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Biological nitrogen (N) fixation (BNF) by legumes in organic cropping systems has been perceived as a strategy to substitute N import from conventional sources. However, the N contribution by legumes varies considerably depending on legumes species, as well as local soil and climatic conditions. There is a lack of knowledge on whether the N contribution of legumes estimated using short-term experiments reflects the long-term effects in organic systems varying in fertility building measures. There is also limited information on how fertilizer management practices in organic crop rotations affect BNF of legumes. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate BNF in long-term experiments with a range of organic and conventional arable crop rotations at three sites in Denmark varying in climate and soils (coarse sand, loamy sand and sandy loam) and to identify possible causes of differences in the amount of BNF. The experiment included 4-year crop rotations with three treatment factors in a factorial design: (i) rotations, i.e. organic with a year of grass-clover (OGC), organic with a year of grain legumes (OGL), and conventional with a year of grain legumes (CGL), (ii) with (+CC) and without (−CC) cover crops, and (iii) with (+M) and without (−M) animal manure in OGC and OGL, and with (+F) mineral fertilizer in CGL. Cover crops consisted of a mixture of perennial ryegrass and clover (at the sites with coarse sand and sandy loam soils) or winter rye, fodder radish and vetch (at the site with loamy sand soil) in OGC and OGL, and only perennial ryegrass in CGL at all sites. The BNF was measured using the N difference method. The proportion of N derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) in aboveground biomass of clover grown for an entire year in a mixture with perennial ryegrass and harvested three times during the growing season in OGC was close to 100% at all three sites. The Ndfa of grain legumes in both OGL and CGL rotations ranged between 61% and 95% depending on location with mostly no significant difference in Ndfa between treatments. Cover crops had more than 92% Ndfa at all sites. The total BNF per rotation cycle was higher in OGC than in OGL and CGL, mostly irrespective of manure/fertilizer or cover crop treatments. There was no significant difference in total BNF between OGL and CGL rotations, but large differences were observed between sites. The lowest cumulated BNF by all the legume species over the 4-year rotation cycle was obtained at the location with sandy loam soil, i.e. 224–244, 96–128, and 144–156 kg N ha−1 in OGC, OGL and CGL, respectively, whereas it was higher at the locations with coarse sand and loamy sand soil, i.e. 320–376, 168–264, and 200–220 kg N ha−1 in OGC, OGL and CGL, respectively. The study shows that legumes in organic crop rotations can maintain N2 fixation without being significantly affected by long-term fertilizer regimes or fertility building measures.  相似文献   

The performance of winter wheat was evaluated under organic (ORG) and conventional (CON) management systems in the Nafferton Factorial Systems Comparison (NFSC) long-term field trial. The present study separates out the crop protection and fertility management components of organic and conventional production systems using two levels each of crop protection (CP) and fertility management (FM). The experimental design provided the four combinations of crop protection and fertility (CON-CP CON-FM, CON-CP ORG-FM, ORG-CP CON-FM and ORG-CP ORG-FM) to evaluate their effects on yield, quality (protein content and hectolitre weight) and disease levels during the period 2004–2008. The conventional management system (CON-CP CON-FM) out-yielded the organic management system (ORG-CP ORG-FM) in all years by an average of 3.1 t ha−1, i.e. 7.9 t ha−1 vs. 4.8 t ha−1. Fertility management was the key factor identified limiting both yield and grain protein content in the ORG management system. The CON-FM produced on average a 3% higher protein content than ORG-FM in all years (12.5% vs. 9.7%). However the ORG-CP system produced higher protein levels than CON-CP although it was only in 2008 that this was statistically significant. In contrast to protein content it was ORG-FM which produced a higher hectolitre weight than the CON-FM system (71.6 kg hl−1 vs. 71.0 kg hl−1). The clear and significant differences in yield and protein content between the ORG-FM and CON-FM systems suggest a limited supply of available N in the organic fertility management system which is also supported by the significant interaction effect of the preceding crop on protein content. The pRDA showed that although fertilisation had the greatest effect on yield, quality and disease there was also a considerable effect of crop protection and the environment.  相似文献   

The effects of organic versus conventional crop management practices (fertilisation, crop protection) and preceding crop on potato tuber yield (total, marketable, tuber size grade distribution) and quality (proportion of diseased, green and damaged tubers, tuber macro-nutrient concentrations) parameters were investigated over six years (2004–2009) as part of a long-term factorial field trial in North East England. Inter-year variability (the effects of weather and preceding crop) was observed to have a profound effect on yields and quality parameters, and this variability was greater in organic fertility systems. Total and marketable yields were significantly reduced by the use of both organic crop protection and fertility management. However, the yield gap between organic and conventional fertilisation regimes was greater and more variable than that between crop protection practices. This appears to be attributable mainly to lower and less predictable nitrogen supply in organically fertilised crops. Increased incidence of late blight in organic crop protection systems only occurred when conventional fertilisation was applied. In organically fertilised crops yield was significantly higher following grass/red clover leys than winter wheat, but there was no pre-crop effect in conventionally fertilised crops. The results highlight that nitrogen supply from organic fertilisers rather than inefficient pest and disease control may be the major limiting factor for yields in organic potato production systems.  相似文献   

The trend towards specialization in conventional farming led to large agricultural areas in Germany and in Europe lacking livestock. Also stockless organic farming has increased during recent years. In organic farming clover/grass-ley (CG) provides nitrogen (N) to the whole cropping system via symbiotic N2 fixation and also controls certain weeds. A common practice in organic farming, when ruminants are not present, is to leave the biomass from CG in the field for their residual fertility effect. CG biomass, crop residues (CR) and cover crops (CC) represent a large unexploited energy potential. It could be used by anaerobic digestion to produce biogas. A field experiment was carried out by implementing a whole cropping system with a typical crop rotation for such farming systems on the research station Gladbacherhof from 2002 to 2005. The crop rotation consisted of six crops (two legumes and four non-legume crops). The aim was to evaluate whether the use of N could be improved by processing biomass from CG, CR and CC in a biogas digester and using the effluents as a fertilizer, compared to common practice. In the control treatment, represented by the usual stockless system, the CG, CR and CC biomass were left on the ground for green manure purposes. In the biogas systems these substrates were harvested for digestion in a biogas plant. The effluents of digestion were used to manure the non-legumes in the same crop rotation. Results indicate that digestion of CG, CR and CC can increase the crop dry matter and N yields and the N content of wheat grains in organic stockless systems. Harvesting and digestion of residues and their reallocation after digestion resulted in a better and more even allocation of N within the whole crop rotation, in a higher N input via N2 fixation and lower N losses due to emissions and probably in a higher N availability of digested manures in comparison to the same amounts of undigested biomass.  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration, recently advocated to mitigate climate change, needs a thorough knowledge of the dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC), whose study requires long-term experiments. A field trial started in 1967 is still in progress in the Southeast Po valley (Italy). It compares a 9-year rotation (corn–wheat–corn–wheat–corn–wheat–alfalfa–alfalfa–alfalfa), two 2-year successions (corn–wheat and sugarbeet–wheat), continuous corn and continuous wheat. During the first 18 years (up to 1984) wheat crops were always followed by catch crops of silage corn. Within each rotation, three rates of cattle manure have been factorially combined with three mineral NP rates. In 1984 the highest manure application was stopped. Wheat straw and corn stalks have always been removed from the field. Since 1972 up to now every year we have determined the organic C and total N contents in soil samples collected from 0.40-m depth. During the first 18 years (in the presence of the catch crop) SOC exponentially declined, probably as a consequence of the intensification of tillage depth and crop succession with respect to the previous conventional agriculture. The intensification regarded ploughing, which became deeper, the number of cropped species that in most treatments was reduced, and mineral N application, which, on average, increased. The drop was faster in the sugarbeet–wheat succession than in the 9-yr rotation and continuous wheat. After 1985, without the catch crop, SOC linearly increased, faster in the 9-yr rotation and continuous wheat than in sugarbeet–wheat. The results can be ascribed to the amount and C/N ratio of debris remaining in the field after each crop, even after having taken away wheat straw and corn stalks. The debris consisted of sugarbeet tops, with a low C/N ratio, and of roots and basal culms of the two cereal crops with higher C/N ratio. Mineral fertilizers significantly increased SOC, probably for the greater amount of cereal roots and sugarbeet tops in more fertilized plots. The influence of manure was less intense, but its benefits lasted longer than 18 years after its interruption. Soil N content was more related to accumulated organic matter than to mineral N fertilisation. In conclusion the highest C sequestration was obtained with manure addition, with the highest rate of mineral fertilizers, and in the rotation containing the alfalfa ley. The effects of these factors were not additive.  相似文献   

Sustainable farming practices can be beneficial or detrimental to crop production in the short-term, which will strongly determine their appeal to farmers. We evaluated the effects of several sustainable practices on soil properties, plant nutrition and ecophysiology and crop yield in a semiarid agroecosystem. A three-year randomised experiment was conducted in a rainfed almond grove where the initial soil management was reduced tillage. Two alternative treatments were evaluated: reduced tillage plus green manure and no-tillage. The following soil and plant parameters were measured once per year: soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and Polsen; foliar N, P, δ13C and δ15N and crop yield. We found that soil bulk density increased significantly with no-tillage. Leaf δ15N was positively associated with soil fertility, foliar nutrient concentrations and crop yield across treatments. Leaf δ13C, Nfoliar and crop yield were strongly positively associated across treatments in every year of the study. Reduced tillage treatments displayed higher leaf δ15N, δ13C, Nfoliar and crop yield than the no-tillage treatment, indicating a sharp decrease in the leaf nitrogen status and intrinsic water use efficiency of almond trees during the transition from reduced tillage to no-tillage. In semiarid agroecosystems where soils are prone to compaction, some tillage is required to maintain optimal crop production in rainfed almonds.  相似文献   

Increased per capita food production in the tropics is closely tied to soil organic matter and water management, timely nitrogen (N) supply and crop N use efficiency (NUE) which are influenced by farming systems. However, there is lack of data on the effect of organic farming systems on NUE and how this compares to conventional farming systems under tropical conditions. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine the effect of conventional and organic farming systems at low and high management intensities on N uptake and N use efficiency of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), maize (Zea mays L.), cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata), kale (Brassica oleracea var. Acephala) and Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris sub sp. Cicla). The organic high input (Org-High) and conventional high input (Conv-High) farming systems are managed as recommended by research institutions while organic low input (Org-Low) and conventional low input (Conv-Low) farming systems are managed as practiced by small scale farmers in the Central highlands of Kenya. The study was conducted during three cropping seasons between October 2012 and March 2014 in an ongoing long-term trial established since 2007 at Chuka and at Thika, Kenya. Synthetic N-based fertilizer and cattle manure were applied at ∼225 kg N ha−1 yr−1 for Conv-High and at ∼50 kg N ha−1 yr−1 for the Conv-Low. Composts and other organic inputs were applied at similar N rates for Org-High and Org-Low. Nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE) of potato was highest in Conv-Low and Org-Low at Thika and lowest in Org-High and Org-Low at Chuka site where late blight disease affected potato performance. In contrast, the NUpE of maize was similar in all systems at Chuka site, but was significantly higher in Conv-High and Org-High compared to the low input systems at Thika site. The NUpE of cabbage was similar in Conv-High and Org-High while the NUpE of kale and Swiss chard were similar in the low input systems. Potato N utilization efficiencies (NUtE) and agronomic efficiencies of N use (AEN) in Conv-Low and Conv-High were 11–21 % and 1.4–3.4 times higher than those from Org-Low and Org-High, respectively. The AEN of maize was similar in all the systems at Chuka but was 3.2 times higher in the high input systems compared to the low input systems at the Thika site. The AEN of vegetables under conventional systems were similar to those from organic systems. Nitrogen harvest index (NHI) of potato was similar between Conv-High and Org-High and between Conv-Low and Org-Low. N partitioned into maize grain was similar in all the system at Chuka, but significantly lower (P < 0.001) in Conv-low and Org-Low at Thika site. The NHI of cabbage in Org-High was 24 % higher than that of Conv-High. The study concluded that for maize and vegetables, conventional and organic farming systems had similar effects on NUpE, AEN, NUtE and NHI, while for potato conventional systems improved NUE compared to organic systems. The study recommends that management practices for potato production in organic systems should be improved for a more efficient NUE.  相似文献   

It is reasonable to expect that compliance with grassland fertilization recommendations in the long run results in optimal soil fertility, and subsequent herbage quality. Here, we evaluate the development of soil, herbage and manure characteristics and their relation over the last decades. We hypothesized that herbage and manure quality are related with soil fertility. We used a large database with results of soil tests, spring forage quality characteristics, and manure analyses, which were made on demand of dairy farmers. We considered the Netherlands as a whole and three selected regions with contrasting soil types (sandy soil, riverine clay, and peaty marine clay). Effects of soil fertility on herbage quality were evident when comparing farms. Farms higher in soil P and K generally have correspondingly higher contents in forage. On average, soil fertility and herbage characteristics were within or just above the agronomical optimal range during the last decades. Herbage crude protein content decreased in all regions during last two decades, which is likely an effect of legislative measures on decreasing the application of N. Selenium (Se) and sulphur (S) contents increased sharply on sandy soils, likely because of increased use of Se and S containing fertilizers. Manure composition did not differ between soil types. In conclusion, at farm level, the element composition of herbage reflected the soil fertility status. The contents of S, P, K, Na, Mg, and Ca in the herbage were all significantly influenced by soil fertility characteristics. Our results emphasize the importance of maintaining soil fertility for high quality roughage production.  相似文献   

In a field experiment, peas (Pisum sativum L.) and oats (Avena sativa L.) were grown as sole crops and intercrops, fertilized with horse manure and yard-waste compost derived from shrub and garden cuttings at 10 t C ha−1 each. The objectives were to compare the effects of these organic fertilizer and cropping system in organic farming on (a) yield of peas and oats, grown as the sole crop or intercropped, as well as N2 fixation and photosynthetic rates, (b) the yield of wheat as a succeeding crop, (c) microbial biomass indices in soil and roots, and (d) microbial activity estimated by the CO2 evolution rate in the field and the amount of organic fertilizers, recovered as particulate organic matter (POM). In general, organic fertilizer application improved nodule dry weight (DW), photosynthetic rates, N2 fixation, and N accumulation of peas as well as N concentration in oat grain. Averaged across fertilizer treatments, pea/oat intercropping significantly decreased nodule DW, N2 fixation and photosynthetic rate of peas by 14, 17, and 12%, respectively, and significantly increased the photosynthetic rate of oats by 20%. However, the land equivalent ratio (LER) of intercropped peas and oats exceeded 1.0, indicating a yield advantage over sole cropping. Soil microbial biomass was positively correlated with pea dry matter yields both in sole and intercropped systems. Organic fertilizers increased the contents of microbial biomass C, N, P, and fungal ergosterol in soil and CO2 production, whereas the cropping system had no effects on these microbial indices. According to the organic fertilizer recovered as POM, 70% (manure) and 64% (compost) of added C were decomposed, but only 39% (manure) and 13% (compost) could be attributed to CO2–C during a 101-day period. This indicated that horse manure was more readily available to soil microorganisms than compost, leading to increased grain yields of the succeeding winter wheat.  相似文献   

In repeatedly mown and mulched green manure leys, the mulched herbage contains substantial amounts of nitrogen (N), which may only slightly contribute to the following crops’ nutrient demand. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of alternative strategies for green manure management on the yield and N recovery of a subsequent spring barley crop, and their short term effects on soil structure and earthworm populations. A field trial was run from 2008 to 2011 at four sites with contrasting soils under cold climate conditions. We compared several options for on-site herbage management and the application of anaerobically digested green manure herbage. Depending on the site, removal of green manure herbage reduced the barley grain yield by 0% to 33% compared to leaving it on-site. Applying digestate, containing 45% of the N in harvested herbage, as fertilizer for barley gave the same yields as when all herbage was mulched the preceding season. Overall, the apparent N recovery was enhanced from 7% when all herbage was mulched, to 16% when returned as digestate. A positive effect on earthworm density and biomass was seen after one season of retaining mulch material, rather than removing it. Digestate did not affect the earthworm population, but contributed to higher soil aggregate stability. In conclusion, for spring barley production after green manure ley, the digestate strategy increased N recovery and reduced the risk of N losses. The yield of the succeeding barley crop yield was reduced when N in herbage was not returned as mulch or digestate.  相似文献   

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