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<正>蜂王浆是由适龄哺育蜂咽下腺和上颚腺分泌、供蜜蜂小幼虫和蜂王食用的淡黄色浆状物。蜂王浆以其生态环保、绿色天然、医疗保健、功效显著、价格适宜等优点而倍受广大消费者青睐。蜂王浆已成为国内保健品消费市场的常青树,也是我国特色农产品出口的重要成员。我国是蜂王浆生产大国,全世界90%以上的蜂王  相似文献   

咽下腺是蜜蜂(Apis)工蜂合成和分泌蜂王浆的主要腺体,其活力高低直接影响蜂王浆产量。本文就咽下腺分泌活力与工蜂发育日龄的关系、分泌蛋白在蜂群中的传递规律、分泌细胞学研究、影响咽下腺发育的因素、分泌活力检测方法和分泌蛋白的分子生物学研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

正我国科学家成功解析蜂王浆主要蛋白质晶体结构8月22日,中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所与多家单位合作,成功解析了蜂王浆主要蛋白质MRJP1的复合物晶体结构,相关研究成果发表在《自然·通讯(Nature Communications)》上。蜂王浆由工蜂哺育蜂咽下腺和上颚腺共同分泌,与蜜蜂的级型分化密切相关。MRJP1在蜂王浆主要蛋白质中含量最丰富,是主要生物活性成分。近年来,对该蛋白质的研究取得了一定的进展,大量研究证明,其具有重要的生物学功能和医疗保健作用。由于它是一种糖蛋白,难于结  相似文献   

哺育蜂头部的两个腺体咽下腺和上颚腺产生幼虫食物。咽下腺和上颚腺分泌物的比例随幼虫日龄、性别和级型变化。发育为蜂王的幼虫在最初3天内食用100%的上颚腺分泌物,幼虫期最后两天的食物由上颚腺和咽下腺按1:1的比例分泌。饲喂蜂王幼虫的混合物称为“蜂王浆”,  相似文献   

<正>蜜蜂所"蜜蜂蛋白质组学创新团队"在蜜蜂产浆生物学研究上又取得新进展。该团队采用磷酸化蛋白质组学研究手段,首次阐明了咽下腺发育过程中蛋白质磷酸化翻译后修饰对腺体发育和产浆活动的调节,研究结果发表在蛋白质组学研究重要学术期刊《Journal of Proteome Research》上(院选核心)。咽下腺是工蜂分泌蜂王浆的重要器官,腺体细胞在哺育蜂和采集蜂阶段分别执行分泌蜂王浆和分泌花蜜转化的酶类。尽管对咽下腺的生物学功能有了一定  相似文献   

方兵兵 《中国蜂业》2009,60(2):53-54
蜜蜂咽下腺(Hypopharyneal glands,HPG)是一对分泌食物的腺体,位于工蜂的头部。每条腺体由一条长而呈葡萄状的腺泡组成,腺泡产生白色或淡黄色的蛋白质分泌物,也就是我们所说的“蜂王浆或蜂乳”,用以饲喂蜂王以及雄蜂和工蜂小幼虫。咽下腺也产生消化酶用于工蜂酿造蜂蜜。蜂王的咽下腺退化,而雄蜂则没有咽下腺。工蜂咽下腺发育和分泌活力并不是一成不变,是随着工蜂日龄、蜂群需求以及工蜂营养状况而发生变化。  相似文献   

<正>农科院蜜蜂所揭示调控浆蜂咽下腺蜂王浆高产机理近日,中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所蛋白质组学创新团队发现并明确了调控浆蜂咽下腺蜂王浆高产的关键代谢通路和蛋白质功能,对我国优良蜂种的保护及其基因资源的挖掘利用具有重要意义。相关研究成果在线发表在《分子和细胞蛋白质组学(Molecular Cellular Proteomics)》上。  相似文献   

蜂王浆与10—羟基癸烯酸(10—HDA)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国科学家D .J.朗格 (192 1)首次在工蜂上颚腺中发现 10 -羟基癸烯酸 (简称 10 -HDA) ,日本学者佐藤道夫 (1982 )在《蜜蜂科学杂志》上发表文章 ,以大量数据证实蜂王浆中 10 -HDA主要由蜜蜂工蜂的上颚腺分泌 ,而在蜂王上颚腺中同样存在 ,并且证实蜜蜂上颚腺中 9-氧代 -癸烯酸(简称 9-ODA)和 10 -HDA有密切的关系 ,它们二者又与蜜蜂繁殖密切相关。目前日本把 10 -HDA作为蜂王浆的主要质量指标 ,而世界各国的认识并不一致。1. 10 -HDA的来源首先在蜂王上颚腺上发现两种蜂王物质 ,一种叫 9-氧代 -2 -癸烯酸 (简称 9-OD…  相似文献   

郭业寨 《中国蜂业》2012,(8X):60-61
<正>王浆是哺育蜂咽下腺和上颚腺分泌的物质,是蜂王生命活动的主要食物;又称蜂皇浆、蜂王浆、蜂乳,是养蜂的主要产品之一。其成分复杂,是高级营养补品,用它来喂饲一个蜂群中的幼虫及所有的蜂王幼虫,同时也可用于治疗某些疾病。  相似文献   

作为蜂王和蜜蜂幼虫食物的高蛋白物质——蜂王浆(以下简称为RJ),是由工蜂头部咽下腺(以下简为HG)分泌的。以往曾有人对工蜂咽下腺的活性、发育程度以及其中蛋白质含量都进行过推定,但都未能准  相似文献   

对秋季中华蜜蜂工蜂有分泌活性舌腺(9日龄)和无分泌活性的舌腺(采集蜂)的超微结构进行了观察和比较,发现二者的舌腺细胞的超微结构存在着差异。9日龄工蜂舌腺处在分泌活性状态。细胞核发达,多突起;粗面内质网发达,成平行状排列;胞内管、胞外管中都充满电子致密度均匀的物质,即王浆物质;有大量的分泌块;线粒体内嵴排列紧密,呈板层状。而采集蜂舌腺处在无分泌活性状态。核周边异染色质增多;粗面内质网不太发达,多呈泡状;胞内管中物质为一些不均匀的电子致密度大的粗颗粒物质;胞外管中只有少量水样物质;线粒体内嵴间隙相对变大,多发现内嵴间隙呈管泡状。  相似文献   

西方蜜蜂咽下腺与繁殖力的发育遗传研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用条件和非条件分析的方法对 3品种西方蜜峰的蜂群繁殖力和工蜂咽下腺重量进行了发育遗传研究。结果表明 ,除蜂群的起始繁殖群势和 1日龄工蜂咽下腺重量外 ,其它各个时期均检测到显著或极显著的基因型方差 ,说明二性状主要受遗传决定。条件遗传分析发现 ,在某些无法检测到非条件方差的时期存在显著水平的条件方差 ,表明在不同时期有基因的新表达。同一性状不同时期的相关分析表明 ,除 1月 31日群势、1日龄工蜂咽下腺重量分别与其它各阶段没有检测到遗传相关外 ,其余各时期之间均检测到显著或极显著的基因型相关 ,表明控制这二性状早期表现的遗传效应并不是以相同的方式调节后期的表现。成对性状之间的相关分析表明 ,除了 1月 31日群势、1日龄工蜂咽下腺重量与蜂群产浆量没有检测到遗传相关外 ,其它各时期均检测到显著或极显著的遗传相关 ,说明除 1月 31日、1日龄两个阶段外的其它时期对二性状进行改良均有效。  相似文献   

Rabies is a zoonotic disease caused by the rabies virus. While the salivary glands are important as exit and propagation sites for the rabies virus, the mechanisms of rabies excretion remain unclear. Here, we investigated the histopathology of the salivary glands of rabid dogs and analyzed the mechanism of excretion into the oral cavity. Mandibular and parotid glands of 22 rabid dogs and three control dogs were used. Mild to moderate non-suppurative sialadenitis was observed in the mandibular glands of 19 of the 22 dogs, characterized by loss of acinar epithelium and infiltration by lymphoplasmacytic cells. Viral antigens were detected in the mucous acinar epithelium, ganglion neurons and myoepithelium. Acinar epithelium and lymphocytes were positive for anti-caspase-3 antibodies and TUNEL staining. In contrast, no notable findings were observed in the ductal epithelial cells and serous demilune. In the parotid gland, the acinar cells, myoepithelium and ductal epithelium all tested negative. These findings confirmed the path through which the rabies virus descends along the facial nerve after proliferation in the brain to reach the ganglion neurons of the mandibular gland, subsequently traveling to the acinar epithelium via the salivary gland myoepithelium. Furthermore, the observation that nerve endings passing through the myoepithelium were absent from the ductal system suggested that viral proliferation and cytotoxicity could not occur there, ensuring that secretions containing the virus are efficiently excreted into the oral cavity.  相似文献   

上颚腺是蜜蜂重要的外分泌腺,其分泌物在蜂群生活中有重要调控作用.为研究中蜂、意蜂三型蜂上颚腺蛋白的异同,对中蜂、意蜂的外勤工蜂、初出房蜂王、巢内雄蜂的上颚腺蛋白进行定量和SDS-PAGE.结果表明:每个腺体中,蜂王的蛋白含量最高,工蜂次之,雄蜂最少,三者差异明显;两蜂种三型蜂的上颚腺蛋白相同的较多,但也有明显差异.意蜂王的76 kD蛋白和中蜂王的74 k蛋白;意蜂工蜂的54 kD蛋白和中蜂工蜂的36 kD蛋白;意蜂雄蜂的27 kD蛋白和中蜂雄蜂的48 kD蛋白;均为相同级型之间的差异蛋白,它们可能与生理功能差异相关.  相似文献   

Sialography of the bovine mandibular and parotid salivary glands was performed by injecting iodinated, water soluble contrast medium into the respective ducts. The anatomy of the above mentioned salivary glands was studied on cadaver heads. The mandibular duct enters the oral cavity on the ventral surface of the sublingual caruncles, which are located medial to the orifice of the ventral sublingual gland duct. The parotid gland duct enters the oral cavity on the cheek opposite the upper 2nd molar (Sth cheek tooth). Prior to applying sialography to live animals, the technique of catheterization, injection and radiography had to be developed, which was carried out on cadaver heads. Subsequently the technique was applied to 5 live animals. The animals were sedated, the mandibular and parotid ducts catheterized, and contrast medium was injected into each gland. Latero-lateral radiographs were made immediately after the injection. The normal bovine mandibular and parotid glands, as depicted on sialograms, have a multilobutated appearance in cadaver heads, but in the live animal only the ducts and their smaller branches could be identified. The parotid duct leaves the deep surface of the rostral end of the gland and courses along the border of the masseter muscle before it enters the mouth. The mean diameter of the duct was 4.2 ± 0.3 mm. The mandibular duct is composed of a rostral and a caudal branch. The caudal branch describes a semi circular turn prior to joining the rostral branch. The mean diameter of the main duct was 2.8 ± 0.4 mm.  相似文献   

蜂王浆生物学功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜂王浆是青年工蜂头部上颚腺和咽下腺共同分泌的化学成分复杂的天然产物,具有多种生物学功能,主要应用于传统医药、保健品和化妆品等领域。现针对蜂王浆抗菌、抗炎、抗肿瘤和抗氧化等重要生物学功能,以及蜂王浆对人体免疫、血压、胆固醇、血糖稳态和神经等的调节作用对近十年的相关研究进行综述,以期深入认识蜂王浆的生物学功能和药理活性,并为全面评价蜂王浆的保健作用及药用价值提供参考。  相似文献   

Previously, the distribution of myoepithelial cells (mecs) in the salivary glands was studied by both immunohistochemistry, and transmission electron microscopy; however, little was elucidated concerning their morphological features, especially in goats. This study was performed to investigate the correlation between the cytoarchitecture of the mecs in goat major salivary glands (parotid, mandibular, and sublingual glands) and the nature of the saliva secretion. The cytoarchitectural features of the mecs were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy as well as immunohistochemically. The secretory endpieces in the parotid gland are of the pure serous type, but in both the mandibular and sublingual glands they are of the mixed type. In all studied glands, the intercalated ducts were covered by mecs which, unlike the large stellate cells that surrounded the secretory endpieces, were spindle-shaped with few cytoplasmic processes. Interestingly, the mecs were found to bulge on the basal surfaces of the serous acini and intercalated ducts in all glands and to be in close contact to the seromucous tubules surface in the mandibular and sublingual glands forming a continuous network around it. In conclusion, the differences in the degree of development of the mecs as well as the number of their cytoplasmic processes may be correlated with the nature of the secretion and the number of the secretory granules. Thus these observations may have some relevance in the diagnosis of atrophy and pathogenic conditions of these glands.  相似文献   

蜂王浆具有丰富的营养成分和多种生物学功能.其中有关蜂王浆延缓衰老的生物学功能一直以来都是人们研究和关注的重点,但对于其作用机理至今仍未完全清楚.随着科学技术的发展,通过对蜂王浆物质组成和作用机理的深入研究,发现其中所含的活性蛋白等物质可能是表现其生物学活性的主要功能因子,而抗氧化活性和免疫调节作用等可能是其抗衰老的重要因素.对蜂王浆抗氧化和免疫调节方面的最新研究进展进行了综述,对蜂王浆抗衰老功能的物质基础和作用机制进行了探讨,并对进一步的研究和应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

CB1 is a member of the G-protein-linked receptor superfamily that is present in the central nervous system as well as in certain peripheral neuronal and non-neuronal tissues. Recently, the presence of CB1 was found in the ductal system of the major salivary glands of laboratory animals, but no data are available for domestic mammals. Thus, in the present study, we examined the presence and distribution of CB1 in the major salivary glands of dogs using immunohistochemical techniques. CB1 was found in the parotid and mandibular glands of adult dogs; positive immunoreaction was localized to the cells of the striated ducts, with a peculiar localization on or near the apical membrane. This particular localization may be explained by the characteristics of this receptor as membrane-associated. The acinar structures were completely negative for CB1. We conclude that CB1 is involved in the control of dog salivary secretion via endogenous substances, likely endocannabinoids. The localization of CB1 highlights that endocannabinoids promote qualitative and/or quantitative changes of the primary saliva in the ductal system.  相似文献   

Sea turtles have well developed lacrimal glands for their electrolyte homeostasis. In turtles, stapedial artery and palatine artery send branches to supply orbital region, but supply artery for lacrimal glands was not identified. Micro-CT scans showed dorsoventrally large lacrimal glands of sea turtle are supplied by both stapedial artery and palatine artery. The circulatory pattern in cranial region was reconstructed based on the micro-CT scans, showing that sea turtle has basically similar pattern with the common snapping turtle: stapedial artery supplies orbital region and mandibular artery is ramified from stapedial artery. We also investigate the foramen stapedio-temporalis in turtles using osteological specimens. The foramen stapedio-temporalis, where the stapedial artery passes through, has different size among four families of turtles. We compared the sum of cross sections of left and right foramen stapedio-temporalis since homeostasis of one individual is maintained by a pair of lacrimal glands. The size difference may reflect primarily the share of stapedial artery against palatine artery in cranial circulation pattern and blood supply of orbital regions. Our observations confirmed a significantly larger cross-section in the foramen stapedio-temporalis of sea turtles than other freshwater/terrestrial turtles. Since the circulatory pattern is shared, the size difference of foramen stapedio-temporalis reflects the amount of arterial blood supply to lacrimal glands. Therefore, the size of the foramen stapedio-temporalis may indicate marine adaptation of turtles and are applicable to both fossil and osteological specimens.  相似文献   

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