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A 16-week feeding test of Tower (Brassica napus) and Span (Brassica campestris) rapeseed protein concentrates (RPC) was carried out on male and female Charles River CD (Sprague-Dawley) weanling rats. The diets contained 10% or 20% protein (N × 6.25) from each RPC and were supplemented with 150 mg zinc/kg. The control groups received a purified diet with casein or a laboratory chow diet. The results of the test diet groups did not reveal any adverse effect due to RPC on thyroid metabolism or the metabolism of zinc iron, copper, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Nephrocalcinosis was observed in all female rats that were fed the test diets and the casein control diet, and therefore it could not be attributed to dietary RPC.Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, no. 120. Food Research Institute, no. 448.  相似文献   

The use of various water-alcohol mixtures to remove antinutritional and technologically inconvenient factors from rapeseed and sunflower defatted meal is described. Meals obtained from dehulled seeds were repeatedly extracted with methanol, ethanol, propanol, isopropanol or isobutanol and water (50 or 60% V/V), at pH 6 at room temperature. Use of methanol, ethanol and isopropanol led to protein concentrates with very high nitrogen yields. These products exhibited low residual contents of soluble carbohydrates, and polyphenols and, for rapeseed, glucosinolates. Moreover, they were bland flavoured and white coloured.  相似文献   

The inclusion of peas (Pisum sativum L.) as the source of protein in the diet of growing rats brings about a reduction in growth rate as well as the impairment in the liver, muscle and spleen weights as compared with casein fed controls. Also, a fall in plasma glucose, triglycerides and protein was observed in the legume fed animals, while no changes in cholesterol levels were found. Furthermore, the rats fed on the diet containing peas showed lower levels of plasma insulin, corticosterone, IGF-I and T4 as compared with casein controls. Liver and muscle total protein (mg) and total DNA (mg) were markedly decreased in the legume fed animals, but DNA/g, protein/DNA and RNA/protein ratios were similar in both dietary groups. Likewise, liver and muscle fractional synthesis rates were similar in the casein and legume groups, while the whole body protein synthesis is assumed to be lower in the legume fed animals due to differences in body weights. It is concluded that animals fed on a diet containing peas (Pisum sativum L.) as the only source of protein showed less adverse effects than those found with other legumes such asVicia faba L. orPhaseolus vulgaris L., in which protein quality, antinutritional factors and nutrient availability could be involved.  相似文献   

Growth rate, nitrogen balance, skeletal muscle nitrogen fractions and in vivo intestinal absorption of D-galactose (2 mM) and L-leucine (20 mM) have been measured in male growing rats (90–100 g initial body weight) fed 12% protein diets containing either casein (control) or the raw leafy legumeChamaecytisus proliferus L. (Western Canary Islands). As compared to control casein-fed rats, those fed the raw legume diet exhibited a significant reduction (P<0.01) in the rate of growth, nitrogen balance parameters, sarcoplasmic nitrogenous fraction of skeletal musculature and in vivo intestinal absorption of galactose and leucine; however, the non-protein nitrogenous fraction has been found significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of control animals, whereas the myofibrillar nitrogenous fraction remained unchanged. The possible nature of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

A 35-day experimental study consisting of 28-day growth and 7-day calcium (Ca) balance periods was conducted to assess the effects of fibre and N ratios on growth and Ca balance of rats. Growth and Ca balance of rats (45–80 g) fed mixtures of cooked (CS) and uncooked (RS) sorghum and dehulled (DB) and undehulled (UB) bean were studied. The diets contained 10% protein. Casein served as the control protein. The control group ate more food except for the group fed the CS:DU (60:40) diets (P<0.05) had higher values for all parameters tested than the test groups. There were increases in food and Ca intakes, fecal Ca, weight gain, protein efficiency ration (PER), liver weight and composition except for the low moisture value for the CS:DS (60:40) group when N ratios were changed from 80:20 to 60:40. These results appear to indicate that fiber and N ratio had significant effects on growth liver composition and calcium balance of the rats.  相似文献   

Protein concentrates, were isolated from three by-products, defatted soya-bean, rice-bran and protelan. The conditions of maximum protein isolation differed according to the material used. Concentrates of 55.70%, 22.41% and 57.45% protein could be obtained from soya-bean, rice-bran and protelan; respectively. Hydrogen peroxide was found to increase the isolated nitrogen from protelan and rice-bran, however, in soya-bean it was without any positive effect. Essential amino acid contents were found corresponding to the amino acid of the FAO recommended amino acid composition except for methionine in all cases and lysine in protelan.  相似文献   

Although the efficiency ratio (PER) of vegetable proteins can be improved by supplementation with the limiting free amino acids, the digestibility of these proteins remains lower than that of animal proteins. The digestibility of a rapeseed protein concentrate measured in rats was improved from a value of 81 to 87% by water solubilization and ammonium sulfate precipitation. 2S and 12S fractions were also prepared from a rapeseed protein concentrate by a method based on differences of solubility in ammonium sulfate solutions. Protein digestibility of the rapeseed protein concentrate was found to be 82%, as compared to 87% and 89% for 2S and 12S fractions. A reduction of protein efficiency ratio was also recorded and was found to result from losses in amino acids.  相似文献   

Protein, energy and mineral utilization were examined in growing rats fed cooked, dry legume seeds in combination with polished rice. The legumes tested included 3 varieties of common beans, black, white and brown (Phaseolus vulgaris), lentils (Lens esculenta) and peas (Pisum sativum). The rice:legume mixtures (1:1 N ratio) were the only dietary sources of protein, Zn, Fe and Cu. The rice:black bean mixture was also tested at a 4:1 N ratio. Nutrient utilization was studied by balance trials and mineral utilization was further assessed by tissue analyses. True protein digestibility (TD) and energy digestibility of the rice:legume (1:1) mixtures were high. Biological value (BV) varied only little but was lowest in the rice:lentil mixture. The rice:brown bean mixture had the lowest amount of utilizable protein (UP). The (1:1) rice:legume mixtures did not adversely affect Fe status, as measured by liver Fe content and blood hemoglobin and hematocrit, or Cu status, as measured by liver Cu content and plasma ceruloplasmin. However, femur zinc content indicated a sub-optimal Zn status. Increasing the dietary N from rice in combination with black beans resulted in a substantial improvement of BV, NPU and Zn status of the animals but had a negative effect on UP and Fe status of the rats.  相似文献   

Acetylated, hydrolysed and unmodified rapeseed proteins were compared to casein for nutritive value as determined by net protein ratio (NPR) and nitrogen apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC). The NPR and nitrogen ADC values of rapeseed proteins did not change significantly (P<0.05) after hydrolysis but decreased significantly (P<0.05) after 30% and 70% acetylation. Acetylation (30%) followed by protein hydrolysis decreased significantly (P<0.05) the NPR value but increased significantly (P<0.05) the nitrogen digestibility compared to the control and unmodified rapeseed proteins. Casein gave the highest value (P<0.05) for NPR and nitrogen ADC. Modification of rapeseed proteins significantly (P<0.05) decreased the nutritive value, and the effect was more pronounced with increasing level of acetylation.  相似文献   

The powder forms of soy-based infant formulas obtained from four manufacturers were fed to weanling rats for two weeks, as the sole source of protein in diets containing 8% protein, 20% fat, and adequate amounts of minerals and vitamins. The relative protein efficiency ratio (RPER) and the relative net protein ratio (RNPR) values (casein + methionine=100) of diets containing unsupplemented formulas were 71–81 and 78–85, respectively. Supplementation of the formula diets with lysine (0.2%), methionine (0.2%), threonine (0.1%) or tryptophan (0.05%) increased the level of the supplemental amino acid in rat serum but generally failed to improve the RPER or RNPR values. Addition of all four essential amino acids to the formula diets, however, caused a marked improvement in their protein quality (RPER or RNPR values=100). The data suggested that proteins in soy-based formulas could be marginally co-limiting in several indispensable amino acids.Presented in part at the 202nd annual meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York City, 25–30 August 1991.  相似文献   

Industrial sunflower and rapeseed meals cannot be directly used as a food because of their high fiber content and because of the presence of some undesirable constituents (such as hulls, polyphenolic pigments, etc.) or precursors of toxic compounds (glucosinolates, etc.). Edible protein products (flours, concentrates, and isolates) from these two sources can be obtained by carrying out, to various degrees, and with different procedures, extraction operations of non-proteic and potentially toxic or antinutritional components. All the possible combinations of the single extraction operations (removal of fiber, lipids, polysaccharides, etc.) were studied by various authors in order to develop an optimum process both from the economic and the product quality points of view.In this report the problems related to the individual extraction operations, rather than to individual processes, are reviewed for reasons of recapitulation and to provide a common basis for comparison. Although it is impossible to reach a definitive conclusion it appears that some of the processes reviewed are able to produce very attractive raw materials for food manufacturing industries. Nevertheless, no food grade sunflower or rapeseed proteins have appeared on the market to date. However, sunflower and rapeseed protein sources will have to be taken into account in the near future as an added promising means for attacking food shortage problems.  相似文献   

The quality of protein concentrates coming from conventional and non-conventional vegetable sources was evaluated. The protein quality was assessed by the multi-point assay RPV. Whole body weight gain, weight gain corrected for the gastrointestinal content (G.I.), total body nitrogen and total liver nitrogen were used as response parameters. The various protein sources ranked differently depending upon the response parameters utilized, but a great majority of the sources had a good nutritional value (over 0.5). The gastrointestinal content is one of the principal factors responsible for the differences found. However, even after correcting for the G.I. content, some differences remained. For the various protein sources, the nitrogen deposition in the liver correlates satisfactorily with the whole body nitrogen deposition, if in the calculation of the regression line, the data for faba bean and tobacco were omitted (respectivelyr=0.610 andr=0.925). On the whole, these data indicate that most plant protein concentrates in suitable combinations and properly processed, may become a promising alternative to animal proteins.  相似文献   

对经膨化工艺加工和经普通工艺加工的菜粕通过20目、40目、60目筛分,测试分析菜粕不同粒径颗粒的含油量和蛋白质含量。结果表明,菜粕的颗粒越细,则含油量越低,蛋白质含量越高,并对造成这种差异的原因进行了讨论分析,为菜籽加工和菜粕的综合利用提供依据。  相似文献   

为了解甘蓝型油菜不同钾素利用效率的植株所具有的表型特征,以长江流域冬油菜主产区广泛种植的34个甘蓝型油菜品种为试验材料,在田间试验小区以最佳肥料用量(每公顷210kg 氮,45kg五氧化二磷,67.5kg氧化钾)种植油菜,比较不同品种油菜对钾素的吸收利用率。根据平均值法可将材料分为四类:A-高效吸收高效利用型、B-低效吸收高效利用型、C-高效吸收低效利用型、D-低效吸收低效利用型。比较发现:A类的一次分枝数、一次分枝角果数、籽粒产量和茎秆干物质均显著高于B、C、D三类,每角粒数显著大于D类,而分枝节位则显著小于D类。A类籽粒钾含量和钾(氧化钾)积累显著高于其他类型。地上部钾积累总量表现为A(和C)高于B(和D)。  相似文献   

Summary Protein concentrates were prepared from potato haulms by standard, methods. There were distinct differences between potato varieties in chemical composition and nutritive value of their concentrates. The amino acid composition of proteins was similar and deficiency of sulphur amino acids was observed. The biological value of proteins of the best preparations was nearly as good as that of soya bean meal protein but their digestibility was lower.
Zusammenfassung Aus Kartoffelkraut von 8 Kartoffelsorten wurden Eiweisskonzentrate hergestellt. Eine Parzelle der Sorte Uran wurde mit Stickstoff gedüngt (180 kg N/ha). Frisch geschnittenes Kartoffelkraut wurde gemahlen, der Saft ausgepresst, daraufhin das Safteiweiss thermisch koaguliert und nach Filtration getrocknet. Die H?lfte des feuchten Eiweisskoagulats der Sorte Merkury wurde vor dem Trocknen mit Wasser gespült, dat mit HCl auf pH 4,0 anges?uert wurde. Bei Anwendung dieser Methode konnte bis zu 155 kg Eiweiss pro Hektar erzielt werden. Die Konzentrate enthielten ungef?hr 45% Eiweiss, 12 % Fett und 18 % Asche in der Trockenmasse (Tabelle 1). Der Karotingehalt schwankte zwischen 85 mg und 335 mg und der des Solanins zwischen Spuren und 1015 mg pro Kilogramm des Konzentrates. Die Zusammensetzung der Aminos?uren aller Eiweisskonzentrate war ?hnlich (Tabelle 2). Sie enthielten verh?ltnism?ssig viel Lysin, aber wenig Schwefelaminos?uren. Dennoch enthielten sie mehr Methionin als das Sojabohnenprotein, das als Standard benutzt wurde. Es wurden deutliche Unterschiede im N?hrwert der mit Hilfe der Bilanzmethode von Thomas-Mitchell an Ratten bestimmten Proteine festgestellt (Tabelle 3). Der biologische Eiweisswert betrug 39 bis 62 und war für die besten Konzentrate fast so hoch wie für das Sojaprotein, die Verdaulichkeit war jedoch geringer. Wahrscheinlich war dies auf den hohen Aschegehalt in den Konzentraten zurückzuführen. Die Stickstoffdüngung hatte eine Steigerung der vom Hektar erzielten Eiweissmenge zur Folge. Sie hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Zusammensetzung des Eiweisses, aber erh?hte seine Verdaulichkeit. Dies konnte das Resultat eines h?heren Gehaltes an leicht l?slichen, Protein nicht enthaltenden Substanzen im Konzentrat der gedüngten Pflanzen sein. Das Spülen mit Wasser erh?hte den Gehalt aller Aminos?uren im Konzentrat und den biologischen Wert des Eiweisses, vielleicht als Folge des Auswaschens von Stickstoff aus dem Konzentrat, der nicht an Eiweiss gebunden war. Die erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen, da? das Kartoffelkraut einen guten Rohstoff für die Produktion von Eiweisskonzentraten bilden kann. Diese Konzentrate enthalten eine zufriedenstellende Menge an Eiweiss, Karotin und einzelnen Aminos?uren mit Ausnahme der Schwefelaminos?uren. Der biologische Wert des Eiweisses der besten Konzentrate ist nur et was schlechter als der des Sojabohnenproteins.

Résumé On a réussi à produire des concentrés protéiques à partir du feuillage de 8 variétés, une partie de la culture d’Uran ayant re?u une fumure azotée (180kg N/ha). Les fanes fra?chement récoltées ont été broyées et pressées. Les protéines contenues dans le jus ont été coagulées par la chaleur et séchées après filtration. La moitié du coagulum protéique humide de la variété Merkury a été rincé avec une eau acidifiée par HCl (pH 4,0) avant séchage. Grace à cette méthode 155 kg de protéines ont été obtenus par hectare. Par rapport à la matière sèche, les concentrés contenaient environ 45% de protéines, 12% de lipides extractibles par l’éther et 18% de cendres. La teneur en carotène variait de 85 à 335 mg/kg et celle de la solanine de quelques traces à 1015 mg/kg de concentré (tableau 1). Les protéines avaient une composition en amino acides semblable (tableau 2). Elles étaient relativement riches en lysine mais pauvre en amino acides soufrés. Cependant elles contenaient plus de méthionine que la protéine du soja utilisée comme témoin. La valeur nutritive des protéines a été déterminée sur des rats par la méthode de bilan de Thomas-Mitchell. Des différences ont été constatées (tableau 3). La valeur biologique variait de 39 à 62 et pour les meilleurs concentrés était presque aussi haute que pour la protéine du soja (VB=66). La digestibilité des protéines de concentrés était relativement basse. Cela était probablement d? à leur teneur élevé en cendres. La fumure azotée a augmenté la quantité de protéines produites à l’ha. Elle n’a pas eu d’effet sur la composition en acides aminés mais a augmenté la digestibilité des protéines. Le lavage augmenterla teneur en amino acides et la valeur biologique de la protéine, peut être parce que le rin?age élimine du coagulum l’azote non protéique. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que les fanes de pommes de terre peuvent être une bonne matière première pour la production de concentrés protéiques. Ces concentrés contiennent des quantités satisfaisantes de protéines, carotène et acides a minés à l’exception des acides aminés soufrés. La valeur biologique de la protéine des meilleurs concentrés est seulement légèrement inférieure à celle de la protéine soja.

Protein concentrates and pepsin hydrolysates were made after isoelectric precipitation of the proteinaceous liquor from wet-milling of grain of five Amaranthus and one buckwheat genotype. The Amaranthus protein concentrates exhibited better solubility, foaming, and emulsification than two commercial soy protein controls. Many protein properties depend on solubility, and Amaranthus protein concentrates were more soluble than soy protein isolate. The buckwheat protein concentrate was highly soluble with excellent emulsification, but poor foaming ability. Partial pepsin hydrolysis further improved solubility of the protein concentrates and also altered their foaming property. Fractionation and subsequent characterization of protein concentrates revealed that glutelins, albumins, and globulins predominated, with prolamins present in minor quantity. SDS-PAGE showed that globulins and glutelins were comprised of several subunits with varying molecular weights from relatively high to low while albumins were mostly of low molecular weight. The prolamin fraction of the buckwheat concentrate was comprised of intermediate to low molecular weight subunits while those of Amaranthus concentrates were only of low molecular weight. This study demonstrated the feasibility of producing potentially useful functional protein concentrates as by-product of Amaranthus and buckwheat starch extraction.  相似文献   

The nutritive value of various protein fractions was studied. Fractions 2S and 12S from rapeseed, 2S, 7S and 11S from soybean were obtained by dissolution in ammonium sulfate solutions. Albumin-globulin, gluten, glutenin and gliadin fractions from wheat were obtained by dissolution in salted water (albumin-globulin), acetic acid (glutenin) and alcohol (gliadin). Liveweight gains, protein efficiency ratio (PER) and apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) were used as measures of the nutritive value. The protein fractions had a lower nutritive value than the unfractionated proteins except for the albumin-globulin fraction of wheat which had a nutritive value higher than that of the unfractionated wheat protein. PER obtained with the rapeseed 2S and 12S fractions were 2.49 and 2.21, respectively, as compared to 2.64 for unfractionated rapeseed. With soybean fractions, PER were 0.92 for 2S, — 0.007 for 7S and 1.47 for 11S, as compared to 2.19 for the original protein. The wheat albumin-globulin fraction gave a PER of 2.78, as compared to 1.45 for the unfractionated wheat protein. Gluten, glutenin and gliadin fractions had a lower PER than that of unfractionated wheat protein. ADC of all fractions were higher than those of the original proteins. The difference in liveweight gains and PER observed between protein fractions can be partially explained on the basis of the essential amino acid content.  相似文献   

Serum and liver lipids of rats fed rubber seed oil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crude rubber seed oil (RSO) was incorporated at the 5% level in diets free of cholesterol or containing 1% cholesterol, respectively. These studies were initiated for the purpose of evaluating the palatability and potential toxicity of RSO. Corn oil was used as a control. A considerable amount of unsaponifiable matter was detected in RSO. In addition, RSO was found to possess a fatty acid profile which was fairly different from that of corn oil, primarily due to a much higher content of linolenic acid and a lower content of linoleic acid in RSO. No adverse effects on food intake and average daily gain were observed in rats fed RSO in both cholesterol-free and cholesterol diets. The presence of RSO in cholesterol-free diets results in lower (p<0.05) serum and liver total cholesterol levels than in control animals. A relative hypercholesterolemic effect compared to corn oil was observed however, when RSO was added to diets containing 1% cholesterol. In summary, the physicochemical properties of RSO as well as the presence of cholesterol in the diet are important factors in evaluating the cholesterolemic effect of RSO.  相似文献   

为了提高菜籽浓缩蛋白的生产效率以及蛋白含量,以预浸压榨菜籽粕为原料,研究单仓高效平筛制备菜籽浓缩蛋白的工艺。通过对原料的粒径分布以及不同粒径原料的成分分析得到原料粒径分布的R-R分布函数;对原料蛋白质与植酸的含量进行了相关性分析,结果显示两者具有显著的相关性(r=0.994 1)。利用单仓高效平筛制备菜籽浓缩蛋白,以筛下物得率和筛下物蛋白含量为指标研究进料流量和平筛旋转速度对筛分效果的影响,确定制备菜籽浓缩蛋白的最佳工艺为:进机流量为2kg/min,平筛回转速度为260r/min,在最优工艺条件下得到的菜籽浓缩蛋白的蛋白含量为56.99%(干基),得率为26.66%,经醇洗脱毒后得到的菜籽浓缩蛋白的蛋白含量可达60.155%。  相似文献   

Blends of vegetable proteins were prepared to improve the nutritive value of these proteins. Soybean flour, rapeseed protein concentrate, whole wheat flour, soybean 2S+11S extract, wheat albumin-globulin + glutenin (AG+G) functions, and some of their blends were compared to casein for protein efficiency ratio (PER) and apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC). Autoclaving (1 h) soybean proteins was also studied. Casein and rapeseed protein concentrate gave the highest weight gains and PER. Other protein sources gave lower values for both PER (P<0.05) and weight gain. The digestibility of all vegetable proteins was lower (P<0.05) than that of casein. PER of soybean 2S+11S extract was significantly lower (P<0.05) than that of soybean flour. Autoclaving significantly (P<0.05) improved the PER of both soybean flour and 2S+11S extract. The ADC of autoclaved 2S+11S extract was similar (P<0.05) to that of autoclaved soybean flour and significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of 2S+11S extract. Soybean flour had the lowest (P<0.05) ADC. Heat treatment destroyed antinutritional factors, probably trypsin inhibitors and/or haemagglutinins of soybean. This was accompanied by improvement in the nutritional value of protein. The four blends were chosen on the basis of amino acid composition, chromatography of proteolyzates and nutritive value of each fraction. The PER of wheat albumin-globulin and glutenin (AG+G) blend was similar (P<0.05) to that of wheat flour and lower (P<0.05) than that of all other blends used. Wheat AG+G+rapeseed protein concentrate and wheat AG+G+soybean flour blends gave the highest (P<0.05) PER. Wheat AG+G improved the PER of 2S+11S extract and of soybean flour but decreased the PER of rapeseed protein concentrate. Wheat AG+G and wheat AG+G+rapeseed protein concentrate blends gave an ADC significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of wheat AG+G blend containing soybean flour of 2S+11S extract. However, blending wheat AG+G with either 2S+11S extract of soybean flour improved ADC.  相似文献   

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