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This study examines how processes of modernization affect hunting ethics, including commodification, cosmopolitanism, demographic shifts, technological innovation, and invasive species. The impact of such change processes has been documented in indigenous hunting societies, but not in postindustrial Western hunting communities. Instead, wildlife ethics are often seen as a private matter or a static inheritance from past generations, and not as researchable from a perspective of change. The underexposure of research on ethics in this context is explained as taking place within a framework of ethical subjectivism to the detriment of opening up ethics to a needed conversation as the context for hunting changes in modernity. This study uncovers the hunting ethics of contemporary Swedish hunters in response to modernization and reveals new lines of moral demarcation and emerging taboos for right and wrong hunting. It concludes by considering the virtue of hunting taboos for wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

作者在对中国饲料业现状分析的基础上,认为中国饲料业市场化整合期已经到来,其难点在于中国种植业与养殖业现阶段的市场结构决定了饲料业的市场结构,使得饲料业内部难以形成规模化的企业;中国的“三农问题”与饲料业整合存在深层次的矛盾;中国市场发育程度决定了饲料企业规模,决定了饲料业整合的程度不会太高。促进饲料业整合的产业政策应着眼于以下几方面:促进国有资本从饲料业退出,促进饲料业产业资本的发展;促进养殖业与种植业集约化程度的提高;适时、适度提高饲料业的质量标准和饲料安全标准。  相似文献   

一广东省水禽产业的现状1养殖数量及分布广东省是水禽养殖和消费大省,在许多县、市,养鸭、养鹤仍然是农民养殖致富的重要门路。广东省统计局统计数据显示,2018年全省鸭饲养量3.24亿只,占家禽饲养量的22.12%;鹅饲养量0.87亿只,占家禽数量的5.95%。按广东省现在的行政区划,鸭饲养区以粤西(4市)为主,饲养量约占43%,其次是珠江三角洲(9市)占29%,粵北(4市)占20%和粤东(4市)占8%。  相似文献   

An argumentational analysis of the German legislation for animal welfare suggests that the concept "Ethischer Tierschutz", declared as a state objective in 2002, allows the legislative body greater scope than that utilized so far. The legislator would, in principle, be able to regulate some problem areas which have been repeatedly addressed by the public as well as the ethics. A comparison with Switzerland and the EU-member Austria shows that both countries' animal welfare legislations already reach beyond a strictly suffering-based protection framework by employing additional anthropocentric arguments. The concept "Ethischer Tierschutz" would make this approach likewise feasible in Germany.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,人们对宠物用兽药数量的需求逐步增加,对宠物用兽药的种类和质量要求也越来越高。中药具有绿色天然、低抗低毒的优异品质,在宠物临床上应用于预防、救治等方面卓有成效。本文从如何持续充分发挥评审的“服务性、引导性、前瞻性”,优化评审工作程序以加快兽用中药的研发上市,推进兽用中药产品在宠物中的临床应用,为解决宠物临床用药短缺问题提供参考。  相似文献   

Flag issue refers to a question of what methodology to be adopted as a guiding ideology,and which road to take.Solving the problem correctly concerns to the prospect and fortune of our nation.In the tide of economic globalization and world multi-polarization,that means we must hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,implement the scientific approach on the development comprehensively,change all the wrong ideas,and don’t copywesternmode blindly,to make the right direction of banner deeply into the hearts of people.  相似文献   

为了解目前母猪繁殖障碍综合症发生的情况,笔者对湖南省和广东省20多个猪场进行了具体调查,针对母猪繁殖综合症在发生严重的情况,笔者对发生该病的部分病猪进行了实验室诊断,发现其病因主要是由特定的病原体所引起的,其中细小病毒、猪瘟病毒、猪乙型脑炎病毒的感染最为严重。结合现状及病因,笔者对此病的防疫和治疗提出了具体的对策和建议。  相似文献   

中兽药制剂地方标准中存在处方不合理、制法和工艺简单粗糙、鉴别项缺乏专属性、缺少含量测定项、检查项缺少安全性检查、夸大功效和主治范围等不完善之处.我国已经应用指纹图谱技术来检测人用中药成方制剂的含量,兽用中药制剂检验也应尽快应用指纹图谱技术,更好地控制中兽药制剂的质量.  相似文献   

自七十年代中后期,为解决城市副食品供应紧张问题,各大中城市相继兴建现代化大规模商品蛋鸡场.进入二十世纪九十年代,养鸡业在全国得到了发展,集体、个体与国有工厂化养鸡并驾齐驱.九十年代中后期,农民个体养鸡迅速堀起,大有燎原之势.  相似文献   

周真龙 《科学养鸽》2008,(3):130-133
政通人和,国泰民安,普天同乐;以鸽会友,以鸽励志,以鸽传谊,岂不快哉!好公棚人喜人爱,不但自己要送,还要动员鸽友多送:孬公棚人恨人怨,自己不送,鸽友也不能送。不怕不识货,只怕货比货。谁好谁不好,天上一飞就知道。放不好有人说,放好了也有人说,长嘴巴就是要说话,  相似文献   

About twenty years ago the traditional question whether humans are allowed to kill animals was replaced by two new questions: the question of killing and the question of suffering. The question of killing ist the abstract question if--in isolation from the question of suffering--finishing an animal's life is moral. So the question of killing can be raised for every single case of an animal killed by man. The moral evaluation of a killing without suffering (of all directly and indirectly involved beings) concerns just the question of killing; for example, an experiment in which the animal is made unconscious by an anesthetic prior to the experiment being performed and is then killed before it regains consciousness.--The comparative analysis of the popular arguments demonstrates fallacies in some of them and shows a new view of the problem. Because not the killing itself (without fear or pain) but the innate fear of death is the real motive to reject ones own killing, it is necessary to demand that every killing of an animal by man is done without any fear (or pain) for the animal. To claim an animal's right to life however is not yet justified.  相似文献   

警犬在硬质地面追踪时的难点及解决   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、起点突破1.嗅起点时不要让犬正对迹线的方向,要经常调整方向,因为固定方向时间长了会使犬产生不良联系。当犬上迹线时,一定要口头奖励。  相似文献   

Traditionally, undergraduate science curricula include little or no “ethics,” either as theory or practice. However, zoologists are currently enjoying considerable media exposure: some of it positive (as in conservation practice), but more often negative (pertaining to issues such as the use of animals for testing of drugs, and genetic engineering). More than ever before, zoologists are being asked to make value judgments, and many of these involve moral assessment; if we accept that zoologists (along with other scientists) are professionals, then we must accept that they are responsible for any decisions they make, and it then follows that they are accountable, which can have serious ramifications in cases of malpractice. Ethics involves the application of morality in a professional setting. In light of this, teaching ethics is mandatory in degree programs such as engineering and medicine. This paper contends that a key output of zoological education is the undergraduate who is cognizant of the ethical framework and constructs within which he/she must function. The paper concludes with comment on the nature and style of delivery of ethics education.  相似文献   

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