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Two comparisons between spring and autumn pasture for beef cattle were made. Animals used in all comparisons were of similar breed and weight and were subjected to the same feeding regime for 6–8 weeks before turn-out. The pastures were grazed on an equal grazing pressure basis between season comparisons. The pastures received similar rates of fertilizer N between seasons and had similar lengths of rest period for regrowth. Intakes of digestible OM were greater per unit of metabolic liveweight in spring than in autumn. Daily liveweight gains in spring were high, being 1·09 and 1·37 kg (2·4 lb and 3·0 lb), but were lower from autumn pasture at 0·98 and 0·71 kg (2·2 lb and 1·6 lb). Weather was implicated as a factor affecting daily gain from autumn pasture. Greater herbage yields in spring supported 42 and 204 more grazing days per ha which together with the greater gains per animal supported 80–120% more liveweight gain/ha.  相似文献   

Groups of 8 steers weighing 300–400 kg (660–880 Ib) were rotationally grazed on a ryegrass-dominant pasture for 115 days. The systems compared were zero grazing (Z), field grazing conducted at the same stocking rate (FC), and field grazing conducted at a stocking rate varied with the intention of giving the same liveweight gain per uiimal as zero grazing (FV). Mean daily liveweight gains were: Z, 0.98; FC, 0.78; FV, 0.90 kg/animal (2.2, 1.7 and 20 Ib/animal), and liveweight gains/unit area were in the ratio 100:78:85. Organic-matter intake, measured on four occasions, was, on average, Z, 6.54; FC, 6.18; FV, 687 kg/head daily (14.4, 13.6 and 15.1Ib). From these results it appears that a comparison of zero grazing and field grazing made at the same stocking rate is likely to underestimate the potential of field grazing for beef production from grass.  相似文献   

An account is given of the climate, vegetation and native pastures of the beef-cattle regions of Argentina. Though some of these native pastures have a satisfactory carrying capacity, most of them are defective in quality or low in productivity; there is considerable scope for increasing production through the establishment of sown pastures. Trials have been made with a wide range of grasses and legumes, principally of African and European origin. Though the pattern of species to be used in these regions is imperfectly resolved, the authors present a map showing tentative boundaries for temperate, sub-tropical and tropical species. Work to date suggests that pasture development can probably proceed over great areas without the use of fertilizers, and this adds to the attractiveness of pasture programmes. A problem of no less importance than the technical aspects of pasture improvement is that of gaining a greater investment of capital into the development of cattle estancias.  相似文献   

The liveweight gain was measured of beef cattle on pastures stocked at 5.9 to 11.8 cattle/ha and receiving 50, 182 or 329 kg N/ha in a 12-week season. N levels and stocking rates were so adjusted that similar yields of herbage per animal were expected. Results showed that similar liveweight gains per animal, averaging 1.03 kg/day, occurred at all N levels. Liveweight gain/ha ranged from 547 to 1037 kg in 12 weeks and the corresponding quantities of metabolizable energy utilized were 9890 and 17590 Meal. The results confinn earlier work (4, 7).  相似文献   

A series of trials was carried out in which barn-dried hay and silage were fed to young fattening cattle with or without supplementary barley. Liveweight-gains on silage and barn-dried hay alone were too low to provide an adequate finish during winter feeding. Liveweight-gains on hay alone were always higher than those obtained on silage alone, the difference being more marked in lighter animals. There was a marked response to supplements of 3 and 4 lb (1.4 and 1.8 kg) of barley, the response being significantly greater in silage-fed cattle than in those fed on barn-dried hay. There was some evidence of growth compensation with the introduction of a barley supplement to cattle on silage diets, but there was no such response in those fed on hay. Compensatory growth was not accompanied by improved digestibility or N retention.  相似文献   

Many studies in recent years have stressed that grassland provides the greater part of the feed requirements of ruminant livestock in temperate lands, that a large proportion of this is supplied as grazing (83, 122) and that in this form it is the cheapest source of feed for ruminants (25, 38, 40). Several authors have contrasted the production estimated to be available from pasture with the much lower proportion—about 50% (74, 116)—harvested by the animal. For these reasons the efficiency of grass utilization under grazing conditions has received intensive study in the past 20 years and many of the principles of grazing management have been elucidated. Consideration of grazing management involves a study of the needs of the animals to be catered for, the sequence of grass crops which may be grown over the season, including the influence of special-purpose pastures and of fertilizer treatment on the yield and seasonal distribution of production, and the effective conservation of surplus herbage. In this review, however, attention is concentrated on the problems concerned in grazing management for the dairy cow during the main growing period of the year. The object of grazing management may be defined as 'to ensure a large supply of nutritious grazing over the growing season at a low cost and to utilize it in such a manner that physical waste of herbage and inefficient utilization by the animal are minimized and the productive capacity of the sward is maintained'. It is a complex subject, involving many interrelated factors including botanical, animal and per-acre considerations. These are briefly outlined before the available experimental data in grazing management practices are considered.  相似文献   

Autumn grazing of creeping red fescue seed fields at moderate stocking rates produced excellent animal gains, while only slightly reducing the subsequent seed yields. Under autumn grazing of moderate intensity (3.7 animal units/ha) steers made gains of over 1 kg/day while seed yields were reduced by 8%. Under grazing of heavy intensity (6.2 animal units/ha) animal gains were almost 1 kg/day, but seed yields were reduced by 16%.
A spring-grazing period reduced seed yields by 35% and was too short to provide animal gains. Removal of the aftermath as hay improved seed yields slightly, particularly in the second and third harvest years.
A conversion of TDN to body gain of 5.5:1 indicated that the nutritive quality of the aftermath was adequate.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out in which grass was cut and fed indoors, with or without supplementary barley. Seven animals were allocated to each of the following treatments: (1) grass ad lib . without supplementary barley; (2) grass ad lib . with supplementary barley at the rate of 0.5 lb/100 lb bodyweight; (3) grass ad lib . with supplementary barley at the rate of 1 lb/100 lb bodyweight. Supplementary barley increased total dry-matter intake and improved daily liveweight gain and food conversion rate. The mean daily liveweight gains for the 17-week experimental period were 1.60, 1.91 and 2.20 lb and the corresponding feed dry-matter conversion ratios were 6.18, 5.67 and 5.55 for Treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
The dry-matter digestibility of the diets was slightly higher when the grass was supplemented with barley than when grass alone was given. Although barley depressed the digestibility of protein, the absolute and the proportionate retention of nitrogen was increased. This was particularly marked on Treatment 3, presumably because of the higher net energy value of the diet containing the greater amount of barley. The N-retention data corresponded to the rates of liveweight gain obtained.  相似文献   

A field trial was carried out in which 3 groups of cattle were grazed on a paddock system with and without supplementary barley. The cattle were 6 months old when turned out to grass and were each fed 4 lb/day of barley for one week to prevent any adverse effect from an abrupt change of diet. The trial began on 14 May and continued until 8 October. The mean liveweight gain obtained on the unsupplemented grass was only 0·97 lb/day up to 20 August and owing to the poor growth of the animals a supplement of 4 lb barley/head/day was then introduced. The daily liveweight gain for the remainder of the trial was 1·94 lb. When a supplement of 4 lb barley was provided throughout the trial the mean daily liveweight gain was 1·61 lb. When barley was fed ad lib . intake averaged 12·3 lb/head/day throughout the trial and the mean daily gain was 2·45 lb.
Indoor digestibility and nitrogen retention trials were carried out. The starch equivalents of diets on the three treatments were 63·7, 68·3 and 69·5, respectively. The respective mean daily intakes of dry matter were 11·2, 11·9 and 11·8 lb, and the mean daily retentions of N were 35·0, 35·8 and 33·6g. These results indicate that although the grass was of good nutritive value the poor performance of the animals on grass alone was mainly due to their inability to graze sufficient grass.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in two successire years to measure the effect of two levels of fertilizer N, 50 and 300 kg/ha (45 and 270 Ib/ac) on the productivity of pastures grazed by young beef cattle. Two stocking rates were imposed at the lower N level and 4 at the higher level. The responses per kg fertilizer N were approximately 1 kg liveweight gain, 20–24 Meal ME and 8–9 kg DM. Maximal yields of about 1000 kg gain/ha (890 Ib/ac) and 19,000 Meal ME/ha (7700 Mcal ME/acre) were recorded. Animal performance was similar on the low and the high N pastures. There was evidence that the chemical quality of pasture was lower on the low N pasture in the first year, but there was no difference in the second year. The numbers of dung pats per ha and the refusal of herbage due to fouling were reduced by Increasing the stocking rate.  相似文献   

A medium quality barn-dried hay and a poor quality field-cured hay were each supplemented with 3 levels of concentrate in the diet of young beef cattle, averaging 313 kg liveweight. The supplement was given on predetermined hay concentrate metabolizable energy (ME) ratios based on the determined ME of the hays and an assumed ME of 3·0 McalsAg DM for the supplement. The hay concentrate ratios used were 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3, the aim being to provide a reasonable rate of growth (0·7 kg/day) with the poorer hay. It was necessary to include urea in the concentrate mixtures used on the 1:1 and 1:2 ratios with the field-cured hay. The urea appeared to have an adverse effect on the intake and utilization of DM on the 1:1 ratio. The range of mean intakes of supplement DM was 3·02 to 4·41 kg/day for the barn-dried hay and 2·23 to 4·61 for the field-cured hay. Mean daily liveweight gains with the barn-dried hay were 0·76, 0·89 and 0·85 kg for the 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 ratios, respectively, with no significant difference between ratios. The mean daily gains with the field-cured hay were 0·39, 0·77 and 0·75 for the three ratios, the mean gain on the 1:1 ratio being significantly lower than those of the other ratios. The ME conversion ratios were not significantly affected by either ratios or hay type, except on the 1:1 ratio with field-cured hay. There were significant differences between the barn-dried hay and field-cured hay diets in the digestibilities of DM, organic matter, crude protein and energy; the mean coefficients for DM being 74·5% and 65·6%, respectively.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which 119 steers were fed ad lib. on maize silage, supplemented with different proportions of dried lucerne. In addition, the effect of including white fishmeal with the silage at levels up to 13% of the total diet was studied in one experiment. In another, the effect of adding urea to the silage (at 0.9% of the DM) was investigated. In hoth experiments the response in liveweight gain to increasing amounts of lucerne was curvilinear. The highest mean level of daily gain (1.5 kg/head per day) in the first experiment was achieved when the diet contained 62% lucerne or 13% fishmeal. In the second experiment the highest mean daily gain (1.1 kg/head per day) was achieved when the diet contained 71% lucerne. Daily liveweight gains were simOar for the cattle fed 25% of the diet as lucerne with sQage to which urea had heen added, and for those fed higher proportions of lucerne with untreated silage.  相似文献   

Two experiments, each of 6 weeks dehydration, were conducted in 1972. In Expt 1, 24 cattle were grazed in individnal paddocks during July and August and received one of 4 treatments over a 6-weeks period: no supplements; straw ad lib; 3.3 kgj. day sugar-beet pulp; 4.0 kg/day molasses. Mean daily live weight gains were significantly increased by the sugar-beet pulp and molasses supplements; which also increased OM and DOM intake significantly. The increase in total OM intake per kg OM in the supplement was 0.48 for sugar-beet pulp and 0.67 for molasses. In Expt 2, 18 cattle grazed in groups of 3 during November and December. Two groups each received 0.5, 3.5 or 6.5 kg/day sugar-beet pulp over a 6–weeks period. There was no significant difference in live weight gain between treatments, and no significant difference in total intake. Intake from pasture declined with increasing level of supplement, so that the average increase in OM intake per kg OM in the supplement was 0.28. Hie results are discussed in relation to availability of pasture and the effects of the supplements on intake.  相似文献   

Three trials were carried out to compare the feeding value of silage and barn-dried hay for fattening bullocks of approximately 8 cwt initial body weight. In each case the silage and hay were cut from the same sward at the same time. In the first trial the bullocks fed on hay gained 1·88 lb/day while those self-fed on silage gained 1·55 lb/day during a 70-day feeding period. In the second trial of 70 days, the bullocks fed on hay gained 1·96 lb/day and those fed on silage from a trough gained 2·39 lb/day. In the third trial, individually-fed bullocks housed in stalls and given the same hay and silage as used in Trial 2 gained 123 lb/day on hay and 127 lb/day on silage. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to the findings of other workers.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in 1971 and 1972 to study the effects of two levels of fertilizer N (50 and 504 kg/ha) on the productivity of pastures grazed by young beef cattle. Two stocking rates were imposed at the lower N level and three at the higher. In addition to rotational grazing, set-stocking and an integrated grazing-conservation system were included. The responses/kg N were approximately 1 kg live-weight gain, 19–24 Meal ME and 8–9 kg DM. Maximum yields of 1200–1300 kg live-weight gain/ha and 25,000–27,000 Meal ME/ha were recorded. Productivity of set-stocked pasture was similar to rotational grazing at the high N level, but lower at low N. The integrated system yielded comparable results to high-N rotational grazing. Performances and herbage intakes per animal reflected the stocking rates imposed.  相似文献   

Two successive grazing experiments were conducted over 12 weeks on perennial ryegrass pastures with 50 and 44 young cattle to study the effect of N fertilizer when applied at a daily rate of 1 or 3 kg N/ha. At each level of N two stocking rates differing hy 20% were imposed. At the liigher N level and stocking rate, three frequencies of grazing were imposed. At the stocking rates imposed N tended to reduce the daily liveweight gain per head, but increased the total liveweight gain per ha by from 0.79 to 1.58 kg/kg N. A 20% increase in stocking rate depressed gain per head in both years. In the first year it did not improve gain/ha, hut in the second year gain/ha was increased by 12–17%. There was a tendency for performance per animal and per ha to increase as the grazing cycle was lengthened. In 1969 the highest yield in the whole season was 1880 grazing days and 1260 kg gain/ha. The overall response to N fertilizer was similar to that recorded in other reports, but it is possible that a lack of K had limited pasture growth.  相似文献   

Traditionally single suckling is an extensive enterprise which has heen confined largely to the hill- and marginal-areas of the country. In 1965 a single-suckler herd was estahlished at Henley Manor in an attempt to justify economically the existence of the enterprise on intensively managed lowland grass. Over the four years since then gross margins have increased from ±21 to ±34 per acre, and the indications are that these results can he further improved upon, thus suggesting that the suckler herd could have an increasing role to play in British agriculture.  相似文献   

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