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Experimentally induced visual projections into auditory thalamus and cortex   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Retinal cells have been induced to project into the medial geniculate nucleus, the principal auditory thalamic nucleus, in newborn ferrets by reduction of targets of retinal axons in one hemisphere and creation of alternative terminal space for these fibers in the auditory thalamus. Many cells in the medial geniculate nucleus are then visually driven, have large receptive fields, and receive input from retinal ganglion cells with small somata and slow conduction velocities. Visual cells with long conduction latencies and large contralateral receptive fields can also be recorded in primary auditory cortex. Some visual cells in auditory cortex are direction selective or have oriented receptive fields that resemble those of complex cells in primary visual cortex. Thus, functional visual projections can be routed into nonvisual structures in higher mammals, suggesting that the modality of a sensory thalamic nucleus or cortical area may be specified by its inputs during development.  相似文献   

Neural maps of visual and auditory space are aligned in the adult optic tectum. In barn owls, this alignment of sensory maps was found to be controlled during ontogeny by visual instruction of the auditory spatial tuning of neurons. Large adaptive changes in auditory spatial tuning were induced by raising owls with displacing prisms mounted in spectacle frames in front of the eyes; neurons became tuned to sound source locations corresponding to their optically displaced, rather than their normal, visual receptive field locations. The results demonstrate that visual experience during development calibrates the tectal auditory space map in a site-specific manner, dictating its topography and alignment with the visual space map.  相似文献   

Resolving the frequency components of complex sound spectra including speech is an inherent, important accomplishment of the auditory nervous systems of vertebrates. The critical perceptual unit in the frequency domain, the critical bandwidth, has a simple functional equivalent within the principal midbrain auditory nucleus--the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus.  相似文献   

In primates, certain areas of the frontal cortex play a role in guiding movements toward visual or auditory objects in space. The projections from auditory centers to the frontal cortex of the bat Pteronotus parnellii were examined because echolocating bats utilize auditory cues to guide their movements in space. An area in the frontal cortex receives a direct projection from a division of the auditory thalamus, the suprageniculate nucleus, which in turn receives input from the anterolateral peri-olivary nucleus, an auditory center in the medulla. This pathway to the frontal cortex bypasses the main auditory centers in the midbrain and cortex and could involve as few as four neurons between the cochlea and the frontal cortex. The auditory cortex is also a major source of input to the frontal cortex. This area of the frontal cortex may link the auditory and motor systems by its projections to the superior colliculus.  相似文献   

Auditory spatial receptive fields created by multiplication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Examples of multiplication by neurons or neural circuits are scarce, although many computational models use this basic operation. The owl's auditory system computes interaural time (ITD) and level (ILD) differences to create a two-dimensional map of auditory space. Space-specific neurons are selective for combinations of ITD and ILD, which define, respectively, the horizontal and vertical dimensions of their receptive fields. A multiplication of separate postsynaptic potentials tuned to ITD and ILD, rather than an addition, can account for the subthreshold responses of these neurons to ITD-ILD pairs. Other nonlinear processes improve the spatial tuning of the spike output and reduce the fit to the multiplicative model.  相似文献   

The central auditory system translates sound localization cues into a map of space guided, in part, by visual experience. In barn owls, this process takes place in the external nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICX). However, to date, no trace of visual activity has been observed in this auditory nucleus. Here we show that strong visual responses, which are appropriate to guide auditory plasticity, appear in the ICX when inhibition is blocked in the optic tectum. Thus, visual spatial information is gated into the auditory system by an inhibitory mechanism that operates at a higher level in the brain.  相似文献   

These units responded vigorously to stimuli moving entirely across their receptive field centers in one direction (preferred) and not at all when the direction of motion was reversed (null). The directional selectivity was the result of an inhibitory mechanism which prevented responses to null movements. Surrounding each field center was a concentric antagonistic region produced by a second inhibitory mechanism.  相似文献   

Single cell responses were recorded from the superior colliculus of awake monkeys trained to move their eyes. A class of cells that discharged before eye movements was found in the intermediate and deep layers of the colliculus. The response of the cells was most vigorous before saccadic eye movements within a particular range of directions. These cells had no visual receptive fields, and visually guided eye movements were not necessary for their discharge, since they responded in total darkness before spontaneous eye movements and vestibular nystagmus.  相似文献   

Cats were raised from birth with one eye viewing horizontal lines and one eye viewing vertical lines. Elongated receptive fields of cells in the visual cortex were horizontally or vertically oriented-no oblique fields were found. Units with horizontal fields were activated only by the eye exposed to horizontal lines; units with vertical fields only by the eye exposed to vertical lines.  相似文献   

Many cells in the intermediate and deep gray layers of the superior colliculus of the cat respond to both auditory and visual stimuli. These cells have similar receptive fields for both modalities and are directionally selective for both modalities, requiring stimuli moving laterally away from the animal. Perhaps cells that integrate auditory and visual information participate in the control of orienting and following responses to stimuli of both modalities.  相似文献   

Centripetal spike potentials were recorded from two classes of units (transient and sustained) in the intermediate chiasma of flies. On-off units were characterized by a transient discharge after the onset and cessation of a light spot presented within its elliptical receptive field. Receptive fields of sustaining units were composed of three roughly circular regions arranged adjacently along a line; stimulation of the center region elicited a sustainied discharge, whereas stimulation of either adjacent region elicited an off discharge. Adjacent regions antagonized the central region, for stimulation of either inhibited the discharge resulting from stimulation of the central region.  相似文献   

Neurons generated in the adult brain are recruited into functional circuits   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Adult canaries, Serinus canarius, received injections of 3H-labeled thymidine, a marker of DNA synthesis. Thirty days after the last injection, intracellular potentials were recorded from neurons in the nucleus hyperstriatum ventralis pars caudalis, a vocal control nucleus in the telencephalon; these same cells were then injected with horseradish peroxidase. Of the 74 neurons labeled with horseradish peroxidase that were recovered, the nuclei of seven were radioactively labeled. Four of these seven neurons had responded to auditory stimuli. These double-labeled neurons were apparently generated during or after the 3H-labeled thymidine treatment (during adulthood) and subsequently incorporated into functional neural circuits.  相似文献   

Binocularly driven neurons in visual cortex of split-chiasm cats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In cats with midsagittal section of the optic chiasm, some visual cortex neurons can be driven not only by the ipsilateral eye, through the direct geniculocortical pathways, but also by the contralateral eye, through the opposite visual cortex and corpus callosum. The receptive fields and the response characteristics observed upon stimulation of the contralateral eye are very similar to those observed upon stimulation of the ipsilateral eye; the two monocular receptive fields of a given cell lie in corresponding points of heteronymous halves of the visual field in close contact with the vertical meridian, thus adding in visual space and forming a binocular receptive area which crosses the vertical meridian and extends equally on either side of it.  相似文献   

Of 76 cutaneously activated neurons recorded from the ventral posterior thalamus of awake, behaving monkeys, nine were weakly excited by innocuous skin stimulation and responded maximally only when noxious mechanical cutaneous stimuli were delivered within small, contralateral receptive fields. These results show that neurons capable of encoding the spatial and temporal features of noxious stimuli are located in the ventral posterior thalamus of the awake primate.  相似文献   

Some neurons in the visual cortex of awake monkeys visually tracking a moving target showed receptive fields that were excited only by stimulus motion relative to a background, while other neurons responded to any kind of stimulus motion. This result was found with two methods, one in which tracking eye movements were identical in both relative-motion and absolute-motion conditions, and another in which stimulus motions on the retina were identical in both conditions. This response pattern can differentiate translation of the retinal image during eye movement from motion of objects in the world.  相似文献   

Examination of the structural organization of the auditory system of the brain stem shows that the system is composed of a number of separate ascending pathways. This suggests that there may be at least two auditory systems, analogous to the rod and cone pathways in vision. We examined this possibility by investigating the variation in relative size of the medial and lateral superior olivary nuclei in a number of different mammalian species. The lateral superior olive is present in the hedgehog (an insectivore), cat (acarnivore), and squirrel monkey a(primate), but the medial superior olive is absent in the hedgehog. In a group of animals of the same taxonomic order (rodents) the lateral superior olive was present in all species examined, but the medial superior olive was almost wholly absent in the mouse and very prominent in the chinchilla and guinea pig. The absence of the medial superior olive in some animals is surprising because recent anatomical and physiological work has implicated the nucleus in auditory localization. Because of this implication, the medial and lateral olivary nuclei were examined in three species of bat and one dolphin, all echolocating animals. The medial superior olive was absent in these animals, and the lateral superior olive was prominent. These observations support the idea that the medial and lateral superior olives are nuclei on two different ascending auditory systems. It was also noted that the medial superior olive was always well developed in animals with well-developed eyes, and this suggested that the nucleus is in some way related to the visual system. We examined this idea by studying the relation between the numbers of cells in the medial superior olive and in the nucleus of the 6th cranial nerve (one of the motor nuclei concerned with eye movement) in a number of mammalian species. An approximately linear function was found between the sizes of the 6th nucleus and of the medial superior olive in three primates with cone-cell retinas (squirrel monkey, man, and macaque) and four rodents with rod-cell retinas (mouse, rat, guinea pig, and chinchilla). The cell numbers for the ground squirrel (a rodent with cone-cell retina) fitted an extension of the primate curve, and the cell numbers for the cat (in whose retina rods predominate) fitted an extension of the rodent curve. Thus, it is clear that the medial superior olive is related to the visual system, and that it is present in animals with cone-cell fovea and retina (diurnalanimals) and animals with rod-cell retina (that is, nocturnal animals) having good vision. In nonvisual nocturnal animals the nucleus is small or absent. The medial superior olive is probably not concerned with auditory localization in the psychophysical sense but is probably concerned with the movement of head and eyes in the direction of a sound in space. Localization in the psychophysical sense and fine auditory discrimination probably depend upon the ascending pathway which includes the lateral superior olive.  相似文献   

将辣根过氧化物酶结合麦芽凝集素(WGA-HRP)注入北京鸭隔中脑束,在延髓的孤束核,脑桥的兰斑核和中脑的中央上核,均见有标记细胞,以同侧孤束核和兰斑核的标记细胞最多,其中孤束核内标记细胞中等大小梭形为多。兰斑核内标记细胞以中等大小圆形为多。此外,尚见延髓腹侧网状结构,脑桥的外侧丘系核,中脑的后线核,中央灰质、Gudden氏被盖背侧核、Gudden被盖腹侧核和网状结构有少量标记细胞。  相似文献   

Encoding of spatial location by posterior parietal neurons   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
The cortex of the inferior parietal lobule in primates is important for spatial perception and spatially oriented behavior. Recordings of single neurons in this area in behaving monkeys showed that the visual sensitivity of the retinotopic receptive fields changes systematically with the angle of gaze. The activity of many of the neurons can be largely described by the product of a gain factor that is a function of the eye position and the response profile of the visual receptive field. This operation produces an eye position-dependent tuning for locations in head-centered coordinate space.  相似文献   

A map of visual space induced in primary auditory cortex   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Maps of sensory surfaces are a fundamental feature of sensory cortical areas of the brain. The relative roles of afferents and targets in forming neocortical maps in higher mammals can be examined in ferrets in which retinal inputs are directed into the auditory pathway. In these animals, the primary auditory cortex contains a systematic representation of the retina (and of visual space) rather than a representation of the cochlea (and of sound frequency). A representation of a two-dimensional sensory epithelium, the retina, in cortex that normally represents a one-dimensional epithelium, the cochlea, suggests that the same cortical area can support different types of maps. Topography in the visual map arises both from thalamocortical projections that are characteristic of the auditory pathway and from patterns of retinal activity that provide the input to the map.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkey vestibular cortex: a bimodal primary projection field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Single units in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulata) cortex responded to both vestibular and proprioceptive somatosensory stimuli. This bimodal response characteristic is unlike the modality specificity noted for other primary sensory fields. The vestibular field is located, contrary to previous opinion, within a distinct cytoarchitectonic area outside of area 2.  相似文献   

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