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虞国跃  周在豹  王合 《植物保护》2020,46(3):163-166
有文献报道,枣葵粉蚧"Trionymus sp."是河北省枣树上的一种重要害虫,但我国蚧虫的重要文献上并没有记录这一种。国内有关枣星粉蚧Heliococcus destructor Borchsenius(=Heliococcus zizyphi Borchsenius)的生物学,实来自枣葵粉蚧。枣葵粉蚧其实是一个新的枣树害虫,2016年定名为枣树皑粉蚧Crisicoccus ziziphus Zhang et Wu。本文记述了这两种粉蚧的研究历史、形态区别特征,并提供了生态图片,供生产上鉴别参考。  相似文献   

湿地松粉蚧天敌的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
汤才  庞虹 《昆虫天敌》1995,17(4):167-171
本文系统调查研究了湿地松粉蚧Oracella acuta(Lobdell)在广东新侵入区的天敌种类数量动态以及对该粉蚧的自然控制作用,结果表明,在新侵入区,湿地松粉蚧没有寄生性天敌;捕食性天敌以蜘蛛类的数量为多,其次是瓢虫和草蛉类,通过排除作用的控制指数分析捕食性天敌的控制作用不明显,这些天敌在自然条件下远未能控制该粉蚧的种群数量发展并通过侵入区和原产地天敌的比较,认为引进天敌是解决滚粉蚧防治问题的一条有效的途径。  相似文献   

湿地松粉蚧的为害及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵鑫  彭洪波 《植物医生》2009,22(3):43-44
湿地松粉蚧 Oracella acuta (Lobdell) Ferris .又称为火炬松粉蚧。属同翅目(Homoptera),蚧总科(Coccoidea),粉蚧科(Pseudococcidae),是为害我国南方林区的外来入侵昆虫。湿地松粉蚧原产地为美国.主要分布在美国东南部.从得克萨斯州到大西洋沿岸各州。1988年初,湿地松粉蚧随美国进境的一批湿地松穗条侵入我国.目前主要分布在广东、广西、福建等地林区.并造成了严重的经济损失。笔者对湿地松粉蚧的形态特征、为害及防治对策进行了综述。为湿地松粉蚧的科学防治提供参考。  相似文献   

1989年在河北省赵县发现一种新的玉米害虫。经中国科学院动物所王子清先生初步鉴定,确认为粉蚧(种名待定)。 赵县夏播玉米37万亩,发生此“粉蚧”者6万亩,严重的1万多亩,绝收的有100多亩。 据调查,发生“粉蚧”严重的地块植株明显矮化,一般株高40-50厘米,下部3-4个叶片干枯,受害植株初生根变褐腐烂。玉米“粉蚧”集中在初生根周围危害,外被蜡粉及白色丝状物,虫体约4毫米左右,肉红色,龄期不整齐。集中6-7月危害,将对玉米生产构成严重威胁。生产上急需对其进行研究,提出控制措施。  相似文献   

湿地松粉蚧的天敌及生物防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地松粉蚧 [Oracellaacuta (Lobdell) ]是新侵入我国的一种危险性森林害虫。该粉蚧自 1 988年随引进湿地松优良无性系穗条传入广东台山后 ,便以惊人的速度扩散。目前北面已扩散到了清远 ,西面到了广东广西交界处 ,扩散之迅速在森林害虫中是罕见的[1 ] 。湿地松粉蚧原产地天敌种类多、数量大 ,其中寄生天敌对该粉蚧的自然控制起着很重要的作用。近几年 ,我国新侵入区的昆虫天敌中 ,发现有多种捕食性与寄生性天敌可转移到松树上 ,对湿地松粉蚧的种群数量起一定的控制作用。本文对新侵入区该粉蚧的天敌、原产地的天敌种类…  相似文献   

引进天敌防治湿地松粉蚧的展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周昌清  江洪 《昆虫天敌》1994,16(3):114-118
一、湿地松粉蚧发生为害概况目前在广东为害的粉蚧,标本经马里兰美国农业部研究中心的昆虫鉴定和益虫引进研究所Douglass R.Miller博士和杨平澜先生鉴定种名为Oracella acuta(Lobdell),英文名为loblolly pine mealybug,中文名直译应称为火炬松粉蚧,杨平澜和胡金林(1990)建议种的中名为“湿地松粉蚧”.可能是这种粉蚧在广东采集于湿地松,以为害湿地松为主,因而命名为“湿地松粉蚧”.因为“湿地松粉蚧”的中文名已传开了,为了说明方便,本文也采用“湿地松粉蚧”的名称.湿地松粉蚧主要分布在美国得克萨斯州到大西洋沿岸各州,如得克萨斯州,弗罗里达州,路易斯安那州,密西西比州,亚拉巴马州,佐治亚州,南卡罗纳州,北卡罗纳州,弗吉尼亚州,华盛顿州.主要寄主植物有火炬松Pinus taeda,矮松P.virginiana,萌芽松(又称短叶松)P.echinata,长叶松P.palustris,湿地松P.elliottii.以为害火炬松为主.  相似文献   

臀纹粉蚧属有多个种类是重要的农业害虫,大洋臀纹粉蚧(Planococcus minor(Maskell))和南洋臀纹粉蚧(Planococcus lilacius Cockerell)是我国有重要检疫意义的有害生物.这两种臀纹粉蚧经常从进口泰国和东南亚水果口岸检疫中截获,但形态学方法很难进行准确鉴定.本研究首次利用mtDNA COI基因设计了两条特异性探针,应用TaqMan实时荧光PCR方法对大洋臀纹粉蚧和南洋臀纹粉蚧进行了快速准确鉴定.  相似文献   

大豆根绒粉蚧研究简报山东省东平县农委(271500)王玉堂大豆根绒粉蚧EriococcusSP.属同翅目,蚧总科,绒粉蚧属,是寄生大豆根部的一种新害虫。作者在王体誉(1981)首次报道的基础上,对其生物学特性和防治方法又进行了深入研究,简报如下1为害...  相似文献   

粉蚧是一种有重要检疫意义的有害生物.近年来,双流机场入境旅客携带的水果中检出粉蚧科昆虫的频率较高.本文对2012—2018年这7年中在双流国际机场口岸旅检截获的昆虫进行了统计,发现粉蚧科昆虫的检出率大于41.6%.通过分子鉴定结果可知,共有鉴定到8个种,其中有2个种属于检疫性有害生物,分别为大洋臀纹粉蚧(Planococcus minor)和新菠萝灰粉蚧(Dysmicoccus neobrevipes),另外,还有部分粉蚧科昆虫未被鉴定到种.检出粉蚧较多的水果主要有番荔枝、红毛丹、山竹等.粉蚧科昆虫的鉴定技术还有待进一步提高.  相似文献   

菠萝粉蚧Dysmicoccusbrevipescockerell,又名菠萝洁粉蚧,属同翅目,粉蚧科,是菠萝的重要害虫,在国内主要分布于粤、桂、琼、台、闽等省(区)。该虫有群集的特性,主要在植株的根及地下茎部位群集。根部多集中在距头茎5~15cm的根段;地下茎及中老叶腋内中成蚧较多;地上叶腋内以幼蚧为主。低温胁迫会导致菠萝粉蚧从植株向四周转移。蚂蚁是田间菠萝粉蚧的指示昆虫。田间该粉蚧年发生2次高峰:3月下旬~5月出现小高峰,9~11月呈持续高峰。除不利天气影响外,大部分时间低龄蚧均占60%~85%,说明其世代重叠严重。夏秋季抽查有粉蚧危害的田块,菠萝果实…  相似文献   

Mercury and cadmium were found in fish, water, and sediment of American Falls Reservoir (AFR), Idaho. Mercury and cadmium levels in some fish exceeded human health standards set by the Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and the World Health Organization. Analyses performed on the flesh of rainbow trout showed mercury residues of up to 1.20 mg/kg, which were higher than residues previously reported in trout collected in 1970 and 1971 from AFR. Cadmium residue levels were as high as 0.80 mg/kg. Although arsenic was found in reservoir sediment at levels of 1.36-2.40 mg/kg, it was not detected in fish.  相似文献   

Organochlorine residues of TDE, DDE, and PCBs as high as 1.96, 2.79, and 28.74 microgram/kg, respectively, have been found in sediments of American Falls Reservoir, Idaho. Residues of TDE, DDE, and dieldrin in the flesh of sport fish were as high as 52.3, 67.2, and 160.4 microgram/kg, respectively. Maximum organochlorine residue levels found in sucker taken in the commercial fishery were 1.1 mg PCBs/kg, 781.7 microgram TDE/kg, and 82.1 microgram DDE/kg.  相似文献   

The pine lappet moth, Kunugia latipennis Walker (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), is the major insect pest of pines found in the northeastern hilly region of India. Recently, an outbreak of lappet moths was observed in the mid-altitude hills of Meghalaya during May?CJune 2011. In this report, attempts are made to describe a recent outbreak of K. latipennis in the region. Females were found to be highly fecund and have the potential to cause severe damage to the pine forest. Incubation and pupal period were found to be 8?±?0.2?days and 16.1?±?0.3?days, respectively. However, many natural regulatory factors were observed during the course of time, which had substantial impact on their survival: these include mainly extreme weather fluctuations and natural enemies. Moths were found to be positively phototrophic; therefore, light traps could be the best option to manage the outbreak.  相似文献   

On 15 September,2010,a Pechora Pipit Anthus gustavi Swinhoe was found in the Hami prefecture(41°13’N and 93°29’E,1,143 m a.s.l.),Xinjiang,during the period of a comprehensive scientific survey in Lop Nur region.The bird,which was photographed,is a new avian record for Xinjiang.The pipit reproduces in northern Eurasia,mainly in wide meadows and low hills,and can be found in open forests and nearby residential areas in the process of on migration.The species is an insectivore and is a rare migrant or vagrant in Xinjiang.The geographical distribution,character,habitat,ecological habit and subspecies of the Pechora Pipit were discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Muscle, liver, brain, and abdominal body fat samples of goats, buffalo, and chickens, all common meat sources in India, were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) for residues of DDT and benzene hexachloride (BHC). A few samples of goat and buffalo bone marrow were also included. Relatively high residue levels were found in body fat and bone marrow compared with other tissues. DDT and BHC residue levels were highest in chicken body fat, averaging 4.157 ppm sigma DDT and 3.879 ppm BHC. DDT content was much higher in goat and buffalo bone marrow than in the corresponding body fat. DDT levels in brain samples were highest (0.138 ppm) in buffalo. p,p'-TDE levels were higher than p,p'-DDE levels in buffalo; overall DDT levels were lowest in goats. BHC residues were generally low in buffalo; alpha-BHC accounted for most BHC residues in brain tissues. Greater accumulations of DDT and BHC were found in leg muscles than in breast muscles of chickens.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to compare, between regions of Russia, conifer beetles found in Scolytidae, Curculionidae and Cerambycidae. Of the 220 species of bark beetles which were found in Russia, 108 species are associated with conifers. Sixty-three species of bark beetles are established in the European region of Russia and 94 species have been found in the Asian region. In Western Siberia 50 species are found. Eastern Siberia — 54 species, Russian Far East — 79 species. Forty-nine species of bark beetles (such as Dendroctonus micans, Ips duplicatas, I. sexdentatus and I. typographus ) are widely distributed throughout all Russian regions. There are 12 species of Pissodes found in all or various parts of Russia. Six weevil species ( Pissodes gyllenhali, P. harcyniae, P. castaneus, P. pini, P. piniphilus and P. validirostris ) are found throughout Russia and Western Europe. Five weevil species have only been found in the Asian region of Russia ( Pissodes cembrae, P. insignitus, P. irrogatus, P. nitidus, P. nemorensis ). Information concerning surveys of Russian conifer forests for wood nematodes, Bursaphelenchus spp., and their vectors is analysed. There is no evidence that B. xylophilus has ever occurred in Russia. Only B. mucronatus has been found. Six species of Monochamus beetles are found in Russia.  相似文献   

The disappearance of quintozene (I) and its technical impurities and metabolites pentachlorobenzene (III), hexachlorobenzene (IV) and pentachloroaniline (V) from soil, was studied in laboratory experiments under controlled conditions during a period of about 600 days. The very high persistence found, was confirmed by the analysis of 22 samples collected from fields used for potato growing and treated regularly during the foregoing 11 years with commercial formulations of quintozene. In the laboratory experiments, III, V and methylthiopentachlorobenzene (VI) were found to be degradation products from the quintozene.  相似文献   

Summary Ditylenchus radicicola (Greeff, 1872)Filipjev 1936, has been found since 1950 in 75% of the Netherlands' old meadows as a generally distributed parasite on grass roots. Additional data on the morphology of the eelworm are given. Eleven grass varieties were found to be attacked under natural conditions; 7 of them are new host plants. Damage in our meadows was not observed. However this eelworm is considered a noxious parasite of cereals abroad and in view of the economic importance of grassland in our country further information would be desirable.  相似文献   

河南新乡外来植物分布动态调查及其危害性评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许桂芳  简在友 《植物保护》2011,37(2):127-132
为明确河南新乡外来入侵植物的动态变化及其危害性,近年来跟踪调查了新乡外来入侵植物的种类和分布情况,筛选出近5年来(2006-2010年)在新乡新发现的外来植物,并结合相关研究结果,评估其在新乡的入侵风险。结果表明,2005年,河南新乡有58种外来入侵植物,2006-2010年间,调查发现4种新入侵的外来植物,其中菊科植物3种,茄科植物1种。这4种外来入侵植物中,苏门白酒草的入侵风险最高,黄顶菊正处于扩张期,胜红蓟未发现野外定殖群落,假酸浆危害潜力较小。  相似文献   

In South Carolina between 1971 and 1975, authors evaluated the occurrence of organochlorine residues in the laughing gull (Larus atricilla), white ibis (Eudocimus albus), glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus), willet (Catoptrophorus semipalmatus), and ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres). Tissues of birds found dead and eggs were analyzed, eggshell thicknesses were measured, and incidental observations were made of reproductive success and population status. Eggshell thickness of the white bis, American oystercatcher, and laughing gull were not significantly different (P less than 0.05) from the pre-1947 norms. DDE and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were found most frequently and at the highest concentration in eggs. DDE residues declined significantly in oystercatcher eggs, and declined slightly in laughing gull eggs; no change was noted in white ibis eggs. No consistent trends were found for dieldrin and PCBs. Authors found no obvious problems with reproductive success of any species. Populations of the five species breeding in South Carolina appear stable. The white ibis and laughing gull in South Carolina have experienced population explosions over the past 50 years; the glossy ibis has increased substantially since the first documented breeding records in 1947.  相似文献   

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