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S. N. Vishwakarma K. C. Basu Chaudhary 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1974,80(3):110-112
Samenvatting In de groeiseizoenen 1970–'71 en 1971–'72 werd op de proefboerderij van de Hindu Universiteit van Benares (India) een ernstige bloemaantasting waargenomen bij de grauwe Spaanse erwt (Cicer arietinum L). Hierdoor werd het aantal peulen per plant sterk gereduceerd. Op de aangetaste bloemen (Fig. 1) sporuleerde in een later stadium een schimmel die werd geïsoleerd. Inoculatie van jonge bloemknoppen met sporesuspensie van deze schimmel, die werd geïdentificeerd alsAlternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler (Fig. 2), veroorzaakte weer dezelfde symptomen. 相似文献
Four field trials were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of various fungicide formulations in controlling late blight in
potato crops artificially inoculated with A2 metalaxyl-resistant isolates ofPhytophthora infestans. Two trials (Winter 1986, Spring 1987) were performed at the research farm of Bar-IIan University (central coastal
plain) and two trials (Winter 1987, Spring 1988) at the Besor Experiment Farm (western Negev), with seven formulations tested
in each trial. At Bar-IIan, Mancur (mancozeb + cymoxanil, 4:1) applied once a week was most effective in controlling the blight.
Sandocur-M and Pulsan (mancozeb + oxadixyl + cymoxanil, 7:1:2 and 7:1:0.4, respectively) applied at biweekly intervals were
the second best, while SAN 518F (mancozeb + oxadixyl, 7:1) and Ridomil-MZ (mancozeb + metalaxyl, 7.5:1) applied at biweekly
intervals, and mancozeb or cymoxanil applied once a week, were the least effective. At the Besor farm Ridomil-MZ at biweekly
intervals was the least effective, but the efficacy of the other formulations varied between the two trials. Mancur, Sandocur-M,
Previcur-N and mancozeb were highly effective in Winter 1987 but less so in Spring 1988. In the latter season Mancur, Sandocur-M
and Previcur-N were significantly more effective than mancozeb or Ridomil-MZ. The correlation coefficient between yield and
final disease level was -0.5322. 相似文献
Supramani Sugenendran Rejab Nur Ardiyana Ilham Zul Wan-Mohtar Wan Abd Al Qadr Imad Ghosh Soumya 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》2022,162(1):1-17
European Journal of Plant Pathology - Populus davidiana × Populus bolleana (PdPap) root rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum is a major disease in China. Controlling this disease... 相似文献
A twig and stem blight of cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum ) was observed in Tamil Nadu, India in 1977. The causal organism was isolated in pure culture and identified as Botryodiplodia theobromae , a first record of this species causing twig and stem blight on cotton. Typical fruit rot symptoms were produced on several inoculated fruits but not Citrus sp., Punica granatum or Achras sapota. 相似文献
Adalberto C. Café-Filho Gil R. Santos Francisco F. Laranjeira 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》2010,128(4):473-482
The effect of the distance of initial inoculum on the intensity of watermelon gummy stem blight, caused by Didymella bryoniae, was studied in a naturally-infected rainfed commercial field. The shorter the distance from the focus, the sooner was disease
onset and the earlier maximum disease levels were achieved. Maximum disease incidences were reached earlier than maximum severities,
but eventually destructive levels were observed for both disease incidence and severity. Disease progressed at similar rates,
irrespective of the radial distance from the focus. A detailed study of the disease temporal progress was conducted in inoculated
rainfed experimental fields with commercial genotypes Crimson Sweet (susceptible, S) and Riviera (moderately resistant, R).
The Gompertz model best described the disease progress curves, and estimated apparent infection rates were 0.049 and 0.020
respectively for S and R genotypes. In addition, spatial pattern studies were conducted during the dry season in overhead
irrigated experimental plots, inoculated with point-source foci. Disease intensity gradients were better explained by the
Exponential model than by the Power Law model. Gummy stem blight distribution was classified as aggregated by the Ordinary
Runs procedure. Two different spatial autocorrelation methods (2DCorr and LCOR) revealed strong short distance spatial dependencies.
Long distance positive correlations between quadrats were observed along with periods of higher progress rates. The dynamic
patterns of the epidemics of gummy stem blight in watermelon described here are consistent with epidemics of polycyclic diseases
with splash-dispersed spores. 相似文献
龙胆草斑枯病及其防治 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
龙胆草 (GentianascabraBunge)属龙胆科多年生草本植物 ,以根入药 ,具有泻肝胆实火、除下焦湿热作用 ,属辽东山区特产药材。由于龙胆草具有较高的药用和经济价值 ,1985年辽宁省清原县将龙胆草从山上野生状态引种归圃人工栽培成功 ,现已成为当地农民发挥山区资源优势、发展“两高一优”的重要致富项目。随着栽培环境的变化和栽培面积的扩大 ,龙胆草斑枯病逐年加重并造成毁灭性损失 ,成为龙胆草产业发展的关键限制因素。1 病害症状龙胆草斑枯病由龙胆壳针孢 (Septoria gen tianaeTh櫣m)所致 ,该菌属半知菌亚门 ,腔孢纲 ,球壳孢目真菌 ,主… 相似文献
Fang Shi Tom Hsiang 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》2014,138(4):763-773
An outbreak of a boxwood disease was observed in nurseries in southern Ontario in 2008, but the disease appears to have been present in Ontario for at least 15 years. From 2008 to 2010, over 300 fungal isolates were obtained from diseased samples, which included cuttings and whole plants. Almost half of the isolates (144) were found to belong to a single cultural morphotype which was confirmed as Pseudonectria buxi by DNA sequencing of several isolates. The remaining isolates were grouped into another seven major morphotypes, the largest of which accounted for 11 % of the isolates. Single representatives of all eight morphotypes were identified to species using morphological and molecular techniques, and were subjected to pathogenicity testing. Among them, only Pseudonectria buxi successfully satisfied Koch’s postulates on detached leaves, small twigs and rooted cuttings, which confirmed it as the causal agent of Volutella blight. Inoculation tests showed that wounds may be the major infection courts for P. buxi, since non-wounded inoculated tissues did not become diseased. Among several commonly grown boxwood cultivars in Ontario, ‘Green Gem’ was the most susceptible compared to ‘Green Velvet’, ‘Green Mound’, ‘Green Mountain’ or ‘Pincushion’, but all were found to be susceptible. Rather than behaving just as a saprophyte or secondary invader, P. buxi is capable of primary invasion after wounding, and causing extensive disease on live boxwood tissues. 相似文献
M. SCORTICHINI 《Plant pathology》1994,43(5):941-943
Leaf spot and blight of Dieffenbachia amoena caused by Pseudomonas marginalis pv. marginalis are described for the first time. Symptoms were noticed during winter on plants in the greenhouse, the first signs were small, elongated, light brown lesions on the surface of the leaves. As the infection spreads, leaves become completely brown and collapse. The identity of the causal agent was determined by biochemical, nutritional and pathogenecity tests as well as by comparison of whole-cell protein profiles of the isolates under study with those of type strains. 相似文献
6种杀菌剂对芦笋茎枯病的防治效果 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
芦笋茎枯病是芦笋生产上的毁灭性病害,近年来其发生程度有加重的趋势。为有效地防治该病,对6种杀菌剂进行了田间药效试验。结果表明:25%吡唑醚菌酯乳油的防效最好,对芦笋茎枯病防效为64.30%~74.85%;30%苯醚甲环唑乳油和20%嘧菌酯水分散粒剂次之,其防效分别为61.90%~72.66%和61.12~71.25%;30%醚菌酯悬浮剂的防治效果相对较好,防效为57.07%~67.37%。70%甲基硫菌灵可湿性粉剂和50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂的防效较差,其防效分别为24.48%~34.99%和22.37%~29.85%。25%吡唑醚菌酯乳油的增产率最高,有效成分用量300、400、500g/hm2的增产率分别为19.84%、22.08%、23.66%。30%苯醚甲环唑乳油次之,有效成分用量300、400、500g/hm2的增产率分别为19.32%、20.77%、22.14%。20%嘧菌酯水分散粒剂和30%醚菌酯悬浮剂的增产率相对较高,为15%~20%。对照药剂70%甲基硫菌灵可湿性粉剂和50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂的增产率均在10%左右。 相似文献
The pathogen causing stem blight was isolated from diseased stem of Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq.. Based on rDNA-ITS analysis, morphological characteristic and pathogenicity test, the pathogen was identified as Phytophthora nicotianae. 相似文献
西瓜品种资源对枯萎病和蔓枯病的抗性鉴定 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用室内苗期人工接种鉴定方法,对国内外引进和育成的78份西瓜品种资源进行了枯萎病和蔓枯病的人工接种双重抗性鉴定,筛选出Smokylee、 Summit、 Sugarlee、Calhoun Gray、 Dixielee、TexaW5、 Conqueror等9份高抗枯萎病的单抗种质,及AU Sweet Scarlet、 AU Jubilant、 AU Producer、W6 9、W23 18和W23 47 为中抗蔓枯病兼抗枯萎病的双抗种质,并对双抗种质材料的主要农艺性状进行了考察。 相似文献
芦笋茎枯病菌的鉴定及区域差异性分析 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
芦笋茎枯病是一种世界性分布的毁灭性病害,为准确鉴定其致病菌和探明不同区域菌株的分化程度,通过形态学观察和核糖体DNA内转录间区(rDNA ITS)序列比对进行形态学和分子生物学鉴定,比较五省份菌株的生物学特性和ITS序列上的差异,并进行系统发育分析。结果表明,芦笋茎枯病的致病菌为天门冬拟茎点霉Phomopsis asparagi。海南省菌株的菌丝生长较快,培养5天后的平均直径为8.5 cm;培养14天后,江西省菌株由白色变为淡绿色,其它各省菌株由白色变为灰白色,海南省菌株的菌落呈现同心轮纹状;福建省菌株产生的分生孢子器较多,平均60个/皿;五省菌株在1~238 bp和298~591 bp的ITS区段存在差异性碱基,其中河北省菌株的差异性碱基数最多;五省菌株大致聚为2个组群,河北省菌株单独聚为1个组群,其它省份菌株聚为1个组群,天门冬拟茎点霉P.asparagi与叶下珠生拟茎点霉P.phyllanthicola亲缘关系较近。 相似文献