No. 1 tubers. Much of the decrease in U.S. No. 1 tubers was due to small size. Nooksack generally was the least affected by water stress while Lemhi was affected slightly more than Nooksack. Both Nooksack and Lemhi withstood periods of water stress and produced satisfactory yields and grades of tubers while Russet Burbank did not produce profitable levels of marketable tubers.  相似文献   

The trial was carried out from 1970 to 1973 on Vivian canning clingstone peach variety grafted on seedling, planted in 1965 and trained as palmette spaced 5 × 4 metres.The aim was to control the influence of different rates of nitrogen on yield, growth and canned fruit characteristics including some chemical determinations (sugar, acidity).The treatments were: 120, 180 and 300 kg/ha of nitrogen.Yield, fruit size, trunk cross-section area, and pruning weight were recorded. In 1972 and 1973 a leaf analysis was also carried out.2 samples from each treatment were processed and canned.The U.S.D.A. quality standards, the flesh colour and the flavour were surveyed on the canned product.Treatment with 300 kg/ha of nitrogen do not give any benefit. The treatment 180 kg/ha of nitrogen seems to have a positive influence as compared to the minor N-supply (120 kg). An influence is evident in the growth of trees. Leaf analysis shows that the N level is practically the same in all treatments.On the basis of the experimental conditions, an annual supply of 120–180 N units/ha is sufficient to keep trees in the best productive conditions.
Zusammenfassung Der Einfluß einer variierten Stickstoffdüngung auf Wachstum und Ertrag des Pfirsichs sowie auf das Verhalten der Frucht bei der Verwertung.Der Versuch wurde in einer 5jährigen Anlage in vier aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren (1970 bis 1973) durchgeführt. Als Sorte diente die für die Verwertung geeignete Vivian. Sie war auf Pfirsichsämling gepfropft, 1965 im Abstand von 5 × 4 m gepflanzt. Die Pfirsiche wurden hernach als Palmetten gezogen.Versuchsziel war, den Einfluß verschiedener Stickstoffgaben auf Wachstum und Ertrag sowie auf das Verhalten der Frucht bei der technologischen Verarbeitung zu ermitteln. Einige chemische Bestimmungen (Zucker, Säure) dienten zur Erfassung des Geschmacks.Die Stickstoffgaben, 120 kg, 180 kg und 300 kg Reinnährstoff/ha wurden, teils im Winter, teils im Frühjahr nach der Blüte, in 4 Gaben in Abständen von 20–25 Tagen verabfolgt.Stammdurchmesser, Gewicht des Schnittholzes sowie Ertragsmengen und Fruchtgröße wurden ermittelt. In den Jahren 1972 und 1973 sind auch Blattanalysen durchgeführt worden.Jeweils 2 Proben eines jeden Versuchsgliedes gingen in die Verwertung. Als Dosenkonserve wurden die Früchte auf Festigkeit des Fruchtfleisches, Farbe, pH-Wert, Gesamtsäure und USDA-Standards untersucht. Es konnte festgestellt werden, daß sehr hohe Gaben von 300 kg Rein-N/ha keinerlei Vorteile für Wachstum, Ertragshöhe, Fruchtgröße sowie für das Verhalten der Früchte bei der Konservierung brachten. Bei 180 kg Rein-N/ha war das Wachstum etwas stärker gegenüber 120 kg Rein-N. Blattanalysen erbrachten keine Unterschiede hinsichtlich des Ernährungszustandes der Palmetten. Dies erklärt auch die nur geringfügigen Unterschiede in den gesamten Ergebnissen.Unter den gegebenen Verhältnissen scheint es angebracht zu sein, die Stickstoffdüngung zwischen 120 und 180 kg Rein-N/ha zu bemessen, um die Pflanzen in einem optimalen Ernährungszustand zu halten.

Résumé L'essai a porté sur une plantation de 5 ans, et s'est poursuivi durant quatre années consécutives (1970 à 1973). La variété utilisée était la Vivian. Elle avait été greffée en 1965 sur des pieds issus de graines; la plantation était faite à des intervalles de 5 × 4 m. Les arbres étaient conduits en palmettes.Le but était de suivre l'effet de diverses doses d'azote sur la croissance et le rendement, ainsi que sur le comportement des fruits lors de l'utilisation technologique. Quelques determinations chimiques (sucres, acides) ont servi à preciser le goût.Les doses d'azote (120, 180, 300 k. d'azote pur par hectare) ont été distribuées en hiver, au printemps, en 4 applications, à des intervalles de 20 à 25 jours. Le diamètre des troncs, la masse des branches taillées, la grosseur et la quantité de fruits ont été determinés. Les années 1972 et 1973 des analyses foliaires ont été pratiquées. Deux échantillons de chacun des pieds ont été envoyés à l'atelier de conserverie; la résistance mécanique de la chair du fruit, la couleur, le pH, l'acidité totale, les standards Américains ont été mesurés. Les très hautes doses (300 kg N/hectare) n'ont presenté aucun avantage, ni sur la croissance, ni sur le rendement, ni sur la taille des fruits, ni sur le comportement à la conserverie.180 kg N/hectare ont determiné une croissance un peu plus rapide que 120 kg/N. Les analyses foliaires n'ont pas montré un état physiologique meilleur des palmettes.Ce fait explique les différences très faibles mises en évidence dans cet essai.

Paper read on the XIX. International Horticultural Congress in Warsaw, Poland, September, 10th to 18th, 1974.

Note: The research has been financed by the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of drip irrigation regimes on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) growth, tuber yield and quality, and water use efficiency (WUE) when grown under plastic mulch in an arid area of Northwestern China in 2008, 2009 and 2010. The 2008 experiment consisted of a drip irrigation check without plastic mulch and four different drip irrigation frequency treatments with plastic mulch: once every day, once every 2 days, once every 4 days, and once every 8 days. In 2009 and 2010 the drip check treatment without mulch was irrigated at −25 kPa soil matric potential (SMP) during three potato development stages and four different SMP drip irrigation strategies were compared during the potato development stages (using plastic mulch): S1 (−25 kPa SMP during the three development stages), S2 (−25 kPa SMP during tuber initiation and bulking and −35 kPa SMP during maturation), S3 (−25 kPa SMP during tuber initiation and maturation and −35 kPa SMP during bulking), S4 (−35 kPa SMP during the three development stages). Plastic mulch negatively affected tuber yield, WUE, and tuber quality. In the presence of plastic mulch, tuber yield, specific gravity, starch content, and vitamin C content seemed to be enhanced as the irrigation frequency increased, although the differences were not statistically significant. Irrigation frequency did not affect WUE for potato grown under plastic mulch. Analysis of plant height, tuber yield and WUE showed that a drip irrigation threshold of −35 kPa SMP led to obvious water stress for potato growth in this arid area. Under plastic mulch in 2010, S2 was the optimum drip irrigation regime because of the significantly higher yield than S3 and S4, the highest WUE and significantly firmer tubers than any of the other irrigation regimes tested.  相似文献   

Fertilizer nitrogen (N) may be managed to increase crop production and profitability while reducing nitrate contamination of groundwater. A two-year field investigation was conducted to evaluate the effects of applied N on tuber yield and quality, dry matter production and N uptake of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. var. Russet Burbank) grown on irrigated sandy soils in Michigan. Nitrogen was applied as ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] at rates of 0, 56 and 112, kg N ha?1 in a single application at planting or 112 and 168 kg N ha?1 in split applications during the growing season. Total tuber yield generally increased with N applications up to 112 kg N ha?1. Only one of the three experimental sites showed an increase in marketable tuber yield when 112 kg N ha?1 was split evenly between planting and tuber initiation. Tuber specific gravity was not affected by N rate. Nitrogen rates of 112–168 kg N ha?1 maximized dry matter production and plant tissue N concentration at onset of maturity and harvest. Tuber N concentration at harvest ranged from 13–17 g kg?1 at two of the three locations. Values for the third experiment were 10–13 g N kg?1. Whole crop N uptake at onset of senescence ranged from 45 to 225 kg N ha?1 across all locations and treatments. An average of 67 percent of this N was found in tubers at harvest. Nitrogen fertilization exceeded N removal in harvested tubers by more than 50 kg N ha?1 only for the 168 kg N ha?1 treatment. These results indicate that acceptable tuber yield can be obtained with lower N rates than those currently used by most producers, with the potential for reducing net loss of N from the soil.  相似文献   

Gülay Tuncer 《Potato Research》2002,45(2-4):153-161
Summary Powdery scab, caused by the fungusSpongospora subterranea, has developed in the Cappodocia region of Turkey because of changes in agronomic practices, such as excessive irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer use and growth of highly susceptible cultivars. The most suitable irrigation and nitrogen application levels were established to maintain powdery scab at minimum levels without affecting potato yield. Three irrigation levels were used in 1998 (673, 897, 1121 mm) and five in 1999 (329, 494, 658, 823, 987 mm). Nitrogen levels were applied 150, 300, 450, 600 kg N ha−1. In 1998, least powdery scab occurred with 673 mm irrigation, which yielded 41 t ha−1 potatoes. The lowest disease severity occurred in 1999 with 494 mm irrigation and 150 kg N ha−1. At these levels, tuber yield was 34 t ha−1 which was not significantly different from the highest yield measured. In 1999 and at two of the three irrigation levels inl998, nitrogen increased disease severity.  相似文献   

The linear relationship between “site mean” and potato cultivar performance was used to develop predictive models for total yield, yield of US No 1 grade, per cent US No 1 grade, specific gravity and fried chip color. The best fitting linear expression for each of the traits was determined by linear regression for specific cultivars. Common limits for “site means” could then be substituted into the expressions for predictive purposes. Application of this method to large and small data sets demonstrated its use for interpreting preliminary yield trial information for the identification of superior breeding selections.  相似文献   

Responses of wheat grown on a heavy clay soil in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation Region of south-eastern Australia to a factorial combination of three irrigation treatments and nitrogen and gypsum application were investigated.Irrigation treatments included a rainfed control (treatment RF) and irrigation on either a weekly (treatment Iw) or fortnightly (treatmnt IF) basis beginning in spring and maintained until physiological maturity. Nitrogen was applied at 0 and 150 kg N ha−1 (treatments N0 and N150, respectively) and gypsum at 0 and 5 t ha−1. Nitrogen and gypsum treatments were applied at sowing.

Yield increased from a mean of 4 t ha−1 treatment RF to 6.6 t ha−1 in treatments IF and IW, largely because of promotive effects of irrigation on kernel weight (increase from 31 mg to 42 mg kernel−1 and kernel spikelet−1 (1.4 as compared with 1.7). Seasonal conditions and the relative fertility of the site were sufficient to maximise spike number and spikelet spike−1. Nitrogen increased kernel spikelet−1 but effects on yield were not significant because of a decrease in kernel weight. Effects of gypsum on yield were not significant.

Water-use efficiency of both rainfed and irrigated treatments was ca. 1.25 g grain kg−1 H2O. However, transpirational water-use efficiency, calculated after allowing 110 mm water for soil evaporation, fell from 2 g kg−1 in treatment RF to 1.7 and 1.5 g kg−1 in treatments IF and IW, respectively. The decrease was ascribed, in part, to lodging and soil evaporative losses may have been in excess of 110 mm with more frequent irrigation. Effects of N on water use could not be distinguished, again because of the initial fertility of the site, which supported rapid growth and resulted in complete canopy closure.

Nitrogen and irrigation treatments had independent effects on the concentration of N in the grain (%NG) which increased by a mean of 0.6% with N treatment despite a decrease in N harvest index (HIN) from 0.77 to .70. Irrigation decreased %NG by approximately 0.5%. Approximately 90 kg pN ha−1 was found in the grain of treatments RFN0, IWN0, IwN0 and RFN150 and differences in %NG in these treatments attributed to a ‘dilution’ effect mediated by the increase in yield effected by irrigation. The grain accounted for approximately 115 kg N ha−1 in treatments IFN150 and IWN150, countering the inverse relationship between %Ng and yield despite the increase in HIN index caused by N application.  相似文献   

Potato seed pieces were hand planted with different spacings in the row and percentages of doubles to determine the effects on total yield and tuber size distribution. The objective was to determine acceptable performance levels for commercial potato planters. Average tuber size increased as the percentage of double seed pieces decreased or as the in-row spacing between single seed pieces increased. Yield of tubers smaller than 113 g was the most sensitive parameter and they increased as in-row spacing decreased and as the percentage of double seed pieces increased. Yield of tubers larger than 283 g increased as in-row spacing increased but only for the first year. Total yield was not affected by the change of in-row spacing or the percentage of doubles.  相似文献   

The effect of seedpiece spacing on the efficiency of nitrogen (N) use by the potato crop is generally unknown. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of seedpiece spacing on tuber yield, yield components and N use efficiency parameters of two potato cultivars. Potato cultivars Atlantic and Shepody were grown at two rates of N fertilization (0 or 100 kg N ha?1) and three seedpiece spacings (20, 30, or 40 cm) in 2000 to 2002. Wider seedpiece spacing increased mean tuber weight and the number of tubers per stem, but decreased total tuber yield. The higher tuber yield at the narrow seedpiece spacing was attributed to higher biomass production in combination with lower tuber specific gravity. Seedpiece spacing had no consistent effect on plant N accumulation, and therefore no consistent effect on N uptake efficiency (plant N accumulation /N supply from the soil plus fertilizer). However, a small increase in soil NO3-N concentration in the hill at topkill at wider seedpiece spacing suggested plant N accumulation was slightly reduced at wider seedpiece spacing, but at a level that could not be detected from a plant-based measure of N accumulation. The reduced dry matter accumulation, but similar plant N accumulation, resulted in lower N use efficiency (plant dry matter accumulation / N supply) at wider seedpiece spacing. Wider seedpiece spacing also resulted in generally lower values of N utilization efficiency (plant dry matter accumulation / plant N accumulation) for the 40-cm compared with the 20- and 30-cm seedpiece spacings. Effects of seedpiece spacing on N use efficiency parameters were generally consistent across cultivars and fertilizer N rates. Wider seedpiece spacing did reduce the efficiency of N use by the potato crop; however, the magnitude of the effect was small under the conditions of this study.  相似文献   

Potato constituents were monitored to evaluate their contribution to potato chip color. Five chipping potato varieties: Snowden, AC Ptarmigan, FL 1625, FL 1815 and ND2471-8 were evaluated. Ascorbic acid, sugars, phenolic acids, and amino acids were determined and quantified by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and the color of potato chips was measured by both CIELab Hunter-ColorQuest and Agtron instruments. Composition and chip color varied among the different varieties. AC Ptarmigan and ND2471-8 produced the darkest chip color (on average L*= 49.0, chroma=19.5, and hue angle= 62.9) compared with FL 1815 (L*= 58.4, chroma= 28.3 and hue angle= 75.7). Reducing sugar concentration did not completely explain or predict color quality when it was present in low concentrations (ca. < 60 mg/100g). Other reactants present in the potato slices played an important role in the final color quality of potato chips. Multiple correlation analysis showed negative association of ascorbic acid (r= -0.7), fructose (r= -0.7), a chlorogenic acid isomer (r= -0.7), glucose (r= -0.7) and glutamine (r= -0.5) with potato chip color. Sucrose, chlorogenic acid and asparagine were poor estimators of chip color quality.  相似文献   

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