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Soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N) are directly influenced by tillage, residue return and N fertilization management practices. Soil samples for SOC and N analyses, obtained from a 23-year field experiment, provided an assessment of near-equilibrium SOC and N conditions. Crops included corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max L. (Merrill)]. Treatments of conventional and conservation tillage, residue stover (returned or harvested) and two N fertilization rates were imposed on a Waukegan silt loam (fine-silty over skeletal, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Hapludoll) at Rosemount, MN. The surface (0–20 cm) soils with no-tillage (NT) had greater than 30% more SOC and N than moldboard plow (MB) and chisel plow (CH) tillage treatments. The trend was reversed at 20–25 cm soil depths, where significantly more SOC and N were found in MB treatments (26 and 1.5 Mg SOC and N ha−1, respectively) than with NT (13 and 1.2 Mg SOC and N ha−1, respectively), possibly due to residues buried by inversion. The summation of soil SOC over depth to 50 cm did not vary among tillage treatments; N by summation was higher in NT than MB treatments. Returned residue plots generally stored more SOC and N than in plots where residue was harvested. Nitrogen fertilization generally did not influence SOC or N at most soil depths. These results have significant implications on how specific management practices maximize SOC storage and minimize potential N losses. Our results further suggest different sampling protocols may lead to different and confusing conclusions regarding the impact of tillage systems on C sequestration.  相似文献   

Because the adoption of conservation tillage requires long-term evaluation, the effect of tillage and residue management on corn (Zea mays L.) grain and stover yields was studied for 13 seasons in east central Minnesota. Three primary tillage methods (no-till (NT), fall chisel plow (CH), fall moldboard plow (MB)) and two residue management schemes (residue removal versus residue returned) were combined in a factorial design experiment on a Haplic Chernozem silt loam soil in Minnesota. No significant effects on grain yield were seen due to tillage treatments in 9 out of 13 years. The NT treatment resulted in lower yields than CH and MB treatments in years 6 and 7, and lower than the MB in year 8, indicating a gradual decrease in yield over time with continuous use of NT. There were differences due to residue management in 8 out of 13 years. The residue-returned treatments contributed about 1 Mg ha−1 greater yields in intermediate level dry years such as years 3 and 6, which had cumulative growing season precipitation 20 and 30% below the 9-year average, respectively. In excessively dry or long-term-average years, residues resulted in little yield difference between treatments. The most pronounced effects of residues were with the CH treatment for which yields were greater in 8 out of 13 years. The ratio of grain to total dry matter yield averaged 0.56 and did not vary with time or between treatments. These results apply primarily to soils wherein the total water storage capacity and accumulated rainfall are insufficient to supply optimum available water to the crop throughout the growing season. Under conditions with deeper soils or in either wetter or drier climates, the results may differ considerably.  相似文献   

Concerns with rising atmospheric levels of CO2 have stimulated interest in C flow in terrestrial ecosystems and the potential for increased soil C sequestration. Our objectives were to assess land management effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics and SOC sequestration for long-term studies in the tallgrass prairie region of the US. Major losses of SOC following conversion of native prairie to arable agriculture at Sanborn Field and the Morrow Plots were rapid (20 to 40 yr), occurred in response to greatly reduced C inputs and accelerated C decay rates, and had largely abated by the mid-1900s. Losses of SOC occurred mainly in easily decomposable, labile C fractions. At Sanborn Field, modeled labile SOC was reduced to 4% of native prairie levels for treatments with low C inputs. A large capacity for soil C sequestration likely exists in the tallgrass prairie region, if labile C pools can be replenished. This agroecosystem has a strong C decomposition regime and increased sequestration of labile C will rely on management practices that increase C inputs (i.e., fertilization, returning crop residues) and stabilize labile C (i.e., perennial cropping, reduced tillage). The capacity for soil C sequestration, however, will vary considerably among sites and be dependent on initial levels of labile SOC and the ability of management practices to stabilize greater inputs of labile C.  相似文献   

Based on data from 10-year field experiments on residue/fertilizer management in the dryland farming region of northern China, Century model was used to simulate the site-specific ecosystem dynamics through adjustment of the model's parameters, and the applicability of the model to propose soil organic carbon (SOC) management temporally and spatially, in cases such as of tillage/residue/fertilization management options, was identified v/a scenario analysis.Results between simulations and actual measurements were in close agreement when appropriate applications of stover,manure and inorganic fertilizer were combined. Simulations of extreme C/N ratios with added organic materials tended to underestimate the measured effects. Scenarios of changed tillage methods, residue practices and fertilization options showed potential to maintain and enhance SOC in the long run, while increasing inorganic N slowed down the SOC turnover rate but did not create a net C sink without any organic C input. The Century model simulation showed a good relationship between annual C inputs to the soil and the rate of C sequestration in the top 20 cm layer and provided quantitative estimations of changes in parameters crucial for sustainable land use and management. Conservation tillage practices for sustainable land use should be integrated with residue management and appreciable organic and inorganic fertilizer application, adapted according to the local residue resource, soil fertility and production conditions. At least 50% residue return into the soil was needed annually for maintenance of SOC balance, and manure amendment was important for enhancement of SOC in small crop-livestock systems in which crop residue land application was limited.  相似文献   

Conservation management systems can improve soil organic matter stocks and contribute to atmospheric C mitigation. This study was carried out in a 18-year long-term experiment conducted on a subtropical Acrisol in Southern Brazil to assess the potential of tillage systems [conventional tillage (CT) and no-till (NT)], cropping systems [oat/maize (O/M), vetch/maize (V/M) and oat + vetch/maize + cowpea (OV/MC)] and N fertilization [0 kg N ha−1 year−1 (0 N) and 180 kg N ha−1 year−1 (180 N)] for mitigating atmospheric C. For that, the soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation and the C equivalent (CE) costs of the investigated management systems were taken into account in comparison to the CT O/M 0 N used as reference system. No-till is known to produce a less oxidative environment than CT and resulted in SOC accumulation, mainly in the 0–5 cm soil layer, at rates related to the addition of crop residues, which were increased by legume cover crops and N fertilization. Considering the reference treatment, the SOC accumulation rates in the 0–20 cm layer varied from 0.09 to 0.34 Mg ha−1 year−1 in CT and from 0.19 to 0.65 Mg ha−1 year−1 in NT. However, the SOC accumulation rates peaked during the first years (5th to 9th) after the adoption of the management practices and decreased exponentially over time, indicating that conservation soil management was a short-term strategy for atmospheric C mitigation. On the other hand, when the CE costs of tillage operations were taken into account, the benefits of NT to C mitigation compared to CT were enhanced. When CE costs related to N-based fertilizers were taken into account, the increases in SOC accumulation due to N did not necessarily improve atmospheric C mitigation, although this does not diminish the agricultural and economic importance of inorganic N fertilization.  相似文献   

Effect of 19 years of different tillage (direct drilled vs. conventional tillage) and stubble management (stubble retained vs. burnt) on soil carbon fractions were studied in a red earth, an Oxic Paleustalf at Wagga Wagga, NSW. The changes in carbon fractions were related to observed changes in soil structural stability and nitrogen availability. Significant differences in total organic carbon (TOC) were detected to 0.20 m depth, but the largest differences existed in the top 0.05 m where a difference of 8.0 g/kg (equivalent to 5.2 t ha−1) was found between the extreme treatments (direct drilled/stubble retained (DD/SR) vs. conventional cultivation/stubble burnt (CC/SB)). Tillage had a much greater effect in reducing total carbon than stubble burning accounting for 80% of the total difference between the extreme treatments in 0–0.05 m layer. Tillage and stubble burning resulted in lower levels of different organic carbon fractions with tillage preferentially reducing the particulate organic carbon (POC) (>53 μm) (both free and associated POCs), whereas stubble burning reduced the incorporated organic carbon (<53 μm). We also found that tillage and stubble burning both significantly lowered the water stability of aggregate >2 mm, whereas stubble burning was related to the reduction of water stability of aggregates <50 μm. Furthermore, tillage was related to the decline in mineralisable nitrogen (MN) due to the loss of POC, especially the free POC fraction. POC was a more sensitive indicator of soil quality changes under different tillage and stubble management than TOC.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in experimental plots established at Marcos Juárez, in the Pampean Region (center of Argentina) on Typic Argiudolls, with high silt content. The aim of this work was to study the effects of two tillage systems (reduced tillage and no-tillage) on the amount of total organic C, potentially mineralizable C, C released by respiration, and C stock in the topsoil of a corn (Zea mays L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.)–soybean rotation. No-tillage showed C stock greater than reduced tillage only at 0–5 cm depth, but not at 0–20 cm, even though in situ respiration was lower. As a consequence, no tillage did not show a differential capacity for C sequestration in comparison with reduced tillage.  相似文献   

长期不同施肥方式下土壤有机碳的垂直分布及碳储量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了研究施肥对土壤有机碳含量的影响,在湖北省农业科学院南湖实验站进行了25年不同施肥方式的长期定位试验。研究结果表明:与对照相比,除单施氮肥与单施有机肥外,其他施肥方式均提高了0~20cm土壤有机碳含量与碳储量;与对照及单施化肥相比,有机肥配施化肥均提高了0~20cm及0~100cm土壤有机碳含量与碳储量。单施化肥与单施有机肥对各土层土壤有机碳含量影响较小,且土壤有机碳累积少;而化肥配施有机肥提高了0~20cm与20~40cm土壤有机碳含量与碳储量。除对照及氮磷钾肥配施过量有机肥处理外,其他处理土壤全氮与有机碳含量间具有显著相关性。有机肥与化肥配合施用是提高农田土壤有机碳,增加土壤碳储量的有效方法。  相似文献   

A wide range of tillage systems have been used by producers in the Corn-Belt in the United States during the past decade due to their economic and environmental benefits. However, changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON) and crop responses to these tillage systems are not well documented in a corn–soybean rotation. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of different tillage systems on SOC and SON, residue C and N inputs, and corn and soybean yields across Iowa. The first experiment consisted of no-tillage (NT) and chisel plow (CP) treatments, established in 1994 in Clarion–Nicollet–Webster (CNW), Galva–Primghar–Sac (GPS), Kenyon–Floyd–Clyde (KFC), Marshall (M), and Otley–Mahaska–Taintor (OMT) soil associations. The second experiment consisted of NT, strip-tillage (ST), CP, deep rip (DR), and moldboard plow (MP) treatments, established in 1998 in the CNW soil association. Both corn and soybean yields of NT were statistically comparable to those of CP treatment for each soil association in a corn–soybean rotation during the 7 years of tillage practices. The NT, ST, CP, and DR treatments produced similar corn and soybean yields as MP treatment in a corn–soybean rotation during the 3 years of tillage implementation of the second experiment. Significant increases in SOC of 17.3, 19.5, 6.1, and 19.3% with NT over CP treatment were observed at the top 15-cm soil depth in CNW, KFC, M, and OMT soil associations, respectively, except for the GPS soil association in a corn–soybean rotation at the end of 7 years. The NT and ST resulted in significant increases in SOC of 14.7 and 11.4%, respectively, compared with MP treatment after 3 years. Changes in SON due to tillage were similar to those observed with SOC in both experiments. The increases in SOC and SON in NT treatment were not attributed to the vertical stratification of organic C and N in the soil profile or annual C and N inputs from crop residue, but most likely due to the decrease in soil organic matter mineralization in wet and cold soil conditions. It was concluded that NT and ST are superior to CP and MP in increasing SOC and SON in the top 15 cm in the short-term. The adoption of NT or CP can be an effective strategy in increasing SOC and SON in the Corn-Belt soils without significant adverse impact on corn and soybean yields in a corn–soybean rotation.  相似文献   

长期施肥下褐土易氧化有机碳及有机碳库的变化特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本研究探讨了24年长期施肥对褐土土壤有机碳(TOC)、有机碳储量(TOCs)、净固碳效率(NCSE)和碳库管理指数(CPMI)的影响,为评价褐土土壤碳库变化与质量及科学施肥提供理论依据。研究以褐土肥力与肥料长期定位试验为平台,通过9个处理[A组:不施肥处理(N_0P_0、CK);B组:单施无机肥处理(N_1P_1、N_2P_2、N_3P_3和N_4P_4);C组:有机肥与无机肥配施处理(N_2P_1M_1、N_3P_2M_3和N_4P_2M_2);D组:单施高量有机肥处理(M_6)]测定土壤TOC与易氧化有机碳(ROOC)含量,并计算TOCs、NCSE及CPMI等相关指标。结果表明,在不同土层不同时期施用较高量有机肥配施无机肥及施用高量有机肥(N_3P_2M_3、N_4P_2M_2和M_6)均可提高TOC和ROOC含量,且随土层深度加深提升作用减弱。TOCs、NCSE与0~20 cm土层TOC含量在时间和空间上的变化规律基本一致。施用高量有机肥(C组、D组)可有效提高TOCs,A组、B组的TOCs均值分别比C组、D组低76.77%与17.36%。长期施肥处理可提高NCSE,尤其是施用有机肥处理可显著提高NCSE。NCSE为D组C组A组=B组;D组NCSE为1 152.27 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),是C组的2.51倍,B组的16.20倍。与试验前相比,C组和D组的CPMI无显著变化,且C组与D组间差异不显著,但A组与B组比试验前降低16.38~40.02。与A组(CK)相比,B组中N1P1处理与C、D组处理显著影响CPMI,提高了23.30~45.67。在0~40 cm土层CPMI与ROOC含量呈显著正相关,CPMI可以很好地指示有机碳的变化。可见,施用高量有机肥或者较高量有机肥与无机肥配施可极显著提高褐土土壤TOCs、NCSE和CPMI,即施用高量有机肥或者较高量有机肥与无机肥配施(N_3P_2M_3和N_4P_2M_2)有利于褐土有机碳的固存,可减少无机肥的施用量,使土壤性质向良性方向发展,培肥土壤。  相似文献   

Quantifying seasonal dynamics of active soil C and N pools is important for understanding how production systems can be better managed to sustain long-term soil productivity especially in warm subhumid climates. Our objectives were to determine seasonal dynamics of inorganic soil N, potential C and N mineralization, soil microbial biomass C (SMBC), and the metabolic quotient of microbial biomass in continuous corn (Zea mays L.) under conventional (CT), moldboard (MB), chisel (CH), minimum tillage (MT), and no-tillage (NT) with low (45kgNha–1) and high (90kgNha–1) N fertilization. An Orelia sandy clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, hyperthermic Typic Ochraqualf) in south Texas, United States, was sampled before corn planting in February, during pollination in May, and following harvest in July. Soil inorganic N, SMBC, and potential C and N mineralization were usually highest in soils under NT, whereas these characteristics were consistently lower throughout the growing season in soils receiving MB tillage. Nitrogen fertilization had little effect on soil inorganic N, SMBC, and potential C and N mineralization. The metabolic quotient of microbial biomass exhibited seasonal patterns inverse to that of SMBC. Seasonal changes in SMBC, inorganic N, and mineralizable C and N indicated the dependence of seasonal C and N dynamics on long-term substrate availability from crop residues. Long-term reduced tillage increased soil organic matter (SOM), SMBC, inorganic N, and labile C and N pools as compared with plowed systems and may be more sustainable over the long term. Seasonal changes in active soil C and N pools were affected more by tillage than by N fertilization in this subhumid climate. Received: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

Proper management of soil organic matter is an important issue in the context of sustainable agriculture. The intensification of production and the loss of organic carbon associated with agriculture reduce the efficiency of production and the quality of the environment, especially in relation to areas exposed to erosion. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of specific tillage systems and plant cover on the organic carbon losses, as well as on runoff and soil losses, over a 6-year study period following the introduction of no-till. The first factor in the experiment was the tillage system: conventional tillage (CT) and no-till (NT). The second factor was plant cover: horse bean, spring wheat and winter oilseed rape. The results showed that runoff was 4.3 ± 0.6% higher under NT than under CT, while soil loss was 66.8 ± 2.7% lower under NT than under CT. Compared to CT, NT limited the total organic carbon losses by an average of 46.0 ± 2.9% and organic carbon bound with sediment losses by 53.2 ± 0.7%, whereas for dissolved organic carbon, there were no significant differences for the tillage systems. The anti-erosion effectiveness of NT was lower in the first year, but it increased in subsequent years after the introduction of this tillage system. Plant cover also had a significant impact on organic carbon losses and soil protection. The crops were ranked according to runoff, soil losses and organic carbon losses in the following order from lower to higher losses: winter oilseed rape > spring wheat > horse bean.  相似文献   

长期施肥下新疆灰漠土有机碳及作物产量演变   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为明确长期不同施肥下新疆灰漠土有机碳和作物产量演变特征,依托始于1990年的灰漠土肥力长期定位监测试验,选择对照(CK,不施肥)、施氮磷肥(NP)、氮磷钾平衡施肥(NPK)、氮磷钾配合常量有机肥(NPKM)、氮磷钾配合高量有机肥(h NPKM,有机肥施用量为NPKM的2倍)、氮磷钾配合秸秆还田(NPKS)6个处理,分析不同处理下土壤有机碳和小麦、玉米产量演变特征,探讨碳投入及有机碳与作物产量的关系。结果表明:1)长期耗竭种植(CK)、连续施用NP或NPK肥,灰漠土有机碳含量持续下降,年均下降速率分别为0.094 g·kg~(-1)、0.043 g·kg~(-1)和0.053 g·kg~(-1),表明施化肥(NP、NPK)不能维持土壤有机碳含量,不利于土壤肥力的保持。NPKM和h NPKM处理,土壤有机碳显著增加,年均增加0.360 g·kg~(-1)和0.575 g·kg~(-1),增施有机肥是快速提高灰漠土肥力的重要措施。秸秆还田处理(NKPS),土壤有机碳年均增幅0.006 g·kg~(-1),与NPK处理对比,秸秆还田虽没有大幅度提高土壤有机碳,但维持了土壤肥力。2)较CK,长期化肥有机肥配施(NPKM、h NPKM)显著增加了作物产量(P0.05)。与NP和NPK比较,长期化肥有机肥配施显著提高了小麦产量(P0.05),但玉米产量与施化肥处理差异不显著(P0.05),玉米产量以平衡施肥(NPK)的增幅最高,达到220 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)。小麦的产量变异系数(29.1%~43.9%)高于玉米产量变异(19.0%~32.7%)。化肥配合秸秆还田(NPKS)处理的小麦增产幅度与高量施用有机肥(h NPKM)处理接近,喻示了秸秆还田对作物增产的作用不可忽视。3)碳投入与土壤有机碳和小麦、玉米产量有显著线性正相关(P0.05)。基于以上分析,在干旱区灰漠土增加土壤碳投入(有机肥或秸秆)仍然是最基本的土壤培肥措施。  相似文献   

We have studied the impact on arthropod populations of conventional tillage and no-tillage systems in maize. Two different corn–weed control programs were assayed: NT, direct drilling of seed genetically modified to tolerate herbicide plus a combination of two pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicides; CT, conventional drilling with an isogenic corn variety plus a pre-emergence herbicide. Management system affected the soil arthropod community, based on major groups. Lower number of arthropods occurred in CT than in NT. Spider and hymenopteran parasitoids, especially those belonging to the families Lycosidae and Diapriidae were the groups that were most clearly affected. The natural field environment seems to favour the presence of Diapriidae. Spiders, in addition to being abundant, behaved in a similar way during both years of each treatment and might therefore be considered as reliable indicator families of the effects of different soil managements on the arthropod population in corn crops. Management system implies alterations on abundance of arthropods populations and natural enemies present in the crop.  相似文献   

Many factors including management history, soil type, climate, and soil landscape processes affect the dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC). The primary objective of this research was to determine the effects of no-tillage and tillage systems on the SOC content after 12 years of controlled treatments. A tillage experiment with three treatments (no-till (NT), chisel plow (CP) and moldboard plow (MP)) was initiated in the spring of 1989 in southern Illinois. The plot area was previously in a tall fescue hayland for 15 years and had a 6% slope. Maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) were grown in the plot area on a yearly rotation system starting with maize. Periodically, the SOC content of various soil layers, to a depth of either 30 or 75 cm, was measured and expressed on both a gravimetric and volumetric basis. After 12 years, the 0–15 cm surface soil layer of MP was significantly lower in SOC than the NT and CP plots. For all but 2 values, the significance of findings did not change with the form of expression (gravimetric versus volumetric). The surface layer (0–15 cm), subsoil (15–75 cm), and rooting zone (0–75 cm) of all treatments had reduction in SOC on a volumetric basis when compared to the pre-treatment values for sod. At the end of the 12-year study, the MP system had significantly less SOC in the surface layer, subsurface layer and rooting zone than the NT system at comparable depths. After 12 years of tillage under a maize–soybean rotation, the NT treatment sequestered or maintained more SOC stock (47.0 Mt ha−1) than the CP (43.7 Mt ha−1) and MP (37.7 Mt ha−1) treatments. The annual rate of SOC stock build up in the root zone (0–75 cm), above the MP system base, was 0.71 Mt ha−1 year−1 for the NT system and 0.46 Mt ha−1 year−1 for the CP system. For land coming out of the Conservation Reserve Program and returning to row crop production, NT and CP systems would maintain more SOC stock than MP system and reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

A multi-year experiment was conducted to compare the effects of conservation tillage (no-till and ridge-till) with conventional plow tillage on organic C, N, and resin-extractable P in an alkaline semi-arid subtropical soil (Hidalgo sandy clay loam, a fine-loamy, mixed, hyperthermic Typic Calciustoll) at Weslaco, TX (26°9′N 97°57′W). Tillage comparisons were established on irrigated plots in 1992 as a randomized block design with four replications. Soil samples were collected for analyses 1 month before cotton planting of the eighth year of annual cotton (planted in March) followed by corn (planted in August).

No-till resulted in significantly (p<0.01) greater soil organic C in the top 4 cm of soil, where the organic C concentration was 58% greater than in the top 4 cm of the plow-till treatment. In the 4–8 cm depth, organic C was 15% greater than the plow-till control. The differences were relatively modest, but consistent with organic C gains observed in hot climates where conservation tillage has been adopted. Higher concentrations of total soil N occurred in the same treatments, however a significant (p<0.01) reduction in N was detected below 12 cm in the ridge-till treatment. The relatively low amount of readily oxidizable C (ROC) in all tillage treatments suggests that much of the soil organic C gained is humic in nature which would be expected to improve C sequestration in this soil.

Against the background of improved soil organic C and N, bicarbonate extractable P was greater in the top 8 cm of soil. Some of the improvement, however, appeared to come from a redistribution or “mining” of P at lower soil depths. The results indicate that stratification and redistribution of nutrients were consistent with known effects of tillage modification and that slow improvements in soil fertility are being realized.  相似文献   

The long-term effects of cropping systems and management practices on soil properties provide essential information for assessing sustainability and environmental impact. Field experiments were undertaken in southern Spain to evaluate the long-term effects of tillage, crop rotation and nitrogen (N) fertilization on the organic matter (OM) and mineral nitrogen (Nmin) contents of soil in a rain-fed Mediterranean agricultural system over a 6-year period. Tillage treatments included no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT), crop rotations were of 2 yr with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) (WS), wheat-chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) (WP), wheat-faba bean (Vicia faba L.) (WB), wheat-fallow (WF), and in addition, continuous wheat (CW). Nitrogen fertilizer rates were 50, 100, and 150 kg N ha−1. A split-split plot design with four replications was used. Soil samples were collected from a depth of 90 cm at the beginning of the experiment and 6 yr later. Soil samples were also collected from a depth of 30 cm after 4 yr. These samples, like those obtained at the beginning of the experiment, were subjected to comprehensive physico-chemical analyses. The soil samples that were collected 6 yr later were analyzed for OM, NH4+---N and NO3---N at the 0–30, 30–60 and 60–90 cm soil depths. The tillage method did not influence the OM or Nmin contents of the soil, nor did legume rotations increase the OM content of soil relative to CW. A longer period may have been required for differences between treatments to be observed owing to the small amount of crop residue that is returned to soil under rain-fed conditions of semi-arid climates. The WF rotation did not raise the Nmin content of the soil relative to the other rotations. The consistent significant interaction between tillage and crop rotation testifies to the differential effect of the management system on the OM content and N status of the soil. The ammonium levels clearly exceeded those of NO3---N throughout the soil profile. The high Nmin content of the soils reveals the presence of abundant N resources that should be borne in mind in establishing N fertilization schemes for crops under highly variable climatic conditions including scant rainfall such as those of the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

The response of the soil food web structure to soil quality changes during long-term anthropogenic disturbance due to farming practices has not been well studied. We evaluated the effects of three tillage systems: moldboard plow/rotary harrow (MP), rotary cultivator (RC), and no-tillage (NT), three winter cover-crop types (fallow, FL; rye, RY; and hairy vetch, HV), and two nitrogen fertilization rates (0 and 100 kg N ha−1 for upland rice, and 0 and 20 kg N ha−1 for soybean production) on changes in nematode community structure. Sixty-nine taxa were counted, total nematode abundance (ALL), bacterial feeders (BAC), predators (PRD), omnivores (OMN), and obligatory root feeders (ORF) were more abundant in NT than in MP and RC, but fungal feeders and facultative root feeders (FFR) were more abundant in RC than in NT and MP. Cover crop also influenced nematode community structure; rye and hairy vetch were always higher in ALL, BAC, FFR, ORF, and OMN than fallow. Seasonal changes in nematode community structure were also significant; in particular, as soil carbon increased, nematode abundance also increased. The relationship between nematode indices and soil carbon was significant only in NT, but not in MP and RC. In NT, with increasing soil carbon, enrichment index and structure index (SI) were positive and significant and channel index was negative. Bulk density was significantly negatively correlated with FFR and ORF. Seasonal difference in nematode community between summer and autumn was larger in an upland rice rotation than in a soybean rotation. Over the nine-year experiment, SI increased not only in NT but also in MP and RC, suggesting that repeated similar tillage inversions in agroecosystems may develop nematode community structures adapted to specific soil environmental conditions. Because NT showed the highest values of both SI and soil carbon, the increase of soil carbon in NT is expected to have a great impact on developing a more diverse nematode community structure.  相似文献   

Although many studies suggest that no-tillage (NT) increases soil organic carbon (SOC) within the soil profile relative to mouldboard ploughing, other studies indicate that no net change occurs. The latter studies suggest that NT only stratifies the SOC, where a near-surface increase in SOC is offset by a concomitant decrease in the subsurface. We examined the SOC distribution and stocks in a cool, humid Brookston clay (Typic Argiaquoll) soil under four soil management systems with a corn–soybean rotation. The objectives of this study were to compare the profile distribution and total amount of SOC under long-term (21 years) NT and mouldboard plough (MP) tillage with the changes that occur over 8 years when 13-years continuous NT is converted to MP, and when 13-years continuous MP is converted to NT. In the top 5 cm of soil, the long-term NT management accumulated greater SOC compared with the long-term MP treatment. However, this near-surface increase was offset by lower SOC concentrations in the 10–20 cm depth, resulting in similar total amounts of SOC stored in 0–20 cm for both long-term NT and MP. The SOC stratification that existed after 13 years of NT management was eliminated with one mouldboard ploughing operation, however the total SOC content in the plough layer of the new-MP treatment remained relatively constant over the subsequent 8 years. Soil organic carbon stratification was evident in the new no-tillage treatment 3 years after the cessation of tillage. The continuous build-up of SOC in the surface of new-NT soils was associated with no change in the total amount of SOC in the plough layer relative to long-term NT. This implies that the diminution of SOC in the 10–20 cm depth was at the same rate as the accumulation of SOC in the 0–5 cm depth. Although there was no net effect of tillage on total carbon stocks in this fine-textured soil, SOC stratification required several years to build-up after adoption of NT, but only a single year to destroy under MP.  相似文献   

Little is known about the long-term effects of tillage and crop residue management on soil quality and organic matter conservation in subarctic regions. Therefore, we quantified wet aggregate stability, bulk density, pH, total organic C and N, inorganic N, microbial biomass C and N, microbial biomass C:N ratio, microbial quotient, and potential C and N mineralization for a tillage/crop residue management study in central Alaska. Soil from no-till (NT), disked once each spring (DO), and disked twice (DT, spring and fall) treatments was sampled to 20 cm depth in spring and fall of the 16th and 17th years of the study. Crop residues were either retained or removed after harvest each year. Reducing tillage intensity had greater impact on most soil properties than removing crop residues with the most notable effects in the top 10 cm. Bulk density was the only indicator that showed significant differences for the 10–20 cm depth, with values of 0.74 Mg m−3 in the surface 10 cm in NT compared to 0.86 in DT and 1.22 Mg m−3 in NT compared to 1.31 in DT for the 10–20 cm depth. Wet aggregate stability ranged from 10% in DT to 20% in NT. Use of NT or DO conserved soil organic matter more than DT. Compared to measurements made in the 3rd and 4th years of the study, the DT treatment lost almost 20% of the soil organic matter. Retaining crop residues on the soil conserved about 650 g m−2 greater C than removing all residues each year. Soil microbial biomass C and mineralizable C were highest in NT, but the microbial C quotient, which averaged only 0.9%, was not affected by tillage or crop residue treatment. Microbial biomass C:N ratio was 11.3 in DT and 14.4 in the NT, indicating an increasing predominance of fungi with decreasing tillage intensity. Barley grain yield, which averaged 1980 kg ha−1 over the entire 17 years of the study, was highest in DO and not significantly different between NT and DT, but weeds were a serious problem in NT. Reduced tillage can improve important soil quality indicators and conserve organic matter, but long-term NT may not be feasible in the subarctic because of weed problems and build up of surface organic matter.  相似文献   

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