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Resistant starch (RS), producedin vitroby hydrolysis of retrograded pea starch gels and amylose gels by porcine pancreaticalpha-amylase, was characterised by X-ray diffraction, size exclusion chromatography and methylation analysis. These techniques showed that RSin vitroconsisted of semi-crystalline, mostly linear material that was present in two main molecular size subfractions (DPn>100 andDPn20–30) with a third, minor subfraction (DPn≤5). The extent of retrogradation of amylose was found to be of primary importance in determining the RS content of starch. Analysis ofin vivoRS, recovered during an ileostomy study, produced results that were similar to those obtained from RSin vitro. Anin vitromodel for the structure of resistant starch is proposed.  相似文献   

The distribution of alpha -amylase, protease, lipoxygenase, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase in wheat roller flour mill streams was studied. Break flours had relatively less alpha -amylase and protease activity than reduction flours both on flour weight and a protein basis. Among the different flour streams, the 5thand 6threduction passage had the highest alpha -amylase activity, while the 4threduction passage had the highest protease activity. The lipoxygenase activity was concentrated mostly in the last break and the reduction streams, whereas polyphenol oxidase activity was highest in break flour streams. Peroxidase activity was distributed unevenly among the different mill streams. The lipoxygenase, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase were highly concentrated in different bran fractions. Except for protease, the other enzymes were concentrated in the «atta», a milling by-product comprising refined flour, bran and shorts; and are least active in semolina (farina).  相似文献   

The activities of endogenous (R-type) and exogenous acting (D-type) protein inhibitors ofalpha-amylase and the activities ofalpha- and total amylase were determined in milling fractions of rye. High D-type amylase inhibitor activities were detected in the embryo (255 IU/g) and in the endosperm fraction (64·9 IU/g), low inhibitor activities were found in the aleurone layer fraction (25·9 IU/g). The highest R-typealpha-amylase inhibitor activity was found in the aleurone layer fraction (32·6 IU/g), and the lowest value in the epidermis containing fraction (5·0 IU/g). The D- and R-typealpha-amylase inhibitor activities varied with growing conditions. D-type amylase inhibitor activities were found to be high in those samples which grew under drought conditions and low in samples cultivated under wet and cool weather. Higher R-typealpha-amylase inhibitor activities were found in rye genotypes cultivated under wet conditions and lower values under dry weather. There were small variations inalpha-amylase inhibitor activities between sprout-stable and sprout-sensitive rye genotypes. The D- and R-typealpha-amylase inhibitor activities of all varieties were stable during 72 h of germination. Similar soil conditions will therefore lead to differentialalpha-amylase inhibitor activities depending on weather conditions during growth.  相似文献   

Resistant starch (RS), producedin vitroby hydrolysis of retrograded pea starch gels and amylose gels by porcine pancreaticalpha-amylase, was characterised by X-ray diffraction, size exclusion chromatography and methylation analysis. These techniques showed that RSin vitroconsisted of semi-crystalline, mostly linear material that was present in two main molecular size subfractions (DPn>100 andDPn20–30) with a third, minor subfraction (DPn≤5). The extent of retrogradation of amylose was found to be of primary importance in determining the RS content of starch. Analysis ofin vivoRS, recovered during an ileostomy study, produced results that were similar to those obtained from RSin vitro. Anin vitromodel for the structure of resistant starch is proposed.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to determine the bifunctional alpha-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor (BASI) content of barley grain from 11 cultivars grown in six diverse locations in Australia. The inhibitor ranged from 119 to 254 μg/g in 57 barley samples. Genotype had a significant (P<0·05) effect on BASI content but there was no effect due to environment. Total protein varied independently of BASI and was influenced by environment and genotype. BASI content was higher (P<0·05) in malting barley than in feed barley and was correlated positively (r=0·29;P<0·05) with alpha-amylase activity in corresponding malts. The ELISA used monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies raised against purified BASI. In immunoblot analysis the monoclonal antibody showed high specificity for the inhibitor in barley and also detected the inhibitor in wheat. Low levels of inhibitor (mean 3·2 μg/g) were found in 12 Australian wheat cultivars using the ELISA developed for barley. The assay had a linear working range of 5–50 ng/mL with a detection limit of 2 ng/mL. Reproducibility between assays was good (CV=4·9%) but mean recoveries were high, ranging from 116–129% when purified inhibitor was added to barley extracts. The ELISA may have useful applications in brewing research and barley breeding programmes.  相似文献   

B组醇溶蛋白是大麦的主要贮藏蛋白之一,其组成及含量与大麦的营养品质和加工品质密切相关。为探究大麦B组醇溶蛋白对小麦面粉加工特性的影响,以转青稞B-hordein基因的小麦转基因高代株系(T4、T5代)及其受体品种龙麦30为材料,分别对转B-hordein基因小麦高代株系及龙麦30进行分子检测、农艺性状测量、近红外分析和粉质分析。结果表明,转B-hordein基因小麦高代植株均为阳性植株;在农艺性状方面,转B-hordein基因小麦与龙麦30无显著差异;在品质方面,转B-hordein基因小麦的蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量的平均值均极显著高于龙麦30;粉质分析结果也表明转B-hordein基因小麦的粉质参数优于龙麦30。由此推测,B-hordein基因的成功转化能够改善小麦的面粉加工特性。  相似文献   

The frequency and mechanisms of four modes of alpha -amylase enzyme accumulation in U.K. wheat, retained pericarp alpha -amylase activity (RPAA), pre-maturity alpha -amylase activity (PMAA), pre-maturity sprouting (PrMS) and post-maturity sprouting (PoMS), were investigated in field and laboratory experiments. Of 56 cultivar site year combinations (four model cultivars grown at up to four sites from 1994–1997), enzyme activity was detected in 32 cases, in 23 cases sufficient to reduce Hagberg falling number (the usual industry measure of alpha -amylase) below the commercial criterion (250 s). The frequency of occurrence of different modes of enzyme accumulation was in the order PoMS>PMAA>PrMS>RPAA. Both PMAA and PrMS were more common than expected and the most usual pattern was for alpha -amylase to accumulate by several modes. Although green grains are rejected as impurities, study of grain colour in relation to pericarp alpha -amylase activity showed that the enzyme could persist in non-green grains in levels sufficient to affect the Hagberg value. Two factors thought to promote PMAA, grain drying rate and transient changes in temperature in early development, were studied in the field and controlled environment cabinets. No significant difference was found in grain drying rate between samples where PMAA was or was not identified. However, out of 19 transfers from a cool (16/10 °C) to a warm (26/20 °C) temperature regime, six led to significant increases in PMAA. No transfers after 45% grain moisture increased PMAA. PrMS occurred as early as 67% grain moisture and susceptibility usually increased with stage of development, being greatest in the grain dough stage. PrMS susceptibility varied with cultivar (in the same order as PoMS sensitivity) and was affected by environmental factors.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic (urea SDS–PAGE) and chromatographic (RP–HPLC) analysis was performed on 8 allelic variants of HMW glutenin subunits derived fromTriticum tauschiiand from the D genome of a hexaploid wheat species (Triticum macha) and hexaploid landraces. These subunits had been previously identified using SDS–PAGE. The characterisation revealed that subunits Dy10tand Dy12tfromT. tauschiicould be differentiated from their bread wheat counterparts using both urea SDS–PAGE and RP–HPLC. In the latter case, theT. tauschiiy-type subunits were clearly more hydrophobic than the Dy type subunits of bread wheat. The characterisation also suggested that subunit Dx5t, derived from two separateT. tauschiiaccessions, did not contain the extra cysteine residue characteristic of Dx5 from bread wheat. RFLP analysis of the genes encoding the HMW glutenin subunits of interest suggested that the absence of Dx-type HMW glutenins in two hexaploid landraces was due to lack of expression of their encoding genes. The relationship betweenHindIII DNA fragment size and protein subunit size, as measured by electrophoretic mobility, is examined and discussed. Finally, the solubility properties of a HMW protein designated T1 (derived fromT. tauschiiaccession AUS 18913) suggested that it was not a HMW glutenin subunit as was previously thought. Further studies are needed to clarify the identity of this subunit.  相似文献   

为了明确长江中下游麦区小麦籽粒硬度及puroindoline基因型的分布,以该麦区105份小麦育成品种为材料,利用单籽粒硬度仪(SKCS)测定其籽粒硬度,利用分子标记检测和基因序列分析鉴定puroindoline基因的等位变异。结果表明,在长江中下游麦区历年育成的小麦品种中软质麦比例较高,占52.4%,硬质麦和混合麦分别占38.1%和9.5%;硬质麦和混合麦中存在Pinb-D1b、Pina-D1b和Pinb-D1p三种变异类型,突变频率分别为29.5%、10.5%和3.8%。  相似文献   

Barley alpha-amylase isozymes 1 (AMY1) and 2 (AMY2) have 80% sequence identity but possess different physico-chemical properties. By incubation in the range 37–85 °C T50 is 75.2 °C of AMY1 and 79.2 °C of AMY2. While AMY2 is also most stable in urea at pH 6.7, [urea]50 being 8.2 M compared to 7.9 M for AMY1, AMY1 has highest stability in urea below pH 6 or in the presence of NaCl. Moreover AMY1 is most stable in guanidinium chloride. Charge screening thus destabilises AMY2 but stabilises AMY1. Isozyme sequence comparison suggests that AMY1 lacks four of the 20 salt-bridges identified in the crystal structure of AMY2. The four residues that differ comprise Lys67AMY2 and Asp267AMY2, forming salt-bridges on the surface of the catalytic (β/α)8-barrel (domain A), and Glu96AMY2 and His344AMY2 that participate in charged networks between domain A and the small domain B and the C-terminal domain, respectively. Four corresponding AMY2 mimics A68K; D97E; Q269D; N346H were made in AMY1 by site-directed mutagenesis. While D97E and Q269D have slightly improved stability compared to AMY1 wild-type, N346H and, under certain conditions, A68K are destabilised. The four mutants show 22–176% activity (kcat/Km) toward 2-chloro-4-nitrophenol β- -maltoheptaoside and amylose DP17 and 43–117% activity for insoluble starch.  相似文献   

The barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties, Franklin and Schooner, contain two different allelic forms of beta -amylase (EC encoded on chromosome 4H by the Bmy 1-Sd1 and Bmy 1-Sd2L alleles, respectively. The corresponding enzymes, referred to as Sd1 and Sd2L, were purified from both mature barley grain and germinated barley (green malt), and their physical and kinetic properties studied. Approximately 4 kDa were cleaved from both Sd1 and Sd2Lbeta -amylases after germination. The Kmvalue for green malt beta -amylase was less than that of mature grain beta -amylase for both varieties when potato starch was used as a substrate, although Vmaxwas similar. This indicated that proteolysis after germination increased the affinity of beta -amylase for potato starch. No significant kinetic differences were observed between beta -amylase from mature grain and green malt of the two barley varieties when amylose (degree of polymerisation 100 and 18) and maltopentaose were used as substrates. Kinetic differences were also observed between the two allelic forms of beta -amylase. Sd1 beta -amylase from green malt exhibited a lower Kmvalue for potato starch than Sd2L beta -amylase, demonstrating that at non-saturating starch concentrations Sd1 beta -amylase is better able to hydrolyse starch than Sd2L beta -amylase. As the degree of polymerisation of the substrates decreased from approximately 740 (potato starch) to 5 (maltopentaose), the Kmvalues for beta -amylase increased, whereas Vmaxvalues decreased. Maltose, the hydrolytic product of beta -amylase, was found to be a weak competitive inhibitor of both Sd1 and Sd2L green malt beta -amylases with respect to potato starch and amylose. Taken together the kinetic observations for bet a-amylase suggest that the allelic differences and C-terminal proteolysis might be exploited to improve the efficiency of starch hydrolysis during the mashing stage of the brewing process.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic (RP–HPLC) analyses were performed on gluten proteins extracted from flours milled from two different Swedish bread wheat lines; these lines have been reported to possess a novel highMrglutenin subunit controlled by a gene at theGlu-A1locus, referred to as 21*. Although RP–HPLC indicated that subunit 21* has a surface hydrophobocity similar to that of the commonly occurring allelic subunits 1 or 2*, it differs from them in isoelectric point, being more basic when analysed by two dimensional gel electrophoresis (IEF/SDS–PAGE). RP–HPLC separations of highMrglutenin subunits showed the presence of an additional peak, the behaviour of which was similar to that of y-type subunits encoded by genes at theGlu-A1ylocus and present only in wild wheatsT. urartu(AA) orT. dicoccoides(AABB). Based on chromatographic results and on the tight linkage observed with subunit 21*, it is suggested that the additional component (indicated as 21*y), present in the breeding lines analysed, corresponds to the y-type subunit encoded at theGlu-A1locus. Genes encoding the subunits 21* and 21*y were also analysed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Contrary to what was observed for the polypeptide itself, the gene corresponding to subunit 21* was similar in size to that encoding subunit 2* and shorter than that corresponding to subunit 1. Moreover, the amplification product corresponding to the active 21*y gene was shorter than that of the allelic inactive gene present in the bread wheat cultivar Cheyenne. As reported for other highMrglutenin subunits, gene size differences observed were due to a different length of the repetitive region. Because cultivated polyploid wheats have been shown to have only the x-type subunit at theGlu-A1locus, it is speculated that the new combination, with both x- and y-type subunits expressed, might have been introgressed during breeding processes from the wild wheat progenitorsT. urartuorT. dicoccoides, which have genotypes expressing both types of subunits.  相似文献   

The structural features of highMrglutenin subunits of wheat were compared with those of analogous proteins from rye. Subunits of two rye cultivars (Danko and Halo) and of the wheat cultivar Rektor were isolated from defatted flours by extraction with 50% (v/v) aqueous propan-1-ol under reducing conditions at 60°C followed by precipitation using a 60% concentration of propan-1-ol. The yields of dialysed and freeze-dried subunits were 0·33% and 0·32% (w/w of flour), respectively (rye cultivars), and 0·91% (Rektor). SDS–PAGE revealed that the rye cultivars contained at least five subunits with mobilities corresponding to the x-type subunits of wheat. Separation by RP–HPLC indicated that the rye cultivars did not differ in the qualitative composition of subunits, but in their quantitative proportions. The surface hydrophobicities of the rye subunits were significantly lower than those of wheat subunits. The amino acid compositions of single rye subunits were characterised by high contents of Glx, Gly and Pro, and they were closely related to those of wheat subunits, except that the Glx content was generally lower and the Cys content higher. Notable differences between rye and wheat subunits were found in their contributions to gluten strength. Whereas wheat subunits, reoxidised with potassium bromate and mixed with a standard wheat flour, caused a significant increase in gluten strength, reoxidised rye subunits had the opposite effect.  相似文献   

为解析小麦硝酸盐转运蛋白基因 TaNRT1.1的生物学功能,本研究通过同源克隆的方法从普通小麦中克隆了小麦硝酸盐转运蛋白基因 TaNRT1.1(TaNRT1.1-1A TaNRT1.1-1B TaNRT1.1-1D)。生物信息学分析表明,这三个同源基因编码的蛋白均为疏水蛋白,含有丰富的α-螺旋和无未见则卷曲,主要定位于质膜上。小麦不同组织qRT-PCR分析表明, TaNRT1.1-1A TaNRT1.1-1B基因在根中表达量最高,其次是叶和茎, TaNRT1.1-1D基因在茎中表达量最高,其次是叶和根。因此,推测 TaNRT1.1-1A TaNRT1.1-1B基因在硝酸盐吸收过程中发挥了重要作用, TaNRT1.1-1D基因在硝酸盐转运过程中发挥了重要作用。通过对小麦 TaNRT1.1基因多态性筛选发现,在 TaNRT1.1-1A基因启动子上游1 120 bp的位置有一个8 bp(TGCATGCA)的插入位点,该位点可能与小麦氮利用效率相关。不同氮利用效率小麦品种qRT-PCR分析结果表明,氮高效小麦品种(基因型为 TaNRT1.1-1A-b)苗期根中 TaNRT1.1-1A基因的相对表达量显著高于氮低效小麦品种(基因型为 TaNRT1.1-1A-a)。  相似文献   

The production of proteases by the cereal plant pathogens Fusarium culmorum, F. graminearum and F. poae was followed through seven days of cultivation. The fungi were grown in mineral and in gluten culture media, and on autoclaved barley grains. The proteolytic activities of each sample were analysed at pH 2·2, 5·0 and 8·0 and the pH optima of the most active proteases were determined. All of the fungi grown in the gluten medium produced proteases that were active at pH levels between 6 and 10 and were most active at about pH 9·0. Fusarium poae also produced acid protease(s) with pH optima between 3.0 and 3.5 when grown in the gluten medium. No protease activity was detected in the cultures that were grown in the mineral medium, except that a small amount was formed after the glucose substrate was depleted. When grown on the barley grain medium the Fusarium species produced protease activities that were similar to the neutral and alkaline ones present in the gluten cultures, but no pH 2·2 protease activity was detected. The alkaline proteases had some characteristics that were similar to those of chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

为深入发掘小麦LBD基因的功能,利用小麦最新基因组数据,通过生物信息学手段,对小麦LBD基因家族进行了鉴定,并对其表达特性及调控网络进行了分析。鉴定结果表明,本研究得到了75个小麦LBD基因,根据系统进化分析结果,可将它们划分为ClassⅠ和ClassⅡ两个亚家族。染色体定位结果表明,除了5D和7D外,其余染色体均含有LBD基因。共表达调控网络分析表明,15个LBD基因参与了小麦功能基因调控。利用RNA-seq数据对所有小麦LBD基因在不同组织以及不同逆境胁迫下的表达情况进行分析表明,小麦LBD基因在不同组织间和胁迫下存在着差异表达,多个组织特异和胁迫响应相关LBD基因被鉴定到,可作为后续功能研究的候选基因。  相似文献   

宁夏小麦品种慢锈基因Lr34/Yr18的分子检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lr34/Yr18是重要的小麦慢叶锈/慢条锈基因,可用于小麦锈病抗性改良。为了明确Lr34/Yr18基因在宁夏小麦中的分布特点,利用STS标记csLV34对111份宁夏小麦品种中慢锈基因Lr34/Yr18的等位变异进行了分子检测,并且进行了成株期条锈病抗性鉴定。结果表明,20份材料携带Lr34/Yr18基因,占18.0%。不同来源的小麦品种中Lr34/Yr18基因分布频率不同,农家品种中分布频率最高,占90.9%;引进品种中所占比例为14.3%;育成品种中所占比例最低,仅占7.7%。含有Lr34/Yr18基因的品种对条锈病具有较好的抗性,可作为今后宁夏小麦抗锈病育种的重要抗源。  相似文献   

GRAS基因是一类转录因子基因,在植物的生长和发育中起关键作用。本研究利用最新的小麦基因组数据,对小麦GRAS基因进行了全基因组鉴定和分析。结果从小麦中鉴定出153个GRAS基因,这些基因不均匀分布在小麦21条染色体上。系统发育分析将这些基因分为12个亚家族,片段复制和串联重复是导致该基因家族扩张的主要原因。蛋白质序列分析发现不同亚家族间氨基酸数目、分子量存在一定差异;二级结构预测表明,小麦GRAS基因的氨基酸序列均以α-螺旋、随机卷曲为主要组成部分。通过对小麦GRAS基因在不同组织和不同逆境胁迫下的表达分析发现,GRAS基因在不同组织和逆境胁迫下存在明显的差异表达,表明GRAS基因具有组织或器官表达特异性,且可能在对逆境胁迫的响应中起重要作用。这些结果为进一步研究小麦GRAS基因的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为了明确小麦春化基因VRN2与春化发育表现型的关系,以6个不同春化发育特性的普通小麦品种为试验材料,采用PCR技术对春化基因VRN2的CCT保守区中43个氨基酸序列进行了分析。结果表明,不同品种间ZCCT-A1的CCT功能域的序列存在差异,肥麦有R35W突变,另外5个品种均有R39C突变;ZCCT-A2均存在R16C突变;B和D基因组中均未发现突变。这表明VRN2基因编码区的等位变异主要出现在A基因组上,而B和D基因组中的VRN2基因在目前大面积主栽品种中均为显性。  相似文献   

为明确宁夏春小麦种质资源Waxy基因的分布情况,利用Wx-A1、Wx-B1和Wx-D1位点的6个STS标记(PA1、PA2、PB1、PB2、PD1、PD2),对299个宁夏春小麦种质资源进行等位变异检测.结果 表明,供试小麦种质的Waxy基因组成以野生型(Wx-A1a/Wx-B1a/Wx-D1a)为主,占参试材料总数的...  相似文献   

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