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簸杞柳JW8—26及杞簸柳JW9—6新无性系选育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
簸箕柳(Salix suchowensis Cheng)与杞柳(Salix integra Thunb)的正反交杂种具有明显的杂种优势。通过无性系选择,选育出高产优质的编织柳优良无性系——簸杞柳Jw8-26(Salix suchowensis×S.integra)和杞簸柳J_w9-6(S.integra×S.suchowensis),其柳条平均产量分别为1941公斤/亩和1746公斤/亩,平均条长分别为230厘米和234厘米,产量和条长比对照簸箕柳高82.91—63.64%和16.75—14.25%,是适于江淮平原和长江中下游地区推广的编织柳优良无性系。  相似文献   

垂柳×爆竹柳的变异及无性系选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳树种间杂交,特别是地理间相距较远的种间杂交,是创造柳树新品种的重要途径.选育速生乔木柳无性系应十分重视垂柳、旱柳、白柳及爆竹柳的种间杂交,在阿根廷从白柳×垂柳,垂柳×白柳及垂柳×杭包特氏柳杂种中,选育出许多栽培品种.在新西兰从旱柳×白柳中选出了一些速生无性系.在苏联从白柳×爆竹柳中选育具有明显杂种优势的品种.我们曾从垂柳×旱柳,(垂柳×白柳)×旱柳中选育优良的无性系——J4/75、J1/75、J333、J172.垂柳×爆竹柳是十分有价值的杂种,国外栽培的S.xblanda Anders便是垂柳×爆竹柳的杂种.我们在柳树育种中,曾多次进  相似文献   

江苏省林业技术推广站依托其承担的江苏省林业科技创新与推广项目"抗逆速生灌木柳新品种区域性试验与示范"(LYKJ( 2019) 43),在江宁、大丰、邳州、扬中等地开展了10个高生物量和观赏型灌木柳苏柳新品种的区域试验,以及繁育、栽培等技术措施的持续研究,形成了较为完善的育苗和造林技术体系,可为江苏及周边地区绿化造林提供优质种苗和培育技术(教忠意).  相似文献   

江苏省林业技术推广站依托其承担的江苏省林业科技创新与推广项目"抗逆速生灌木柳新品种区域性试验与示范"(LYKJ〔2019〕43),在江宁、大丰、邳州、扬中等地开展了苏柳10个高生物量和观赏型灌木柳新品种的区域试验,以及繁育、栽培等技术措施的持续研究,形成了一整套较为完善的育苗和造林技术体系,可为江苏及周边地区绿化造林提...  相似文献   

为了更快更好地发挥杠柳植被的优势,采取人工繁育的方式培育优质苗木。根据杠柳的生态学特性和生长特性,采用不同处理措施进行了杠柳硬枝扦插育苗试验。结果表明,用3种不同浓度的植物生长调节剂ABT生根粉,浓度为100×10-6的ABT处理最适合杠柳的扦插繁殖,浓度为50×10-6的ABT处理效果次之,浓度为150×10-6的ABT处理效果最差。  相似文献   

黄河故道区编织柳新品种的管理技术从江苏和山东引进的簸杞柳JW8-26、杞簸柳JW9-6及博红柳、红皮柳、青皮柳、黄皮柳6个新品种,经过以簸箕柳为对照进行的品种对比试验,结果表明博红柳、簸杞柳JW8-26、杞簸柳JW9-6的表现最好,并总结出了一套丰产...  相似文献   

花叶柳(Salix integra cv.Hakuro Nishiki)杨柳科,柳属,落叶灌木或小乔木,树干金黄色,春季新叶白色,略透粉红,色彩十分鲜艳,随风飘摆,景观效果亮丽,是一种近年来较优良的彩色地被、盆栽植物新品种。现将花叶柳扦插繁殖技术介绍如下。  相似文献   

垂爆B80柳是吉林省白城市林业科学研究院通过人工杂交育种的方法选育成功的耐寒速生柳树新品种,具有较强的耐寒、耐旱、抗病、速生的特性。经沙地造林试验观测,垂爆B80柳在干旱沙地上生长良好,14年生垂爆B80柳的树高、胸径、材积生长量分别为11.96 m、25.21 cm、0.3336 m3,分别是109柳(对照)的117%、221%、643%。试验结果表明,垂爆B80柳是适宜在干旱沙地上营造用材林、防风固沙林的优良柳树新品种。  相似文献   

培育灌木柳生物质能源林的前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了国际上灌木柳能源林的发展现状、我国高生物量灌木柳良种和栽培技术研究进展,论述了用灌木柳营造能源林的优势和灌木柳在我国生物质能源林培育方向的应用前景。并介绍了我国新选育的灌木柳高产新品种的优良特性及高产优势,供我国培育高生物量能源林使用。  相似文献   

银芽柳的选育   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了银芽柳的观赏特性 ,从银芽柳丰富的种质资源中选取育种材料 ,进行了大量种间杂交 ,从中选育出了 5个银芽柳优良无性系—J887、J10 37、J10 50、J10 52和J10 55。  相似文献   

阜新地区主要杨树品种抗寒抗病虫性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用标准地调查法,对阜新地区保存面积较大的6个杨树品种的抗寒和抗病虫性(病害主要调查溃疡病和冠瘿病,虫害主要是杨干象)进行比较分析。结果显示:(1)抗寒能力,6个杨树品种只有冻害轻微,不影响树木正常生长和材质,且品种间差异不显著;(2)抗病虫能力,中荷64和中绥12抗病虫性最强,溃疡病发病率和感病指数从高到低依次为小钻杨群众杨黑林1号哲林4号;小钻杨和群众杨的冠瘿病很严重,其他品种未发现;黑林1号杨干象危害非常严重,达到了毁林的程度,小钻杨、群众杨、哲林4号发现杨干象虫株,但不影响树木正常生长和材质。  相似文献   

通过对5个柳树无性系含水率和电解质渗出率的测定研究,研究表明,柳树无性系的含水率与其电解质渗出率无明显的直线相关关系;旱布329柳、阿根廷柳、垂爆109柳的抗寒性均比对照白皮柳强,而旱快柳则次于对照。  相似文献   

Rust (Melampsora epitea var. epitea) is the single most limiting factor in the production of biomass from short rotation coppice willow. The use of fungicides is unacceptable for economic, environmental and practical reasons. Consequently, clonal mixtures were investigated as an alternative disease control strategy. At one of two sites Salix × dasyclados, Salix burjatica ‘Korso', S. burjatica‘Germany’, Salix viminalis‘Bowles Hybrid’ and S. viminalis‘683’ were included in the clonal mix. At the second site six clones were used. These were as above with the exception of S. burjatica‘Korso’ and including, Salix × calodendron, Salix mollissima-undulata‘SQ83’. At both sites all clones were also planted in monoclonal stands. Throughout each growing season disease levels were recorded on individual clones, both in monoclonal stands and mixtures. Fungicide treatments were included to compare their effectiveness to mixtures in reducing disease impact. Growing willow in mixed clonal stands delayed the onset of disease, slowed its build up and resulted in lower disease levels at the end of the growing season. These reductions in disease impact contributed to the increased yields obtained from clonal mixtures and were generally comparable to those achieved with fungicides.  相似文献   

Three test series were planted on sites selected for their contrasting properties to study the genotype × site interaction. Various clones of Salix alba (8 clones in the 1980 series), S. dasyclados (8 clones in 1982 series) and S. viminalis (6, 9, 13 clones in the various series) were included. Growth capacity, survival and infection by rust fungi were analysed. Interspecific variation was seen at some of the sites in the 1982 series but it was pronounced in the 1980 series where 5. viminalis outgrew 5. alba at all sites. Intraspecific variation could be seen for growth capacity, survival and rust resistance. A genotype × site interaction was detected for all variables studied. Some of the interaction, especially at the species level, can be explained by the variation in susceptibility to rust fungi and preference for soil types. In the breeding work with Salix the genotype × site interaction must be considered.  相似文献   

Insect samples were collected from the canopy of 24 willow short rotation coppice (SRC) sites on farmland in Britain and Ireland in 1995. The blue willow beetle Phratora (= Phyllodecta) vulgatissima (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), previously identified as the main defoliating pest of this crop, was recorded from 13 of these at varying levels of abundance. Data describing aspects of the environment at each site were also collected. These data were used to create potential explanatory variables for a regression analysis of beetle abundance. This analysis indicated that P. vulgatissima were most likely to occur and were more abundant at older willow sites on clay soils and at sites that bad certain free-living willow species growing nearby. Within sites, most willow clones sampled contained P. vulgatissima, although two, Salix burjatica‘Germany’ (‘Aquatica Gigantea’) and Salix mollissima‘Q83’ (Salix triandra × Salix viminalis), were avoided. Chrysomelid pest avoidance and clonal resistance could form part of an integrated pest management strategy for SRC crops.  相似文献   

An experiment upon an agri-silvicultural system involving Willow (Salix alba) tree, Kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) and Knol khol (Brassica oleracea var. caularapa) was laid in randomized block designed at farmers’ willow field at Shalimar near Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar India during 2005 and 2006. The main plot was divided into sub-spots with 8 m × 2 m in size each in which four two-year-old willow (Salix alba) trees were at a spacing of 2 m × 2 m in a sub-spot. The intercrops were maintained at recommended spacing and supplied with recommended doses of fertilizers. The benefit-cost ratio in willow plantation intercropped with vegetable crops of Kale and Knol Khol was analyzed and compared with the benefit-cost ratio of sole willow tree forestry. The results showed that every rupee invested in plantation of agri-silvicultural system generates benefit-cost ratio of 2.78 and 2.79 in case of Willow intercropping with Kale and Willow with Knol khol, respectively, while as for sole crop of willows benefit-cost ratio was calculated to be 2.66. These results provided circumstantial evidence in favour of adopting agroforestry involving willow instead of Sole tree forestry.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to develop agrotechniques for raising short-rotation, high-density (SRHD) energy plantations as a renewable energy source by using planting densities of 10,000 and 14,000 plants/ha. Under Species × Spacing × Fertilizers (N:P:K), the effect of fertilizers was more evident on plant height than on stem diameter. The species as Grevillea robusta, Bauhinia variegata, and Eucalyptus showed the most statistically significant vertical and radial growth in both of the spacings. The N:P:K::50:25:25 kg/ha produced statistically significant growth. The photosynthesis rate, as recorded, showed that Salix tetrasperma had high rates of CO2 assimilation but poor aerial growth.

The photosynthetic rate under varying fertilizer treatments remained unchanged, but the biomass improved significantly. In G. robusta, excellent aerial growth was observed despite a low rate of photosynthesis (even at low water potential). The dry weight of Eucalyptus was recorded (60 and 233 t/ha; spacing 1 m × 1 m and 1 m × 0.71 m) after 3 yr. After 10 yr, the highest dry weight was recorded again in Eucalyptus at 1,471.44 t/ha. The lowest moisture content (36–38%) was recorded in Morus alba, while the highest moisture content was recorded in Eucalyptus (66–70%). In all tested species, G. robusta (26%) showed the maximum calorific value.  相似文献   

New Zealand has hosted three Melampsora species attacking poplars (Populus spp.), namely, Melampsora larici-populina, Melampsora medusae and for a single season, Melampsora medusae-populina, a unique interspecific hybrid. The predominant species, M. larici-populina, over-winters via larch and each year new races appear causing defoliation of previously rust-resistant cultivars. Melampsora medusae also occurs in some seasons following over-wintering on certain hosts or by aerial transport from Australia. Willows (Salix spp.) host four Melampsora species, Melampsora coleosporioides, Melampsora epitea var. epitea and two unidentified species attacking Salix viminalis and Salix daphnoides/Salix incana× open pollinated hybrids, respectively. The host range and pathogenicity of these species have remained static as no breakdown in host resistance has been observed. The anthracnose fungi, Marssonina brunnea and Marssonina castagnei on poplar, and Marssonina salicicola on tree willows occur throughout New Zealand. All three species can cause severe defoliation of susceptible cultivars in moist districts where annual rainfall exceeds 1000 mm. Although all form abundant microconidia during autumn, the Drepanopeziza states have never been observed in New Zealand. During an unusually wet summer (199–93), a new strain of Marssonina salicicoa appeared which defoliated the previously resistant cultivar, salix matsudana × salix alba cv. 1002 The importance of monitoring the morphological (conidial dimensions, DNA fingerprints) and physiological (host range and pathogenicity) attributes of local populations of Melampsora and Marssonina species is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we focus on the functional role of trees for livestock as fodder in silvopastoral systems, available for (dairy) cows within or around pastures. Farmers often report that cows browse from trees, however, little is known about the nutritional value of different tree species. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the effect of soil type and season on the nutritional potential of leaves from Fraxinus excelsior, Alnus glutinosa and Salix viminalis. Leaf samples were collected at 10 sites in the Netherlands on clay and on sandy soils in June, July and September and were analysed for digestibility, crude protein, macro and micro element concentrations. We conclude that the nutritional value of tree leaves differs between the studied tree species. Regarding the seasonal variation, we found a main effect of sampling period on the crude protein, calcium, phosphorus, copper and selenium concentration of leaves. No main effect of soil type was found on the nutritional value of leaves. Significant interactions were found for species × sampling period (digestibility, calcium, sulphur) and species × soil (digestibility, calcium). For the zinc and selenium concentration in tree leaves, a significant species × soil × sampling period interaction was found. We conclude that trees can play a role for supplying protein, and macro and micro elements to livestock, but that it depends on which tree species is used.  相似文献   

Cellulase activities of Anoplophora glabripennis (Motsch.) adults from two host plants (Populus simonii × P.pyramidliscr cv.Opera Hsu.and Salix matsudana Koidz) fed on three different host tree species (Acer negundo Linn.,S.matsudana Koidz and P.simonii × P.pyramidliscr cv.Opera Hsu.) were investigated.Enzyme activities of endoglucanase and β-glucosidase in the intestines of the insects were measured.The results show that there are no statistically significant differences in the enzyme activities of endoglu...  相似文献   

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