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Immunity obtained by vaccination with Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae is type specific and protection will only be obtained against the serotype contained in the vaccine. Serotype 8 is closely related to serotypes 3 and 6 and the objective of the present study was therefore to examine if cross immunity between the three serotypes could be obtained at vaccination.  相似文献   

Pigs were inoculated intratracheally with a virulent or an avirulent isolate of Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae serotype 5 and sacrificed during the first 24 hours post-inoculation. Intravascular macrophages were examined by electron microscopic and morphometric techniques. Samples of lung were taken from regions with no macroscopic lesions (Zone 0), 2.5 to 3.0 cm from lesions (Zone 1), and from the immediate edge of lesions (Zone 2). Those pigs inoculated with the avirulent isolate did not develop lesions. Pigs given the virulent isolate consistently developed necrohemorrhagic lesions in the dorsolateral aspect of the caudal and middle lung lobes. Relative volumes of intravascular macrophages in Zones 1 and 2 increased with increased time post-inoculation; in pigs given the avirulent isolate, intravascular macrophage volume decreased with increased time post-inoculation. Cytoplasmic volume to nuclear volume ratios for macrophages in Zone 2 from pigs with necrohemorrhagic lesions progressively increased with increased time post-inoculation. Enlarged intravascular macrophages had large nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and abundant cytoplasm. Increased cytoplasmic volume was the result of increased numbers of lysosomes, phagosomes, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and large Golgi complexes. Pigs inoculated with the virulent bacteria had IV macrophages with large phagosomes that contained necrotic cell debris and fibrin. Macrophages with phagosomes were more frequent in the 6-, 9-, and 24-hour sample periods of pigs with lesions than in any other group. Intercellular adhesion plaques (ICAP) were present between IV macrophages and subjacent endothelial cells. ICAP's increased in length with increased time post-inoculation in Zones 1 and 2 from pigs with necrohemorrhagic lesions. In later sample periods, multiple closely associated and interlacing IV macrophages formed a discontinuous layer over endothelial cells in Zone 2 samples near necrohemorrhagic lesions. These results suggest that the intravascular macrophage population changes from immature macrophages to mature macrophages or immature epithelioid cells within 24 hours after inhalation of a virulent Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae. Furthermore, intravascular macrophages likely function to clear cellular and acellular debris from the blood in pneumonic conditions.  相似文献   

Capsular extracts of Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae, Serotype 1, were mixed with AL(OH)3 gel (3 parts extract + 1 part Al(OH)3) and used as vaccines in pigs and mice. Four preparations were tested in Experiment I: NaCl and Cetavlon (hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide) extracts of both low in vitro passage (LP) and high in vitro passage (HP) culture, respectively. Four pigs vaccinated with the NaCl extract of the LP strain survived, whereas one of four from each of the remaining vaccine groups and five of six from the control group died. All vaccines induced complement-fixing antibodies. No apparent boosting of titres occurred as a result of challenge with live bacteria. Mice were vaccinated in Experiment II with NaCl and Cetavlon extracts of the LP strain. Both were protective, although the Cetavlon vaccine appeared more efficacious than the NaCl extract. The use of Al(OH)3 adjuvant improved the efficacy of the NaCl vaccine in mice. In Experiment III six gnotobiotic pigs were vaccinated with a combined NaCl and Cetavlon vaccine and seven animals were given placebo. In Experiment IV seven specific pathogen-free (SPF) pigs were given the combined vaccine and eight pigs received placebo treatment. Both of these experiments indicated that the extract vaccines did not completely protect but reduced the mortality in pigs challenged with homologous virulent H. pleuropneumoniae bacteria. The results indicate that capsular antigens of H. pleuropneumoniae have some protective immunogenic efficacy in pigs and mice.  相似文献   

Twelve-week-old specific-pathogen-free pigs were inoculated deep in the bronchi with Haemophilus (Actinobacillus) pleuropneumoniae strain 13261 in doses ranging from 8 x 10(1) to 9 x 10(7) colony-forming units (CFU). Pigs that survived infection were euthanatized and examined 48 hours after inoculation. The relationship between dose and severity of disease was evaluated clinically and the weight of pneumonic lesions was compared. The relationship between infection dose and weight of pneumonic lesions proved to be unimodal and not linear. Inoculation of 10(4) CFU of strain 13261 resulted in severe pneumonic lesions and mortality of 29%. In contrast, death was not observed after inoculation with 10(6) CFU of strain 13261 and pneumonic lesions were less severe (P less than 0.05). An infective dose of 10(3) CFU induced pneumonic lesions that tended (not statistically significant) to be less severe than those induced by a dose of 10(4) CFU. The peak fever response in all infected pigs was observed from 6 to 12 hours after inoculation. Leukocytosis developed within 12 hours after inoculation, because of an increase of neutrophilic granulocytes. Thereafter, WBC count decreased owing to lymphopenia. Serum iron concentration decreased 80% after inoculation, and zinc concentration decreased 54%.  相似文献   


This thesis synopsis reports the results of investigations on:

– the incidence of clinical and subclinical H. pleuropneumoniae infections on pig farms in North Brabant;

– the economic loss on fattening farms; the effect of husbandry;

– the possibility of eradicating H. pleuropneumoniae on infected breeding farms on the basis of serological testing;

– the possibility of control on fattening farms by means of vaccination.

The principal findings were as follows:

Clinical and subclinical H. pleuropneumoniae infections are widespread on pig farms in North Brabant:

The greatest economic loss was due to mortality and veterinary fees; the daily weight again was not found to be affected.

The effect of husbandry.

Less mortality occurred: on farms where the animals were not shifted during the fattening period; in compartments where the all‐in all‐out method was systematically used; in compartments with thermostatically controlled warming of the incoming air; in compartments meeting all standards of a good housing climate.

Various sanitation measures on infected breeding farms were not successful.

Only one experimental vaccine afforded good protection, but because of a high percentage of injection abscesses this vaccine was unsuitable for use in practice.  相似文献   

This thesis synopsis reports the results of investigations on: the incidence of clinical and subclinical H. pleuropneumoniae infections on pig farms in North Brabant; the economic loss on fattening farms; the effect of husbandry; the possibility of eradicating H. pleuropneumoniae on infected breeding farms on the basis of serological testing; the possibility of control on fattening farms by means of vaccination. The principal findings were as follows: Clinical and subclinical H. pleuropneumoniae infections are widespread on pig farms in North Brabant: The greatest economic loss was due to mortality and veterinary fees; the daily weight again was not found to be affected. The effect of husbandry. Less mortality occurred: on farms where the animals were not shifted during the fattening period; in compartments where the all-in all-out method was systematically used; in compartments with thermostatically controlled warming of the incoming air; in compartments meeting all standards of a good housing climate. Various sanitation measures on infected breeding farms were not successful. Only one experimental vaccine afforded good protection, but because of a high percentage of injection abscesses this vaccine was unsuitable for use in practice.  相似文献   

Information about factors associated with the spread and the effect of pleuropneumonia was obtained from 418 pork producers in Ontario, who returned a mailed questionnaire. The overall herd prevalence of pleuropneumonia was 23.2%. The prevalence among herds with feeder pigs only was 34.3% and 16% among sow herds. The chance of pleuropneumonia breaking out in a herd was increased with increased traffic of pigs into the herd. The source of supplementary stock had an important effect on the chance of pleuropneumonia occurring. The highest risk resulted from introducing stock from salesbarns and the lowest from stock of health status known to the purchaser and supplied by one breeder only. Mortality, primarily among feeder pigs, and unthriftiness were the major effects of Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae infection. Stress, such as crowding or inclement climatic conditions, was associated with outbreaks of pleuropneumonia. This would suggest that the infection with H. pleuropneumoniae can be subclinical until stress precipitates the disease.  相似文献   

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