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浅谈树皮单宁胶粘剂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文概述了用于提制单宁胶粘剂的树皮资源、国内外树皮单宁利用概况、目前树皮单宁胶生产技术措施和存在的问题  相似文献   

树皮开发利用的若干途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了国内外树皮综合开发利用的多种途径,可为我国充分牙发利用树皮资源提供参考。  相似文献   

树皮是人们十分熟悉但又不被人注意利用的一种木材剩余物。在烧材较缺的地方,人们广泛利用树皮作燃料。然而,在林区,天长日久,大量树皮积成了堆,既影响环境卫生,又妨碍安全操作。为了清除树皮,还得用专人和车辆把它清理运输出去当作废物而扔掉。之所以这样,是由于不少人对树皮的用途不甚了解,加之客观上又受到某些经济技术条件的限制,致使大量有用的树皮资源被白白浪费掉了,实为可惜。随着生产和各项事业的发展,对木材需求量的增加以及科学技术的进步,将会促进木材综合利用事业的发展,怎样充分利用好树皮资源,就成为一项十分重要的课题了。  相似文献   

树皮是一种量大且可再生的天然生物质纤维材料,但是一直未被科学有效地利用。目前树皮的利用途径主要有物理利用和化学利用两种。随着木材资源的短缺,人们愈加重视树皮作为人造板原料的物理利用途径。笔者总结了国内外无胶生态树皮人造板的研究现状,重点介绍了无胶树皮板的制造技术和研究方法。虽然国外学者对无胶生态树皮板进行了诸多研究,但是依然停留在实验室研究阶段,相对于木质生态板,树皮板价格上并无优势,因此产业化尚未开展;而国内学者对此领域的研究才刚起步。树皮化学成分和纤维形态、树皮单元尺寸、预处理和热压工艺,尤其是热压温度对无胶树皮板的物理力学性能影响较大,在今后的研究中应加以重视。此外,无胶树皮板胶合机理的研究主要有热重分析、差示扫描量热分析法、傅里叶变换红外光谱分析法和扫描电子显微镜分析法等,在今后的研究中可供借鉴选用。最后对无胶树皮板的研究方向和发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

树皮板的研究及开发可行性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了国内外树皮板的研究和开发情况,并以落叶松树种为例,从其资源状况、组成成分、树皮板的加工工艺等方面,对开发落叶松树皮板可行性进行探讨,旨在提出利用落叶松树皮加工制造实用产品的新思路。  相似文献   

树皮是一种重要资源.在木材生产过程中,人们往往把树皮看成是无用之物,随意扔掉.其实树皮不但有其特殊生理机能和科学价值,还有着广泛的用途,可以说它与人们的衣食住行有着密切的联系.随着科学技术的发展,树皮的用途将不断被人们所发现,所认识. 近年来工业发达国家,树皮已得到广泛的利用. 我们要加强对树皮综合利用的研究,裨使树皮变无用为有用,生产出更多的产品,为四化建设和人民生活服务. 一、树皮资源的数量和组成一般认为达到成熟树木的树皮,约占树木地上部分的12-15%.我国目前年生产的  相似文献   

苯酚液化落叶松树皮的工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国具有丰富的树皮资源,然而它们并没有得到充分的利用,据不完全统计,仅大兴安岭及延边地区落叶松每年大概可以产出4.5万m^3的树皮;另外,大量的制材厂生产落叶松锯材时,也产生数量可观的树皮,可见落叶松树皮具有丰富的资源潜力。本文将研究落叶松树皮的苯酚液化技术,重点研究催化剂对落叶松树皮粉液化的影响以及苯酚和树皮粉不同比例对落叶松树皮液化的影响,以优选合理的液化工艺参数。  相似文献   

杨树在我国有极丰富的资源。目前人们对杨树的利用一般只注重木材,而对杨树皮、叶、花序等部分则很少利用,这是一个极大的浪费。殊不知杨树皮为其木质部的10%,且营养丰富。苏联用杨树皮类脂作饲料添加剂喂仔猪和鸡。每公斤饲料中添加0.05克树皮类脂喂猪,猪体重比对照猪增加46%,每公斤添加0.01克树皮类脂喂鸡,产蛋率提高12~15%,同时还能增强蛋壳强  相似文献   

为了弄清不同变异类型杜仲皮的生长发育特点及其含胶性状的变异规律,为杜仲胶优良资源的选择和有效利用提供理论依据,进行了本试验研究.试验采用选择典型样株和随机取样的方法;含胶率的测定采用杜仲胶综合提取法.研究结果表明,不同变异类型树皮特征及含胶性状表现出不同的特点.深纵裂型的胸径生长量、树皮厚度和木栓层厚均最大,而光皮型的胸径生长量最小、树皮厚度和木栓层厚最薄;树皮含胶率以浅纵裂型最高,深纵裂型的树皮含胶率最低;树皮内杜仲胶体积质量也以深纵裂型的最高,深纵裂型杜仲胶体积质量最低.  相似文献   

美国对树皮的加工和利用方法与欧州国家有着明显区别。在欧州,树皮的主要利用途径是用做燃料,而在美国则把树皮做为土壤改良壤剂主要用于农业和园艺业。近几年来,在美国已经逐渐形成了专门从事农业和园艺业用树皮加工和经销的完整行业。一些专门从事树皮加  相似文献   

为配合国家计委决定开展的《中国全局节约战略、规划和对策研究》,作者对世界发展趋势进行了分析,认为实行开源与节流并举的方针,在不增或少增原木采伐量的前提下,大力节约木材,充分合理利用木材资源,是适合我国国情的最现实、最有效的措施,也是解决我国林业"两危"的重大战略对策。  相似文献   

林产品化学利用是指以木质和非木质林产品为原料,经化学加工制备国民经济所需的各种产品.主要包括木材制浆造纸、木质活性炭、松脂化学加工、植物单宁、林产精油、植物提取物等.近年来中国林产化学工业发展较快,特别是建设林纸一体化工程,为发展木材制浆工业,改变中国制浆造纸工业原料结构创造了良好的条件,按计划2005年木浆产量将达380万t,2010年达750万t.松香产量已超过50万t/a,出口约30万t/a.木质活性炭产量达6万t/a.随着我国经济的发展对林化产品的需求将进一步扩大.  相似文献   

薪材是当今发展中国家农村的主要能源,消耗量大,热能利用率低,造成森林资源的严重浪费。本文重点从森林资源现有量、消耗量、消费结构、利用水平等方面分析,研究薪材消耗现状、存在的问题,力求找出中国2.5亿t标准煤薪材消耗量的最佳“节流”对策,供研究我国木材自给问题参考。  相似文献   

The forest and forest products form one of the most important basis for the transfer to a bio-based economy in Sweden. About 75% of the area covered by forest in Sweden is used industrially to produce raw material for the wood-refining industries. Every year, this cluster uses 75 million m3 of roundwood and has an export value of €12 billion. This review paper is devoted to the wood mechanical industry, i.e. the industry which turns the forest into sawn timber, packaging, construction wood, furniture and interior fittings. The sawmills consume about half of the volume of softwood which is felled, and about two-thirds of the sawn timber go to export without any further refining within the country. Nevertheless, in spite of the relatively low degree of refinement in the sawmill and the fact that the sawmills in general over time have a very low profitability, they are responsible for 70–80% of the forest owners' profits on the sale of timber. An increased upgrading of the sawn timber within the country is desirable from a national economic viewpoint – increased employment opportunities, increased export income, etc. It should then in the first place be for products with a higher added value, such as furniture and fittings. Today, the refinement value is 15–20 times higher for products from joinery and furniture industries compared to that of the sawn timber, and the added value of the wood within the building industry is only about 1.5 times.  相似文献   

栲胶生产发展动向   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文章介绍了栲胶原料林及其生产情况和对栲胶生产工艺及设备的改进措施。讨论了栲胶的新用途,包括:生产胶粘剂;用作水、气及废料的处理剂;配制药物、制作化妆品等。论述了对植物单宁化学进行研究的特点。  相似文献   

胶合板用黑荆树单宁粘合剂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

木材工业是印尼仅次于石油和天然气的第3大产业。近20年来,印尼的木材工业发展迅速,已成为当今世界上最大的阔叶材胶合板生产国和出口国。本文阐述了印尼木材工业发展战略和政策,生产体系的结构与变化,以及未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

林纸结合概述   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文讨论了瑞典等国林纸结合的一些特点和模式,并根据我国国情对发展我国林纸结合提出了一些看法.  相似文献   

In Europe, forest policy discussions are moving towards a European Union-wide strategy. This will further intensify the relations between European countries in the field of forests and forest management. European-wide forest planning and decision-making require that policy makers have insight into the long-term development of European forests under alternative regimes. The European Forest Information Scenario Model (EFISCEN) was used to make projections of the development of the European forests under four scenarios: (1) business as usual; (2) EFISCEN European timber trend studies (ETTS); (3) maximum sustainable production; and (4) multifunctional management. The simulations were carried out for 30 countries individually, i.e. harmonized scenarios were run, but the special circumstances and demands that play a role in each country were taken into account. The simulations covered 139.2 million ha increasing to 143 million ha in 2050. The initial year varied per country, but was mostly in the region of 1990. The average age of European forests was 57 years in 1990 with a mean growing stock of 142 m3 ha−1. The results showed that the future European total fellings may vary between a stable amount of 400 million m3 year−1 in the ‘business as usual’ scenario to 647 million m3 year−1 in the ‘maximum sustainable production’ scenario. The other two scenarios incorporated a 9% gradual increase in fellings over the first 30 years of the simulation period (i.e. 0.3% year−1). The average growing stock will rise to approximately 250 m3 ha−1 in 2050, with the exception being the ‘maximum sustainable production’ scenario, in which the growing remains at approximately 137 m3 ha−1. The average net annual increment remains at approximately 5 m3 ha−1 year−1 throughout the simulation period, almost irrespective of the scenario. In the multifunctional scenario, special attention was paid to nature values by increasing the area of strict reserves from 4 million ha in 1990 to 12.3 million ha in 2050 (8.6% of the total forest area). The assumed increase in fellings of 0.3% year−1 appeared possible in combination with this area of reserves. The simulations showed that growing stock development and increment development differed very much for each country separately per scenario. Therefore, the results show a strong need for maintaining the national diversity that constitutes European forestry within harmonized European-wide forest management strategies. In this article, we address what the consequences of each scenario are for wood production, biodiversity, and environmental functions of the forest. The results provide policy makers with a challenge on whether to intervene in the ongoing trend of build-up of growing stock and whether to choose for biodiversity, for increased use of domestically produced wood products, or a combination of these, but spatially separated.  相似文献   

国外桉树人工林资源和木材加工利用现状   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
从桉树人工林的资源现状、桉树人工林的木材性质、加工利用技术以及桉树木材产品的市场发展4个方面,概述了国外桉树人工林的发展及其木材利用状况.着重介绍了影响桉树人工林低龄材利用的木材性质以及锯解和干燥技术.通过学习和借鉴国外桉树木材加工利用的先进技术和经验,以提高我国桉树木材的利用水平.  相似文献   

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