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INTRODUCTION: Group learning has been used to enhance deep (long-term) learning and promote life skills, such as decision making, communication, and interpersonal skills. However, with increasing multiculturalism in higher education, there is little information available as to the acceptance of this form of learning by Asian students or as to its value to them. METHODOLOGY: Group-learning projects, incorporating a seminar presentation, were used in first-year veterinary anatomical science classes over two consecutive years (2003 and 2004) at the School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland. Responses of Australian and Asian students to survey forms evaluating the learning experience were analyzed and compared. RESULTS: All students responded positively to the group learning, indicating that it was a useful learning experience and a great method for meeting colleagues. There were no significant differences between Asian and Australian students in overall responses to the survey evaluating the learning experience, except where Asian students responded significantly higher than Australian students in identifying specific skills that needed improving. CONCLUSIONS: Group learning can be successfully used in multicultural teaching to enhance deep learning. This form of learning helps to remove cultural barriers and establish a platform for continued successful group learning throughout the program.  相似文献   

RATIONALE FOR THE STUDY: Recent studies have demonstrated that collaborative or cooperative learning (CL) provides students and teachers with a variety of advantages over traditional instructional methods. To explore the possibility of introducing CL into the veterinary undergraduate curriculum on a larger scale-to facilitate the development of professional competencies-a cooperative learning assignment (CLA) was introduced into the fourth year Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVMS) degree course at the University of Glasgow. An evaluation was carried out as a basis for optimizing subsequent CL activities in the undergraduate course. METHODOLOGY: Evaluation of student attitudes to the CLA was conducted using pre- and post-task questionnaires and a focusgroup discussion involving student representatives from several of the small groups. Quantitative questionnaire data were imported into SPSS and a statistical test was used to identify any significant shifts in student attitudes. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of the quantitative questionnaire results indicates that students-who regarded themselves generally as team players rather than competing individuals-had few concerns before or after the CLA. There were some significant shifts (negative and positive) in response to some of the questions, but generally the results were encouraging. However, a number of issues emerged from the focus-group discussion with regards to the administration of CL and matching students' expectations to their experiences. In particular, students need to be adequately informed at the outset about the CL process and about how it will be assessed, have access to the required facilities, and be comfortable with learning different skills sets from those their peers are learning. Staff facilitators require adequate guidance on what they are expected to contribute to the CL process.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the circumstances of dogs biting people in New Zealand. METHODS: Veterinary science and veterinary nursing students enrolled at Massey University in 2003 completed a questionnaire detailing their lifetime experience of dog bites and their opinions of dog control legislation. RESULTS: The response rate was 100%. There were 228 completed responses to the survey, and 87 (38%) respondents had been bitten by a dog. Most bites caused minor injury, but 17 (20%) required medical attention. Male respondents were more likely to have been bitten. The highest proportion of respondents (27; 31%) had been bitten while between 6 and 10 years of age, and the hand was the part of the body most often injured. Eighteen (21%) bites involved a stranger's dog, but most bites were by a dog known to the victim. Respondents from rural areas were three times more likely to have been bitten than city dwellers. The victim's home was the place where most (31; 36%) bites occurred. Male dogs were responsible for a larger proportion of bites (38; 44%) than females (24; 28%); respondents were unsure about the sex of the remainder of the dogs (25; 29%) that bit them. Protecting the home, play, accidents, rough handling and pain were identified as the common reasons for dogs to bite. Most (46; 52%) respondents did not believe legislation could have prevented their bite. Only four (5%) bites were reported to authorities. CONCLUSION: Rural dwellers, people with more experience of dogs, children <11 years of age, and male respondents were bitten by dogs most often. Only legislation relating to the fencing of dog owners' properties may have prevented a reasonable proportion (25; 29%) of the bites reported here.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the circumstances of dogs biting people in New Zealand.

METHODS: Veterinary science and veterinary nursing students enrolled at Massey University in 2003 completed a questionnaire detailing their lifetime experience of dog bites and their opinions of dog control legislation.

RESULTS: The response rate was 100%. There were 228 completed responses to the survey, and 87 (38%) respondents had been bitten by a dog. Most bites caused minor injury, but 17 (20%) required medical attention. Male respondents were more likely to have been bitten. The highest proportion of respondents (27; 31%) had been bitten while between 6 and 10 years of age, and the hand was the part of the body most often injured. Eighteen (21%) bites involved a stranger's dog, but most bites were by a dog known to the victim. Respondents from rural areas were three times more likely to have been bitten than city dwellers. The victim's home was the place where most (31; 36%) bites occurred. Male dogs were responsible for a larger proportion of bites (38; 44%) than females (24; 28%); respondents were unsure about the sex of the remainder of the dogs (25; 29%) that bit them. Protecting the home, play, accidents, rough handling and pain were identified as the common reasons for dogs to bite. Most (46; 52%) respondents did not believe legislation could have prevented their bite. Only four (5%) bites were reported to authorities.

CONCLUSION: Rural dwellers, people with more experience of dogs, children <11 years of age, and male respondents were bitten by dogs most often. Only legislation relating to the fencing of dog owners′ properties may have prevented a reasonable proportion (25; 29%) of the bites reported here.  相似文献   

This article describes a computerized case-based CD-ROM (CD) on international animal health that was developed to give veterinary students an opportunity to "virtually" work alongside veterinarians and other veterinary students as they try to solve challenging disease problems relating to tuberculosis in South African wildlife, bovine abortion in Mexico, and neurologic disease in horses in Rapa Nui, Chile. Each of the three case modules presents, in a highly interactive format, a problem or mystery that must be solved by the learner. As well as acquiring information via video clips and text about the specific health problem, learners obtain information about the different countries, animal-management practices, diagnostic methods, related disease-control issues, economic factors, and the opinions of local experts. After assimilating this information, the learner must define the problem and formulate an action plan or make a recommendation or diagnosis. The computerized program invokes three principles of adult education: active learning, learner-centered education, and experiential learning. A medium that invokes these principles is a potentially efficient learning tool and template for developing other case-based problem-solving computerized programs. The program is accessible on the World Wide Web at . A broadband Internet connection is recommended, since the modules make extensive use of embedded video and audio clips. Information on how to obtain the CD is also provided.  相似文献   

Students' perceptions about the quality of teaching have been shown to influence their approaches to learning and studying. The literature suggests that understanding student perceptions is critical to making informed decisions about curriculum development so that courses meet objectives, enhance engagement, and, ultimately, improve learning. However, the assessment of students' perceptions of their courses and the quality of teaching is frequently limited to an end-of-term course evaluation survey. While these course evaluations may be useful in providing a summative assessment, they do not typically provide insight into the reasons and influences that underlie student ratings. Achieving this type of understanding can be accomplished through qualitative methodology, which is a process of investigation used to reveal the depth, complexity, and nuances of perceptions and experiences. In the current article, we report the use of focus groups as a method of gaining in-depth understanding of student perceptions for course redesign. We present the redesign of the Art of Veterinary Medicine II course, a second-year core offering within the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine curriculum at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph, Canada. A series of student focus groups were held to gain greater insight into student perceptions of the course objectives, format, and content. Findings were then considered in the redevelopment of the course to better engage students and their various learning styles. Summative course evaluations as well as informal feedback before and after the focus groups indicate a notable improvement in student experiences and perceptions of the course format and content following the focus-group informed course redesign.  相似文献   

This study measured the attitudes of 55 medical students and 30 veterinary medical students as they participated in an experiment of collaborative teaching and learning about basic surgical skills. Two parallel forms of an attitude questionnaire were developed, with three subscales: confidence in one's own surgical skill; collaboration with the other type of student; and inter-professional collaboration in general. These attitude scales were administered before and after an experiment involving the veterinary medical students teaching the medical students incision and exploratory laparoscopy in a laboratory setting using live rabbits. After the experiment, measures of the medical students' attitudes had increased significantly on all three subscales. Measures of the veterinary students' attitudes increased significantly on two subscales but declined on the subscale of inter-professional collaboration.  相似文献   

In recent years, veterinary education has received an increased amount of attention directed at the value and application of collaborative case-based learning. The benefit of instilling deep learning practices in undergraduate veterinary students has also emerged as a powerful tool in encouraging continued professional education. However, research into the design and application of instructional strategies to encourage deep, collaborative case-based learning in veterinary undergraduates has been limited. This study focused on delivering an instructional intervention (via a 20-minute presentation and student handout) to foster productive, collaborative case-based learning in veterinary education. The aim was to instigate and encourage deep learning practices in a collaborative case-based assignment and to assess the impact of the intervention on students' group learning. Two cohorts of veterinary students were involved in the study. One cohort was exposed to an instructional intervention, and the other provided the control for the study. The instructional strategy was grounded in the collaborative learning literature and prior empirical studies with veterinary students. Results showed that the intervention cohort spent proportionally more time on understanding case content material than did the control cohort and rated their face-to-face discussions as more useful in achieving their learning outcomes than did their control counterparts. In addition, the perceived difficulty of the assignment evolved differently for the control and intervention students from start to end of the assignment. This study provides encouraging evidence that veterinary students can change and enhance the way they interact in a group setting to effectively engage in collaborative learning practices.  相似文献   

Teaching veterinary students about animal welfare science, ethics, and law has been identified as a priority of the veterinary curriculum. Suggested content for such a course, the stage at which it should be taught, and possible methods of teaching and assessing the subject have been outlined. Critically, such a course needs to address the quantification of the impact of humans on animals (welfare science), the analysis of our moral obligations (welfare ethics), and knowledge of minimum welfare standards (welfare legislation). A mixture of both teaching methods and assessment techniques is needed to ensure that sufficient skills and knowledge and a deeper understanding are achieved.  相似文献   

Problem-based or case-based learning is a popular method of instruction in clinical degrees such as veterinary science, nursing, and medicine. It is difficult, however, for students to adapt to this learning method, and this difficulty has been well described. The present study surveyed first-year undergraduate veterinary students at the University of Nottingham about the challenges they faced upon beginning problem-based learning sessions. A surprisingly large percentage of students (36% of females and 38% of males) reported a lack of confidence in speaking in front of the other students as a concern they experienced during their first term. Conversely, only 10% of the female students (and none of the male students) reported overconfidence as a problem. This is in contrast to the perceptions of the staff members who facilitated the sessions who reported that 14% of the students exhibited underconfidence and 14% exhibited overconfidence. The difference between the female and male students' responses as well as the difference between the perceptions of students and those of facilitators is statistically significant (G-test p<.05).  相似文献   

多糖在畜牧兽医中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多糖是一种高分子多聚糖。广泛存在于动植物和微生物中.是有机体的重要组成部分。随着近年糖生物学的快速发展,已发现多糖具有促进免疫调节、抗肿瘤、抗病毒、抗辐射、抗衰老,抗寄生虫等多种生物活性,对疾病预防和保健都具有明显的促进和增强作用;同时,多糖为天然产物,具有毒副作用小、无残留、不产生耐药性等优点.因而具有广阔的应用前景。目前.人们对多精及其复合物的研究多集中在人医方面,并已有部分产品商业化生产,如黄芪多糖和香菇多糖等.  相似文献   

Objective To provide information on changes in the social and educational backgrounds of veterinary students over a 10 year period in an effort to determine the extent to which they are representative of the community.
Methods Questionnaires were completed by first-year veterinary students at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986 (152 students), and 1995 and 1996 (154), and the data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows.
Results The gender ratio of first-year veterinary students was 50:50 (male:female) in 1985 and 1986 but 10 years later it had changed to 38:62. In 1985 and 1986 77% had come directly from school, with 43% of the total coming from government schools, 17% from Catholic schools and 34% from other private (Independent) schools. A decade later the percentage coming directly from school had decreased to 40%, that from Independent schools increased to 45% and that from cities increased from 53% to 64%. The educational backgrounds of parents varied widely though a high percentage had university degrees; mothers had received less formal education than fathers, and the educational attainments of both parents were higher at the beginning than at the end of the study. More than half (57% initially; 67% 10 years later) the fathers were in professional or managerial occupations, and a similar number (50% initially; 48% 10 years later) of mothers were teachers, nurses or clerks. The number of males from country areas decreased from 26 to 16 over this period.
Conclusion These veterinary students differed from the community generally in that progressively more were female, more were from Independent schools, their parents had more formal education and more of their parents were in professional, managerial or clerical occupations.  相似文献   

A Web site was created for the small animal problem-solving elective at Virginia Tech. In addition to signalment, history, physical examination findings, and results of routine laboratory tests, students were able to view images of cytologic and histologic specimens, radiographs, and endoscopic findings and hear examples of breath and cardiac sounds. Students commented that the availability of Web-based case materials allowed them increased opportunities to practice problem-solving skills.  相似文献   

Virtual microscopy (VM) is a comparatively recent innovation that is revolutionizing both the teaching of microscopic structure in human medicine and the concept of online diagnosis and telemedicine. The interactivity of the various commercially available browsers attempts to simulate the experience of looking down a microscope while offering advantages over traditional microscopy that include clarity of image, reduced infrastructure, and high flexibility, as the images are accessible online. We developed our own VM system, including customized software and a browser that was simple and intuitive to use, with the added advantage of further modifications possible to assist student learning. In this article, we report on a preliminary study wherein VM was introduced to veterinary science students in one course and directly compared to traditional microscopy to determine whether students would readily accept this new technology and which aspects of VM were advantageous. Responses from a survey form showed that students rated VM significantly higher than traditional microscopy as a tool to learn histology because it offers clearer images, the ability to learn collaboratively, more effective use of time, and the flexibility of online learning. Students also indicated a strong preference for the use of VM in future courses. These results suggest that VM is a flexible and enjoyable resource that could be useful to enhance the learning of microscopic structure in veterinary science courses.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of demographic and experiential factors on first-year veterinary students career choices and attitudes to animal welfare/rights. The study surveyed 329 first-year veterinary students to determine the influence of demographic factors, farm experience, and developmental exposure to different categories of animals on their career preferences and on their attitudes to specific areas of animal welfare and/or rights. A significant male gender bias toward food-animal practice was found, and prior experience with particular types of animals--companion animals, equines, food animals--tended to predict career preferences. Female veterinary students displayed greater concern for possible instances of animal suffering than males, and prior experience with different animals, as well as rural background and farm experience, were also associated with attitude differences. Seventy-two percent of students also reported that their interactions with animals (especially pets) had strongly influenced the development of their values. Animals ranked second in importance after parents in this respect. The present findings illustrate the importance to issues of animal welfare of the cultural context of past experience and influences on attitude development. The results also suggest that previous interactions with animals play a critical role in guiding veterinary students into their chosen career, as well as in helping to determine their specific employment preferences within the veterinary profession. From an animal welfare perspective, the dearth of women choosing careers in food-animal practice is a source of concern.  相似文献   

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