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苄星氯唑西林乳房注入剂无菌检查方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本试验旨在建立苄星氯唑西林乳房注入剂无菌检查法并进行验证.采用离心—薄膜过滤—酶中和相结合的方法,按照《中国兽药典》2010年版一部附录进行试验.结果显示采用离心—薄膜过滤—酶中和相结合的方法,以0.5%聚山梨酯-80 pH 7.0氯化钠—蛋白胨缓冲液冲洗,冲洗量400 mL/膜,在最后的培养基中加入不少于300万单位的青霉素酶可有效消除样品对各试验菌株的抗菌活性;验证试验结果显示各验证菌生长良好,各供试品管均未见菌生长.结果表明本试验成功建立了可靠、准确、可用于苄星氯唑西林乳房注入剂的无菌检查法.  相似文献   

苄星氯唑西林国家对照品的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了研制首批苄星氯唑西林国家对照品。对质量标准中的关键项目进行考察。采用红外分光光度法、高效液相色谱法对原料进行鉴别,采用高效液相色谱法进行含量测定。结果显示,红外光吸收图谱与USP溯源对照品图谱一致,高效液相色谱法测定氯唑西林与二苄基乙二胺的含量和为92.1%。研究建立的苄星氯唑西林国家对照品可用于苄星氯唑西林及其制剂的鉴别。  相似文献   

本文建立了苄星头孢匹林乳房注入剂的无菌检查方法。采用酶中和-直接接种法联用的无菌检查法,根据《中国兽药典》2015年版一部附录要求进行试验。分别进行了培养基的灵敏度和无菌检查、方法适用性试验。结果表明:培养基的灵敏度和无菌检查均符合要求,青霉素酶加入量为至少1.2×10~8 U(每1 mL供试品加入不少于200万U),可有效消除样品的抗菌活性对检查带来的干扰,此方法可靠、准确,可作为苄星头孢匹林乳房注入剂的无菌检查方法。  相似文献   

对马波沙星注射液的无菌检查方法进行适用性研究。按《中国兽药典》2015年版一部附录1101进行试验,采用薄膜过滤法对马波沙星注射液进行无菌检查。结果:马波沙星注射液经用0.1%无菌蛋白胨水溶液冲洗滤膜,每膜每次100 mL,冲洗6次后,试验组菌生长良好,与阳性对照组一致。结果表明,薄膜过滤法可用于马波沙星注射液的无菌检查。  相似文献   

建立反相高效液相色谱法测定注射用氨苄西林钠氯唑西林钠中氨苄西林钠和氯唑西林钠的含量。方法:采用奥泰公司C18色谱柱(250mm×4.6mm,5μm),磷酸盐缓冲液磷酸-甲醇-磷酸(85:15:0.01),检测波长为225nm,流速为1.0ml/min,柱温为30℃。氨苄西林钠在20~160μg·m L-1,氯唑西林钠在25-200μg·m L-1范围内呈良好的线性关系。氨苄西林钠和氯唑西林钠平均回收率分别为99.56%、99.63%。结论:本法简便、准确,可用于注射用氨苄西林钠氯唑西林钠中氨苄西林钠和氯唑西林钠的含量测定。  相似文献   

用反相高效液相色谱法测定苄星邻氯青霉素乳房注入剂中苄星邻氯青霉素的含量。采用AgilentEclipseXDB-C185μm4.6×150mm色谱柱;流动相为0.1mol/L磷酸二氢钠-乙腈(3:1);检测波长为220nm;柱温为40℃。在该色谱条件下,苄星邻氯青霉素在20μg/ml~180μg/ml浓度范围内线性关系良好,相关系数r=0.99999;100%浓度时平均回收率为100.7%,RSD=0.04%。该方法快速灵敏,准确实用。  相似文献   

将阿莫西林乳房注入剂无菌检查方法由直接接种法优化为薄膜过滤法。采用肉豆蔻酸异丙酯将样品破乳,与pH 6.0磷酸盐缓冲液混合进行萃取,取萃取后的水相薄膜过滤,采用pH 7.0无菌氯化钠-蛋白胨缓冲液进行冲洗,冲洗完毕加入硫乙醇酸盐液体培养基和胰酪大豆胨液体培养基,定量加入青霉素酶破坏残余的阿莫西林,按照规定条件培养。该方法与直接接种法相比,操作简单,可靠性增强,结果判断准确性提高。  相似文献   

本试验旨在对伊维菌素微乳制剂进行无菌检查方法学验证和无菌检查试验,确认本试验所用的方法适用于该制剂的无菌检查。按《中国兽药典》2005版一部(附录118)所载"无菌检查法"项下进行试验,通过对阳性对照菌、不同量冲洗液等条件的选择,采用薄膜过滤法对10瓶供试品(每种试验菌的样品量)进行检测,建立了无菌检查方法。经方法验证,用400mL 0.1%蛋白胨水溶液冲洗后,含供试品容器中的7个阳性菌试验组与阳性菌对照组相比均生长良好,说明供试品的该检验量在该检验条件下无抑菌作用或其抑菌作用可以忽略不计,可以用该方法进行供试品的无菌检查。对3批供试品进行无菌检查,阳性对照菌均在24h内生长良好,阴性对照均澄清,无菌生长,3批供试品均澄清,无菌生长,无菌检查试验结果符合规定。  相似文献   

为建立高效液相色谱法测定牛奶中氯唑西林残留的方法,牛奶样品用乙腈沉淀蛋白,三氯甲烷反萃取,有机相旋干用流动相溶解,正己烷除脂。0.02mol/L磷酸二氢钾溶液(pH 5.0)-乙腈(68∶32)比例为流动相,C18反相色谱柱分离,紫外检测。结果氯唑西林在15μg/kg~1 000μg/kg范围内呈现良好的线性关系,相关系数大于0.999 0;在15、30、60μg/kg三个添加水平,氯唑西林在牛奶中的平均回收率为70.25%~94.38%,批内变异系数小于8.34%,批间变异系数小于3.52%。方法检出限为5μg/kg,定量限为15μg/kg。表明该检测方法简单、灵敏、可靠,适用于牛奶中氯唑西林残留的分析检测。  相似文献   

阿莫西林、硫酸黏菌素混悬注射液无菌检查方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立阿莫西林、硫酸黏菌素混悬注射液的无菌检查方法。方法按《中国兽药典》2005年版一部附录进行试验。结果采用薄膜过滤法,每管培养基中加入不少于100万单位的青霉素酶,以1%聚山梨酯80的0.1%蛋白胨水溶液冲洗液,选择冲洗量为300mL,可消除样品对各菌株的抗菌活性。结论阿莫西林、硫酸黏菌素混悬注射液可用该方法进行无菌检查。  相似文献   

The efficacy of an ophthalmic ointment containing benzathine cloxacillin for treatment of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis was determined in 2 experiments. In the first experiment, Holstein calves (n = 6/group) were inoculated with Moraxella bovis and treated on postinoculation days 3 and 6 with either topically applied benzathine cloxacillin (250 mg/eye) or long-acting oxytetracycline formulation (20 mg/kg of body weight, IM). A third group of inoculated calves remained untreated as controls. For the second experiment, 4 groups of calves (n = 6/group) were inoculated and treated on postinoculation days 3 and 6 with 50, 125, 250, or 375 mg of benzathine cloxacillin; a fifth untreated group served as controls. Ocular specimens were obtained for microbiologic culture, and eyes were observed and assigned a clinical score daily. Eyes were photographed on alternate days. Ulcer surface area was measured, using a planimeter. In experiment 1, the week-2 ulcer surface area measurements for both groups of treated calves were smaller than those for controls. There was a greater frequency of M bovis isolation from the ocular secretions of controls than from those of benzathine cloxacillin-treated calves during postinoculation weeks 2 and 3. The number of M bovis isolations from the benzathine cloxacillin- and oxytetracycline-treated calves was not significantly different at any sample collection interval. On week 3, the scores of the benzathine cloxacillin-treated calves were smaller than those of controls. In experiment 2, calves of the 250- and 375-mg groups had smaller ulcer surface area measurements than did controls on week 2. By week 3, calves of the 375-mg group had smaller scores than did controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A field study was performed to determine the effectiveness of benzathine cloxacillin for the treatment of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis in cattle from 2 farms located in northern California. The study was performed between June and September of 1987. Affected calves ranging from 2 to 9 months of age were selected from the main herd when signs of corneal ulceration were observed. The study was conducted in 2 phases. For phase I, the affected calves of herd 1 (n = 21; Holsteins) and herd 2 (n = 43 Angus crossbred), were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups, and were either treated with 250 (n = 23) or 375 mg (n = 21) of benzathine cloxacillin, or mineral oil (n = 20) on days 1 and 4. For phase II, affected calves (n = 16; Angus crossbred, 3 to 9 months of age) from herd 2 were treated with benzathine cloxacillin (250 mg). Eight of these calves were retreated on day 4. After treatment, all calves were examined every 72 hours for 16 days. For examinations, a clinical score was assigned to each eye, and the surface areas of photographed corneal ulcers were measured. The ocular secretions were collected and examined culturally for Moraxella bovis. On days 7, 10, and 13, the calves treated with benzathine cloxacillin had significantly (P less than 0.05) lower lesion scores, compared with the controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

依据《中国兽药典(一部)》2015年版"无菌检查法",通过培养基灵敏度检查、方法适用性试验和无菌检查等方法,对新兽药维生素ADE注射液进行了无菌检查方法研究。结果显示:采用薄膜过滤法,先用无菌IPM 100 mL冲洗,再用含0.1%吐温-80的0.1%蛋白胨灭菌溶液冲洗2次(每次100 mL),可消除样品中苯甲醇对各试验菌株的影响。无菌检查结果显示:样品和阴性对照未见菌生长,阳性对照菌生长良好。该方法可用于维生素ADE注射液的无菌检查,能够保证结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

All the quarters in the cows with high somatic cell counts in 10 herds were treated at drying off with either 600 mg cloxacillin or 600 mg cloxacillin and 4 g of an internal teat sealant containing 65 per cent bismuth subnitrate. The quarters were sampled daily for bacteriological tests for the three days before drying off and twice after calving to establish whether they were infected. Clinical mastitis cases were monitored from drying off until 100 days after calving. The odds of a quarter being bacteriologically negative after calving or developing clinical mastitis in the first 100 days after calving were investigated by multilevel logistic regression. The quarters treated with the internal sealant and cloxacillin were significantly more likely to be bacteriologically negative in the immediate period after calving and were significantly less likely to suffer clinical mastitis during the first 100 days after calving than the quarters treated with cloxacillin alone. There was more variation between cows than between herds in the underlying risk of an infection after calving, but there was more variation between herds than between cows in the underlying risk of clinical mastitis during the 100 days after calving.  相似文献   

贾涛 《饲料广角》2007,(20):31-35
盐酸克伦特罗酶联免疫反应测试盒适用于尿样、组织和饲料等样品中盐酸克伦特罗残留的定量检测。盐酸克伦特罗作为一种主要的β-兴奋剂应用于畜禽肉制品生产中,用以提高肌肉和脂肪的比例并加快生长速度。畜禽产品中的过量残留会对消费者造成危害,因此被禁止在畜禽养殖中使用。与传统的HPLC或GC-MS方法相比,酶联免疫方法具有操作简便、灵敏度高、成本低的优点。  相似文献   

按《中国兽药典》(2005年版)灵敏度法以5种质控菌株对不同配方T.G进行对比试验,筛选出T.G培养基C,其对大肠杆菌C83549株、乙型溶血性链球菌C55943株、铜绿假单孢菌CMCC(B)10110株、金黄色葡萄球菌ATCC6538株、生孢梭菌CMCC(B)64941株灵敏度达10^-9的试验统计次数分别为4/6、2/7、7/13、8/17、9/9,高于其它配方。又按《欧洲药典》(2005年版)微生物促生长方法用3种质控菌株进行配制用水、pH值、高压方式的对比试验,确定配制用水的电导率低于0.5μs/cm、pH值为6.8—7.0,高压灭菌方式为116℃30min。研制的4批培养基用于接种1CFU金黄色葡萄球菌、2CFU铜绿假单孢菌、6CFU生孢梭菌均达3/3生长,结果与进口培养基一致,而国产同类培养基达1/3~2/3生长,结果显示研制的培养基促生长性能均达到或超过国外同类产品,高于国内同类产品。  相似文献   

理血药治疗奶牛不孕症的试验报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要采用中兽医辩证法具体分析了奶牛发生不孕症的原因,总结了目前金华地区发生奶牛不孕症的类型,根据中兽医的辩证施治原理,分别对不同类型的奶牛不孕症进行治疗。根据对治疗结果的分析,我们认为,中药理血药在治疗奶牛不孕症的方面有着显著作用。  相似文献   

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