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自上世纪70年代以来,遗产原真性逐渐成为旅游学术界的重要研究课题之一.国外关于遗产原真性的研究成果主要包括客观主义、建构主义、后现代主义和存在主义原真性.而国内则主要偏重微观方面.本文通过对比国内外研究成果,希望对今后遗产原真性的研究有所帮助.  相似文献   

土家族舞蹈是土家族传统文化的重要组成部分。本文把土家族舞蹈研究成果按整体研究,地区研究和个体研究三类进行分类总结,以促进土家族舞蹈研究。  相似文献   

1945年5月5日至21日,国民党第六次全国代表大会在重庆召开,这次大会是国民党在大陆召开的最后一次全国代表大会。学术界已开展了对国民党六大的关注和研究,产生了一批研究成果,但对国民党六大的若干方面存在着观点分歧和研究空白。对有关国民党六大的研究成果进行梳理和初步总结,以期对深入研究中华民国史、国共关系史等有所助益。  相似文献   

我国正处于绿色经济发展转型关键时期,绿色经济全面发展是生态文明建设的集中体现。文中归纳了国内外学者对绿色经济、绿色经济发展模式有过深入探索研究并建议从更深层次完善省域绿色经济发展对策。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着城市化和工业化的进程不断加快,农民工已经与我国的经济发展和社会主义现代化建设息息相关。然而,目前我国农民工的受教育程度普遍较低,其文化水平、工作技能以及自身的素质都远远跟不上现代化建设的需要。因此,农民工的教育培训问题受到政府及社会各界人士的广泛关注和重视。不少专家学者都从不同角度对农民工教育培训问题进行了研究和探讨,并取得了许多很有价值的研究成果。本文根据时间跨度,从20世纪80年代初至亚洲金融危机、1999年至2008年新的金融危机、2008年金融危机至今这三个阶段归纳总结了我国农民工教育培训的研究现状,并给出了评价及建议。  相似文献   

本文对国内禽流感防控的经济学研究进行了综述。目前国内对于禽流感防控经济影响分析方面的文献居多,但对家禽生产模式影响的文献偏少,加之我国动物卫生风险评估刚起步,经济学评估尚不系统,亟待参考国外研究,对禽流感防控政策措施等进行优化,以促进我国家禽产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

随着大众创业、万众创新浪潮的推进,大学生创业成为当下研究的热点之一。笔者查阅大量的文献资料后,发现学术界,对大学生创业观的研究为之甚少。本文对近几年来大学生创业观研究的学术论文进行深入分析,对大学生创业观的研究概况、创业观研究涉及的重点领域,并提出大学生创业观研究有待深入的思路。  相似文献   

段海霞 《中国猪业》2020,15(1):25-30
生猪产业作为我国畜牧业的重要组成部分,已经成为农业经济的主要收入和维护国家食品战略安全的支柱产业,也日益成为经济学术界的研究热点。相关研究在国内进入多维发展和全面推进阶段,尽管取得了一定的成果,但仍存在许多问题值得探讨。本文对我国生猪产业已有文献进行回顾与述评,介绍其发展现状、梳理其产业链、阐明其价格传导机制并对今后的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

科技服务业作为生产性服务业中一种新兴的战略性产业,成为推动产业结构升级和产业素质提升最直接有效的力量,而科技服务业也只有在产业化过程中才能实现自身的价值。本文从国外研究和国内研究两个方面,梳理与科技服务业产业化发展相关的文献,对这些文献的研究给予评价。  相似文献   

对休闲的概念、休闲业的产生和发展进行了回顾,分析了国内外对旅游与休闲业研究的现状和发展趋势。  相似文献   

为了更好地了解当前国内中医药服务价格政策的总体现状,通过以中医药服务价格为关键词检索的47份CNKI数据库文献以及5676种读秀中文图书的方式,从目前国内中医药服务价格政策的研究现状与实行近况、原因等方面对于其研究进展进行归纳,相关领域的研究者大多数认为由于医保报销范围过小、中医药医疗服务项目少、价格偏低等原因,导致我国中医药服务价格定价尚不规范,以此为基础笔者提出改革中医药服务价格的政策建议。  相似文献   

There may be a great potential in the use of diagnostic "markers" of osteoarthritis in synovial fluid to diagnose the disease in an earlier stage and perhaps assess the severity of the disease and monitor the effect of a treatment. In the present study, potential markers are characterized, discussed, and grouped according to the latest knowledge on the etiology, pathogenesis, and pathology of osteoarthritis. They are grouped according to their origin as either cartilage degradation products, or related to the mechanisms of cartilage degradation, or related to chron-drocytic anabolic activity during disease, or related to genetic disorders. Also potential markers that have not yet been studied clinically or experimentally are discussed. Examples of the progress that has been made in human medicine approaching reliable diagnostic markers that should also be tried in veterinary medicine are described.  相似文献   

共有产权房作为一种创新性地住房保障模式,其运行机制和改进方式等受到了学术界的广泛关注。目前的研究主要集中在政策的制定和政策评价两个方面。对政策制定方面的研究包括共有产权房的定价、产权分配、准入与退出。政策评价方面则是以定性分析为主,对其评价褒贬不一。通过研究综述,总结当前研究成果,分析研究存在的不足。  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that epileptic seizures originating from the temporal lobe (TL) occur in cats. Typically, affected animals have clinically focal seizures with orofacial automatisms including salivation, facial twitching, lip smacking, chewing, licking, and swallowing. Motor arrest and autonomic and behavioral signs also may occur. Many affected cats have magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) changes within the hippocampus or histopathologically confirmed hippocampal sclerosis or necrosis. From the 1950s to the 1980s, cats frequently were used as animal models for neurophysiological experiments and electrophysiological studies, from which important basic knowledge about epilepsy originated, but which has been rarely cited in clinical veterinary studies. These studies were reviewed. Experimental research on cats showed the widespread anatomical connections among TL structures. The ictal clinical signs originating from the hippocampus, amygdala, or lateral temporal cortex are similar, because of their dense interconnections. The ictal signs can be divided into autonomic, somatic, and behavioral. For research purposes, a 6‐stage system was established, reflecting the usual sequential progression from focal to generalized seizure: attention response (1), arrest (2), salivation, licking (3), facial twitching (4), head turning or nodding (5), and generalized clonic convulsions (6). Knowledge of this data may help in recognizing low‐stage (stage 1 or stage 2) epileptic seizures in clinical practice. Early experimental research data are in accordance with recent clinical observations regarding ictal clinical signs of TL epileptic seizures in cats. Furthermore, the research data supports the idea that TL epilepsy represents a unique clinical entity with a specific seizure type and origin in cats.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of Disseminated Intravascular coagulation (DIC) is controversial in both human and veterinary medicine. This article reviews the available literature in human and veterinary medicine regarding the etiology, pathophysiology, and diagnosis of DIC with emphasis on the diagnosis of DIC in dogs. Controversy surrounding the diagnosis of DIC arises from the complex nature of the disease itself, in addition to the absence of a consensus strategy for laboratory testing. The available literature indicates that dogs diagnosed with DIC possessed various hemostatic function testing abnormalities, typically possessed an underlying disease that predisposed to DIC, but may or may not have had clinically identifiable hemorrhage or thrombosis. Additionally, the hemostatic function testing utilized in diagnosis is not uniform. Generalizations about the usefulness of individual assays or diagnostic strategies cannot be formulated because of the marked diversity of the types of cases studied, as well as the small number of cases reported in the literature. (Vet Emerg & Crit Care, 1998; 8: 29–45)  相似文献   

本文回顾了加筋结构优化的历史,主要从加筋结构介绍,加筋板布局优化算法,加筋板布局优化关键技术和加筋板布局优化策略四个方面加以论述,总结了各个方法的优缺点。最后对加筋结构的未来研究方向做出了展望。  相似文献   

Reports of Cl. perfringens as a pathogen for cattle are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

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