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This work examined whether or not Holcus lanatus, cv. Massey Basyn, is an improvement on plants from German Commercial seed of this species and whether either could outyield Lolium perenne cv. Aberystwyth S23. The three grasses were sown in monoculture in a field near Oxford and received a total of either 250 or 500 kg N ha-1 over two years. They were also sown with Tri-folium repens cv. Blanca. The plots were cut 11 times over the 2-year period at a height of 50 mm from ground level.
At the high rate of nitrogen Lolium perenne always gave the highest yields of DM and DOM. In the second year, both types of H. lanatus gave higher yields than L. perenne at the low level of N. The L. perenne and T. repens mixture yielded more than that with H. lanatus and T. repens. H. lanatus depressed the yield of T. repens more than did L. perenne. H. lanatus h lanatus; Massey Basyn was affected less by rust infection than was German Commercial H. lanatus. At the final harvest, plots with r. repens contained more unsown grass than did N-fertilized plots sown to grasses only.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of Trifolium repens, grown in association with either Lolium perenne or Holcus lanatus and grazed by sheep to maintain sward surface heights of 3 cm, 5 cm and 10 cm, were measured. The lamina area, petiole length, internode length and internode weight of T. repens were significantly greater when H. lanatus was the companion grass than when L. perenne was the companion grass. All of these characteristics, together with the number of laminae per stolon, were also greater in the taller swards than in the shorter swards. The number of branches on each shoot did not vary significantly with either companion species or sward height treatment. Except for the effects of the treatments on the number of branches, the results are generally consistent with the known effects of variation in foliar shading on the morphology of T. repens.  相似文献   

Preliminary experiments were conducted to assess the winter hardiness of representative cultivars or populations of Festuca rubra, Holcus lanatus and Agrostis spp. in comparison with a hardy (Premo) and a susceptible (Grasslands Ruanui) cultivar of Lolium perenne. Two controlled-environment tests and a field experiment including two cutting and two fertilizer managements are reported.
Grasslands Ruanui and H lanatus suffered most damage in all tests. In the controlled-environment experiments, Premo was at least as hardy as the F. rubra and Agrostis cultivars but in the field Premo was more susceptible. Spring growth of Premo was affected more by the cutting and fertilizer managements applied the previous summer and autumn than was spring growth of F. rubra or Agrostis spp.
It was concluded that, whereas use off. F. rubra or Agrostis spp. should not be limited by fears of winter damage, poor winter hardiness may limit the value of H. lanatus for hill and upland reseeding.  相似文献   

The herbage dry matter (DM) harvested, N response and herbage quality of monocultures and mixtures of Holcus lanatus (local ecotype) and Lolium perenne (cv. S24) were compared in a field experiment. The species were seeded in the proportions 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0: 100; three rates of N were applied (150, 300 and 450 kg ha−1) and five or six cuts were taken in each of four harvest years.
H. lanatus established poorly in the seeding year and in the first full harvest year L. perenne contributed 1, 54, 76, 89 and 99% of the total herbage DM harvested from the five sward types (mean of N treatments). Only a small decline in the L. perenne content of the swards occurred during the experiment.
Total amounts of herbage harvested were significantly lower for H. lanatus monoculture than for the other sward types in three of the four harvest years However, L perenne monoculture yielded significantly more total DM than mixtures with H lanatus in only one of the four harvest years. The five sward types did not differ overall in response to N fertilization. Nitrogen, phosphate and potassium content of the herbage was greatest for H. lanatus monoculture and decreased with increasing proportions of L perenne present in the mixtures.
Thus the presence of a high proportion of H. lanatus in mixture with L. perenne cv. S24 had  相似文献   

Plants of Holcus lanatus L. and Lolium perenne L. were grown in monocultures and in 50:50 mixtures and cut at three heights and at three frequencies during 24 weeks. The higher the H. lanatus plants were cut the greater was their harvested yield but height of cutting did not affect the yield of L. perenne. Reduction in the frequency of cutting increased the total harvested yield of both species in monoculture. In mixture, H. lanatus dominated L. perenne , especially with high and infrequent cutting. Stubble yields generally followed harvested yields.
In a second experiment, H. lanatus plants were cut sequentially in spring; plants cut in early June produced very few panicles in the regrowth.
In a third experiment the growth of decumbent tillers in late summer on spaced plants of H. lanatus produced a stoloniferous growth habit. The production of lateral shoots and roots on these stolons was measured in spring on plants undergoing various types of defoliation. Regular cutting of the parent plant increased the production of lateral shoots on stolons but did not affect the production of lateral roots.
The significance of these results is discussed in relation to the manipulation of swards containing these two species.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.; PRG) sward density on seasonal and total DM yield under simulated grazing and animal grazing by cattle, and to assess the effectiveness of visually estimated ground scores (GSs) for predicting sward PRG density. The study incorporated five different seeding rates of PRG, each replicated three times, to simulate swards ranging in PRG density typical of different ages and conditions. There was no significant difference between defoliation managements for total DM yield, but sward PRG density had a significant effect on both the seasonal and total DM herbage yield under both systems. Under simulated grazing, total DM yield ranged from 10·7 to 12·0 t DM ha?1 with increasing sward PRG density at a GS range of 1·70–4·28 (mean of 2 years’ data, P < 0·01). Under animal grazing, the yield range was from 10·3 to 12·2 t DM ha?1 for a GS range of 1·50–3·39 (mean of 2 years’ data, P < 0·01). The largest differences in DM yield occurred during the spring period. The relationship between sward DM yield and GS was significant (P < 0·001) for both simulated and animal‐grazed swards. Each unit increase in midseason GS (June) related to an average yield increase of 350 kg DM ha?1 under simulated grazing and a 721 kg DM ha?1 increase under cattle grazing. Every unit increase in the GS at the end of the grazing season (December) was associated with a 460 or 1194 kg DM ha?1 increase under simulated and animal grazing, respectively. These results show that visual estimates of density were an effective tool in describing PRG density and that this could be related to DM yield potential. Further investigations may provide a threshold value below which the renewal of swards could be advised based on a visual GS of PRG.  相似文献   

An empirical model for the annual shoot production of heather Calluna vulgaris in the absence of grazing in the uplands of Great Britain is presented. Production is modelled as a function of the growth phase of the heather and weather conditions during the summer growing season and the previous winter.
The effects of grazing, principally by sheep, on changes in heather cover after burning are reviewed. A simple model of annual cover change is proposed, and fitted to data from dry and wet heaths in Scotland.
A model of the influence of grazing on annual heather shoot production is developed for dry heath.
The models indicate that previously published estimates of the utilization levels that heather can tolerate without a reduction in shoot production may be too high. For pioneer and early building heather, estimated threshold utilization levels are 16% in summer and 24% in autumn. Furthermore, it is suggested that any level of utilization will reduce the rate of increase of heather ground cover after burning.  相似文献   

Dactylis glomerata and Holcus lanatus were grown together in boxes with either full competition, root competition only, shoot competition only or no competition between them. The boxes were either fertilized (150 kg ha-1N, 100 kg ha-1 K, 80 kg ha-1 P) or not fertilized. The experiment was continued for 13 months, and a total of six cuts were taken.
H. lanatus was more competitive than D. glomerata throughout the experiment, though the effect declined after flowering during the second growing season. The effects of root competition were generally much greater than those of shoot competition and tended to increase during the first year. However, the effects of root competition declined, relative to shoot competition, after flowering in the second growing season.
Fertilizer applications slightly increased the root competitive ability of H. lanatus relative to D. glomerata but slightly reduced its shoot competitive ability.  相似文献   

In a range of perennial ryegrass/white clover swards, variation in the surface heights of the grass and clover components, the rates of increase of these surface heights and the specific leaf areas (SLAs) of ryegrass and white clover were described for 1 year. The swards were of an early- or late-flowering (Aurora or Melle respectively) perennial ryegrass variety growing with either a small- or a medium-leaved (Kent or Milkanova) white clover and were either continuously stocked by sheep or continuously stocked apart from a rest period in April-May (Aurora) or May-June (Melle).
The surface heights of grass and clover were not affected by the variety of their companion species, and the surface heights of the two clover varieties were similar. The grass was always taller than the clover, although the magnitude of the difference between the species varied with time of year and the timing of the rest period.
Before the summer solstice the rate of increase in height of grass was greater than that of clover except at cool temperatures (5°C) and warm temperatures (16°C), and in the unrested Melle sward. After the solstice the rates of increase in height, particularly of clover, were lower than the rates seen at similar temperatures before the solstice.
Overall, the SLAs of both clover varieties were greater than those of ryegrass when grown with Aurora but not when grown with Melle, and the SLAs of both species increased during the year. By October the SLAs of both grass varieties were less than those of their companion clovers.
The results are discussed in relation to their implications for the species composition of the swards.  相似文献   

Cattle and sheep can create and maintain a mixture of relatively tall and short patches in grass swards through selective grazing. In swards that are grazed by cattle this heterogeneous structure can result in the frequencies of height measurements having a skewed distribution that has variously been better described by the double‐normal distribution the gamma distribution and the Weibull distribution than by the more common normal distribution. The fit of these statistical distributions, and the adequacy of the potentially useful log‐normal distribution, to sward height frequencies were tested in sown temperate swards grazed by sheep and compared within a single sward. It was concluded that the single‐normal and Weibull distributions were inadequate and that overall the log‐normal and gamma distributions had the best fit to the measurements.  相似文献   

An experiment was established in 1991 on a 25-year-old perennial ryegrass/bent ( Lolium perenne L. /Agrostis capillaris L.)-dominated pasture in Wales to study the effects of reducing nutrient inputs to previously fertilized upland pasture. The effects of the removal of applications of (1) N (denoted by CaPK) (2) N, P and K (Ca) and (3) N, P, K, and Ca (Nil) were compared with a treatment which received applications of all four nutrients (CaPKN) over a 6-year period (1991–96) in a randomized block design replicated three times. The experiment was managed under a continuous variable stocking regime (ewes and lambs until weaning and ewes thereafter) maintaining a sward surface height of 4·0 cm throughout the grazing season. Although individual liveweight gain of the lambs was unaffected by the treatments, there was a significant reduction ( P  < 0·05) in total lamb liveweight gain, ewe stocking rate and length of grazing season as a result of the withdrawal of nutrients. Over the 6 years total lamb liveweight gain was reduced by 17%, 32% and 45% and ewe stocking rate by 21%, 36% and 49% on treatments CaPK, Ca and Nil, respectively, compared with treatment CaPKN. The effect of withdrawing nutrient inputs on ewe stocking rate was progressive and by 1996 the Nil input treatment displayed a 63% reduction compared with the CaPKN treatment and this was also coupled with a 21-day reduction in length of the grazing season. During the post-weaning period, ewes from the Nil input treatment recorded a liveweight loss in 1995 and only a modest liveweight gain in 1996. This coupled with significantly lower body condition scores ( P  < 0·01) of these ewes in the autumn indicated that the Nil input treatment could lead to reductions in reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Comparative sheep production from Aurora (very early-flowering), Meltra (late-flowering tetraploid) and Aberystwyth S23 (late-flowering) perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) varieties was assessed as both grass-only (200 kg N ha−1) and grass-white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) (75 kg N ha−1) swards under continuous stocking management. Beulah Speckled Face ewes and their Suffolk cross lambs were used from late April to mid-July. From late July to early November only lambs grazed the pastures.
Mean (1985–87) total annual lamb production per hectare from Aurora and Meltra was 16% and 13% more than that from S23. The magnitude of the differences between these varieties and S23 declined from the first to the third year. Aurora gave 29% more lamb output per hectare than S23 in 1985 but only 10% more in 1987, while the advantage of Meltra over S23 fell from 19% in 1985 to 6% in 1987. Seasonal lamb production per hectare varied between the grasses, especially during spring when lamb output from Aurora was 43% and 22% more than that from S23 and Meltra respectively, with that from the tetraploid being 17% higher than that from S23.
It is concluded that the superior spring output from Aurora offers the farmer the opportunity to reduce his dependence on bought-in feedstuffs, hence improving the efficiency and profitability of lamb production from grassland.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass/white clover pastures were grazed at different times in the winter to study the effect of time of grazing on subsequent plant growth. In 1983–84, 1984–85, and 1985–86, pastures were grazed to a residual of 400 kg dry matter ha-1 by sheep once in early December (D), January (J), February (F), March (M), or April (A) and compared with an ungrazed control (C). Rates of herbage accumulation on C in the winter were low, averaging 6, -9, and 2 kg dry matter ha-1 in December, January, and February, respectively. Little forage production occurred during the month immediately following winter grazing. Herbage accumulation rate then increased sufficiently to replace the forage removed from winter-grazed paddocks by early spring. By May, herbage mass on grazed treatments was similar to C except for D and A which averaged 20 and 47% less forage than C, respectively (P<0·01). Herbage accumulation rates of D were unique among winter grazing treatments in never exceeding those of C. By May 1986, D yielded less perennial ryegrass compared with C (P<0·05). Grazing reduced the number of leaves per ryegrass tiller for 1 to 2 months following grazing. By May, J, F and M had numerically more tillers m-2 and more leaves per tiller than C. Similar May yields of J, F, M, and C resulted from fewer but larger and slightly less leafy tillers of ungrazed compared with winter grazed plants.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) plant breeding has delivered several high performing and broadly adapted cultivar-endophyte (Epichloë) combinations for the New Zealand pasture-based livestock industries. However, the trends in key traits and the potential economic value being added to farm systems have not previously been addressed systematically. Rates of gain in yield, nutritive value, phenological and morphological traits, and the economic value of those traits, were estimated among and within ryegrass functional groups (heading date, ploidy) traded commercially between 1973 and 2012. Whole pasture dry matter yield improvements of c. 80 and 60 kg DM/ha per year were identified in in late-season heading diploids and tetraploids respectively. Trends in metabolisable energy were negative within functional groups, but positive when all cultivar-endophyte combinations were included in the analysis due to the addition of tetraploids and late-season heading diploids from the mid-1990s. The estimated trend in overall economic value (all cultivar-endophyte combinations included) was $7/ha per year based on DM yield only, about half the rate of gain previously estimated using small-plot merit testing data. The trend increased to $15/ha per year when ME was included due to the emergence of commercial tetraploids from the early 2000s onwards. Estimated economic gains were high within late-season heading diploids and tetraploids but not mid-season diploids. These trends suggest that, if high performing cultivar-endophyte combinations had been adopted in New Zealand dairy systems, then pasture utilization should have increased by ~1 t DM/ha above the current industry average. Reasons for this apparent discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

Two early perennial ryegrass varieties (Cropper and RvP Hay Pasture), an intermediate perennial ryegrass (Talbot) and an early cocksfoot (Roskilde) were grazed fortnightly by sheep, mown to simulate grazing or left undefoliated from January to May. The effects of spring management on ear emergence, D-value ( in vitro ) and conservation yields were assessed in each of the 2 years 1976 and 1977. Grazing and mowing had a similar effect on date of first (5%) and 50% ear emergence of the ryegrass varieties; the effect was an average delay of 2 d in both stages of growth over the 2 years. Defoliations significantly (P<0·001) delayed the fall in D-value with no significant differences between grazing and mowing in the ryegrass varieties, nor in cocksfoot in 1977. The occurrence of a D-value of 67 was delayed by between 3 and 8 d for the ryegrasses and 9 and 11 d for the cocksfoot. The early ryegrasses produced stemmy regrowths and fell to 67 D-value about 4 weeks after the final defoliations in 1976 and after 5–6 weeks in 1977. The fall in D-value took 7–14 d longer in the intermediate ryegrass. Yields were significantly ( P < 0·001) reduced by grazing and mowing, particularly in 1976. The DM yield reductions in mid June averaged 25% for the ryegrasses and 41% for the cocksfoot.
The results indicate that either first or 50% ear emergence may be used to indicate times when a D-value of 67 will be reached in grazed or ungrazed swards but further work is required to determine the effect of weather conditions on the accuracy of this prediction. An early fall in D-value of early perennials after spring grazing, and a marked reduction in yield of cocksfoot, suggests that these grasses should be used sparingly where spring grazing of fields set aside for conservation is a feature of the farming system.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (PRG, Lolium perenne L.) breeding effort in New Zealand (NZ) has increased since c. 1990, resulting in greater functional trait diversity (e.g. heading date, ploidy, and associated Epichloë endophyte strain) in commercial products. This study quantified the variation, associations and interactions in dry matter (DM) yield, nutritive value and persistence-related traits among commercial cultivar-endophyte combinations released between 1973 and 2012, as a basis for assessing gains in value being delivered to the pasture-based livestock industries. Twenty-four or 28 combinations were compared over 3 years in two trials in each of two regions: Waikato in northern NZ (dryland), and Canterbury in central eastern South Island (irrigated). Cultivar-endophyte combinations were sown in mixtures with white clover, and pastures were intensively grazed 8–11 times per year by dairy cows. Principal Component Analysis identified 4 distinct clusters for the DM yield variables and for metabolisable energy (ME) content in each of the four trials. A broadly-adapted group of three late-season flowering, AR37-infected diploids with NZ and Spanish breeding backgrounds dominated the highest-yielding clusters. Tetraploids dominated the high ME content clusters. Interactions with region were observed throughout the data set: the strongest of these was driven by endophyte strain effects in Waikato. High-yielding cultivar-endophyte combinations in these trials were also generally high-yielding in the standard cultivar merit testing system operated in New Zealand, as interpreted via the DairyNZ Forage Value Index. However, alignment was poorer for medium- and lower-yielding cultivar-endophyte combinations. Several implications for forage evaluation methods and end-user industries are identified.  相似文献   

Four perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars were compared for differences in herbage production, nutritive value and herbage intake of dry matter (DM) during the summers of 2002 and 2003. Two paddocks were sown with pure stands of four cultivars in a randomized block design with three replicates. Each plot was subdivided into fourteen subplots (22 m × 6 m) which were grazed by one cow during 24 h. Twelve lactating dairy cows were assigned to one cultivar for a period of 2 weeks in a 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design; the experiment lasted 8 weeks in each year. Sward structure (sward surface height, DM yield, green leaf mass, bulk density and tiller density) and morphological characteristics were measured. The ash, neutral‐detergent fibre, acid‐detergent lignin, crude protein and water‐soluble carbohydrate concentrations, and in vitro digestibility of the herbage were measured. The sward was also examined for infestation by crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. lolii). Herbage intake of dairy cows was estimated using the n‐alkane technique. Cultivar differences for all sward structural characteristics were found except for bulk density and tiller density in 2003. Cultivars differed for proportions of pseudostem, stem (in 2003 only) and dead material. The chemical composition of the herbage was different among cultivars, with the water‐soluble carbohydrate concentration showing large variation (>0·35). Cultivars differed in susceptibility to crown rust. Herbage intake differed among cultivars in 2002 (>2 kg DM) but not in 2003. Herbage intake was positively associated with sward height, DM yield and green leaf mass. Canopy morphology did not affect herbage intake. Crown rust affected herbage intake negatively. It was concluded that options for breeders to select for higher intake were limited. High‐yielding cultivars and cultivars highly resistant to crown rust were positively related with a high herbage intake.  相似文献   

李阳  徐庆国  谢宏伟 《作物研究》2011,25(3):277-280
综述了黑麦草农艺性状及营养成分两方面的生产能力及差异,总结了黑麦草的育种方法,指出了高温胁迫对黑麦草的危害以及黑麦草抗热性的鉴定方法,提出了今后黑麦草抗热性育种的研究方向。  相似文献   

The content of ergot alkaloids (ergovaline and chanoclavine), and their production in October 1996 and during the period May–September 1997, were investigated in seventeen ecotypes of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) and in nineteen ecotypes of meadow fescue ( Festuca pratensis Huds.), naturally infected with Neotyphodium spp. The ecotypes were collected in the north-eastern part of the Czech Republic. In 1996 the content of ergovaline in the ecotypes of perennial ryegrass ranged from 0·00 to 2·73 μg g–1 dry matter (DM) (one cut), and in 1997 from 0·00 to 4·65 μg g–1 DM (five cuts). In meadow fescue the content of ergovaline varied from 0·00 to 0·61 μg g–1 DM (one cut) in 1996, and in 1997 from 0·00 to 2·31 μg g–1 DM (five cuts). The content of chanoclavine (investigated in 1997 in four cuts only) in perennial ryegrass ranged between 0·00 and 3·39 μg g–1 DM, and in meadow fescue between 0·00 and 2·26 μg g–1 DM. Most ecotypes of L. perenne reacted to the high temperature and heavy rainfall in June and July of 1997 with an enhanced production of ergovaline, whereas the content of chanoclavine was not changed. Such reaction to stress conditions was not observed in the ecotypes of F. pratensis. Large differences in the production of both ergot alkaloids between different ecotypes of both plant species were observed.  相似文献   

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