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To analyze further the role in virulence of the prominent cholesterol oxidase (ChoE) of Rhodococcus equi, an allelic exchange choE mutant from strain 103+ was constructed and assessed for virulence in macrophages, in mice, and in foals. There was no difference between the mutant and parent strain in cytotoxic activity for macrophages or in intra-macrophage multiplication. No evidence of attenuation was obtained in macrophages and in mice, but there was slight attenuation apparent in four intra-bronchially infected foals compared to infection of four foals with the virulent parent strain, based on a delayed rise in temperature of the choE-mutant infected foals. However, bacterial colony counts in the lung 2 weeks after infection were not significantly different, although there was a slight but non-significant (P=0.12) difference in lung:body weight ratio of the choE mutant versus virulent parent infected foals (mean 2.67+/-0.25% compared to 4.58+/-0.96%). We conclude that the cholesterol oxidase is not important for the virulence of R. equi.  相似文献   

Cholesterol oxidase (CO) and choline phosphohydrolase (CPH) exoenzymes were isolated from culture supernatants of Rhodococcus equi ATCC 33701 and their hemolytic and cytotoxic activities examined. The purifications involved differential ammonium sulphate precipitation, ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. A purification of 32.8-fold and a yield of 0.3% of CO were determined by synergistic hemolysis of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) presensitized with Staphylococcus aureus beta toxin. The enzymatic activity of CO was also demonstrated by oxidation of aqueous cholesterol suspensions. The activity of CO was reversibly inhibited by concentration. A purification of 412.4-fold and a yield of 1.7% of CPH were determined by hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyphosphorylcholine. Purity of both exoenzymes was confirmed by immunoblotting. On sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the CO had a molecular mass (Mr) of 60 kd and the CPH a Mr of 65 kd. Choline phosphohydrolase did not hydrolyse sphingomyelin. Sphingomyelinase C (SMC) activity was however demonstrated in concentrated culture supernatants. This dissociation of SMC from CPH activity indicates that R. equi produces two distinct phospholipase C exoenzymes, a CPH and a SMC. Both CO and CPH combined, or individually, did not lyse native SRBC even with subsequent chilling of the cells at 4 degrees C ("hot-cold" treatment). Purified CO lysed beta toxin-sensitized SRBC. The CPH showed only minor hemolytic activity against such sensitized SRBC even at high concentrations. Combination of CO and CPH in lysis of beta toxin sensitized SRBC showed only minor additive rather than synergistic effects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rhodococcus equi, a natural pathogen of horses, produces lesions in mice following experimental infection. The effect of various immunosuppressing agents on the sequential development of these lesions has been assessed by measuring the growth of R. equi following intravenous or intranasal challenge and by histological examination. Cyclophosphamide treatment of mice, challenged intranasally, resulted in the development of lesions not unlike that seen in experimental and natural infection in foals. Cortisone acetate also impaired bacterial clearance from the lungs and affected the accumulation of mononuclear cells at infective foci. Most of the agents chosen to impair macrophage function failed to affect the resistance of mice to R. equi. Carbon, carrageenan and silica failed to alter significantly the growth kinetics of R. equi. Dextran sulphate depressed the rate of pulmonary clearance of organisms and affected the ability of animals to eliminate R. equi following rechallenge. Overall, these results support other evidence that cell mediated immunity is involved in host resistance to R. equi and that activated macrophages play a role in acquired immunity to this organism.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocytes (PMNL) from 8 healthy foals (2-14 weeks of age) and 2 foals with bacterial pneumonia were separated from whole blood using a 2 step Percoll gradient. Purified PMNL were tested for bactericidal function against Rhodococcus equi and Staphylococcus aureus in the presence of normal horse serum. The percentage uptake after a 15-min pre-incubation of PMNL and bacteria was also calculated. Ultrastructural examination of the interaction of R. equi and normal foal PMNL was performed after 15 min incubation. Results indicated that foal PMNL effectively phagocytose and destroy R. equi and S. aureus in the presence of normal horse serum. The mean percent uptake for R. equi was 99.3 +/- 0.4% and for S. aureus 99.9 +/- 0.1%. Further, 97.8 +/- 0.1% ingested R. equi and 98.4 +/- 0.1% ingested S. aureus were destroyed in the 15-min incubation period. Over the 3-h incubation, 91.9% of remaining R. equi were killed, but only 49.2 +/- 31.9% of S. aureus (P less than 0.01). Total bactericidal effect of foal PMNL, however, was 99.3 +/- 0.4% against R. equi and 99.9 +/- 0.1% against S. aureus. The percentage uptake and total bactericidal efficacy of neutrophils from sick foals was greater than 95%. Ultrastructural examination of the PMNL-R. equi interaction after 15 min incubation revealed phagocytosis of the bacteria and morphologic changes consistent with neutrophil degranulation. This study suggests that a defect in PMNL bactericidal capability is not likely to be a contributing factor in the pathogenesis of R. equi pneumonia in foals.  相似文献   

Niwa H  Hobo S  Anzai T 《Veterinary microbiology》2006,115(1-3):264-268
In this study, the quinolone resistance-determining region (QRDR) in gyrA and gyrB of in vitro fluoroquinolone-resistant Rhodococcus equi mutants was sequenced. These mutants were selected from four R. equi strains on blood agar plates containing ciprofloxacin or enrofloxacin. Each mutant became 8- to 64 or greater-fold resistant to fluoroquinolones compared with their parent strains. From the results of sequence analysis of QRDR in gyrA and gyrB, a nucleotide mutation of codon GAC for GGC in gyrA was detected in all mutants, but no mutation was observed in gyrB. This mutation leads to amino acid substitution of Asp for Gly in putative GyrA in R. equi. The position of this substitution corresponds to position 87 of GyrA in Escherichia coli. Our results suggest that the mutation of QRDR in gyrA, which was observed in in vitro fluoroquinolone-resistant R. equi mutants in this study, is closely associated with fluoroquinolone resistance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether soil concentrations of total or virulent Rhodococcus equi differed among breeding farms with and without foals with pneumonia caused by R equi. SAMPLE POPULATION: 37 farms in central Kentucky. Procedures-During January, March, and July 2006, the total concentration of R equi and concentration of virulent R equi were determined by use of quantitative bacteriologic culture and a colony immunoblot technique, respectively, in soil specimens obtained from farms. Differences in concentrations and proportion of virulent isolates within and among time points were compared among farms. RESULTS: Soil concentrations of total or virulent R equi did not vary among farms at any time point. Virulent R equi were identified in soil samples from all farms. Greater density of mares and foals was significantly associated with farms having foals with pneumonia attributable to R equi. Among farms with affected foals, there was a significant association of increased incidence of pneumonia attributable to R equi with an increase in the proportion of virulent bacteria between samples collected in March and July. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that virulent R equi were commonly recovered from soil of horse breeding farms in central Kentucky, regardless of the status of foals with pneumonia attributable to R equi on each farm. The incidence of foals with pneumonia attributable to R equi can be expected to be higher at farms with a greater density of mares and foals.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of Rhodococcus equi infection in horses   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Current understanding of the epidemiology of Rhodococcus equi infection on horse farms is reviewed. Infection is widespread in herbivores and their environment, because herbivore manure supplies the simple organic acid substrates on which the organism thrives. There is a progressive development of infection in the soil on horse farms with prolonged use, because: (1) there is a continual supply of nutrients; (2) the organism multiplies progressively as temperatures rise; (3) the bacterium has a robust nature. While this aerobic organism fails to multiply in the largely anaerobic intestine of the adult horse, multiplication to very large numbers may occur in the intestine of a foal in its first 8-12 weeks of life. Farms used for foal breeding over many years may thus become particularly dangerous for foals. Areas for future study include the effectiveness of decontamination, manure-removal programs and dust reduction in reducing challenge to susceptible foals.  相似文献   

Antibody response of horses to Rhodococcus equi antigens.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The antigens extracted from strains belonging to seven capsular serotypes of Rhodococcus equi, as well as from two wild strains isolated from pneumonic foals, were examined. Whole-cell antigens and soluble products present in broth culture supernatants were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, electroblotted onto nitrocellulose, and stained with serum from hyperimmunized rabbits or foals. Foal sera used included sera from pneumonic animals with known titer to equi factors; from animals bled monthly on a farm with enzootic pneumonia, and from animals bled monthly on a farm with no history of R. equi pneumonia. The humoral response of foals to somatic antigen preparations was negligible, with few differences noted between sera from healthy, subclinically affected, and sick foals. The humoral response to R. equi broth culture supernatant products appeared more marked and was related to equi factor antibody titer. These findings suggest that the humoral response to R. equi whole-cell antigens is unimportant in protection against disease, which is consistent with the behavior of the organism as a facultative intracellular pathogen.  相似文献   

Infection with Rhodococcus equi is an important cause of pneumonia in foals, but other organ systems may also be affected. The intracellular presence of R. equi and the formation of granulomatous and suppurative inflammatory tissue mean that prolonged treatment is needed. The pharmacological properties of the combination of erythromycin and rifampicin have improved the survival of foals infected with R. equi; however, erythromycin can cause adverse reactions in foals and mares, which has prompted the search for alternative therapies. The combination of azithromycin or clarithromycin with rifampicin seems to be a promising alternative. However these combinations are expensive and adverse effects remain to be determined, especially in the dams of treated foals. Thus correct diagnosis and appropriate use of drugs are essential for the treatment of R. equi infection in foals.  相似文献   

A Rhodococcus equi radiobinding assay has been developed using organisms labeled with 3H-uracil. These labeled organisms resemble their unlabeled counterparts with respect to colony morphology, viability, and buoyant density. Bacteria routinely incorporate between 5 x 10(-3) and 5 x 10(-2) counts per minute per colony forming unit (cfu) which in this assay allows the detection of fewer than 0.2 cfu per macrophage. Once incorporated, greater than 90% of the label remains bacterial associated for at least 4 h postlabeling. The majority of the label is trichloroacetic acid precipitable, partitions into the aqueous phase following phenol/chloroform extraction and is ethanol precipitable. RNAse treatment of the ethanol precipitate abolishes label trichloroacetic acid precipitation. This radiolabeling technique has been used to quantitate the attachment of R. equi to both murine peritoneal and equine alveolar macrophages adherent to 13 mm glass coverslips. R. equi binding is dose dependent, saturable, and specific to macrophages. Further, binding is enhanced in the presence of fresh serum. Inhibition of radiolabeled bacterial binding can be obtained by competition with cold R. equi. This radiolabeled binding assay represents a crucial step in identifying the receptors on macrophages involved in the recognition of R. equi and may help to provide information on how macrophages recognize intracellular bacteria in general.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in foals   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The pathogenesis of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in foals is reviewed. The main routes of infection are respiratory and alimentary. The latter is probably the chief route of exposure in all foals and probably leads to development of specific immunity. Susceptible foals, those whose maternal immunity wanes before generation of their own immune response, readily develop disease if exposed aerogenously to sufficient numbers of R. equi. Management and environmental circumstances have a major role to play in determining the magnitude of this challenge and, therefore, in the prevalence of the disease. Infection of a naive foal leads to severe, suppurative bronchopneumonia with suppurative lymphadenitis of regional nodes and, in approximately 50% of animals, to necrotizing enterocolitis. The foal is uniquely susceptible to R. equi pneumonia; comparable experimental infections do not produce progressive destructive pulmonary lesions in other animal species. In the naive foal lung, R. equi behaves as a facultative intracellular pathogen, avoiding destruction within the alveolar macrophage by inhibiting phagolysosome fusion and possibly by causing lysosomal degranulation. The role of putative virulence factors, such as equi factor, remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The absence of Rhodococcus equi in Mongolian horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In native Mongolian horses, the incidence and distribution of Rhodococcus equi are poorly understood. One hundred and fourteen equine fecal samples and 71 soil samples were collected from the camp sites of 26 nomadic families located in three areas less than 100 km from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Five fecal samples were also collected from foals of Przewalski's Horses introduced into the Hustai National Park, Mongolia. No R. equi was isolated from the Mongolian horses or the soil samples. However, three colonies of R. equi were isolated from two fecal samples collected from foals of Przewalski's Horses. These isolates were avirulent, with neither 15- to 17-kDa antigens (VapA) nor a 20-kDa antigen (VapB) genes being detected. We concluded that native Mongolian horses and their environment appear free from contamination with R. equi.  相似文献   

For decades researchers have been targeting prevention of Rhodococcus equi (Rhodococcus hoagui/Prescottella equi) by vaccination and the horse breeding industry has supported the ongoing efforts by researchers to develop a safe and cost effective vaccine to prevent disease in foals. Traditional vaccines including live, killed and attenuated (physical and chemical) vaccines have proved to be ineffective and more modern molecular‐based vaccines including the DNA plasmid, genetically attenuated and subunit vaccines have provided inadequate protection of foals. Newer, bacterial vector vaccines have recently shown promise for R. equi in the mouse model. This article describes the findings of key research in R. equi vaccine development and looks at alternative methods that may potentially be utilised.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus equi is a soil organism that infects macrophages of foals and immunocompromised humans. Virulence in foal isolates is tightly associated with an 80kb plasmid, which includes a pathogenicity island (PI) with a virulence-associated gene family, vap. A DNA microarray containing 66 of 69 putative open reading frames (ORFs) of the virulence plasmid was developed. Virulence plasmid gene expression of R. equi grown in macrophages or under different conditions in vitro was compared against in vitro growth at 30 degrees C, pH=7. When grown in macrophages, all seven vap family genes as well as six ORFs within, but not outside, the PI were induced. Cluster analysis of the gene expression matrix assembled from different growth conditions suggested that those genes that actively responded to environmental changes divided broadly into two groups. One group, orf1, 2, 5, 6-8, 12-15, 19, and 20 (which includes all the vap genes), was induced at 37 degrees C, mostly by low iron, and to a lesser extent by the synergy of low calcium and pH=5. The second group, orf3, 9, and 10, was induced at 37 degrees C by magnesium depletion (produced by EDTA treatment of growth medium). Temperature (37 degrees C) was the most important factor inducing gene expression for the both groups. Iron restriction led to down-regulation of Group II genes and magnesium restriction led to down-regulation of Group I genes. A putative consensus IdeR binding site was identified upstream of vapA, suggesting that vapA is a member of an IdeR regulon in R. equi. Expression of genes inside macrophages was most closely but not completely mimicked by growth of bacteria at 37 degrees C, pH=5, under conditions of restricted iron, calcium and magnesium; that is, similar to environmental factors found inside macrophages.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus equi is an intracellular pathogen of macrophages that causes rhodococcal pneumonia in foals and immunocompromised people. Evidence exists that neutrophils play a vital role in resistance to infection with R. equi; however, the means by which neutrophils exert their effects have not been clearly defined. In addition to directly killing bacteria, neutrophils also may exert a protective effect by linking innate and adaptive immune responses. In the present study we evaluated the cytokine expression profiles of adult equine neutrophils in response to stimulation with isogenic strains of virulent and avirulent R. equi in vitro. After 2 and 4 h incubation with virulent or avirulent R. equi, adult equine neutrophils expressed significantly (P < 0.05) greater tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), interleukin (IL)-12p40, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-23p19 mRNA, but not interferon gamma (IFNγ) or IL-12p35 mRNA than unstimulated neutrophils. Furthermore, virulent R. equi induced significantly greater IL-23p19 mRNA than avirulent R. equi. These results demonstrate that R. equi-stimulated neutrophils are a source of many proinflammatory cytokines. Furthermore, these results suggest that IL-23 may be preferentially expressed over IL-12 in response to exposure with R. equi, and that this response may be more strongly induced by virulent R. equi than avirulent R. equi. Collectively, the data presented herein suggest a non-phagocytic role for neutrophils that may influence the type of adaptive immune response to R. equi.  相似文献   

Pyogranulomatous pneumonia was induced in Thoroughbred foals by intranasal challenge with freeze-dried cultures of Rhodococcus equi (previously Corynebacterium equi). The incubation period was about 18 days and clinical signs were not seen for a further week. There were marked seasonal and individual foal differences in responses to infection. Elevations in serum caeruloplasmin oxidase activity and copper concentrations appeared to be sensitive indicators of infection. Serum zinc concentrations and serum alpha-mannosidase and alkaline phosphatase activities fell in the more severely infected foals. Use of trace elements and trace element-related parameters along with faecal culture for R. equi could prove useful for early diagnosis of field cases.  相似文献   

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