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The testicular tissue of three types of yak bull (1/2 wild yak,cross 1/2 wild yak and domestic yak) were studied quantitatively at 6,12,18 and 24 months old. The results showed that the average values changed from breed to breed at the same age. But there were no significant difference. The volume density and the height of seminiferous tubule and epithelium increased with the age and testicular weight. The capacity rate of the testicular seminiferous tubule in three types were 78.71% ,75.78% and 78.58% respectively, which nearly reached the level of mature bull.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - This study shows the absence of the world’s most common bacterial zoonoses caused by Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis in cattle, goats and dogs...  相似文献   



Preoperative L‐lactatemia and heart rate have been suggested as prognostic indicators of outcome for cows with right dilatation of the abomasum or volvulus (RDA/AV). However, postoperative L‐lactatemia has not been assessed as a potential prognostic tool.


To determine the prognostic value of postoperative L‐lactatemia (LAC 2), duration of treatment (Dt), relative L‐lactatemia difference (compared with preoperative L‐lactatemia [LAC1]) ([LAC2 − LAC1]/LAC2) and change in L‐lactate over time ([LAC2 − LAC1]/Dt) as compared to preoperative findings (LAC 1 and heart rate [HR]) as prognostic factors in dairy cows with RDA/AV.


A total of 41 dairy cows were included: 19 with AV and 22 with RDA; 11 cows had a negative outcome (NO) and 30 cows had a positive outcome (PO) based on telephone follow‐up with owners 30 days after surgery.


Prospective cohort study. Analysis was performed using logistic regression and comparison of area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC) using nonparametric tests.


LAC1 > 1.4 mmol/L or LAC2 > 2.2 mmol/L had the same accuracy with sensitivity of 100% (95% CI, 75.1–100%) and specificity of 80% (95% CI, 61.4–92.3%) for predicting NO. The relative L‐lactatemia difference ([LAC2 − LAC1]/LAC1) or lactate kinetics ([LAC2 − LAC1]/Dt) were not associated with prognosis. The AUC of the preoperative model (which included HR and lnLAC1) was 0.92 (95% CI, 0.83–1.0) and that of the postoperative model (including only lnLAC2) was 0.95 (95% CI, 0.88–1.0); these were not significantly different.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Postoperative L‐lactatemia is helpful to predict outcome in cows with RDA/AV. The short‐term change in blood L‐lactate is not a useful prognostic indicator, at least during the period of time spent on the farm for surgery and treatment.  相似文献   


“Enterol” (I.C.I.) was first used in a moribund pig with rather astonishing results. From the symptoms described, it was presumed that it had salmonellosis. As a result of this observation, the writer was asked to try the drug on known salmonellosis cases.  相似文献   

1. The effects of including novel objects in the environment ("environmental enrichment “) on body‐weight gain, relative body‐weight gain, gain : food ratio, plasma growth hormone (GH) and prolactin concentrations in male and female broiler and layer chicks was investigated.

2. Environmental enrichment improved body‐weight gain, relative body‐weight gain and gain: food ratio but had no effect on circulating GH or prolactin concentrations.

3. Weight gain and gain : food ratio were greater in the broilers than in the layer chicks, while plasma GH and prolactin (females only) concentrations were less.

4. There were no sex differences in weight gain and relative weight gain but gain : food ratio was significantly greater in females than in males. In both strains plasma GH concentrations were higher in males than in females and prolactin concentrations were higher in male than in female broilers.  相似文献   

<正>In the 1950s and early 1960s,the American society took on an air of unprecedented material prosperity.However,the flourishing economy failed to provide people with the spiritual content they expected to come with it.The inanition in the spiritual world and the affluence in the material world created a sharp contrast which led to a growing sense of anxiety and dissatisfaction.As a result,many Americans reacted to these developments with ambivalence,even hostility.(Brinkley 1999:  相似文献   

The Eutergesundheitsdienste (EGDs) in the 10 Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany have developed along different legal, organizational and methodological lines. As examples, the EGDs of Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Bavaria are described.Bulk milk samples should be tested for streptococci causing mastitis and B-streptococci may best be demonstrated by serological means.The procedure for counting somatic cells should be standardized, and optical equipment using fluorescence is useful for this purpose.Health protection programmes are applied predominantly to smallholdings. In future account must be taken of milk quantities, and the results of the EGDs should also be considered when determining the quality of the milk to be purchased.The information system needs to be reformed. Lactose, pyruvate and lactate may play an important part in the testing of individual milk samples by the EGDs.More effective checks should be made on the health of cows' udders, and the dairies should cooperate in organizing services for maintaining milk equipment.A study group on udder health has been established by the German Veterinary medicine Society as a forum for coordinating the EGDs in Germany and elsewhere.
Kurzfassung Der Eutergesundheitsdients (EGD) ist in den 10 Ländern der Bundesrepublik rechtlich, organisatorisch und methodisch unterschiedlich gewachsen. Der EGD in Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein und Bayern wird als Beispiel vorgestellt.Bestandsmilchproben sollten auf Mastitisstreptokokken untersucht werden; vorteilhaft ist der serologische Nachweis von B-streptokokken.Die Standardisierung zur Zählung somatischer Zellen ist erforderlich. Fluoreszenzoptische Geräte sind zweckmässig.In Sanierungsprogrammen dominieren Kleinbetriebe. Die Milchmenge muss künftig berücksichtigt werden und die Ergebnisse im EGD auch bei der Qualitätsbezahlung.Das Informationssystem bedarf der Reform. Auch Lactose, Pyruvat und L(+)-Lactat können in Einzelgemelksproben Bedeutung im EGD erlangen.Die Eutergesundheitskontrollen im Viehhandel sind zu verbessern. Dienste zur Wartung von Melkanlagen sollten über Molkereien organisiert werden.Der Arbeitskreis Eutergesundheit in der Deutschen Veterinärmedizinischen Gesellschaft ist als Forum zur Harmonisierung des EGD gedacht über die deutschen Landesgrenzen hinaus.

Resume Le Eutergesundheitsdienst (EGD) (service de l'hygiène du pis) a connu dans les dix Länder de la république fédérale un développement divergent sur le plan juridique, de l'organisation et des méthodes de travail. Les EGD de la Basse-Saxe, du Schleswig-Holstein et de la Bavière sont présentés à titre d'example.Il faudrait procéder à la recherche des streptocoques agalactiques dans les échantillons de lait du cheptel; la méthode, sérologique pour la recherche des streptocoques B présente des avantages.Il importe de normaliser le comptage des cellules somatiques. Les appareils optiques à fluorescence utilisés à cet effet se sont abérés utiles.Les programmes d'assainissement concernent avant tout les petites exploitations. A l'avenir, il faudra tenir compte des quantités traites et des résultats obtenus dans le cadre du EGD, même en cas de rémunération à la qualité.Le système d'information doit être réformé. La présence de lactose, de pyruvate et de L(+)-lactate dans les différents echantillons des récoltes de lait peut également être significative pour le EGD.Les contrôles sanitaires du pis doivent être améliorés dans le commerce du bétail. Des services d'entretien des trayentes devraient être organisés par l'intermédiaire des laiteries.Le groupe de travail Eutergesundheit (hygiène du pis) de la Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft est chargé de travailler à l'harmonisation des EGD dans les différents Länder.

Riassunto Il Servizio di Prevenzione delle Affezioni Mammarie (Eutergesundheitsdienste, EGD) nei 10 Länder della Republica Federale Tedesca si è sviluppato lungo direttive diverse d'ordine legale, organizzativo e metodoldgico. A mo' di esempio vengono descritti i Servizi della Bassa Sassonia, della Schleswig-Holstein e della Baviera.Campioni collettivi di latte debbono essere saggiati per la messa in evidenza di streptococchi causa di mastiti. La presenza di streptococch B può validamente essere messa in luce mediante tecniche sierologiche.Il procedimento per la conta delle cellule somatiche deve essere standardizzato; risulta utile a questo scopo un'attrezzatura ottica che utilizzi la fluorescenza.I programmi di protezione sanitaria si applicano per lo più ad aziende di modeste dimensioni. In futuro si dovrà tener conto dei quantitativi di latte, e si dovranno altresì prendere in considerazione i risultati dell'EGD al momento della determinazione della qualità del latte da acquistare.Il sistema di informazione deve essere ristrutturato. Il lattosio, il piruvato e l'L(+)-lattato potrebbero finire col rivestire un ruolo importante nelle prove cui sono sottoposti i singoli campioni di latte da parte dell'EGD.Durante le operazioni commerciali nel campo dell'allevamento bovino, le condizioni di salute delle mammelle debbono essere oggetto di più efficaci controlli. Le aziende di lavorazione del latte debbono cooperare nella organizzazione di servizi per la manutenzione delle apparecchiature di mungitura.Il gruppo di studio sulla prevenzione delle affezioni mammarie della Deutsche Veterinaermedizinische Gesellschaft (Associazione Tedesca di Medicina Veterinaria) è stato costituito quale organo di consulenza per coordinare le attività dell'EGD in Germania ed altrove.

This article was originally written in German. Copies of the German version may be obtained free of charge by writing to: Mr. J. Rodesch, Commission of the European Communities, DG XIII, Batiment Jean Monnet, Rue Alcide de Gasperi, Kirchberg, Luxembourg.  相似文献   

The oestrous response, interval and conception rates were studied after synchronization with a prostaglandin analogue (cloprostenol) and artificial insemination (AI) performed at different times in 50 Zebu (Bos indicus) and 83 Baoulé (Bos taurus) cattle indigenous to Burkina Faso. The overall proportion of cows responding to synchronization was 70% (93/133). Although the response was higher for the Baoulé cattle, at 73.5% (61/83), than for the Zebu, at 64% (32/50), the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). The mean oestrous interval from treatment to the onset of oestrus (TOI) was shorter in the Zebu (54.1 h, SD 6.7) than in Baoulé (65.2 h, SD 12.9) cattle (p<0.001). Of the Zebu (n = 32) that responded, 65.7% presented oestrus over a period of 12 h ranging from 48 h to 60 h after treatment. For the Baoulé cows, the highest proportion of animals in oestrus over a period of 12 h was 41% between 60 h and 72 h after treatment. The frequency distribution of onset of the oestrus indicated that up to 64.5% of the Zebu and 79.5% of the Baoulé cattle showed onset of oestrus during the daytime. For Zebu and Baoulé cows inseminated 13 h or 18 h after the onset of oestrus, conception rates were 56% and 57% (p>0.05) and 33% and 64% (p<0.05), respectively. Based on these findings, it appears that the oestrous response to synchronization was adequate for both Zebu and Baoulé cattle and that the time to onset of oestrus varied according to genotype. It was also concluded that conception rates were satisfactory for both genotypes but that, for Baoulé cattle, AI performed 18 h after oestrus significantly increased conception rates compared to AI at 13 h after oestrus.  相似文献   

1. Differences in “ fear”, head shaking and production traits were found among lines of chickens maintained in individual 0–46 × 0.30 × 0.46 m cages.

2. The differences among lines for “ fear “ and head shaking were consistent across three ages.

3. Although differences in “ fear “ and head shaking existed among lines for which there were large differences in production traits, the relationships within lines of production traits with modest “ fearfulness “ and head shaking were not important.  相似文献   

Bird songs may advertise aspects of cognition because song learning and learning speed in cognitive tasks are both affected by early‐life environments. However, such relationships remain ambiguous in the literature. Here, I discuss 2 lines of research that may help to demystify links between song learning and cognition. First, learning strategies should be considered when assessing performance to ensure that individual differences in learning ability are not masked by individual differences in learning strategies. Second, song characteristics should be associated with social behavior because songs have a social purpose and, consequently, should be strongly related at functional and neural levels. Finally, if song learning and cognitive abilities are correlated because they develop concurrently and/or share or compete for the same resources, I discuss ways glucocorticoids may link early‐life stress, song learning and cognitive ability, focusing particularly on oxidative stress as a potential mechanism.  相似文献   



The presence of Helicobacter within the gastric mucosa is responsible for producing pathology in many animal species, including man. Since humans have been shown to harbour many of the same bacterial species as domestic carnivores, concern over their zoonotic potential has been growing. Helicobacter pylori, a class 1 carcinogen responsible for cases of gastritis and gastric cancer in humans, produces similar pathology in pet carnivores and is considered an example of anthroponosis. The case here presented refers to a 13 year-old mixed breed spayed female cat seen at necropsy.


Stomach samples were analysed for the presence of Helicobacter spp. by cytology, histopathology and PCR. Mild mucosal atrophy was observed in the fundus and antrum, while lymphoplasmocytic infiltrates where noted in the lamina propria of the antrum. Helicobacter-like organisms were observed in the corpus and antrum, occupying gastric glands and surface mucosa. It was possible to detect Helicobacter spp., H. pylori, H. heilmannii and H. bizzozeronii in the fundus, corpus and antrum by PCR, while in the antrum PCR samples were positive for H. pylori.


The spayed female under study could represent either a yet un-described population of domestic cats infected with H. pylori or a case of anthroponosis.  相似文献   

To evaluate the prevalence and possible risk factors for brucellosis caused by Brucella abortus in water buffaloes in the state of Pará, Brazil, 3,917 female buffalo serum samples from pregnant and non-pregnant animals were examined: 2,809 from Marajó Island and 1,108 from the mainland. The buffered acidified plate antigen (BAPA) screening test positively diagnosed 4.8 % (188/3,917) of the animals with brucellosis, and the 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) confirmatory test affirmed 95.7 % (180/188) of the results. The brucellosis prevalence was 4.17 times greater in mainland animals than on Marajó Island, with the highest prevalence in Tailândia (11.30 %) and Paragominas (12.38 %). Brucellosis seroprevalence was significantly influenced (p?<?0.05) by reproductive status, with pregnant females being most vulnerable. These results demonstrate that brucellosis infection is active in the Brazilian region containing the largest buffalo population and that this disease poses a threat to public health and buffalo production in Pará.  相似文献   

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