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Management of N is the key for sustainable and profitable wheat production in a low N soil. We report results of irrigated crop rotation experiment, conducted in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan, during 1999–2002 to evaluate effects of residue retention, fertilizer N application and mung bean (Vigna radiata) on crop and N yields of wheat and soil organic fertility in a mung bean–wheat sequence. Treatments were (a) crop residue retained (+residue) or (b) removed (−residue), (c) 120 kg N ha−1 applied to wheat, (d) 160 kg N ha−1 to maize or (e) no nitrogen applied. The cropping system was rotation of wheat with maize or wheat with mung bean. The experiment was laid out in a spit plot design. Postharvest incorporation of crop residues significantly (p < 0.05) increased the grain and straw yields of wheat during both years. On average, crop residues incorporation increased the wheat grain yield by 1.31 times and straw yield by 1.39 times. The wheat crop also responded strongly to the previous legume (mung bean) in terms of enhanced grain yield by 2.09 times and straw yield by 2.16 times over the previous cereal (maize) treatment. Application of fertilizer N to previous maize exerted strong carry over effect on grain (1.32 times) and straw yield (1.38 times) of the following wheat. Application of N fertilizer to current wheat produced on average 1.59 times more grain and 1.77 times more straw yield over the 0 N kg ha−1 treatment. The N uptake in wheat grain and straw was increased 1.31 and 1.64 times by residues treatment, 2.08 and 2.49 times by mung bean and 1.71 and 1.86 times by fertilizer N applied to wheat, respectively. The soil mineral N was increased 1.23 times by residues, 1.34 times by mung bean and 2.49 times by the application of fertilizer N to wheat. Similarly, the soil organic C was increased 1.04-fold by residues, 1.08 times by mung bean and 1.00 times by the application of fertilizer N. We concluded that retention of residues, application of fertilizer N and involvement of legumes in crop rotation greatly improves the N economy of the cropping system and enhances crop productivity in low N soils.  相似文献   

The earliness is of great importance to cotton production in Mediterranean-type environments due to detrimental effects of autumn rainfall on lint quality. However, farmers commonly avoid early sowing due to risks of cold soil temperature and waterlogging after sowing in spring. Ridge-tillage system is one approach to increase soil temperature and mitigate adverse effects of waterlogging. The ridge-tillage system is also advantageous in reducing inputs in tillage operations. However, a limited experimental data are available about the effects of ridge-tillage system on earliness of harvesting, lint yield and quality of cotton in the Mediterranean-type environments. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine how ridge-tillage (RT)-planting system and intra-row spacing affect cotton lint yield, earliness and fiber quality compared with conventional tillage (CT)-planting system. Field experiments were conducted on a clay soil (Vertisol) in Hatay province (36°39′N–36°40′E, 83 m a.s.l.) in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey during 2000 and 2001. The experiment was laid out as a split-plot with three replications with tillage systems as main plots and intra-row spacings (13, 17, 21 and 25 cm) as subplots. The effects of tillage systems on lint yield and earliness were inconsistent among years. The RT-planting system resulted in 13.5% higher lint yield and 14.5% more earliness in 2001 when abundant rainfall occurred after sowing, while significant effects of tillage systems were not observed in 2000. The intra-row spacings significantly affected lint yield and earliness in both years. The earliness increased with closer spacing, while the highest lint yield was obtained from 17 cm intra-row spacing in both years. However, the fiber quality parameters were not significantly affected by tillage systems, intra-row spacings and tillage system × spacing interaction in both years. Finally, the results suggest that RT-planting system with 17 cm intra-row spacing can be used in cotton production instead of CT-planting system in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Ridging in 17 cm intra-row spacing also seems to be suitable to mechanical harvesting.  相似文献   

Average in-field water application efficiency in furrow-irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in Australia is less than optimal, and The underlying reasons may include surface sealing, exposure of sodic soil by laser levelling, and soil compaction due to wheel-trafficking. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of reducing traffic and tillage intensity on furrow soil properties in an irrigated Vertisol. Soil was sampled during the growing seasons of 2001–02, 2003–04 and 2005–06 from the surface 50-mm of adjacent wheel-tracked and non-wheel-tracked furrows in an experiment in north-western New South Wales, Australia. The treatments were: cotton sown either after conventional tillage (disc-ploughing and incorporating cotton stalks to 0.2 m, chisel ploughing to 0.3 m followed by bed construction) or on “permanent beds” (slashing cotton plants after harvest, followed by root cutting and bed renovation with a disc-hiller). Irrigation water was alkaline but had low salinity and sodium adsorption ratio. Soil properties measured were pH, EC1:5, geometric mean diameter (GMD) and specific volume (SV) of dry soil aggregates, exchangeable cations and plastic limit. Permanent bed systems had generally lower pH and higher SOC than conventionally tilled furrows, although differences were small. Soil pH and SOC averaged over the three growing seasons was 6.9 and 0.89 g/100 g, respectively, in permanent bed furrows, and 7.1 and 0.84 g/100 g, respectively, in conventionally tilled furrows. Compared to non-wheel-tracked furrows, plastic limit was lower (0.24 vs. 0.25 g/g), and EC1:5 (0.24 vs. 0.20 dS/m) and GMD (2.6 vs. 2.1 mm) higher in wheel-tracked furrows. Intra-seasonal changes in soil properties of furrows were also small, and are unlikely to significantly affect any hydrological processes. Inter-seasonal differences were, however, significant, and could affect hydrological processes in this soil.  相似文献   

D. Blaise   《Soil & Tillage Research》2006,91(1-2):207-216
Asiatic diploid (n = 13) cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.) is grown on Vertisols of central India with limited amounts of fertilizers and pesticides under rainfed conditions. In an earlier study it was established that reduced tillage (RT) systems improved productivity of tetraploid (n = 26) upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Such information is currently not available for the Asiatic cotton. Field studies were continued from 2002–2003 through 2004–2005, to determine the effect of tillage systems on weed control, yield and fibre quality. Tillage treatments continued for 6 years before this phase of the study. The experiment was conducted in a split plot design, with three tillage systems as main plots and combination of species (G. arboreum and G. hirsutum) and N rates (60 and 75 kg N ha−1) as subplots. Conventional tillage (CT) involved mouldboard ploughing + four to five inter-row cultivations and was compared with two levels of RT. RT1 being pre-emergence herbicide application with two inter-row cultivations by a bullock drawn hoe and RT2 was only herbicide application with no inter-row cultivation. Weed density (monocot and dicot weeds) was significantly lower on the RT than on the CT plots. Consequently, the RT plots had accumulated less weed dry matter. Seed cotton yield was affected by tillage systems in 1 out of 3 years. In 2002–2003, the yield trend was: RT1 > CT > RT2. The tillage × species interaction was significant in 2002–2003 and 2004–2005 and combined-across-years. Averaged over years, Asiatic G. arboreum produced 8% less seed cotton with treatment RT2 than with CT. Upland, G. hirsutum produced 118–134 kg ha−1 additional seed cotton on the RT than with CT. Differences in maturity and rooting habit probably contributed to the two species differing in their tillage requirement. The Asiatic cottons were early maturing and are known to possess a deeper root system than the upland cotton. The tillage × N and species × N interactions were not significant. Average seed cotton yield with the 75 kg N was 15.7% more than the 60 kg N ha−1 plots. Among fibre properties, fibre length was significantly better with treatment RT1 than with the CT in 2 out of 3 years. In summary, seed cotton yield of upland G. hirsutum cotton was higher with RT system, whereas converse occurred with G. arboreum. There were no adverse effects of RT on fibre quality.  相似文献   

Poor crop establishment, due to poor land preparation methods and inadequate soil moisture, continues to be a major constraint to crop production for smallholder farmers in the semi-arid tropics. On-farm seed priming (soaking seed in water) has been offered as a solution to this problem, but the ways in which this technology interacts with soil conditions are not well understood. The interactions between seed priming and soil physical conditions on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) emergence and seedling growth were determined in laboratory pot experiments. The treatments included seed treatment (primed and non-primed), initial soil matric potential (−10, −50, −100, −200 and −1500 kPa) and aggregate size (<1, 1–2, 2–4.75 and 4.75–16 mm). Non-sieved soil was used as a control. The soil used (a Chromic Cambisol) was collected from Save Valley Experiment Station in the southeastern lowveld of Zimbabwe. The pots of soil were allowed to dry out after planting, to simulate a deteriorating seedbed. Emergence was subsequently monitored, and plant growth measured 8 days after planting. Final percent emergence and seedling growth decreased with initial matric potential but increased with priming in both crops. Large aggregate sizes generally had an adverse effect on emergence and growth. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that on-farm seed priming can partly compensate for the negative effects of low soil matric potential and large aggregate sizes on crop establishment.  相似文献   

Tillage and residue management practices are known to affect seedling emergence and growth. However, information on direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) in rice–wheat (Triticum spp.) cropping system is lacking. Thus a study was undertaken under different tillage (conventional and zero tillage) and residue (residue-retained and removed) management options on rice seedling emergence and growth in rice–wheat system on a Vertisol of Central India. Seedling emergence was greater in residue removed plots compared to residue-retained one. Prediction of rice seedling emergence with the France and Thornley [Mathematical Models in Agriculture and Related Sciences, Butterworths, London, 1984] model and growth by the Logistic and Gompertz model, and Monomolecular model were also attempted. Emergence indicators showed that seedling emergence of rice was favored more by conventional tillage than zero tillage in wheat. Of the three models tested, the Gompertz model gave the best fit. The effect of tillage and residue of wheat on the estimated parameters of the models were also studied.  相似文献   

Poor soil tilth is a major constraint in realizing optimum yield potential of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in rice (Oryza sativa L.)–wheat cropping system. The effect of long-term additions of lantana (Lantana spp. L.) biomass, a wild sage, on physical properties of a silty clay loam soil under rice–wheat cropping was studied in north-west India. Lantana was added to soil 10–15 d before puddling at 10, 20 and 30 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (fresh weight). At the end of 10th rice crop, liquid limit, plastic limit, shrinkage limit and plasticity index of soil increased significantly with lantana additions. The friability range of lantana-treated soil decreased from 8.9 to 7.8–8.2% gravimetric-moisture content, but soil became friable at relatively higher moisture content. Soil cracking changed from wide, deep cracks in hexagonal pattern to a close-spaced network of fine cracks. The cracks of sizes <5 mm increased, 10–20 mm and wider decreased, while 5–10 mm remained almost unchanged with lantana additions. The volume density of cracks decreased by 36–76% and surface area density by 19–37% compared with control. The clods of sizes <2 cm diameter increased, while 2–4 cm and 4–6 cm diameter decreased with lantana additions. The MWD of clods varied between 2.15 and 2.34 cm in lantana-treated soil as against 2.83 cm in the control. The bulk density and breaking strength of soil clods were lower in lantana-treated soil by 4–9% and 29–42% than in the control. About 23–47% less energy was required to prepare seed-bed in lantana-treated than in the control soil.  相似文献   

Rice–wheat productivity in irrigated tract of the Indo-Gangetic plains is constrained by water and energy limitations. In order to minimize unproductive soil water evaporation and percolation loss at a field scale, management practices include soil puddling, water-economizing irrigation schedule, and matching growth cycle with periods of low evaporative demand. This 3-year field study examines combined effects of these options on rice–wheat productivity and water-use efficiency (WUE) and energy-use efficiency (EUE) on a sandy loam soil in an irrigated semi-arid sub-tropical environment. Treatments included combinations of three puddling intensities, viz., one (P1), two (P2), and four (P4) runs of a tine cultivator in ponded water after a common pre-puddling tillage; with two irrigation regimes, viz., continuous submergence (I1) throughout the growing season, and intermittent submergence (I2) with continuous submergence for 2 weeks after transplanting followed by 2-day interval between successive irrigations, and two transplanting dates, viz., first fortnight of June (D1) and end June (D2) to impose variation in seasonal evaporative demand. Residual effect of puddling in rice on succeeding wheat was also evaluated during the 3 years.

Intensive puddling and water-economizing schedule caused a significant reduction in seasonal percolation loss primarily due to puddling-induced changes in soil bulk density and hydraulic behavior. Increasing puddling intensity from P1 to P2 enhanced mean rice yield by 0.2–0.3 Mg ha−1, but additional puddling did not improve yield significantly. Mean grain yield increase with I1 over I2 ranged between 0.3 and 0.6 Mg ha−1. Interaction effect between puddling and irrigation indicate that yield benefit with I1 over I2 was greatest in P1 regime (0.6 Mg ha−1), and the effect decreased with increase in puddling intensity. Delayed transplanting caused a decline of 0.3–0.5 Mg ha−1 in rice yield. Although maximum yield was realized with combination of P2 or P4 regime with I1 regime, but water-use efficiency was greater with I2 compared to I1 regime by 1.1 kg ha−1 mm−1 in 2000 and by 0.3 kg ha−1 mm−1 in 2001. It indicates that yield gain with additional irrigation were not commensurate with additional water input. Energy analysis also showed that energy-use efficiency was 6.8, 7.2, and 6.6 kg kWh−1 for P1, P2, and P4 regimes suggesting that yield gain with P4 did not match energy input for additional puddling. Further, there was a greater risk of yield reduction of succeeding wheat with P4 (by 0.2–0.3 Mg ha−1) compared to P1 or P2 regime.  相似文献   

施氮模式对玉-麦周年轮作系统产量和氮吸收利用的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为明确适宜豫北平原夏玉米-冬小麦一体化种植的高效施氮管理模式,2016—2017年分别在豫北典型高产田区河南省鹤壁市和中产田区河南省原阳县开展了夏玉米-冬小麦周年轮作不同施氮模式对夏玉米与冬小麦产量、氮素吸收和利用效率影响的田间试验。共设5种处理:不施氮肥(T1)、普通尿素按210 kg(N)?hm?2一次性基施(T2)、普通尿素分次施用且总施氮量同T2(T3)、控释尿素与普通尿素配比氮素减量施用(T4)和控释尿素与普通尿素配比氮素足量施用(T5)。分别于夏玉米和冬小麦关键生育期测试叶片SPAD值、植株与籽粒氮含量及生物量等氮营养指标,并于成熟期测定产量和产量构成因子,分析计算植株氮积累量与吸收利用特征。结果表明,处理间,高、中产区夏玉米与冬小麦产量、产量构成因子及氮素营养指标整体变化趋势均为T5T4T3T2T1。产区间,各处理夏玉米和冬小麦产量性状及氮营养指标均表现为高产区显著优于中产区。综合各处理平均值,高产区夏玉米产量、植株氮含量和氮素积累量相比于中产区分别平均提高58.0%、19.2%和47.1%,冬小麦增幅则分别为34.7%、33.3%和85.9%。氮利用效率方面,高、中产田在氮肥表观利用率、氮肥农学效率和100kg籽粒需氮量变化趋势均表现为T5T4T3T2T1,处理间差异显著;氮素收获指数则与此相反。豫北平原夏玉米-冬小麦周年轮作制在作物稳产甚至增产条件下,采用尿素与缓释氮肥掺混配施的氮肥优化施用模式不仅可有效减少肥料用量,还能显著提升肥料利用率,降低氮肥损失。  相似文献   

Soil porosity and organic matter content influence the hydrology, thermal status and productivity of agricultural soils. Shape, size and continuity of soil pores are determined by tillage practices. Thus appropriate tillage and mulch management can conserve residual soil moisture during the post rainy season. This can play a key role in enhancing productivity under the rainfed ecosystem of subhumid region in eastern India. A field study was carried out on a fine loamy soil from 1993–1994 to 1995–1996. Two tillage treatments were conventional ploughing (150 mm depth) and shallow ploughing (90 mm) depth. Each tillage practice was tested with three mulch management viz., no mulch, soil dust mulch and rice (Oryza sativa L.) straw mulch. Soil organic carbon, bulk density, moisture retentivity, soil temperature with productivity and water use pattern of barley (Hordium vulgare L.) were measured.Reduction in ploughing depth resulted in nominal increase in profile (0.0–1.2 m) moisture status, yield, and soil thermal status at 14:00 and water use efficiency (WUE). However, it decreased the magnitude of soil temperature in the morning (07:00). Straw mulch conserved 19–21 mm of moisture in the profile (1.2 m) over the unmulched condition. Both soil dust and rice straw mulching elevated soil thermal status at 07:00 as compared to unmulched condition, but this trend was reversed at 14:00. Straw mulching significantly increased grain yield and WUE over soil dust mulch and unmulched condition. Impact of straw mulch was more pronounced under shallow ploughing depth. Shallow tillage with rice straw mulching is recommended to the farmers to obtain higher level of yield and water use efficiency.  相似文献   

麦茬处理方式对机播夏玉米的生态生理效应   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
为探求适合黄淮海平原机播夏玉米的最佳麦茬处理方式,采用大田试验,研究了麦茬处理方式(平茬、立茬、除茬)对机播夏玉米的生态生理效应.结果表明,平茬有利于提高土壤含水率、平衡和改善耕层土壤温度,较好地满足玉米生长对土壤温度和水分的需求.3展叶时,玉米叶面积、干物质重等指标都以除茬处理最好;6展叶时,平茬处理玉米的株高、单株干重、叶面积、光合速率均表现最优,产量也最高.所以平茬处理为机播夏玉米的生长提供了较好的生态条件,促进了夏玉米的生长发育和产量的提高,有很大的推广价值.  相似文献   

One of the key issues to increase soil productivity in the Sahel is to ensure water infiltration and storage in the soil. We hypothesised that reducing tillage from annual to biennial ploughing and the use of organic matter, like compost, would better sustain soil hydraulic properties. The study had the objective to propose sustainable soil fertility management techniques in the cotton–maize cropping systems. The effects of reduced tillage (RT) and annual ploughing (AP) combined with compost application (Co) on soil infiltration parameters were assessed on two soil types. Topsoil mean saturated hydraulic conductivities (Ks) were between 9 and 48 mm h−1 in the Luvisol, while in the Lixisol they were between 18 and 275 mm h−1. In the two soil types compost additions with reduced tillage or with annual ploughing had the largest effect on Ks. Soil hydraulic behaviour was in reasonable agreement with soil pore size distribution (mean values varied from 19.5 to 237 μm) modified by tillage frequency and organo-mineral fertilization. Already the first 3 years of this study showed that use of organic matter, improved soil infiltration characteristics when annual ploughing was used. Also biennial ploughing showed promising results and may be a useful strategy for smallholders to manage these soils.  相似文献   

While the benefits of earthworms to crop production are widely acknowledged, the mechanisms involved are poorly understood. We examined the effects of an anecic earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) on the distribution of plant residue N in a corn (Zea mays)/soil system. Soil (mixed Ap and B horizons) mesocosms (10 cm diameter, 39 cm deep) were amended with 15N-labeled corn litter, inoculated with one earthworm per mesocosm (WORM) or none (CTRL), and pre-incubated for 1, 2 or 3 weeks. Earthworms and remaining plant residues were removed and sweet corn grown in the mesocosms in a greenhouse for 3 weeks. Litter, earthworms, shoots, roots and bulk and burrow soil were analyzed for total N and 15N. Plant and earthworm biomass were also determined. Earthworms had no significant effect on the N content of shoots, roots or bulk soil. Recovery of 15N ranged from 92.6 to 101.9% in CTRL and 60.2 to 83.2% in the WORM treatment. The 15N content of bulk soil in the WORM treatment was significantly higher than in CTRL and increased with pre-incubation time. Excess at.% 15N of burrow soil was 10–100 times higher than in bulk soil. Incorporation of 15N by shoots and roots was significantly higher in the WORM treatment and increased significantly with pre-incubation time only in the WORM treatment. In WORM mesocosms pre-incubated for 3 weeks, the distribution of added 15N was 9.8% in litter, 6.5% in plant, 31.5% in soil, 12.0% in earthworms and 39.8% presumably lost as gas; in CTRL mesocosms, the values were 75.7% in litter, 3.2% in plant, 13.7% in soil and 7.4% in presumed gas losses. The activities of L. terrestris altered the distribution of plant residue N significantly, increasing the transfer of N to plants and soil and enhancing losses of N in the gas phase as pre-incubation time increased.  相似文献   

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