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Using data from bluetongue (BT) outbreaks caused by viral serotype 4 (BTV-4) in Spain during 2004–2005, a predictive model for BTV-4 occurrence in peninsular Spain was developed. An autologistic regression model was employed to estimate the relationships between BTV-4 presence and bioclimatic-related and host-availability-related variables. In addition, the observed abundances of the main potential Culicoides vectors during 2004–2005, namely Culicoides imicola, Culicoides obsoletus group, and species of the Culicoides pulicaris group, were compared between BTV-4 presence/absence areas predicted by the model.BTV-4 occurrence was mainly explained by bioclimatic variables, although a consideration of host-availability variables led to improved fit of the model. The area of BTV-4 presence predicted by the model largely resembled the core distribution area of C. imicola, and this species was the most abundant Culicoides spp. in predicted BTV-4 presence areas. The results suggest that the spatial expansion of BTV-4 took place only as far as those areas in which C. imicola populations efficiently transmitted the virus.  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus (strain 62-45S) was transmitted from sheep to sheep throughout a year by vector bites. A colonized population (SONORA strain, 000 line) of the biological vector Culicoides variipennis (Coquilllett) was used. Fifteen serial cyclic transmissions covered a period of 13 months from October through November of the following year. The mean infection rate of the biting gnats was 37 percent. The clinical response to bluetongue virus was significantly more severe in sheep infected by vector bites than in those inoculated with the virus at the same sheep-serial passage level. A second corroborative serial transmission was conducted for 7 months from June through December. The mean infection rate of the vector was 27%.  相似文献   

On four nights in June 2008, light traps were operated for Culicoides biting midges, the vector species for bluetongue virus (BTV), at five sites in Chester Zoo in north-west England. Over 35,000 Culicoides midges, of 25 species, were captured, including high densities inside animal enclosures. Over 94 per cent of all the Culicoides trapped were females of the Obsoletus group, which is implicated as the vector of BTV serotype 8 in northern Europe. The mean catch of this group per trap per night was over 1500, suggesting a potential risk of BTV transmission if the virus is introduced to Chester Zoo in the animals or midges in the summer.  相似文献   

Bluetongue (BT) and African Horse Sickness (AHS) are infectious arthropod-borne viral diseases affecting ruminants and horses, respectively. Culicoides imicola Kieffer, 1913, a biting midge, is the principal vector of these livestock diseases in Africa and Europe. Recently bluetongue disease has re-emerged in the Mediterranean Basin and has had a devastating effect on the sheep industry in Italy and on the islands of Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and the Balearics, but fortunately, has not penetrated onto mainland France and Spain. To survey for the presence of C. imicola, an extensive light-trap network for the collection of Culicoides, was implemented in 2002 in southern mainland France. The morphological identification of Culicoides can be both tedious and time-consuming because its size ranges from 1.5 to 3 mm. Therefore, an ITS1 rDNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnostic assay was developed to rapidly and reliably identify Culicoides spp. and C. imicola. The aim of this work was to set up a rapid test for the detection of C. imicola amongst a pool of insects collected in areas at risk for BT. The sequence similarity of the rDNA (nuclear ribosomal DNA), which is greater within species than between species, is the foundation of its utilisation in species-diagnostic assays. The alignment of the 11 ITS1 sequences of Culicoides obtained from Genbank and EMBL databases helped us to identify one region in the 5' end and one in the 3' end that appear highly conserved. PCR primers were designed within these regions to amplify genus-specific fragments. In order to set up a C. imicola-specific PCR, another forward primer was designed and used in combination with the previously designed reverse primer. These primers proved to be highly specific and sensitive and permitted a rapid diagnostic separation of C. imicola from Culicoides spp.  相似文献   

Bluetongue is an infectious disease of ruminants caused by a virus transmitted by biting midges, one species of which, Culicoides imicola, is the major vector in the Old World. Following an epizootic of African horse sickness,a related disease, in Iberia and Morocco between 1987 and 1991, C imicola was trapped for two years at 44 sites in the affected region and models were developed for predicting the abundance of C imicola at these sites. Discriminant analysis was applied to identify the best model of three levels of abundance from 40 Fourier-processed remotely sensed variables and a digital elevation model. The best model correctly predicted the abundance level at 41 of the 44 sites. The single most important variable was the phase of the annual cycle of the normalised difference vegetation index. The model was used to predict the abundances of C imicola elsewhere around the Mediterranean and predicted high levels of abundance in many areas recently affected by bluetongue, including the Balearics, Sardinia, Sicily, eastern Greece, western Turkey, Tunisia and northern Algeria. The model suggests that eastern Spain, the island of Ibiza, the provinces of Lazio and Puglia in Italy, the Peloponnese and parts of northern Algeria and Libya may be at risk of bluetongue in 2001.  相似文献   

柑橘黄龙病是严重危害我国柑橘产业可持续发展的重大病害。对柑橘黄龙病进行空间分布和潜在风险预测是有害生物定量风险评估的重要研究内容。应用生态位组合建模技术分析了影响广西境内柑橘黄龙病发生的环境变量,并预测了当前和2030年气候情景下柑橘黄龙病的潜在发病风险区的空间分布及变化特征。通过集成GLM、GBM、FDA、RF和MAXENT的组合模型的TSS和AUC值分别为0.867和0.948,较单一模型均有明显提高;海拔是影响柑橘黄龙病发生的最主要因素,而气温年较差和气温日较差对病害发生也有重要作用。评估发现柑橘黄龙病风险区的总面积变化不大,但其空间分布变化较为明显。当前广西境内柑橘黄龙病高风险区主要分布于柳州、钦州、崇左、玉林、贺州、北海、桂林等地区,占到该全自治区面积的18.8%。到2030年,南宁、贵港和梧州等地区的潜在高风险区的面积将会明显增加。  相似文献   

The Netherlands has enjoyed a relatively free state of vector-borne diseases of economic importance for more than one century. Emerging infectious diseases may change this situation, threatening the health of humans, domestic livestock and wildlife. In order to be prepared for the potential outbreak of vector-borne diseases, a study was undertaken to investigate the distribution and seasonal dynamics of candidate vectors of infectious diseases with emphasis on bluetongue vectors (Culicoides spp.). The study focused primarily on the relationship between characteristic ecosystems suitable for bluetongue vectors and climate, as well as on the phenology and population dynamics of these vectors. Twelve locations were selected, distributed over four distinct habitats: a wetland area, three riverine systems, four peat land areas and four livestock farms. Culicoides populations were sampled continuously using CO(2)-baited counterflow traps from July 2005 until August 2006, with an interruption from November 2005 to March 2006. All vectors were identified to species level. Meteorological and environmental data were collected at each location. Culicoides species were found in all four different habitat types studied. Wetland areas and peat bogs were rich in Culicoides spp. The taxonomic groups Culicoides obsoletus (Meigen) and Culicoides pulicaris (Linnaeus) were strongly associated with farms. Eighty-eight percent of all Culicoides consisted of the taxon C. obsoletus/Culicoides scoticus. On the livestock farms, 3% of Culicoides existed of the alleged bluetongue vector Culicoides dewulfi Goetghebuer. Culicoides impunctatus Goetghebuer was strongly associated with wetland and peat bog. Many Culicoides species were found until late in the phenological season and their activity was strongly associated with climate throughout the year. High annual variations in population dynamics were observed within the same study areas, which were probably caused by annual variations in environmental conditions. The study demonstrates that candidate vectors of bluetongue virus are present in natural and livestock-farm habitats in the Netherlands, distributed widely across the country. Under favourable climatic conditions, following virus introduction, bluetongue can spread among livestock (cattle, sheep and goats), depending on the nature of the viral serotype. The question now arises whether the virus can survive the winter conditions in north-western Europe and whether measures can be taken that effectively halt further spread of the disease.  相似文献   

Based upon epidemiological evidence, Culicoides insignis Lutz is a probable biological vector of bluetongue viruses (BTV) in South Florida, the Caribbean Region and Central America. The vector potential of this species for BTV was evaluated in the laboratory in a series of experiments using insects caught in the field. Although there was great variation in the percentage of flies that fed from any one catch, it was demonstrated that C. insignis became infected after membrane feeding on a mixture of blood and virus. The infection rates ranged from 20 to 62.5%. Following intrathoracic inoculation, BTV replicated to high titres in C. insignis. Such flies were also shown to be capable of transmitting BTV to susceptible sheep and embryonated chicken eggs. This series of experiments provides the first conclusive evidence that C. insignis is a biological vector of bluetongue virus. This is the first proven vector of BTV in the neotropics.  相似文献   

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