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Different approaches have been proposed for quantification of soil water availability for plants but mostly they do not fully describe how water is released from the soil to be absorbed by the plant roots. A new concept of integral energy (EI) was suggested by Minasny and McBratney (Minasny, B., McBratney, A.B. 2003. Integral energy as a measure of soil-water availability. Plant and Soil 249, 253-262) to quantify the energy required for plants to take up a unit mass of soil water over a defined water content range. This study was conducted to explore the EI concept in association with other new approaches for soil water availability including the least limiting water range (LLWR) and the integral water capacity (IWC) besides conventional plant available water (PAW). We also examined the relationship between EI and Dexter's index of soil physical quality (S-value). Twelve agricultural soils were selected from different regions in Hamadan province, western Iran. Soil water retention and penetration resistance, Q, were measured on undisturbed samples taken from the 5-10 cm layer. The PAW, LLWR and IWC were calculated with two matric suctions (h) of 100 and 330 hPa for field capacity (FC), and then the EI values were calculated for PAW, LLWR and IWC. There were significant differences (P < 0.01) between the EI values calculated for PAW100, PAW330, LLWR100, LLWR330 and IWC. The highest (319.0 J kg−1) and the lowest (160.7 J kg−1) means of EI were found for the EI(IWC) and EI(PAW330), respectively. The EI values calculated for PAW100, LLWR100 and LLWR330 were 225.6, 177.9 and 254.1 J kg−1, respectively. The mean value of EI(PAW330) was almost twice as large as the mean of EI(IWC) showing that IWC is mostly located at lower h values when compared with PAW330. Significant relationships were obtained between EI(IWC) and h at Q = 1.5 MPa, and EI(LLWR100) or EI(LLWR330) and h at Q = 2 MPa indicating strong dependency of EI on soil strength in the dry range. We did not find significant relationships between EI(PAW100) or EI(PAW330) and bulk density (ρb) or relative ρb (ρb-rel). However, EI(LLWR100) or EI(LLWR330) was negatively and significantly affected by ρb and ρb-rel. Both EI(PAW100) and EI(PAW330) increased with increasing clay content showing that a plant must use more energy to absorb a unit mass of PAW from a clay soil than from a sandy soil. High negative correlations were found between EI(PAW100) or EI(PAW330) and the shape parameter (n) of the van Genuchten function showing that soils with steep water retention curves (coarse-textured or well-structured) will have lower EI(PAW). Negative and significant relations between EI(PAW100) or EI(PAW330) and S were obtained showing the possibility of using S to predict the energy that must be used by plants to take up a unit mass of water in the PAW range. Our findings show that EI can be used as an index of soil physical quality in addition to the PAW, LLWR, IWC and S approaches.  相似文献   

Plant growth is directly affected by soil water, soil aeration, and soil resistance to root penetration. The least limiting water range (LLWR) is defined as the range in soil water content within which limitations to plant growth associated with water potential, aeration and soil resistance to root penetration are minimal. The LLWR has not been evaluated in tropical soils. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the LLWR in a Brazilian clay Oxisol (Typic Hapludox) cropped with maize (Zea mays L. cv. Cargil 701) under no-tillage and conventional tillage. Ninety-six undisturbed soil samples were obtained from maize rows and between rows and used to determine the water retention curve, the soil resistance curve and bulk density. The results demonstrated that LLWR was higher in conventional tillage than in no-tillage and was negatively correlated with bulk density for values above 1.02 g cm−3. The range of LLWR variation was 0–0.1184 cm3 cm−3 in both systems, with mean values of 0.0785 cm3 cm−3 for no-tillage and 0.0964 cm3 cm−3 for conventional tillage. Soil resistance to root penetration determined the lower limit of LLWR in 89% of the samples in no-tillage and in 46% of the samples in conventional tillage. Additional evaluations of LLWR are needed under different texture and management conditions in tropical soils.  相似文献   

为明确耕作方式对黑土土壤水分稳定性的作用,提高黑土区雨养农业对气候变化的适应性,该研究基于黑土区长期免耕定位试验,利用最小水分限制范围(Least Limiting Water Range, LLWR)评价免耕(NT)和垄作(CT)管理下土壤含水率有效性及其变异特征。结果表明:1)在0~5、5~10、10~20和20~40 cm 4个土层中,NT处理显著降低了5~10 cm的LLWR,其他3个土层LLWR差异均不显著;2)在平水年(2014)、枯水年(2015)和丰水年(2016),NT管理下作物生育期内0~40 cm平均土壤含水率正常率分别为48%、72%和85%,年间变异系数为0.23;CT的土壤含水率正常率分别为56%、20%和51%,年间变异系数为0.38;3)在丰水年,NT与CT的平均有效储水量差值最小,NT比CT高8.95mm;在枯水年相差最大,NT的平均有效储水量比CT高13.99mm。因此,NT管理下土壤水分更稳定地分布在LLWR内,在极端降雨年份(枯水年和丰水年)优势尤其明显。  相似文献   

The least limiting water range (LLWR) attempts to incorporate crop-limiting values of soil strength, aeration, and water supply to plant roots into one effective parameter (on the basis of soil water content). The LLWR can be a useful indicator of soil quality and soil physical constraints on crop production. This study focused on assessing dynamic cultivation zone LLWR parameters between different cropping/tillage/trafficked clay loam plots at Winchester, Ont., to identify potential management impact on surficial soil physical conditions for contrasting growing seasons. This study also evaluated dynamic cultivation layer LLWR variables as indicators of corn (Zea mays L.) plant establishment and corn yield. The results suggest that no-till soils had lower average air-filled porosities (AFP) and O2 concentrations than respectively managed tilled plots for both years of study. Potential trafficking effects on aeration properties were most evident in no-till relative to till; preferentially trafficked no-tilled plots had lower AFP and O2 concentrations than respective non-preferentially trafficked no-till plots for both years of study. Corn establishment and yield variability were principally explained by cumulative differences between daily AFP and aeration threshold values, and the cumulative number of days daily AFP was below an AFP aeration threshold for specific corn growth stage periods. Lower AFP was linked to lower yields and plant establishments. Soil strength, as measured by cone penetration resistance, was important over certain sites, but not as important globally as AFP in predicting crop properties. Overall, conventional tilled soils that were not preferentially trafficked had most favorable aeration properties, and subsequently, greatest corn populations and yields. No-till soils were at greater risk of aeration limiting conditions, especially those in continuous corn and preferentially trafficked.  相似文献   

The Brazilian savanna, or “Cerrado”, is an ecosystem that originally covered more than 200 Mha in Brazil. It is estimated that about 49.5 Mha in the Cerrado are now covered with cultivated pastures, which are responsible for half of Brazilian beef production. However, soil and pasture degradation represent a threat to this productive system and to the Cerrado ecosystem itself. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the least limiting water range (LLWR) as an index of near-surface soil physical quality after conversion of Brazilian savanna to continuous and short-duration grazing systems. Three sites were evaluated: native Cerrado (NC), continuous grazing (CG), and short-duration grazing (SG). Thirty soil cores (5 cm height, 5 cm diameter) were collected at each site, and used for soil bulk density, soil water retention curve, and soil penetration resistance curve determinations. The results were used for quantification of LLWR and critical bulk density (Dbc), in which LLWR equals zero. The near-surface soil physical quality, as evaluated by the LLWR, was most restrictive for potential root growth in SG. In CG, potential restriction was moderate; however, the entire soil bulk density range was below the Dbc. In NC, potential restriction was minimum. The soil structural degradation process was primarily related to the increase in stocking rates in the grazing systems. The LLWR proved to be a useful indicator of Cerrado soil physical quality, being sensitive to alterations in near-surface physical properties.  相似文献   

Soil pore size distribution(SPSD) is one of the most important soil physical properties. This research investigated the relationships of location and shape parameters of the SPSD curves with plant-available water(PAW) and least limiting water range(LLWR) of the light-textured soils at the Torogh Agricultural Research Station in north-eastern Iran. Soil moisture release curve(SMRC), PAW and LLWR in matric heads of 100 and 330 h Pa for the field capacity and location and shape parameters of the SPSD curves of 30 soils with different texture and organic carbon contents were determined, and the variable relationships were statistically analyzed. The results showed that the median equivalent pore diameter(de), mean de, standard deviation(SD*), and skewness of the SPSD curves were significantly correlated with PAW(PAW330) and LLWR(LLWR330) measured in a matric head of 330 h Pa. Decrease in deand increase in the diversity of soil pore size(SD*) increased PAW330 and LLWR330. The SD* values of all the soil samples were lower than the optimal ranges suggested in literature. Neither PAW nor LLWR values were significantly different in the soils with the optimal modal deand those with non-optimal modal de. Optimal values of median and mean equivalent pore diameters and kurtosis of SPSD curves led to a significant improvement of PAW330 and LLWR330 as soil physical quality indicators. It was recommended to revise the optimal ranges for SD* and modal defor future studies.  相似文献   

Soil compaction impacts growing conditions for plants: it increases the mechanical resistance to root growth and modifies the soil pore system and consequently the supply of water and oxygen to the roots. The least limiting water range (LLWR) defines a range of soil water contents within which root growth is minimally limited with regard to water supply, aeration and penetration resistance. The LLWR is a function of soil bulk density (BD), and hence directly affected by soil compaction. In this paper, we present a new model, ‘SoilFlex‐LLWR’, which combines a soil compaction model with the LLWR concept. We simulated the changes in LLWR due to wheeling with a self‐propelled forage harvester on a Swiss clay loam soil (Gleyic Cambisol) using the new SoilFlex‐LLWR model, and compared measurements of the LLWR components as a function of BD with model estimations. SoilFlex‐LLWR allows for predictions of changes in LLWR due to compaction caused by agricultural field traffic and therefore provides a quantitative link between impact of soil loading and soil physical conditions for root growth.  相似文献   

Integrated evaluation of soil physical properties using the least limiting water range (LLWR) approach may allow a better knowledge of soil water availability. We determined the LLWR for four tillage practices consisted of conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT), no-tillage (NT) and fallow no-tillage (NTf). In addition, LLWR was determined for abandoned soils (i.e. control), compacted soils, ploughed compacted soils and abandoned soils with super absorbent polymers (SAPs) application. Soil water retention, penetration resistance (PR), air-filled porosity and bulk density were determined for the 0–5 and 0–25-cm depths. Mean LLWR (0.07–0.08 cm3 cm?3) was lower in compacted soils than the soils under CT, NT, NTf, RT, tilled, abandoned and SAP practices but it was not different among tillage practices. The values of LLWR were 0.12 cm3 cm?3 for NT and CT. LLWR for tilled plots (0.12 cm3 cm?3) became greater than compacted soils by 1.3 times. Analysis of the lower and upper limits of the LLWR further indicated that PR was the only limiting factor for soil water content, but aeration was not a limiting factor. The LLWR was more dependent on soil water content at permanent wilting point and at PR.  相似文献   

试验研究生草栽培对柑橘园土壤水分和有效养分含量及果实产量品质的影响结果表明,生草栽培7~11月份干旱时期可提高果园土壤含水率;生草栽培初期降低果园土壤有效氮、磷、钙、镁、锰、铜和锌等矿质养分含量,但生草栽培2年后土壤有效氮、钾、铁和锌等矿质养分含量高于清耕对照。生草栽培可提高果实产量和果实可溶性固形物含量,降低果实柠檬酸含量,且种植百喜草比白三叶效果更明显  相似文献   

Although crop residue management is known to affect near‐surface soil physical quality, little is known about the temporal variability of these indicators over short time intervals. This study evaluates the temporal changes of nine indicators of soil physical quality. These are organic carbon content, structural stability index, bulk density, macroporosity, air capacity, relative field capacity, plant available water capacity, Dexter's S‐index and saturated hydraulic conductivity. A second set of soil physical indicators, based on the distribution of soil pore volume, was also evaluated. The indicators were determined in three different times during the growing cycle of winter durum wheat cultivated within a long‐term field research carrying out in Southern Italy and comparing two types of crop residue management, that is, burning (B) and soil incorporation (I). Only the bulk density changed over time for both treatments, although the air capacity also changed for the incorporation of wheat residues. Residual effects of the autumnal soil tillage and soil compaction were a common source of variability, irrespective of which treatment was used. Based on the existing guidelines for evaluating the physical quality of these agricultural soils, optimal or near‐optimal values were detected in about half of the cases under consideration. This suggests that both B and I create sufficiently good conditions for crop growth during the crop cycle. The comparison between observed and optimal soil pore distribution function was always poor. The pore volume distributions showed lower densities of small pores and relatively higher densities of large pores than the proposed optimal distribution. This study also suggests that the considered optimal or references curves probably cannot be applied successfully to a wide range of agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Soil compaction affects physical soil condition, in particular aeration, soil strength, and water availability and has adverse effects on plant growth. Bulk density is the most frequently used indicator to describe the state of compaction of a soil. However, this parameter lacks a direct functional relationship with plant growth. Various indicators have been proposed to simultaneously characterize the state of compaction of agricultural soil and its suitability for plant growth. This paper examines and compares the critical limits for crop plant growth based on three of these indicators: packing density, least limiting water range, and S parameter (the latter is the slope of the soil water‐retention curve in the inflexion point). In a first step, we reviewed the literature for published optimum and limiting values of bulk density and found that these values were highly dependent on clay and silt content. Converting them into corresponding values of packing density (composite index of bulk density and clay content), a value of 1.70 was found to effectively distinguish between optimum and limiting soil conditions for plant growth. In a second step, the packing density of 59 soil horizons sampled in N Switzerland was compared with the least limiting water range and the S parameter of these soil horizons (both determined by means of pedotransfer functions taken from the literature). A linear relationship between the three parameters was found, which allowed for a comparison of the published critical limits for plant growth based on these parameters. The critical limits of the three indicators, which had been postulated independently of each other in the literature, were found to agree well with each other. This means that all of them could equally be used to describe the compaction state of a soil and its physical suitability for plant growth. However, the proposed critical limits of packing density, least limiting water range, and S parameter still need further validation by field studies relating plant growth to soil compaction.  相似文献   

Soil is usually presented as a complex dynamical system. Nevertheless, evidences based on the theoretical background of complex system physics are still scarce. The main objective of this work was to search for chaotic parameters using some basic concepts of nonlinear dynamical system theory with spatial series of soil properties. Three spatial series consisting of 1000 data point transects were used. We selected horizontal and vertical electrical conductivity (ECh and ECv, respectively) and gravimetric water content from a Vertisol (Typic Hapludert) under rice cropping. Each spatial transect was oriented from South to North with 1-m spacing. It was used the TISEAN Software Package (a public domain software available at http://www.mpipks-dresdren.mpg.de/~tisean) for deriving nonlinear parameters from spatial series. We found interesting evidences of chaotic behaviour as maximal Lyapunov exponents were all positive. They ranged from λm = 0.129 for water content to λm = 0.219 for ECv (filtered series in each case). Original (unfiltered), filtered, and surrogate spatial series confirmed these findings as they also showed positive Lyapunov exponents. All the spatial series showed a higher deterministic component (|κ|> 0.9 in most cases). The Lyapunov range of correlation (ρ) was within the limits 4.56 m (ECv) to 7.75 m (gravimetric water content) as usually reported from geostatistical investigations. Future works based on dynamical system theory will advance our knowledge on spatial variability of important soil properties and the emergence of deterministic and/or stochastic components.  相似文献   

喀斯特地区洼地剖面土壤含水率的动态变化规律   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文基于连续2年土壤水分的定位监测数据,分析探讨了喀斯特地区不同地质背景(纯灰岩与白云质灰岩)洼地剖面(0~90 cm)土壤含水率的动态变化规律。结果表明:洼地剖面土壤含水率总体较高,且从表层到深层表现为增长型;2009年和2010年土壤含水率的变化均具有明显的分层现象,从上到下依次为活跃层、次活跃层、相对稳定层,但均无速变层,不同地质背景的具体分层略有差异;活跃层和次活跃层集中分布在浅层土壤层,相对稳定层较厚,对应着较差的水文调蓄功能,洼地土壤的水分调蓄功能可能会因其相对较深厚(80~100 cm)的土层而被高估。受降雨、蒸发及植物蒸腾等因素的影响,土壤储水量具有明显的动态变化特征,一年中可分为相对稳定期、消耗期和补给期3个阶段,而土壤水分亏缺的补偿和恢复,主要依靠强度适中、历时较长且雨量较大的降雨,微雨和暴雨的作用较小。  相似文献   

Hedgerows planted along the contour on steep lands in the humid tropics reduce soil erosion and build terraces over time. The objectives of this study in two Hapludoxes in the Philippines were to evaluate changes after 4 years in soil properties and soil water relations on transects perpendicular to the cropped alleys between four grass and tree hedgerow systems and a control. Hedgerow plants included Gliricidia sepium, Paspalum conjugatum, and Penisetum purpureum. Soil properties evaluated as a function of position in the alley (upper, middle, or lower elevation in an alley) included bulk density, mechanical impedance, soil water transmissivity, water retention, soil water pressure, and soil water content. In general, soil properties were not affected by hedgerow system, but were affected by position in the alley. Nearness to the hedgerow, but not hedgerow species, affected soil water distribution (P = 0.05). Plant available water at the 10–15 cm depth was 0.16 m3 m−3, 0.13 m3 m−3, and 0.08 m3 m−3 for the lower, middle, and upper alley position, respectively. Water transmissivity decreased from 0.49 mm s−1 in the lower alley to 0.12 mm s−1 in the upper alley. The lower soil water contents and soil water pressures in and near the hedgerows confirmed competition for water between the hedgerow species and the food crop in the alley, a condition that is expected to suppress food crop production.  相似文献   

Crop rotation and the maintenance of plant residues over the soil can increase soil water storage capacity. Root access to water and nutrients depends on soil physical characteristics that may be expressed in the Least Limiting Water Range (LLWR) concept. In this work, the effects of crop rotation and chiselling on the soil LLWR to a depth of 0.1 m and crop yields under no‐till were studied on a tropical Alfisol in São Paulo state, Brazil, for 3 yr. Soybean and corn were grown in the summer in rotation with pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum, Linneu, cv. ADR 300), grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor, L., Moench), congo grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis, Germain et Evrard) and castor bean (Ricinus comunis, Linneu) during fall/winter and spring, under no‐till or chiselling. The LLWR was determined right after the desiccation of the cover crops and before soybean planting. Soil physico‐hydraulic conditions were improved in the uppermost soil layers by crop rotations under zero tillage, without initial chiselling, from the second year and on, resulting in soil quality similar to that obtained with chiselling. In seasons without severe water shortage, crop yields were not limited by soil compaction, however, in a drier season, the rotation with congo grass alone or intercropped with castor resulted in the greatest cover crop dry matter yield. Soybean yields did not respond to modifications in the LLWR.  相似文献   

The effect of soil incorporations of lantana (Lantana spp.) biomass, an obnoxious weed, on physical environment of a silty clay loam soil (Typic Hapludalf) under rice (Oryza sativa L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping was studied in a long-term field experiment conducted in a wet temperate region of north India. Fresh lantana biomass was incorporated into the plough layer at 10, 20 and 30 Mg ha−1 annually, 7–10 days before puddling. Plant-available water capacity (PAWC), non-limiting water range (NLWR) and NLWR:PAWC ratio were determined to characterize soil physical environment during wheat crop in the tenth cropping cycle.

Ten annual applications of lantana at 10, 20 and 30 Mg ha−1, increased organic carbon (OC) content over control by 12.6, 17.6 and 27.9% in 0–15 cm soil layer, and 17.1, 26.3 and 39.5% in 15–30 cm soil layer, respectively. The OC content in 0–15 and 15–30 cm soil layer of control plots was 11.1 and 7.6 g kg−1 soil. Bulk density decreased by 3–14% in 7.5–10.5 cm layer and 1–6% in 15–18 cm layer. Volumetric moisture contents at 10% air-filled porosity were 38.4, 40.0, 54.5 and 55.7% at 7.5–10.5 cm depth, and 31.4, 32.2, 33.9 and 34.6% at 15–18 cm depth corresponding to 0, 10, 20 and 30 Mg ha−1 lantana treatment, respectively. At 15–18 cm soil depth, volumetric moisture contents at 2 MPa soil penetration resistance were 26.9, 24.8, 23.0 and 19.6% in zero, 10, 20 and 30 Mg ha−1 lantana-treated plots, respectively. Lower soil water contents associated with 10% air-filled porosity and greater soil water contents associated with a limiting penetration resistance of 2 MPa resulted in a lower NLWR (4.3%) for control as compared to lantana-treated soil (7.4–15.1%). The PAWC showed slight increase from 12.9 to 13.4–14.9% due to lantana additions. The NLWR:PAWC ratio was also lower in control (0.33) as compared to lantana-treated soil (0.55–1.01). The NLWR was significantly and positively correlated with wheat grain yield (r=0.858**).  相似文献   


To understand the response of grape (Hutai No.8) quality and soil respiration (Rs) to different soil relative water contents (SRWCs), this study was designed with three soil moisture levels (A: 80–95%, B: 60–75%, and C: 40–55% of SRWC) for grape cultivation. Meanwhile, environmental factors, including air temperature (Ta), air relative humidity, and light intensity, were also recorded. The results showed the following: (1) Through the comprehensive analysis of fruit quality by the method of subordinate function, we concluded that the optimum soil moisture treatment was 60–75% SRWC, and the soluble sugars, proanthocyanidin, and resveratrol were most abundant. In addition, vitamin C (Vc) content was the largest under C treatment. (2) Photosynthetic characteristic under high soil moisture was better than those under low soil moisture condition during grape coloring periods, and it was largest under A treatment in 2015. Rs rate was in accordance with the trend of grape photosynthesis. High soil moisture could accelerate the photosynthetic rate of grape leaves and increase Rs. (3) Correlation analysis showed that higher soil moisture and air humidity and lower soil temperature (Ts) and Ta could promote the accumulation of more nutrients in grape berries; it also could increase photosynthetic rate and Rs during grape coloring periods. In conclusion, 60–75% SRWC was the optimum soil moisture condition, which could improve the nutrient contents and accumulate more bioactive substances. Of course, keeping a lower Ts and Ta, as well as higher air humidity, was also necessary.

Abbreviations: SRWC: soil relative water content; A, 90-95% SRWC; B, 70-75% SRWC; C, 40-55% SRWC; Rs: soil respiration; Ta: air temperature; Ts: soil temperature; OPC: proanthocyanidin; TSS: total soluble solids.  相似文献   

Determining soil quality indicators by factor analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil quality indicators (SQIs) can be used to evaluate sustainability of land use and soil management practices in agroecosystems. The objective of this study was to identify appropriate SQI from factor analysis (FA) of five treatments: no-till corn (Zee mays) without manure (NT), no-till corn with manure (NTM), no-till corn–soybean (Glycine max) rotation (NTR), conventional tillage corn (CT), and meadow (M) in Coshocton, Ohio. Soil properties were grouped into five factors (eigenvalues > 1) for the 0–10 cm depth as: (Factor 1) water transmission, (Factor 2) soil aeration, (Factor 3) soil pore connection 1, (Factor 4) soil texture and (Factor 5) moisture status. Factor 2 was the most dominant, with soil organic carbon (SOC) the most dominant measured soil attribute contributing to this factor. For the 10–20 cm depth, factors identified were: (Factor 6) soil aggregation, (Factor 7) soil pore connection 2, (Factor 8) soil macropore, and (Factor 9) plant production. At 10–20 cm depth, Factor 6 was most dominant with SOC the most dominant measured soil attribute. Management × sample and slope position × sample interactions were significant among some factors for both depths. Overall, SOC was the most dominant measured soil attribute as a SQI for both depths. Other key soil attributes were field water capacity, air-filled porosity, pH and soil bulk density for the 0–10 cm depth, and total N and mean weight diameter of aggregates for the 10–20 depth. Therefore, SOC could play an important role for monitoring soil quality.  相似文献   

Soil characteristics are some of the most important inputs in crop simulation models like CERES-Maize and MACROS models under field conditions. A sensitivity analysis of these models was carried out for 1995 and 1996 by incorporating changes (+2, +4, +6, −2, −4, and −6%) of the measured values of three basic soil input parameters: wilting point (WP), saturated soil water content (FS) and field capacity (FC). For this purpose, eight soil profile layers were chosen for CERES-Maize and three for the MACROS model. The MACROS model was found to have a higher degree of sensitivity to changes in the relevant soil parameters than the CERES-Maize model, especially for WP. For the MACROS model, an earlier end of the growing period (75 days) for maize at the +6% level for WP was simulated in 1995 as against 152 days for the CERES-Maize model. The yield in 1995 due to 6% increase in WP resulted in a decrease of about 35% yield when CERES-Maize model was used. In 1996 the increase in WP by 6% resulted in decrease of yield by 22.5 and by 0.9% for MACROS and CERES-Maize models, respectively. When WP was decreased by 6% then the yield was found to increase by about 20.4 and 12.0% for MACROS and CERES-Maize models, respectively in 1995. In 1996 the same alteration of WP caused the yield to increase by about 5.7 and 0.7% for MACROS and CERES-Maize models. Alteration of the model's remaining parameters showed a negligible influence on yields for both the models.  相似文献   

A model for soil crumbling, called the capillary crumbling model (CCM) was introduced by Aluko and Koolen [Aluko, O.B., Koolen, A.J., 2000. The essential mechanics of capillary crumbling of structured agricultural soils. Soil Till. Res. 55, 117–126]. According to the CCM, the optimum soil water content for tillage (θOPT) may be defined as the water content at which the capillary bonding strength between aggregates is minimum. The objective of this study was to evaluate the CCM for the arable layer of 10 agricultural soils (sandy loam to clay textures) from semi-arid regions in western Iran. The results were compared with conventional soil workability limits such as 0.85 of the soil plastic limit (0.85θPL), Proctor critical water content (θProctor), 0.6 or 0.7 of water content at matric suction of 50 hPa (0.6–0.7θ50 hPa), and the Kretschmer optimum water content (θKretschmer = θPL − 0.15(θLL − θPL)) where θLL is the soil liquid limit. Repacked soil cores were prepared from intact soil aggregates (0.50–4.75 mm) to 0.9 of the critical bulk density (to represent the soil conditions before tillage). Tensile strength and matric suction of the cores were determined at different soil water contents obtained by slow drying. The CCM provided evidence for the physics and mechanics of crumbling in the studied soils. It revealed that effective stresses are the dominant inter-aggregates forces, at least for the wet range of soil water content. A fall in strength of inter-aggregate bonds (i.e. tensile strength) was recorded due to water emptying from structural pores in a narrow range of matric suction (hOPT) which was consistent with the model. With increasing soil organic matter and clay contents the fall became more distinct, indicating increased structural stability. The θOPT values determined by the CCM were found in the hOPT range 551–612 hPa corresponding to 0.91–0.79θPL, which was in agreement with published values for the soil workability limit. Negative correlations between hOPT and clay and organic matter contents clearly confirmed the increasing effect of soil structure on the enlargement of inter-aggregate pores. High correlations were observed between θOPT and 0.85θPL, θProctor or 0.7θ50 hPa. The results showed that the CCM might be recommended as a physically based method for the determination of θOPT. Considering the 1:1 relationships between θOPT and 0.85θPL or θProctor, and easy determination of θPL and θProctor, use of these indices is recommended in situations where the CCM is not applicable.  相似文献   

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