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Application of aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) on the volatile components of low-, medium-, and high-heat-treated nonfat dry milks (NDM) revealed aroma-active compounds in the log(3) flavor dilution (log(3) FD) factor range of 1 to 6. The following compounds contributed the highest log(3) FD factors to overall NDM flavor: 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone [(Furaneol), burnt sugar-like]; butanoic acid (rancid); 3-(methylthio)propanal [(methional), boiled potato-like]; o-aminoacetophenone (grape-like); delta-decalactone (sweet); (E)-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal (metallic); pentanoic acid (sweaty); 4,5-dimethyl-3-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone [(sotolon), curry]; 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde [(vanillin), vanilla]; 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline and 2-acetyl-2-thiazoline (popcorn-like); hexanoic acid (vinegar-like); phenylacetic acid (rose-like); octanoic acid (waxy); nonanal (fatty); and 1-octen-3-one (mushroom-like). The odor intensities of Furaneol, butanoic acid, methional, o-aminoacetophenone, sotolon, vanillin, (E)-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal, and phenylacetic acid were higher in high-heat-treated samples than others. However, the odor intensities of lactones, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, and 2-acetyl-2-thiazoline were not affected by heat treatment. Sensory evaluation results also revealed that heat-generated flavors have a major impact on the flavor profile of NDM.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soils may act as sources or sinks of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Many of the formed VOCs are produced by microorganisms, and it would be a challenge to investigate soil microbial communities by studying their VOC profile. Such “volatilomics” would have the advantage of avoiding extraction steps that are often a limit in genomic or proteomic approaches. Abundant literature on microbially produced VOCs is available, and in particular novel detection methods allow additional insight. The aim of this paper was to give an overview on the current knowledge of microbial VOC emissions from soils.  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds from the lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) were identified using LC-TOFMS, LC-MS/MS, and NMR experiments. The compounds were extracted from the plant material using methanol in an ultrasonicator and further isolated and purified using solid-phase extraction and preparative liquid chromatographic techniques. A total of 28 phenolic compounds were at least tentatively identified, including flavonols, anthocyanidins, catechins and their glycosides, and different caffeoyl and ferulic acid conjugates. This is apparently the first report of coumaroyl-hexose-hydroxyphenol, caffeoyl-hexose-hydroxyphenol, coumaroyl-hexose-hydroxyphenol, quercetin-3-O-alpha-arabinofuranoside, kaempferol-pentoside, and kaempferol-deoxyhexoside in the plant, and the flavonol acylglycosides quercetin-3-O-[4' '-(3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaroyl)]-alpha-rhamnose and kaempferol-3-O-[4' '-(3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaroyl)]-alpha-rhamnose are presented here for the first time ever. In addition, more detailed structure in comparison to earlier reports is described for some compounds previously known to exist in lingonberry.  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹不同部位中活性香气物质的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用顶空固相微萃取-气-质联用技术(HS-SPME-GC-MS),对采自崇明的二级雄性中华绒螯蟹体肉、钳肉、足肉和性腺中的香气成分进行了鉴定并以内标法对其定量。大闸蟹四可食部位中共检测到8大类58种香气物质,根据阈值进一步求得每种香气物质的活性值(OAV值)。以OAV值为依据,从58种化合物中筛选得到了癸醛等15种最为关键的活性香气物质,并运用主成分分析法(PCA)和聚类分析法(CA)对其活性值进行了分析。由PCA分析得到:性腺样品香气品质较佳,戊醛等8种为表征"高品质风味"的特征性香气物质(其中2,4-庚二烯醛最为重要)。由CA分析得到:大闸蟹性腺样品可聚为一类,戊醛等8种活性香气成分也可聚为一类。主成分分析和聚类分析结果存在一致性且可以相互补充,今后可利用两种方法建立大闸蟹香气品质的评价模型。  相似文献   

The aqueous root extract of Ailanthus altissima showed allelopathic activity against radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv. "Saxa"), garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.), and purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) seeds. A bioassay-oriented purification of active extracts, chromatographic fractions, and compounds demonstrated dose-dependent activity on germination and radicle growth of test seeds; radish seed was the most sensitive to allelochemicals. Active compounds have been isolated: ailanthone, ailanthinone, chaparrine, and ailanthinol B (quassinoid derivatives); the alkaloid 1-methoxycanthin-6-one is not active. The compound with greatest inhibitory activity is ailanthone. The data obtained suggest a possible use of tree-of-heaven root extracts or of its active constituents as natural herbicides.  相似文献   



Humic acids are natural organic polymers and are important constituents of soils (Kononova 1966). Although the mechanisms of the formation of humic acids are very complicated, the oxidative polymerization of polyphenols is considered to be one of the most important mechanisms (Kononova 1966; Stevenson 1982). The oxidative polymerization can be accelerated by enzymes (e.g., Haider et al. 1975; Flaig et al. 1975) as well as by inorganic components (e.g., Kyuma and Kawaguchi 1964; Shindo and Huang 1982; Kumada 1987). Shindo and Huang (1985) and Shindo and Higashi (1986) compared the relative effectiveness of several oxides, primary minerals, and clay minerals in promoting the synthesis of humic polymers from hydroquinone, and found that the promoting effect of Mn(IV) oxide was most striking among the inorganic components studied. The catalytic power of inorganic components in the synthesis of humic polymers from phenolic compounds may be influenced by the chemical structure of the compounds. However, little information is available on this aspect.  相似文献   

Liver injury suppressing compounds from avocado (Persea americana)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To evaluate the protective activity of fruits against liver injury, 22 different fruits were fed to rats with liver damage caused by D-galactosamine, a powerful liver toxin. As measured by changes in the levels of plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), avocado showed extraordinarily potent liver injury suppressing activity. Five active compounds were isolated and their structures determined. These were all fatty acid derivatives, of which three, namely, (2E,5E,12Z,15Z)-1-hydroxyheneicosa-2,5,12,15-tetraen-4-one, (2E,12Z,15Z)-1-hydroxyheneicosa-2,12,15-trien-4-one, and (5E,12Z)-2-hydroxy-4-oxoheneicosa-5,12-dien-1-yl acetate, were novel.  相似文献   

Tetraena mongolica Maxim, is a critically endangered and endemic species of westem Inner Mongolia in China. Genetic variability within and among eight extant populations of this species was assessed using ISSR PCR (13 primers). We expected a low genetic diversity level, but our results revealed an intermediate level of intraspecific genetic diversity, probably resulting from this species being in a refuge during the last glaciation (at population level: P=48.1%, Ae=1.305, HE=0.177 and Hpop=0.264; at species level: P=63.3%, A=1.368, HT=0.213 and Hsp=0.324). A low level of genetic differentiation among populations was detected based on Nei's genetic diversity analysis (16.91%), Shannon's diversity index (18.83%) and AMOVA (15.2%). Populations shared high levels of genetic identity (I=0.9516±0.013). The extensive gene flow was a plausible reason for the low genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Coumestrol has long been known as the phytoestrogenic compound in alfalfa. However, it has been demonstrated that the ethyl acetate extract of alfalfa sprout (AEA) attenuated the disease severity and increased survival and life span of autoimmune-prone MRL-lpr/lpr mice. Coumestrol, on the contrary, decreased the survival. This study thus aimed to isolate and identify phytoestrogenic compounds other than coumestrol in AEA. AEA was fractionated and separated by successive silica gel chromatography and preparative HPLC. The activity of collected fractions was tracked by a transactivation assay for ERα and ERβ, respectively. In addition to coumestrol, liquiritigenin, isoliquiritigenin, loliolide, and (4S,6S)- and (4R,6S)-4-hydroxy-6-pentadecyltetrahydropyr-2-one were isolated and chemically identified. Except for loliolide, these compounds showed higher transactivation via ERβ than via ERα. The maximal activation via ERα of coumestrol reached 80% that of 1 nM 17β-estradiol (E(2)), whereas the activations of the remaining five compounds as well as AEA ranged from 8 to 49%. In addition, isoliquiritigenin, loliolide, and (4S,6S)- and (4R,6S)-4-hydroxy-6-pentadecyltetrahydropyr-2-one, but not coumestrol, preferentially inhibited 1 nM E(2) induced ERα activation, compared to that ERβ activation. The selectivity of these phytoestrogens might account for the difference between the effects of AEA and coumestrol in autoimmune-prone MRL-lpr/lpr mice observed previously.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean diet appears to be associated with a reduced risk of several chronic diseases including cancer and cardiovascular and Alzheimer's diseases. Olive products (mainly olive oil and table olives) are important components of the Mediterranean diet. Olives contain a range of phenolic compounds; these natural antioxidants may contribute to the prevention of these chronic conditions. Consequently, the consumption of table olives and olive oil continues to increase worldwide by health-conscious consumers. There are numerous factors that can affect the phenolics in table olives including the cultivar, degree of ripening, and, importantly, the methods used for curing and processing table olives. The predominant phenolic compound found in fresh olive is the bitter secoiridoid oleuropein. Table olive processing decreases levels of oleuropein with concomitant increases in the hydrolysis products hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol. Many of the health benefits reported for olives are thought to be associated with the levels of hydroxytyrosol. Herein the pre- and post-harvest factors influencing the phenolics in olives, debittering methods, and health benefits of phenolics in table olives are reviewed.  相似文献   

The vitamin B(6) compounds pyridoxine (PN), pyridoxamine (PM), pyridoxal (PL), and pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate (PMP) inhibited the diphenolase activity of mushroom tyrosinase. PM showed the highest inhibition; the control activity was inhibited by 38% at 1.5 mM. Each PL, PN, and PMP showed about 30% inhibition at the same concentration. Lineweaver-Burk plots showed that PM and PN were mixed-type inhibitors with K(I) values of 4.3 and 5.2 mM, respectively. Because PM and PN cannot form a Schiff base with a primary amino group of the enzyme, their inhibition is not attributable to the formation of the Schiff base. Alternatively, their quenching function of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was postulated to be responsible for the inhibition. Thus, the inhibitory effect of ROS was examined. The representative singlet oxygen quenchers l-histidine, sodium azide, Trolox, and anthracene-9,10-dipropionic acid (AAP) inhibited the activity. The specific scavenger of superoxide, proxyl fluorescamine, also inhibited the activity. The scavengers of hydroxyl radical, d-mannitol and dimethyl sulfoxide, showed no inhibition. The fluorescence of AAP was decayed during the diphenolase reaction, and PM inhibited the decay. AAP was also a mixed-type inhibitor. The results showed that the vitamin B(6) compounds inhibited the diphenolase activity by quenching ROS (probably singlet oxygen) generated during some reaction step of the diphenolase reaction.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems are experiencing increased inputs of nitrogen (N) and temporal fluctuations in precipitation, causing flooding or drought, and this could strongly affect the fate of terrestrial plant species, as they might have different abilities to adapt to the changing environment. We grew Mosla dianthera (a widespread species) and M. hangchowensis (an endangered species) under three water treatments (drought, sufficient water, and waterlogging) in combination with three levels of N supply (low, intermediate, and sufficient N) to study the ecophysiological responses of the congeneric species to those simulated environmental changes. The two species showed different responses to waterlogging and drought treatments, particularly when there was abundant N supply in the system. For example, under sufficient N but drought or waterlogging conditions, M. dianthera increased root mass ratio (RMR) and decreased leaf mass ratio (LMR), total leaf area (LA), and leaf area ratio (LAR); such changes can enhance water acquisition and reduce water loss under both drought and waterlogging conditions, in contrast to the general lack of change in those parameters with M. hangchowensis. These differentiations in traits suggest that increased N availability might worsen drought and waterlogging injury to M. hangchowensis and thus accelerate the decline of this population. However, M. dianthera maybe better adapted to high N availability and both drought and waterlogging conditions. We hypothesize that the different adaptive abilities to high N availability and drought and waterlogging conditions are partly responsible for the ecological differentiation observed between these two species in the field and may determine their fate in their native habitat. Further research should test this hypothesis in field experiments.  相似文献   

A series of phenylphenalenone type compounds, known to play a role as phytoalexins in plants of the Musaceae family, have been identified for the first time in the leaf fibers of abaca (Musa textilis). Among the phenylphenalenone type compounds identified, the structure of a novel compound, (1R)-2,3-dihydro-4,9-dihydroxy-8-methoxy-1-phenylphenalene, has also been described in abaca fibers. Its structure was elucidated by analysis of one- and two-dimensional NMR (correlation spectroscopy, heteronuclear single quantum correlation, and heteronuclear multiple bond correlation) spectroscopic data.  相似文献   

Nine phenolic compounds were isolated from the ethyl acetate and n-butanol fractions of almond (Prunus amygdalus) skins. On the basis of NMR data, MS data, and comparison with the literature, these compounds were identified as 3'-O-methylquercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (1); 3'-O-methylquercetin 3-O-beta-D-galactopyranoside (2); 3'-O-methylquercetin 3-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-->6)-beta-D-glucopyranoside (3); kaempferol 3-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-->6)-beta-D-glucopyranoside (4); naringenin 7-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (5); catechin (6); protocatechuic acid (7); vanillic acid (8); and p-hydroxybenzoic acid (9). All of these compounds have been isolated from almond skins for the first time. 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activities for compounds 1-9 were determined. Compounds 6 and 7 show very strong DPPH radical scavenging activity. Compounds 1-3, 5, 8, and 9 show strong activity, whereas compound 4 has very weak activity.  相似文献   

采前苯丙噻重氮处理抑制厚皮甜瓜采后挥发性物质的释放   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
用50 mg/L苯丙噻重氮(BTH)于采前1周喷洒“银帝”甜瓜植株和果实,采收后采用固相微萃取(SPME)结合气-质联用(GC-MS)技术分析果实常温贮藏期间挥发性物质的释放变化。结果表明:BTH处理可明显抑制果实挥发性物质的释放,处理者挥发性物质的释放随贮藏时间的延长而逐渐增加,而对照果实挥发性物质的释放呈单峰形变化,至采后第7 d达到高峰。BTH处理者挥发性物质的释放总量也明显低于对照。此外,BTH处理对10种甜瓜特征成分的释放也存在不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

Spice paprika (red pepper; Capsicum annuum) is the most cultivated spice worldwide and is used mainly for its color and pungency. However, current research is also focusing on the flavor as an important parameter. This paper deals with the kinetics of the formation of those volatiles that indicate a decrease in spice paprika quality due to Maillard reaction, hydrolytic reactions, and oxidative degradation reactions of lipids such as fatty acids and carotenoids. Spice paprika volatiles were quantitatively analyzed by means of headspace gas chromatography (HS-GC) and solid-phase microextraction (SPME) followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The kinetics of their formation were investigated, and the respective activation energies determined. Strecker aldehyde, acetone, and methanol formation followed a pseudo-zero-order reaction kinetic, and formation of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) was characterized by a first-order kinetic. The activation energies determined were between 86.3 and 101.8 for the Strecker aldehydes acetaldehyde (AA), 2-methylpropanal (2-MP), 3-methylbutanal (3-MB), and 2-methylbutanal (2-MB), 130.7 for acetone, 114.2 for methanol, and 109.7 kJ/mol for DMS. The amounts of Strecker aldehydes formed were correlated to the concentrations of the corresponding free amino acids present in the samples. The formation of hexanal and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one in Capsicum annuum during processing was confirmed, and the formation of beta-ionone was probably described for the first time. During heating, the concentration of hexanal increased rapidly. The formation of 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one confirms that Capsicum annuum fruits contain lycopene.  相似文献   

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