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BACKGROUND: Recent studies have indicated that spinosad, a mixture of two tetracyclic macrolide compounds produced during the fermentation of a soil actinomycete, may be suitable for controlling a number of medically important mosquito species, including the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti L. The authors determined the effects of a 1 h exposure to a 50% lethal concentration (LC50) of spinosad in the larval stage on the wing length, longevity and reproductive capacity of the adult survivors. RESULTS: The LC50 of spinosad for a wild‐caught population of Ae. aegypti from Chiapas, southern Mexico, was estimated to be 0.06 mg AI L?1 in late third instars. Paradoxically, the female survivors of exposure to this concentration were significantly larger (as determined by wing length) laid more eggs, but were slightly less fertile than control females. This was probably due to elimination of the smaller and more susceptible fraction of mosquito larvae from the experimental population following spinosad treatment. Male survivors, in contrast, were significantly smaller than controls. No significant differences were detected in the adult longevity of treated and control insects of either sex. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in reproductive capacity of spinosad‐treated females did not compensate for mortality in the larval stage and would be unlikely to result in population increase in this mosquito under the conditions that were employed. Sustained‐release formulations would likely assist in minimizing the occurrence of sublethal concentrations of this naturally derived product in mosquito breeding sites. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Field trials were conducted during the wet and dry seasons in periurban and semi‐rural cemeteries in southern Mexico to determine the efficacy of a suspension concentrate formulation of spinosad (Tracer 480SC) on the inhibition of development of Aedes albopictus L. and Ae. aegypti Skuse. For this, oviposition traps were treated with spinosad (1 or 5 mg L?1), Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti, VectoBac 12AS), a sustained release formulation of temephos and a water control. RESULTS: Ae. albopictus was subordinate to Ae. aegypti during the dry season, but became dominant or codominant during the wet season at both sites. The two species could not be differentiated in field counts on oviposition traps. Mean numbers of larvae + pupae of Aedes spp. in Bti‐treated containers were similar to the control at both sites during both seasons. The duration of complete absence of aquatic stages varied from 5 to 13 weeks for the spinosad treatments and from 6 to 9 weeks for the temephos treatment, depending on site, season and product concentration. Predatory Toxorhynchites theobaldi Dyar and Knab suffered low mortality in control and Bti treatments, but high mortality in spinosad and temephos treatments. Egg counts and percentage of egg hatch of Aedes spp. increased significantly between the dry and wet seasons, but significant treatment differences were not detected. CONCLUSION: Temephos granules and a suspension concentrate formulation of spinosad were both highly effective larvicides against Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. These compounds merit detailed evaluation for inclusion in integrated control programs targeted at Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in regions where they represent important vectors of human diseases. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   



1,3,4‐Oxadiazole and imidazolidine rings are important heterocyclic compounds exhibiting a variety of biological activities. In this study, novel compounds with oxadiazole and imidazolidine rings were synthesized from 3‐(methylsulfonyl)‐2‐oxoimidazolidine‐1‐carbonyl chloride and screened for insecticidal activities. The proposed structures of the 17 synthesized compounds were confirmed using elemental analysis, infrared (IR), proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H‐NMR), and mass spectroscopy.


None of the compounds showed larvicidal activity at the tested concentrations against first‐instar Aedes aegypti larvae. However, nine compounds exhibited promising adulticidal activity, with mortality rates of ≥80% at 5 µg per mosquito. Further dose–response bioassays were undertaken to determine median lethal dose (LD50) values. Compounds 1 , 2b , 2c , 2d , 2 g , 3b , 3c , 3 g, and 3 h were effective, with typical LD50 values of about 5 ? 10 µg per mosquito against female Ae. aegypti. Compounds 2c (bearing a nitro group on the aromatic ring; LD50 = 2.80 ± 0.54 µg per mosquito) and 3 h ( double halogen groups at 2,4 position on the phenyl ring; LD50 = 2.80 ± 0.54 µg per mosquito) were the most promising compounds.


Preliminary mode of action studies failed to show consistent evidence of either neurotoxic or mitochondria‐directed effects. Further chemical synthesis within this series may lead to the development of new effective insecticides. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry

BACKGROUND: Mosquitoes are the most important vectors of human pathogens. Wide‐scale use of pesticides has led to the development of resistance to most common insecticide groups. The need to develop novel products that have a low impact on human health and the environment is well established. The toxicity of selected semiochemicals with molecular structures indicative of insecticidal activity was determined against adult Aedes aegypti (L.) and Anopheles quadrimaculatus (Say). The two most active insecticides against Ae. aegypti were also evaluated against Ae. albopictus (Skuse). RESULTS: Fifteen semiochemicals classified as terpenoid alcohols, ketones or carboxylic esters showed toxicity to both mosquito species. Geranyl acetone (LC50 = 38.51 µg cm?2) followed by citronellol (LC50 = 48.55 µg cm?2) were the most toxic compounds to Ae. aegypti, while geraniol and lavonax, with LC50 values of 31.88 and 43.40 µg cm?2, showed the highest toxicity to An. quadrimaculatus. Both geranyl acetone and citronellol were highly toxic to Ae. albopioctus. No semiochemical showed fumigation activity against either species. All semiochemicals persisted for less than 24 h when tested on filter paper. CONCLUSION: Quantification of LC50 values of several semiochemicals against Ae. Aegypti, An. quadrimaculatus and Ae. albopioctus showed that semiochemicals not only modify insect behaviors but also hold potential as potent insecticides for mosquito control programs. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

大黑粉盗目前已成为储藏谷物尤其是玉米的重要害虫。本文描述了大黑粉盗幼虫和蛹的形态特征。大黑粉盗与其他储藏物甲虫幼虫的区别为:中、后胸背板无前横隆线,腹末节背板背面观呈三角形,由前向后狭窄,端部尖,端部两侧各具1对粗短刚毛。大黑粉盗蛹的主要鉴别特征有:前胸背板表面具许多微小锥形刚毛瘤,基部1/4处中央两侧具1对大刚毛瘤,前缘和侧缘具许多小锥形刚毛瘤和少量大刚毛瘤;第1~7腹节背板具较宽大侧叶突,第2~6腹节侧叶突前后缘均呈锯齿状,侧缘前半部分具2长刚毛瘤,且通常在其间有1小刚毛瘤,后角具1长刚毛瘤,第1腹节侧叶突前缘光滑,第7腹节侧叶突特别狭窄,后方弯曲后缘缺失,第8腹节侧缘平均分布3刚毛。  相似文献   

为明确杀螨剂对双尾新小绥螨Neoseiulus bicaudus后代生长发育及繁殖的影响,采用联苯肼酯、三唑锡和哒螨灵对土耳其斯坦叶螨Tetranychus turkestani的致死中浓度处理双尾新小绥螨雌成螨,测定其后代各发育阶段的存活率、发育历期、寿命、雌性比例及繁殖力,构建亚致死条件下双尾新小绥螨后代的年龄-龄期两性生命表并模拟其种群增长模型,分析不同杀螨剂亚致死效应对捕食螨后代的影响。结果表明,联苯肼酯处理能显著缩短双尾新小绥螨后代的未成熟期(4.81 d),显著延长双尾新小绥螨后代雌成螨的寿命(45.43 d),且对存活率、产卵前期、雌性比例和净增殖率无显著影响。三唑锡处理降低了双尾新小绥螨后代雌性比例(0.37)并显著降低了其后代净增殖率(15.91),对未成熟期、产卵前期和雌雄成螨寿命均无显著影响。哒螨灵处理对双尾新小绥螨后代的未成熟期、存活率、雌成螨寿命、产卵前期、和雌性比例均未产生显著影响,仅显著延长了雌雄成螨寿命(51.22 d和44.23 d)。经所建Timing种群模型模拟,3种杀螨剂处理后双尾新小绥螨后代种群均可以继续增殖,经过60 d无限制增殖后,联苯肼脂处理的双尾新小绥螨后代种群数量是对照的1.62倍,达4 976头;哒螨灵处理(2 101头)和三唑锡处理(983头)的种群数量较对照分别减少了31.43%和67.92%。表明联苯肼脂对双尾新小绥螨后代影响较小,是较为安全的杀螨剂。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Aedes aegypti L. is the major vector of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. In an effort to find effective tools for control programs to reduce mosquito populations, the authors assessed the acute toxicities of 14 monoterpenoids, trans‐anithole and the essential oil of rosemary against different larval stages of Ae. aegypti. The potential for piperonyl butoxide (PBO) to act as a synergist for these compounds to increase larvicidal activity was also examined, and the oviposition response of gravid Ae. aegypti females to substrates containing these compounds was evaluated in behavioral bioassays. RESULTS: Pulegone, thymol, eugenol, trans‐anithole, rosemary oil and citronellal showed high larvicidal activity against all larval stages of Ae. aegypti (LC50 values 10.3–40.8 mg L?1). The addition of PBO significantly increased the larvicidal activity of all test compounds (3–250‐fold). Eugenol, citronellal, thymol, pulegone, rosemary oil and cymene showed oviposition deterrent and/or repellent activities, while the presence of borneol, camphor and β‐pinene increased the number of eggs laid in test containers. CONCLUSIONS: This study quantified the lethal and sublethal effects of several phytochemical compounds against all larval stages of Aedes aegypti, providing information that ultimately may have potential in mosquito control programs through acute toxicity and/or the ability to alter reproductive behaviors. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In a previous study, we screened the combination of the three bacterial strains—Bacillus subtilis AR12, Bacillus subtilis SM21, and Chryseobacterium sp. R89—(BBC), which can control mixed diseases, including Ralstonia wilt, Phytophthora blight, and Meloidogyne root-knot on bell pepper with high biocontrol efficacy and yield increase under greenhouse and field conditions. In this study, to achieve the best biocontrol agents for separately controlling Ralstonia wilt, Phytophthora blight and Meloidogyne root-knot by BBC, the biocontrol efficacy by BBC-related BCAs (AR12, SM21, R89, AR12 + SM21, AR12 + R89, SM21 + R89 and AR12 + SM21 + R89) were compared regarding all three single diseases and the mixed diseases, respectively. BBC achieved the highest biocontrol efficacy against all three single diseases and the mixed diseases (biocontrol efficacies of 92.46 %, 81.81 %, 86.49 % and 87.31 % against Ralstonia wilt, Phytophthora blight, Meloidogyne root-knot and the mixed diseases, respectively), which were significantly more than that attained by the three single strains and the two-strain combinations AR12 + SM21, AR12 + R89 and SM21 + R89. Although a biomass increase of 4.86–21.14 % was attained by BBC-related BCAs without BBC, BBC achieved a maximum biomass increase of 64.67 %.  相似文献   

Over 220 crude extracts from repositories generated from plants native to Greece and Kazakhstan were evaluated for termiticidal activity against the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Emerging from this screening effort were bioactive extracts from two Greek species (Echinops ritro L. and Echinops spinosissimus Turra subsp. spinosissimus) and extracts from two Kazakhstan species (Echinops albicaulis Kar. & Kir. and Echinops transiliensis Golosh.). Fractionation and isolation of constituents from the most active extracts from each of the four species has been completed, resulting in the isolation of eight thiophenes possessing varying degrees of termiticidal activity. 2,2':5',2"-Terthiophene and 5'-(3-buten-1-ynyl)-2,2'-bithiophene demonstrated 100% mortality against C. formosanus within 9 days at 1 and 2 wt% concentrations respectively. In addition, all but two of the eight compounds tested were significantly different from the solvent controls in the filter paper consumption bioassay.  相似文献   

An increased level of the Collembolan, Proisotoma minuta Tullberg was found in the cotton-growing areas of New South Wales, Australia. They were regularly exposed to endosulfan, a highly insecticidal compound. Toxicity, sub-lethal effects and metabolism of endosulfan were studied in P minuta that had been successfully maintained in a plaster of Paris and charcoal mixture substrate with freeze-dried yeast as a food. The 168-h LD50 values were 0.011, 0.049 and 0.055 mg liter(-1) for alpha- and beta-endosulfan and endosulfan sulfate, respectively. When P minuta were exposed to non-lethal concentrations of the endosulfans, egg production was inhibited. On recovery from the toxic effects of the endosulfans they resumed production of viable eggs. Conversion of alpha- and beta-endosulfan to endosulfan sulfate was found and the endosulfan sulfate could be further metabolized. The rate of metabolism of alpha-endosulfan was greater than that of beta-endosulfan and the product of endosulfan sulfate metabolism was not identified.  相似文献   

Unprecedented incidence of dengue has been recorded in Sri Lanka in recent times. Source reduction and use of insecticides in space spraying/fogging and larviciding, are the primary means of controlling the vector mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus in the island nation. A study was carried out to understand insecticide cross-resistance spectra and mechanisms of insecticide resistance of both these vectors from six administrative districts, i.e. Kandy, Kurunegala, Puttalam, Gampaha, Ratnapura and Jaffna, of Sri Lanka. Efficacy of the recommended dosages of frequently used insecticides in space spraying and larviciding in dengue vector control programmes was also tested.  相似文献   

Seasonality plays an important role in the dynamics of infectious disease. For vector‐borne pathogens, the effects of seasonality may be manifested in the variability in vector abundance, vector infectiousness, and host‐infection dynamics over the year. The relative importance of multiple sources of seasonality on the spread of a plant pathogen, Xylella fastidiosa, into vineyards was explored. Observed seasonal population densities of the primary leafhopper vector, Graphocephala atropunctata, from 8 years of surveys in northern California were incorporated into a model of primary spread to estimate the risk of pathogen infection under different scenarios regarding seasonality in vector natural infectivity (i.e. constant or increasing over the season) and grapevine recovery from infection (i.e. none or seasonal recovery). The extent to which local climatic conditions affect risk estimates via differences in vector abundance was investigated. Seasonal natural infectivity, seasonal recovery, and especially the combination, reduced (up to 8‐fold on average) within‐season and cumulative yearly estimates of pathogen spread. Estimated risk of infection also differed greatly among years due to large differences in vector abundance, with wet and moderate winter and spring conditions favouring higher G. atropunctata abundance. Seasonal variation of the pathogen–vector interaction may play an important role in the dynamics of disease in vineyards, reducing the potential prevalence from what it could be in their absence. Moreover, climate, by affecting sharpshooter leafhopper abundance or activity, may influence Pierce’s disease dynamics.  相似文献   

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