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当前沙棘木蠹蛾研究中存在的主要问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沙棘木蠹蛾的大面积暴发,使得其控制研究取得了前所未有的进展,从基础性研究到多种控制方法的实施,都在一定程度上控制了沙棘木蠹蛾的进一步发生和危害。然而,在研究过程中,也出现了许多分歧和问题。为此,本文对沙棘木蠹蛾的研究现状、研究中所存在的问题以及控制技术等方面进行了详细的研究和探讨,以期为沙棘木蠹蛾的综合控制提供较好的理论依据,同时为更有效地控制其危害提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Field applications usingBacillus thuringiensis (Dipel 2 X) againstSpodoptera exigua infesting corn and sunflower cultivations were carried out in two different localities in Egypt. The percentage of infested corn plants decreased to 2.5%, seven days after treatment with Dipel 2x, (250 g/fed) and the yield was significantly increased compared with untreated plots. The carbamate insecticide (Lannate) at 300 g/fed caused complete kill to the larvae and the highest yield was obtained. Application of Lannate, Dipel (250 g) or a combination of both (150 g/each/fed) caused a high reduction of the larvae existing in sunflower after seven days from application, while Dipel at 200 g/fed gave a lower effect. Ten days after application, the number of larvae and infested plants increased significantly in plots treated with Lannate alone, while plots treated with either Dipel (250 g) or Dipel combined with Lannate (150 g/each) still maintained a lower infestation. The estimated yield showed the highest increase in plots treated with Lannate followed by Dipel (250 g) and then a combination of both.  相似文献   

The effective threshold rate of application of Dipel 2X was 250g/f. Incorporation of some chemical additives such as calcium sulphate (CaSO4) or calcium oxide (CaO) significantly potentiated the effectiveness of Dipel 2X on larval population. The addition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) to Dipel 2X greatly reduced the larval population and led to a significant increase in the yield of some vegetable crops. Dipel 2X baits at 250g/f were almost as effective as the chemical insecticide Hostathion when used at 1.5l/f in controllingA. ypsilon larvae attacking vegetable crops. Control of the greasy cutwormAgrotis ypsilon population was better achieved when the biological control agent Dipel 2X was used as baits.  相似文献   

Lobinger  G.  Skatulla  U. 《Journal of pest science》1986,59(8):147-148
Journal of Pest Science - The infectivity of two virus-strains (NPV) was tested againstP. flammea andL. monacha. It could be shown that theP. flammea-virus was only pathogenic forP. flammea-larvae...  相似文献   

During an outbreak of the soybean semilooper,Plusia orichalcea F. in Jabalpur, the caterpillars not only caused heavy damages to the soybean crop but were also commonly feeding on many other plants growing in soybean fields and nearly bunds. A list of these alternative host plants containing 15 species of 6 families is given.  相似文献   

Diadegma semiclausum was reared in the laboratory on 2nd and 3rd instar larvae ofPlutella xylostella. At 25°C, the incubation period of the parasite's egg was 38h; the following stages lasted 5.4 days (5 instars), 33h (pre-pupa), and 5.9 days (pupa). Superparasitism occurred but only one parasite developed from one host larva. Sex ratio inD. semiclausum was found to be 11 in nature as well as in laboratory. The daily and total rate of eggs deposited per female were 13.6 and 164.2, respectively. The parasite male and female, fed on honey, lived for 11.2 and 14.6 days, respectively. Laboratory trials failed to rearD. semiclausum on certain lepidopterous larvae other thanP. xylostella. Percentages of parasitism byD. semiclausum inP. xylostella larvae collected from cabbage fields during 1982 ranged between 0 and 66%.
Zusammenfassung Diadegma semiclausum wurde im Labor in L2- und L3-Raupen vonPlutella xylostella gezüchtet. Bei 25°C dauerte die Entwicklung 1,6 (Ei), 5,4 (L1–L5), 1,4 (Präpuppe) und 5,9 (Puppe) Tage. Superparasitismus kam vor, doch entwickelte sich nur jeweils eine Parasitenlarve. Das Geschlechterverhältnis vonD. semiclausum betrug im Freiland und im Labor 11. Die tägliche und die Gesamtzahl an abgelegten Eiern betrugen 13,6 und 164,2. Bei Fütterung mit Honig lebten die männlichen Parasiten i.M. 11,2, die weiblichen i. M. 14,6 Tage. Die Laborversuche zeigten, daßD. semiclausum sich ausschließlich ausP. xylostella-Raupen ziehen ließ. Die Parasitierungsquoten vonD. semiclausum inP. xylostella variierten bei Raupen von Kohlfeldern aus verschiedenen Landesteilen 1982 zwischen 0 und 66%.

A new virosis in caterpillars of Lymantria dispar L. (Lep., Lymantriidae) Caterpillars ofL. dispar found in the Apennin-mountains near Genua, Italy, showed a new virosis in a low percentage. The pathogen is characterized by the enormous dimensions (max. 20 ) and the cubic form of the polyhedra. It causes a nuclear hypertrophie particularly within the haemocytes,  相似文献   

Field experiments have been carried out to evaluate the potency of the biological control agentBacillus thuringiensis (Dipel), the pyrethroid Fenvalerate and their combinations for the control of the lesser cotton leafwormSpodoptera exigua on soybeans in Qualubia governorate. Molasses was combined with all treatments to enhance their effectiveness. One spray application with either Dipel or Fenvalerate showed an obvious reduction in larval counts ofS. exigua, associated with a significant increase in the crop yield but in varying degrees, in correlation with the tested dose. Treatments with combinations of both biological and chemical insecticides at the lowest tested doses (62 g ofB. t. +50 ml of Fenvalerate/feddan) showed to be highly potential, and caused 2.8 fold increase in the crop yield. It may be recommended that a combination of both preparations may be used for the control ofS. exigua.  相似文献   

The efficacy of two commercial products of Bactospeine and Bio-fly onPrays citri of lime trees was studied under laboratory and field conditions throughout the two seasons of 1996 and 1997. Laboratory results indicated that the pathogenic effect of Bactospeine,Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) was higher than that of Bio-fly,Beauveria bassiana in spite of the latter was applied with higher doses. Bactospeine at the rate (2 cc/1 l.w.) effected on the larvae more than on the adults, that treatment reduced no. of eggs/female by 81.70% and decreased the larval infestation by 90.08%. Bio-fly at the highest concentration (4 cc/1 l.w.) reduced the infestation with the eggs, the larvae and the pupae by 65.83%, 68.45% and 72.55%, respectively. Advanced effects of bacterial and fungal treatments on the final reduction rates ofP. citri infestation were recorded. Field applications revealed that two sprays with Bactospeine or Bio-fly gave good control ofP. citri more than one spray. Bactospeine at the rate (2 cc/1 l.w.) and Biofly at the rate (4 cc/1 l.w.) reduced the infestation by (89.82–93.43%) and (76.32–78.83%), respectively. In all cases, higher doses of bioinsecticides produced potentiation effects of infestation reduction. It is recommended that two sprays of Bactospeine at a rate (2cc/1 l.w.) are adequate effective to reduce the population of P. citri in lime orchards during the main flowering period of trees without need of chemical insecticides. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

On Hymenoptera parasitizing the Syringia Moth, Gracilaria syringella F. (Lep., Gracilariidae)During an outbreak ofG. syringella onFraxinus excelsior in 1973 and 1974 near Munich 12 species of Hymenoptera parasitized the larvae if this pest. There were 3 chief parasite spezies;Apanteles gracilariae Wilk.,A. dilectus (Hol.) andTeleopterus sp. (probablyT. erkias Walk.) which came to nearly 90% of the whole population of parasites in each of the 4 host generations. The whole parasitization of theG. syringella larvae amounted to 12,5% (1973, 2. gen.) ot 31,2% (1973, 1.gen). Teleopterus sp. deposites the eggs int those of the moth and the full grown parasites larvae leave the young host larvae (L2) within the leaf mines. The two species os genus Apanteles deposite their eggs in the mining larvae and their full grown larvae leave the old host larvae within the leaf rolls.  相似文献   

Field trials were made on the efficacy of the new inhibitor of chitin synthesis in insects, Nomolt 15 SC with teflubenzuron as an effective substance, to larvae ofLymantria dispar, using Nomolt pure or in combination withBacillus thuringiensis. In further experiments another moulting inhibitor, Dimilin, was tested pure or in combination with the Bacillus. The mixture of Bathurin 82 S (Bac. thuring. var.kurstaki), 16 BIU/ha and Nomolt, 10 or 50 ml/ha proved to be very efficacious even during cold and rainy weather, when it showed 20% higher efficacy than the pure biopreparation. The combination with Nomolt as stressor proved to have higher selectivity and efficacy against the pest larvae than those with Dimilin.  相似文献   

Spodoptera exempta (Wlk.) is recorded every year in the Republic of Yemen. Based on the use of pheromone traps, a very simple but effectively applicable monitoring and forecasting system was developed. Areas from which infestations have been reported and the frequency of attacks are mapped in detail. The monthly distributions and frequencies of incidence are presented in two tables. The range of recordedS. exempta moths is illustrated and the number of outbreaks for the last 32 years described.  相似文献   

The adaptation of the primary internal parasitoid,Trichogramma evanescens (Westw.), as an egg parasitoid ofLobesia botrana (Den. & Schiff.) was the first report in Alexandria region, Egypt. The life-span of this parasitoid on eggs ofL. botrana andSitotroga cerealella Ol. was investigated. The duration from egg to adult, longevity of adult stage, sex-ratio and total life cycle each of the two hosts were recorded. The ovipositional periods of mated females ofT. evanescens on egg ofL. botrana at 27±2co and 75±2% R.H. were studied. Also, percentages of parasitism byT. evanescens ranged from 22%–64% on the eggs ofL. botrana. Therefore, this parasitoid was very efficient as a biocontrol agent against the most serious grape pestL. botrana in Egypt.  相似文献   

Caterpillars ofL. dispar collected 1976 and 1977 during an outbreak of the pest in Sardinia, Italy were infected by a microsporidiosis,Nosema lymantriae Weiser and a virosis (polyhedrosis). In 1976 no mixed infection took place.Nosema caused 14%, the polyhedrosis 3.1% mortality. In 1977 the mortality amounted to 72.5% consisting of 60% microsporidiosis, 5.5% virosis and 7.0% mixed infection. So the microsporidiosis dominated opposite to other reports.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the influence of the mixed biocide GCSC-BtA on the pupal and adult stages of Apanteles plutellae Kurd. (Hym., Braconidae) and its host, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae). The results show that mortalities of the pupae of P. xylostella in the direct-dip bioassay were 84.67?%, that of the adults in the residue bioassay at 1.2500?mg/ml concentration of GCSC-BtA were 78.00?% which were significantly higher than the mortality values for the pupae with 54.62?% and adults with 48.13?% of A. plutellae. In contrast, cypermethrin showed extremely high toxicity to the pupae with 94.58?% and adults with 86.00?% mortality values of A. plutellae as compared to the low mortality values of 42.14?% for the pupae and 32.11?% for the adults of P. xylostella, with the same concentrations and bioassay methods. The LC50 values of GCSC-BtA were 0.3402, 0.5516 and 1.2405, 1.9480?mg/ml for the pupae and adults of P. xylostella and A. plutellae, respectively, while the LC50 values for cypermethrin were 1.5652, 2.3471 and 0.1096, 0.1152?mg/ml, respectively. GCSC-BtA was found more toxic to the pupae and adults of P. xylostella and safer to the pupae and adults of A. plutellae than cypermethrin. The possibilty of using GCSC-BtA against P. xylostella under partial control by A. plutellae in vegetable fields is discussed.  相似文献   

Males of the larch bud moth developing onPicea excelsa in the SSR respond when tested by the electroantenno-grammethod or in the field much stronger to (E)-9-dodecenyl acetate (E 9–12 Ac) as to the (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (E 11–14 Ac) which is maximally prefered by the larch bud moth developing onLarix decidua. Thus the spruce form exhibits a similar reaction as the males developing onPinus cembra sympatrically with the larch form in the Alps.  相似文献   

Data from a 3-yr study (1985–1987) suggest that seasonal emergence ofAdoxophyes orana as determined by sex pheromone traps and collected samples, is about the same during these years. Moth catches were noticed from early May to early June, late June to early August and early September to mid October. Some moths were also noticed in mid November in 1985 and 1987. Oviposition and hatching of larvae closely followed adult emergence. Overlapping was observed only between the late instar larvae of some generations and the earlier instar larvae of the following one.  相似文献   

The game deterrent “Wöbra”, a copolymer containing quartz sand, is smeared on trees to deter mammals from damaging the bark. An experiment showed that Wöbra might act as a physical barrier against woodboring insects but it did not prevent infestations by larvae ofParanthrene tabaniformis (Lep.; Sesiidae) in one-year-old poplars. Wöbra had not adversely affected the annual height increment of the treated trees up to three years after application.  相似文献   

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