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本研究采用牛奶、奶糊或羊奶分别哺育未吃到母乳的5头黑羚羊和1头长颈鹿初生幼仔。同时对比国内3地动物园用牛奶人工哺育长颈鹿幼仔的情况,通过进行替代乳和长颈鹿母乳成份和特性的对比分析,选择和配制人工育幼的乳汁;通过进行哺乳方式的试验与分析,确定人工哺乳方式、方法,并特制出人工哺育工具,营造适宜的人工哺育环境;通过渐进式断奶结合成兽带教幼仔采食饲料等,取得了国内人工哺育长颈鹿的首例成功。  相似文献   

<正>以前人工哺育梅花鹿目的是为提高仔鹿成活率,把吃不上母乳的仔鹿进行被动的人工喂养。现在为了驯化出能够与人亲近的梅花鹿,以供游人观赏,采取人为不让仔鹿吃母鹿乳而主动的人工喂牛乳。  相似文献   

<正>1及时人工哺乳仔鹿产下后应迅速将仔鹿身上的粘液擦干净,若鹿舍内温度低,最好生火取暖,烤干仔鹿身上的水分,使仔鹿能早站立行走,仔鹿生后10~30分钟内即可站立,同时尽快吃上初乳。若母鹿产后因病死亡或产后无乳,乳汁不足等,应及时对仔鹿进行人工哺乳,或用牛乳或山羊乳直接喂给仔鹿。人工哺乳的时间、次数、哺乳量应根据仔鹿的日龄、初生重和发育情况来决定。人工哺乳要耐心细致,饲料员与仔鹿亲近,建立感情,消除仔鹿  相似文献   

1.产后精心管理:母鹿分娩期间,应有专人值班守护,发现情况及时处理,确保鹿的母仔健康。仔鹿产下后,迅速将仔鹿身上的黏液擦干净,若鹿舍内温度低,最好生火取暖,烤干仔鹿身上的水分,使仔鹿能早站立行走,同时尽快吃上初乳,然后编剪耳号,定时送回母鹿群喂乳。在哺乳期,要保持仔鹿的清洁卫生,避免造成仔鹿身上有异味。  2.及时人工哺乳:若母鹿产后因病死亡或产后无乳,乳汁不足等,应及时对仔鹿进行人工哺乳,用牛乳或山羊乳直接喂给仔鹿。人工哺乳的时间、次数、哺乳量应根据仔鹿的日龄、初生重和发育情况来决定。人工哺乳要耐心细致,饲养员…  相似文献   

1产后饲管要精心母鹿分娩期间,应有专人值守。仔鹿产下后,应将仔鹿身上的黏液擦干,让其尽快吃上初乳,然后编剪耳号,定时放回母鹿群喂乳。仔鹿哺乳期,应避免有异味之物,如酒精、香皂等触及仔鹿,而使母鹿拒绝哺乳。2人工哺乳要及时如果分娩后母鹿死亡或因病不能哺乳及乳汁不足时必须采取人工哺乳。通常用新鲜的牛乳或山羊乳代替母乳,若用奶粉,须将浓度略微提高,以适应仔鹿生长发育的需要。人工哺乳的时间、次数和哺乳量应根据仔鹿的日龄、初生重和发育情况决定。在无标准的情况下,仔鹿人工哺乳量可参照犊牛的人工哺乳量而定。并坚持乳汁、乳具…  相似文献   

1产后饲养管理要精心母鹿分娩期间,应有专人值班守护。仔鹿出生后,应将其身上的黏液擦干,并让其尽快吃上初乳,然后剪耳编号,定时放回母鹿身边吃乳。在仔鹿吃乳期间,应避免其接触有异味的物品(如酒精、香皂等),否则母鹿会嫌其有异味而拒哺。2人工哺乳要及时如果母鹿分娩后死亡或因病不能哺乳或乳汁不足,必须采取人工哺乳措施。通常用新鲜的牛乳或山羊乳代替,若不得不用奶粉,需将冲泡的奶粉浓度略微提高,以满足仔鹿生长发育的需要。人工哺乳的时间、次数和哺乳量,应根据仔鹿的日龄、初生重和发育情况来确定;在无经验标准的情况下,仔鹿人工哺乳的喂量可参照犊牛的人工哺乳量。坚持乳具的消毒,防止乳中细菌繁殖和乳汁酸败。3逐渐过渡喂饲料仔鹿30日龄后,可喂鲜嫩多汁的青绿饲料,并逐步补喂精料。将高粱炒出糊香味,粉碎后再加上煮  相似文献   

仔鹿早期补饲与自由采乳效果比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将66头15日龄哺乳仔鹿随机分为2组(自由采乳组32头,早期补饲组34头)。通过哺乳期仔鹿早期补饲与自由采乳的对照试验,结果表明,早期补饲的仔鹿比自由采乳的仔鹿有明显的生长发育优势,便于人工驯养,可提高鹿场次年的生产效益。  相似文献   

养鹿场在每年的生产季节里,经常遇到个别(2%~3%)母鹿扒仔、咬仔、弃仔或无乳以及仔鹿弱生不能站立吃奶的情况。这些不能吃到母奶的仔鹿,需要找别的母鹿代养或进行人工哺乳。但是在鹿产仔季节的初期和末  相似文献   

1 初生仔鹿 通常仔鹿出生时全身毛湿,除靠母鹿舐干外,必要时应采取人工辅助措施,如用抹布擦干湿毛,使仔鹿及早吃到初乳。健康良好的仔鹿产出后0.5-1.0小时即能站起觅母乳。鹿乳的特点是水分少,干物质多,乳脂含量高,仔鹿少量吸吮即能满足。一般母鹿每隔3~4小时喂乳1次,每次不过2-3分钟。  相似文献   

1尽早哺喂初乳 采用人工哺乳的方法养育哺乳仔鹿,解决初乳并及早用之哺喂,至关重要。在实践中,一般以奶牛的初乳和常乳作为仔鹿人工哺乳的乳源。奶牛的初乳呈浅黄色,稍粘稠,其中干物质总含量远高于其常乳,除含乳糖较少外,蛋白质、维生素、矿物质、抗体和酶类等物质的含量非常丰富。  相似文献   

Five giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) died peracutely within an 8-yr period. The giraffe were maintained in an outside enclosure during the day and moved under shelter at night. All the deaths occurred in winter. All the dead giraffe had serous fat atrophy at postmortem. The giraffe were fed good quantities of browse, together with alfalfa hay and commercial supplements. Retrospective analysis of the dietary ingredients showed that the diets were energy deficient. Subsequent additional high-energy feeds have caused a marked increase in surviving giraffe body weights although energy levels consumed were at the lower end of current recommendations. The relationship between low-energy reserves, high-energy demand in colder temperatures, and the possibility that hypoglycemia is a credible cause of the collapse of giraffe in these circumstances, is postulated to be the likely pathogenesis of giraffe deaths, previously reported elsewhere under the generic term "peracute mortality syndrome".  相似文献   

代乳粉用于早期断奶犊牛的效果研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
犊牛使用代乳品可以节省鲜奶,降低饲养成本,控制疾病的发生,促进消化系统的发育。试验用24头犊牛做试验,60日龄断奶。结果表明,代乳品组犊牛增重47.55千克;对照组增重41.72千克;吃代乳品的犊牛在30-60日龄的日增重达到1026克,高于对照组103克。吃代乳品的犊牛每增重1千克的直接饲料成本为15.13元,比鲜奶组犊牛低2.14元/千克。  相似文献   

选用出生后吃完初乳的荷斯坦母犊24头分为试验组和对照组,对照组饲喂鲜牛奶6kg/d/头,试验组饲喂代乳粉800g/d/头。结果表明:经过60d的饲喂试验,试验组比对照组多增重5.31kg(P<0.01),试验组犊牛日增重比对照组提高了88.5g(P<0.01),试验组犊牛的体高和胸围的增长速度均高于对照组。从经济效益来看,进食代乳粉组犊牛比对照组节省成本263.42元/头(鲜奶价格按2元/kg计算)。  相似文献   

泌乳奶牛饲喂包被赖氨酸对生产性能及乳成分的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择产奶量和分娩时间相近的头胎荷斯坦奶牛12头,采用单因子3水平4重复随机设计,比较在精料混合料中添加自制的包被赖氨酸0(对照)、0.4%和0.6%三个水平时的饲喂效果,包被赖氨酸的芯材为L—赖氨酸盐酸盐。试验期66天,其中预试期10天,试期内每三天测一次日产奶量,每2周取一次中午奶样用以测定乳糖、乳脂、乳蛋白及乳脂固形物,精料混合料采用试验场现行配方,精料供给量根据前一天的产奶量,用下面的公式算出:精料量(千克)=3千克(维持) 0.265~0.32×前一天的产奶量(千克)。结果显示:添加包被赖氨酸对增加产奶量和改善乳的品质有促进作用,平均日产奶量和4%乳脂校正乳产量、乳蛋白、乳脂、乳糖及总固形物的含量都是以添加0.6%的包被赖氨酸组最好,其中日均产奶量和4%乳脂校正乳产量分别比对照组提高6.8%和10.8%。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine growth, morbidity, and mortality rates in dairy calves fed pasteurized nonsaleable milk versus commercial milk replacer and compare economics of feeding pasteurized nonsaleable milk versus commercial milk replacer in dairy calves. DESIGN: Clinical trial. ANIMALS: 438 dairy calves. PROCEDURE: Calves were assigned at 1 to 2 days of age to be fed pasteurized nonsaleable milk or a commercial milk replacer until weaned. Body weight was measured at the time of study enrollment and at the time of weaning, and any medical treatments administered and deaths that occurred prior to weaning were recorded. A partial budget model was developed to examine the economics of feeding pasteurized nonsaleable milk versus commercial milk replacer. RESULTS: Calves fed conventional milk replacer had significantly lower rates of gain (-0.12 kg/d [-0.26 lb/d]), lower weaning weights (-5.6 kg [-12.3 lb]), higher risk for treatment during the summer and winter months (odds ratio [OR], 3.99), and higher risk of death during the winter months (OR, 29.81) than did calves fed pasteurized nonsaleable milk. The estimated savings of feeding pasteurized nonsaleable milk, compared with milk replacer, was dollars 0.69/calf per day. The estimated number of calves needed to economically justify the nonsaleable milk pasteurization system was 23 calves/d. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that dairy calves fed pasteurized nonsaleable milk have a higher growth rate and lower morbidity and mortality rates than do calves fed conventional milk replacer. Feeding pasteurized nonsaleable milk could be an economically viable strategy for dairy calf producers.  相似文献   

Papillomavirus was detected electron microscopically in cutaneous fibropapillomas of a giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) and a sable antelope (Hippotragus niger). The virus particles measured 45 nm in diameter. Histopathologically, the lesions showed histopathological features similar to those of equine sarcoid as well as positive immunoperoxidase-staining of tissue sections for papillomavirus antigen. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detected bovine papillomavirus (BPV) DNA. Bovine papillomavirus-1 was characterised by real-time PCR in the sable and giraffe, and cloning and sequencing of the PCR product revealed a similarity to BPV-1. As in the 1st giraffe, the lesions from a 2nd giraffe revealed locally malignant pleomorphism, possibly indicating the lesional end-point of papilloma infection. Neither virus particles nor positively staining papillomavirus antigen could be demonstrated in the 2nd giraffe but papillomavirus DNA was detected by real-time PCR which corresponded with BPV-1 and BPV-2.  相似文献   

IgG1 antibody in milk protects lambs against rotavirus diarrhoea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Newborn gnotobiotic lambs were fed a diet of diluted evaporated milk supplemented either with normal ewes' milk or with milk obtained from ewes injected parenterally during gestation with rotavirus. Lambs fed 150 ml per day of milk collected 5 days after lambing from normal ewes were susceptible to rotavirus infection and diarrhoea, while lambs fed milk from vaccinated ewes collected either 5 or 12 days after lambing were protected. Analysis of the milk by column chromatography showed the anti-rotavirus activity to be in the fractions containing IgG1.  相似文献   

Eighteen multiparous early lactation Holstein cows were assigned to a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square with 28-d periods to evaluate milk protein production potential when corn silage (CS) or small grain silage (SGS) was added to diets based on alfalfa silage (AS). Treatments consisted of all AS, a mixture of AS and CS, or a mixture of AS and SGS. Treatment diets were isonitrogenous, isofibrous, and contained maximal amounts of carbohydrates to challenge the milk protein production of cows under intensive milk production systems fed these forages. Lactation performance, milk composition, nutrient intakes, and diet digestibilities were measured. There were no significant differences in milk yield of the cows fed diets containing AS, CS, or SGS. Cows fed diets containing all AS-produced milk with a higher fat percentage than did cows fed CS, and cows fed diets containing all AS produced more milk fat and protein than cows fed CS or SGS. There were no significant differences in the percentage of casein, whey protein, or true protein in milk when cows were fed AS, CS, or SGS. There were also no significant differences in the percentage or production of lactose or solids-not-fat when cows were fed diets containing different silages. Similarly, there were no significant differences in DMI or dietary DM digestibility by cows when fed diets containing different silages. Data suggest that adding CS or SGS to AS-based diets does not improve DMI, lactation performance, or milk protein production of lactating cows.  相似文献   

介绍1例长颈鹿跖骨骨折的诊断与治疗。患鹿左侧跖骨远端开放性横骨折,采用全身镇静配合神经传导阻滞麻醉和局部浸润麻醉,使用外固定支架进行骨折断端的恢复,植入物完成后采用氩弧焊焊接牢固,术后恢复良好。  相似文献   

张双歌 《野生动物》2011,32(1):36-37
青岛森林野生动物世界动物园—患病雄性长颈鹿出现一系列临床症状。病初表现为食欲减少、反刍缓慢,粪便成团;中期表现为腹痛、腹胀,精神逐步萎靡;后期粪便松散不成型,内有黏液膜性物附着于粪便内,粪便内有未消化的苜蓿草秆。通过临床症状结合病史调查和粪便寄生虫检查,初步诊断为长颈鹿胃肠卡他性炎症。在治疗过程中选用了肠道消炎药氟哌酸与乙酰螺旋霉素配伍,在动物发病中期,控制住胃肠内炎症;同时选用了人参健脾丸投喂,健脾利湿;在饲料中添加多酶益菌素,增加胃内活性菌成分,增强胃动力,达到了治愈目的。  相似文献   

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