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To monitor the success of stockings of hatchery-reared barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), in tropical Australian waters a series of laboratory and field experiments were undertaken to evaluate a range of marking techniques. Juvenile fish of stocking size 30-85 mm total length were first used in laboratory experiments and then some were stocked into a freshwater impoundment for field evaluation. Marking techniques evaluated were fin crimping, fin removal, cold branding, polyethylene streamer (ags and coded-wire tags. The results showed that dorsal fin crimping and pelvic fin removal were relatively ineffective methods of marking, with only 53% and 63% of marks in each respective group being recognizable after 3 months. The polyethylene streamer tags were quickly shed, with 100% loss after only 77 days. Cold brands faded rapidly and were not considered to be of value as long-term marks. Coded-wire tags, inserted into the cheek musculature, were considered to be the most successful of the techniques assessed. Coded-wire tags were implanted at a rate of 250-270 tags per hour with an immediate success rate of 95-97%. These tags had no significant detrimental effect on either growth or survival and tag retention in the 2-month laboratory trials was 93%. Longer-term field studies, where fish had been stocked for about a year, also suggested little effect of coded-wire tags on growth or survival and no evidence of shedding.  相似文献   

An important requirement of many breeding programmes for aquaculture species is the ability to identify organisms individually or at least by family. While a variety of external and internal tagging methods have been developed that can provide efficient identifications systems, most have specific drawbacks. The present study assessed the efficiency of an internal tagging method that can be applied to family selection programmes in crustacean species. Experiments were conducted to test the efficacy of applying visible implant elastomer (VIE) tags to juvenile giant freshwater prawn (GFP). The first experiment assessed performance of VIE tags in juvenile GFP of different size classes and stability of tags placed in different positions in the abdomen with different numbers of tags implanted. The second experiment applied VIE tags in a long term, large scale, field‐based farming experiment. The third experiment tested the reliability of the system. Results showed that juvenile GFP at 2 g were of suitable size for VIE tags with no negative effects evidence on growth and survival. Tag retention rates were above 97.8% in all experiments and tag readability rates were 100% with a correct assignment rate of 95% through to mature animal size of up to 170 g.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2007,87(2-3):285-288
Three tagging methods – T-bar tags, streamer tags and visual implant elastomer (VIE) – were tested on Munida rugosa and survival was monitored for 8 weeks. The VIE technique appeared not to affect survival (95% survival after 60 d). T-bar tags did not significantly affect short-term survival either, but there was a gradual increase in mortality (52% after 60 d) associated with the presence of black necrotic tissue around the tag wound, suggesting delayed mortality due to infection. Streamer tags as applied in the study are not suitable for this species, since short-term mortality was high (38% survival after 10 d). In conclusion, VIE was found to be the best type of tag to use on M. rugosa, although it is not as visible to the casual observer as the other types, which could be an important consideration if recapture reports from fishers are an important element of a mark-recapture study.  相似文献   

A double-tagging experiment is presented that estimates tag retention by plastic dart and T-bar anchor tags in a wild population of Clarias gariepinus. It is shown that plastic dart tags are the most suitable tag as there was 100% initial retention and long-term loss of 2% per annum. T-bar anchor tags had an initial tag retention rate of 81% and no measurable long-term loss. A combination of tag design is attributed to the poor performance of T-bar anchor tags as the T-piece of the tag does not properly anchor behind the pterygiophores.  相似文献   

To determine the efficacy of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags for marking rohu Labeo rohita (Ham.) in the selective breeding programme, a series of experiments has been carried out at the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA) under the Indo–Norwegian project of ‘Selective breeding of rohu’. Six groups of rohu fingerlings with weight ranging from 2 g to 20 g were tagged with PIT tags to determine a suitable size range for tagging. Fingerlings weighing 8–15 g were found to be quite suitable for tagging with a PIT tag. Recovery of the PIT tag depends upon the survival of tagged fish under field conditions. Rejection of the PIT tag by rohu was observed to be only 0.05%. Through effective management practice, the survival of tagged fish increased up to 95%, and thus tag loss was minimized.  相似文献   

The spawning migration travel times of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum), fitted with gastrically implanted radio tags vs external spaghetti tags were tested for a short [≈60 river km (rkm)] and long migration route (≈730 rkm) on the Koyukuk River, Alaska, USA. Using a novel application of statistical arrival curve models to infer travel times for uncaptured fish, migrations by chum salmon not directly handled during the study were also assessed. Results demonstrated negligible differences in travel times within migration routes between fish fitted only with spaghetti tags and fish fitted with radio tags, indicating low impacts on migration travel behaviour associated with gastric tags once deployed. Conversely, travel times for unhandled fish as inferred by statistical arrival models may have been 12%–24% shorter than those for fish captured with gillnets for tagging. These results suggest that, if present, chum salmon migration behaviour impacts may be more strongly associated with fish capture than tag deployment.  相似文献   

Abstract. The adaptation of proprietary fish-tagging equipment for tagging small lobsters, Homarus gammarus (L.) (9–15mm carapace length), with internal microware tags is described. Tag retention was 85–100% as the animals grew through up to 22–29 moults (90–102mm carapace length) in captivity. Claw loss during handling was reduced from 4% lo less than 1% at a tagging rate of 240 lobsters per has experience was gained.  相似文献   

Two different colours (red and green) of visible implant elastomer (VIE) were used in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The visibility, location and retention of the VIE tags was investigated and any adverse effects on fish survival and growth determined. The use of VIE tags for monitoring individual fish during a bacterial challenge with either Streptococcus agalactiae or S. iniae was also studied. The results showed that VIE treated fish were lighter but not shorter than the non‐tagged control fish and that tagging caused no mortality. The retention of tags was better at the base of pectoral fin followed by the nasal area, lower abdomen, upper abdomen and branchiostegal rays inside the operculum. During the bacterial challenge experiment individual animals could be easily identified using the VIE tags. In this preliminary study, VIE tagging appears suitable for Nile tilapia research, as with other fish species, and could be a novel method to identify individual animals during microbial pathogenesis studies.  相似文献   

The utility of visible implant (VI) tags for marking tropical river fish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In tropical fisheries where ageing fish is often difficult, tagging programmes offer an important means to estimate growth parameters and mortality rates. The majority of tags are large and attached externally via a puncture in the muscle. These characteristics may cause significant biological effects which bias parameter estimates. Visible implant (VI) tags offer a more benign means to individually mark fish. The utility of VI tags for marking five species of tropical river fish was examined. The results indicate that the tag and tagging operation had no influence on either growth or mortality, although tag retention was poor compared with other studies. For three of the five species, the only suitable tagging location was highly inconspicuous and therefore inappropriate for tagging programmes that rely upon fishermen to return tagged fish. Alternative tagging locations may improve retention rates and the visibility of the tag.  相似文献   

This paper describes the successful use of two tagging systems, both produced by Northwest Marine Technology Inc., on larval and postlarval giant freshwater prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Visible implant (VI) elastomer tags (a coloured liquid that solidifies under the epidermis) were used on stage XI larval prawns (mean weight 0.01 g) and postlarval prawns (mean weight 0.07 g). VI alphanumeric tags (small biocompatible plastic labels also inserted under the epidermis) were tested on postlarval prawns (from a weight of 0.5 g). Tags were inserted using clove oil as anaesthetic, and survival, mortality and growth rates of tagged animals were compared with those of controls that were handled but not anaesthetized or marked. Twenty per cent of the larval prawns (the smallest of the group) died just after tagging, but thereafter the remaining prawns survived well, as did all the tagged postlarval prawns. Visibility of the VI elastomer tags in larval prawns deteriorated with time, though 79% of marks were still visible to the naked eye 70 days after tagging. VI elastomer tags in the postlarval group remained clearly visible for up to 100 days. Visibility of the VI alphanumeric tags fell shortly after tagging, but remained adequate thereafter. Moult rates in control and tagged animals were the same in larvae with VI elastomer tags and postlarvae with VI alphanumeric tags, but the moult rate in the postlarval prawns given elastomer tags was slower than in controls. Rates of growth were similar in tagged (elastomer and alphanumeric) and control postlarval prawns, once the size‐dependent mortality of tagged larval prawns was taken into account. We conclude that VI elastomer tags could be used to mark small numbers of individual larval and immediately postlarval prawns for periods of several months, and that VI alphanumeric tags could be used to mark an unlimited number of individuals from a size of approximately 0.5 g.  相似文献   

Assessments of stock enhancement programmes for European lobsters (Homarus gammarus) require mark‐recapture analysis of stocked individuals. However, established tag technology is deemed unsuitable for extensive use by many current lobster hatcheries, particularly upon the early juvenile stages. We tested the suitability of fluorescent Visible Implant Elastomer (VIE) tags for use in 5‐month‐old juvenile lobsters. Three treatment groups comprising 348 cultured lobsters in total were used to examine survival, growth and tag retention, and to assess mobility, shelter use and moulting behaviours. Tagging had no significant effect on lobster survival, growth, mobility, shelter use or moult frequency. Survival over 7 weeks was 75% among lobsters tagged with two elastomers, 76% in those with one elastomer and 74% among untagged controls. Mortality during moulting did not increase in tagged (6%) compared to untagged lobsters (9%). We found no evidence that VIE tags cause any negative effects that would be expected to inhibit survival upon wild release, but tag loss had reached 12% in both tagged treatments after 7 weeks and showed no sign of abating. Our study suggests that VIEs effectiveness in discerning cultured lobsters long after wild release may be limited when used in smaller juveniles.  相似文献   

Microtagging is an adequate method of ensuring correct recapture estimates in enhancement of natural lobster, Homarus gammarus (L.), stocks through releases of cultured juveniles. This paper compares three lobster size categories (8-10, 12-14 and 16-18 mm), two tag lengths (0.5 and 1.0 mm), and two methods of holding the animal during marking with respect to tag retention and survival. A total of 1721 individuals were used in the experiment. The results did not reveal any obvious trends in tag retention related to either different tag lengths or different lobster sizes. Lobster held laterally during tagging showed higher tag retention (94-99%) than lobsters held with the ventral side uppermost (74-97%). Examination, using X-ray, of 81 juveniles which had tested negative for the presence of tag by the magnetic sensing device, showed that four of these in fact had tags. This suggests that the true tag retention figure could be higher than shown in the results. The cumulative mortality ranged from 0 to 4.7% after 3 days, but only for the smallest animals marked with 1 -mm tags laterally: this was significantly higher than in the control group. After 20 days, the cumulative mortality ranged from 0 to 5.7%. but there were no significant differences between experimental and control groups.  相似文献   

Abstract –  This study examined potential adverse effects of surgically implanted passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags (12 × 2.1 mm) on bullhead ( Cottus gobio L.) of three different length-classes (I: 50–64 mm, II: 65–79 mm, III: 80–94 mm). During a 7-week laboratory experiment, the rate of PIT tag loss, incision closure time, survival, growth and swimming capacity were tested. The PIT tag weight to fish body weight ratio varied between 1.04% and 4.85%. The mean incision closure time differed significantly among length-classes and varied between 2.8 (I) and 4.3 (III) weeks. Nevertheless, PIT tag retention did not differ among length-classes and was ≥90%. The survival of untagged, sham-tagged and PIT-tagged bullheads was ≥90% and did not differ within or among length-classes. Finally, within each length-class, there was no difference in growth and swimming capacity among treatments. Hence, these results suggest the applicability of PIT tags for individually tagging bullheads ≥50 mm.  相似文献   

This study tested different tags for each size of farm-reared gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L. juveniles, used in enhancement programmes. The following tags were tested: dye mark, fingerling tag, opercular tag, anchor tag A (filament diameter of 1.20 mm) and anchor tag B (0.85 mm). Tag/mark retention, wounds produced by the tag, ease of application, ease of detection and cost were examined. Epidermal dye marks had poor retention and detection rates. Of the tags tested, retention was greater for the anchor tag A (80–100%) after 7 months; anchor tag B showed a retention rate of only 20% after 3 months. The fingerling tag had a retention rate of 27.5% after 12 months. The opercular tag had a retention rate of 44% after 20 days but fractured the opercular bone in many cases. Tag incisions and wounds persisted in some fish for the duration of the experiment.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The effectiveness of a pool-and-weir fish pass in the regulated river Laarse Beek (Belgium) was assessed for bullhead ( Cottus gobio ), perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) and roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) from August 2002 to April 2003. Fish were caught by electrofishing downstream, within and upstream of the fish pass. They were marked with visible implant elastomer tags and released downstream of the fish pass. Our results suggest that the fish pass is ineffective for the bullhead because none of the 1270 tagged bullheads were recaptured in the upstream study area. Passage failure most likely resulted from excessive water velocities in the fish pass. On the contrary, 8% of the tagged perch and 29% of the tagged roach were recaptured in the upstream study area. Several management strategies are proposed to allow free upstream passage of the endangered bullhead at the fish pass under study.  相似文献   

Six striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) were caught on hook and line from recreational fishing boats near northern New Zealand (34°S, 174°E) and tagged and released with pop‐off satellite archival tags. For periods ranging from 22 to 60 days over the geographical range 168°E–170°W and 13–34°S, five tags collected a total of 202 days (range of 21–60 days) of data. These data permit the investigation of striped marlin geographical and vertical movements and water temperatures occupied from February to June 2003. One hundred and one days of geoposition data showed a preliminary view of their movements in and around New Zealand waters. Transmitted temperature and depth data indicated striped marlin spent 80% (±2%) of their time in the mixed layer including 72% (±2%) of their time in the top 5 m. Temperature data indicated 75% (±10%) of the striped marlin’s time was spent in water temperatures between 20.1 and 24.0°C. Tagged striped marlin moved faster during periods of directed movement away from New Zealand versus periods of passive movements when the fish were proximal to New Zealand or not moving in any specific direction. These data support some existing hypotheses about striped marlin physiological ecology and allow preliminary suggestions about how striped marlin bycatch might be reduced.  相似文献   

余贞  毕燕会  周志刚 《水产学报》2011,35(9):1343-1353
根据海带雄配子体抑制消减cDNA文库2个长为376 bp的表达序列标签(expressed sequence tag,EST),Blastn搜索发现它们与掌状海带的碳酸酐酶(carbonic anhydrase,CA)基因序列(GenBank登录号:AJ130777)有70%的相似性,结合该EST以及掌状海带CA基因保守序列设计引物,扩增得到海带配子体CA基因部分开放阅读框(open reading frame,ORF)序列,再以此为基础设计基因特异性引物,然后利用cDNA末端快速扩增技术(rapid amplification of cDNA ends,RACE),克隆得到一条长2 804 bp的cDNA序列(GenBank登录号:JF827608),其中5′-非翻译区(untranslated region,UTR)长166 bp,3′-UTR长1 765 bp,且具有明显的polyA尾巴,ORF长873 bp。它编码一个由290个氨基酸组成的前体蛋白,预测在20 Gly-21 Val处有一个典型的信号肽酶切位点,酶切后的成熟蛋白由270个氨基酸组成,具有3个锌结合的His残基所构成的催化活性中心,其分子量为30.44 ku,等电点为5.06。无论在cDNA或者DNA序列上,雌、雄配子体CA基因都没有差异,且无内含子。Southern-blotting杂交结果显示,海带配子体CA基因为单拷贝基因。蛋白同源性搜索,发现该基因的编码蛋白与掌状海带的α-CA蛋白有87%的同源性。基于36个CA蛋白的氨基酸序列所构建的邻接(Neighbor-Joining)系统进化树显示,自海带配子体中所克隆的CA基因位于α-CA蛋白所组成的一支,推测它可能为α-型,因而不在线粒体中起作用。实时荧光定量PCR(quantitative real-time PCR,Q-RT-PCR)结果表明,在增加CO2浓度的条件下,CA基因在海带雌、雄配子体中的日表达量均较未增加的条件下有所增加,由此推测该CA基因不属于胞外CA;基于海带配子体CA蛋白仅具有一个信号肽,可以推测它是定位于叶绿体外膜上,以泵的方式为叶绿体光合作用提供充足的CO2。  相似文献   

Thermal habitat was recorded by data storage tags (DSTs) applied to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) kelts during their seaward migration in the spring of 1998 at enumeration facilities in Highlands River, Humber River, Western Arm Brook, and Campbellton River, Newfoundland. In total, 139 DSTs were applied and data were downloaded from eleven of the recovered tags. The recovered tags had been applied at Highlands, Campbellton and Western Arm rivers and recovered in the coastal waters of Newfoundland and Québec and at the enumeration facilities at Highlands and Campbellton rivers. Water temperatures experienced by the fish were recorded for periods of 62–118 days at resolutions of 15–30 min. The data from the sea record on the DSTs were analysed for temperature patterns in relation to migration behaviour and diurnal movement of the fish. A variety of patterns were exhibited on the temperature records suggesting that the fish were behaving in various ways at different times. For Campbellton and Highlands fish over the course of some 24 h periods, night‐time temperatures changed little and were among the highest daily temperatures experienced by the fish, whereas daytime temperatures often showed dramatic and frequent shifts in temperature presumably as the fish rapidly and frequently changed depth. For the Western Arm Brook fish, rapid fluctuations in temperature occurred sometimes during the day and night without a consistent diurnal pattern. We also considered large‐scale aspects of the data by examining oceanographic conditions in relation to the temperatures recorded by the tags.  相似文献   

Information derived from archival tags (digital storage tags, DSTs) were used to backtrack the migration of 11 tagged Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) during 2001 in Massachusetts Bay, the Gulf of Maine, and Georges Bank. The DST tags continuously recorded time, temperature and depth. To geolocate fish positions during its time at large, we first extracted the tidal signal from the pressure recordings on the DST tags, and then compared the resulting data to data predicted with a Massachusetts Bay tidal model that provided us with geographical coordinates at a given date and time. Using least‐squares criteria within an estimated geographical region of confidence that was constrained by biological and statistical information (e.g. swimming speed, known release and recapture location, and bottom depth) we were able to geolocate the fish. The resultant geolocated migration tracks indicate a large degree of movement of Atlantic cod in the region and an elevated importance of the Great South Channel (GSC) migration corridor between Massachusetts Bay and the western Georges Bank and Nantucket Shoals region. This observation contrasts strongly with inferences of limited movements by Atlantic cod based on conventional tag recapture methods (mean of 1200 km traveled versus 44 km traveled as measured by conventional tagging and geolocation, respectively). This study demonstrates that geolocation methodologies applied to archival tag studies hold great promise of becoming an important new tool for fisheries managers to quantify the movements of fishes. It also points out the need for greater collaboration between fisheries scientists and oceanographers, and particularly for the development of improved tidal models to cover stock regions more accurately and with higher precision.  相似文献   

Octopus vulgaris is a species of demand in the market with the potential to diversify European aquaculture. However, this species develops complex social interactions under culture conditions, which may have negative effects on its growth, survival and profitability. In order to understand its behaviour under such conditions, individual tagging systems allow a careful evaluation of biological parameters, such as growth and longevity. The present work describes a combined protocol (anaesthetic and tagging) for implanting subcutaneous passive integrated transponder tags (PIT). The effect of two anaesthetic agents in facilitating octopus handling is assessed: clove oil at 20–40–100 mg L?1 and ethanol (96%) at 1–1.5–2%. The most suitable body location of PIT tags, its effect on growth and mortality, the addition of a stitch and the PIT retention rate after 2 months in floating cages were evaluated. It was concluded that immersion in seawater with 1.5% of ethanol at 22.3±0.5 °C is a suitable anaesthetic for this species. The results showed that the best‐selected PIT body location was the upper left arm III. No effect of the PIT tagging system was found on growth and survival when tagged and untagged octopuses were compared. It was observed after 2 months that the stitch did not induce an increase in the retention rate and 81–100% tag retention regardless of the dietary treatment.  相似文献   

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