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吉林省位于我国东北地区的中部,是我国粮食作物的主要产地之一。主要粮食作物有玉米、高粱、谷子、大豆、水稻、小麦等。秸秆资源极其丰富,全省秸秆产量,以1986年种植面积计算,玉米、谷子、水稻,大豆秸秆的产量可达1,179万吨。长期以来,我省丰富的秸秆资源并没有得到很好的开发和利用,大部分被用作烧柴,真正用于畜牧业的不足5%,并且多数未经  相似文献   

2007年,中央财政拿出20.5亿元,支持在吉林、四川、新疆、江苏、湖南、内蒙古等6省(区)进行水稻、玉米、小麦、大豆、棉花等5种主要粮食作物保险试验。  相似文献   

由吉林省农科院的专家培育出世界首个大豆杂交品种通过了国家和吉林省有关部门的鉴定。杂交种在世界主要粮食作物中都已普遍推广应用,对发展农业生产发挥了划时代的巨大作用。长期以来,世界范围内大豆单产每年提高只有0.5%。各国科学家为解决大豆低产问题,寻找杂交优势利用  相似文献   

一 2007年政策性农业保险试验的成就 2007年,中央财政拿出20.5亿元,支持在吉林、四川、新疆、江苏、湖南、内蒙古等6省(区)进行水稻、玉米、小麦、大豆、棉花等5种主要粮食作物保险试验.  相似文献   

1资源优势 佳木斯市是我国主要商品粮基地,粮食作物以大豆、玉米、水稻、小麦为主,全市拥有耕地1361万亩(每亩667平方米),粮食总产量连续多年保持在450万吨以上,其中发展生猪生产的优质饲料粮玉米的年产量已近1700万吨,糠麸、糟粕等农副产品数量也相当可观。随着种养结构的不断调整,  相似文献   

<正>粮食作物是吉林省的传统优势作物,玉米则是优势中的优势。玉米不仅是吉林省发展饲料、食品等工业的重要原料,而且也是出口创汇的大宗产品,在吉林省国民经济中占有举足轻重的地位。近几年来,吉林省玉米生产形势一片大好。国家对"三农"政策高度重视,并相继出台了一系列围绕农业增效、农民增收的最直接、最有力、最果断的政策,在政府大力支持  相似文献   

一、利用秸秆发展草食家畜的重要性和迫切性吉林省是我国重要商品粮基地之一。全省以种植玉米、大豆、水稻、小麦等粮食作物为主,农作物秸秆资源极其丰富。全省玉米种植面积近3000万亩,年产玉米秸秆可达1000~1200万吨。目前大部分秸秆主要用作燃料,由于它粗蛋白含量低,粗纤维含量高,不经加工处理适口性差,长期以来用作饲料受到限制,有大量的秸秆未用作饲料而丢弃或烂掉。因此,开发利用秸秆资源很有必要,研究推广应用秸秆饲料加工调制技术,是我省当前畜牧  相似文献   

正近日,农业部在吉林省召开玉米、大豆、水稻、小麦等四大作物良种重大科研联合攻关进展情况调度会。据了解,玉米、大豆两大作物良种攻关取得了新进展,我国已经培育筛选出一批突破性新品种,包括一批适宜机收籽粒的玉米品种有望通过审定,一批亩产300公斤以上大豆新品种将助力大豆恢复发展。  相似文献   

吉林省梅河口市发展养牛具有得天独厚的优势,素有四山一水五分田之称,是全国产粮大县(市),农作物主要以玉米、水稻、大豆为主;秸秆产量多,是一笔潜力很大,也是一项亟待开发的畜牧业宝贵资源和财富.因此,充分利用玉米秸秆资源,大力发展养牛业,是发展梅河口市畜牧业经济的一项战略措施,也是一项农民发家致富的好项目.  相似文献   

<正> 我国南方双季稻地区的主要粮食作物是水稻,玉米及大豆等旱粮作物比较少。如江西省1984年稻谷产量占粮食总产量的96.35%。因此这些地区稻谷是最主要的能量饲料,一般在饲料配方中稻谷的比例达30%左右。从营养价值来说,稻谷低于玉米。稻谷的粗纤维含量达8.2%,对猪而言消化能为2780千卡/公  相似文献   

2009年夏季和秋季共采集测定了山东和安徽两省玉米、水稻、小麦、大豆、花生的草谷比,并估算秸秆产量。估算结果表明,2009年中国5种作物的秸秆总产量为5.36亿吨,实际可用于养殖业的秸秆最大量约在4~5亿吨。  相似文献   

本研究以牧草种植户牧草及粮食作物的调研数据为基础,计算出2010-2014年主要牧草和粮食作物的成本收益基本信息,对其变化进行统计分析,并对各作物的成本收益进行比较。分析发现,2014年苜蓿(Medicago sativa)的经济效益有所下降;黑麦草(Lolium perenne)和青贮玉米(Zea mays)的纯收益和收益率有所增长;苜蓿的纯收益和收益率要高于黑麦草和青贮玉米;马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)和苜蓿的经济效益更具优势,种植小麦(Triticum aestivum)经济效益较差;黑麦草和青贮玉米人工和土地成本更高,苜蓿水电费最高。建议调整农业产业结构,推行"粮+经+饲+草"四元种植结构,全面扶持牧草产业发展,建立健全牧草生产资料补贴制度。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of substituting brown rice grain for corn grain in total mixed ration (TMR) silage containing food by‐products on the milk production, whole‐tract nutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance in dairy cows. Six multiparous Holstein cows were used in a crossover design with two dietary treatments: a diet containing 30.9% steam‐flaked corn (corn TMR) or 30.9% steam‐flaked brown rice (rice TMR) with wet soybean curd residue and wet soy sauce cake. Dietary treatment did not affect the dry matter intake, milk yield and compositions in dairy cows. The dry matter and starch digestibility were higher, and the neutral detergent fiber digestibility was lower for rice TMR than for corn TMR. The urinary nitrogen (N) excretion as a proportion of the N intake was lower for rice TMR than for corn TMR with no dietary effect on N secretion in milk and fecal N excretion. These results indicated that the replacement of corn with brown rice in TMR silage relatively reduced urinary N loss without adverse effects on feed intake and milk production, when food by‐products such as soybean curd residue were included in the TMR silage as dietary crude protein sources.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查和调研的方式,对山东省的主要种植模式进行了详细调查研究。结果表明,山东有粮-粮、粮-经、粮-饲、经-饲等9种代表性的种植模式。每公顷年纯收入最高的前3种均为粮-饲种植模式,且饲草茬收入是粮茬的4倍以上,是收入的主要构成部分。其中经济效益最高的小麦(Triticum aestivum)+苏丹草(Sorghum sudanense)轮作模式年纯收入40 725元·hm-2。经济效益最低的是小麦+玉米(Z.mays)的种植模式,该模式下的纯收入为12 486元·hm-2。产投比最高的前3种模式均为粮-饲种植模式,比值在2.76~3.03,最低的为粮-粮模式中的小麦+玉米模式,其产投比仅为1.66。各种植模式投入比例相对较高的为材料费用和人工费用,分别占30.0%~46.3%和20%~53%;管理费用所占比例最小,为18%~29%。总之,在各种植模式中产投比较高的种植模式为粮-饲型,可在山东省内尤其是中低产田中大面积推广草田轮作。  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the nutritional functions of rice for weaning piglets. Sixteen weaning piglets with an average initial weight of 7.2 kg were divided into two groups. One group was fed a corn‐soybean meal based diet, and the other was fed a rice‐soybean meal based diet, containing 50% corn and rice, respectively. A 2 weeks growth trial was conducted and growth performance, intestinal mucosal enzyme activities and plasma urea nitrogen were measured. The average daily gain in rice‐fed piglets was significantly higher than that in corn‐fed piglets and the average daily feed intake tended to be higher in rice‐fed piglets than in corn‐fed piglets. Maltase and aminopeptidase activities (mol/g tissue) in the jejunum in rice‐fed piglets were significantly higher than those in corn‐fed piglets, although these enzyme activities were not different in the duodenum. Sucrase and dipeptidyl peptidase IV activities in the two groups were not different in either the duodenum or jejunum. Although the feed (nitrogen) intake was higher in rice‐fed piglets, the plasma urea nitrogen in rice‐fed piglets was significantly lower (= 0.006) than that in corn‐fed piglets. These results indicate that rice is a good alternative feedstuff for the diet of weaning piglets.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of rice feeding on growth performance and protein (amino acids) metabolism of weanling piglets. In all, 16 weanling piglets with an average initial weight of 7.5 kg were divided into two groups. One group was fed a corn‐soybean meal‐based diet, and the other was fed a rice‐soybean meal diet, containing around 46% of corn or rice, respectively. A two‐week growth trial was conducted. The average daily gain (p = .025) and feed efficiency (p = .011) in rice‐fed piglets were significantly higher than those in corn‐fed piglets. Liver lysine‐ketoglutarate reductase activity tended to be lower (p = .073) in rice‐fed piglets than in corn‐fed piglets. Plasma urea nitrogen concentration in rice‐fed piglets was significantly lower than that in corn‐fed piglets. Plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were significantly higher in rice‐fed piglets than in corn‐fed piglets. Plasma‐free valine, isoleucine, and tryptophan concentrations were significantly higher in rice‐fed piglets than in corn‐fed piglets. In contrast, plasma histidine concentration was significantly lower in rice‐fed piglets than in corn‐fed piglets. Overall, these results show that rice feeding improves the growth performance and affects the protein (amino acids) metabolism in weanling piglets.  相似文献   

采用多年大田试验研究了小麦-大豆(A1)、小麦-甘薯(A2)、玉米(A3)、小麦/玉米/大豆(A4,麦/玉/豆)和小麦/玉米/甘薯(A5,麦/玉/薯)5种种植模式的生物积累和氮素吸收特性,以探讨麦/玉/豆套作体系的种间竞争力变化规律。试验通过土地当量比(LER)、种间相对竞争力(A)、氮营养竞争比率(NCR)等指标来评定不同套作系统内的作物竞争力。结果表明,麦/玉/豆套作表现出明显的套作优势(LER>1、Awc<0、Acs>0、NCRwc<0、NCRcs>1),玉米始终占据套作系统的优势生态位,小麦、大豆处于竞争劣势;与A1、A2、A3及A5相比,麦/玉/豆套作提高了各作物在开花期(或吐丝期)与成熟期的籽粒产量与吸氮量和地上部植株的总生物量与总吸氮量;各作物的生物量与吸氮量在处理间的变化规律为套作>单作、大豆茬口>甘薯茬口,以A4处理最高。麦/玉/豆套作的全年总经济产出比麦/玉/薯套作平均高28.02%。  相似文献   

[方法]选用装有瘤胃瘘管和小肠瘘管的肉牛作为试验动物,尼龙袋法测定肉牛常见饲料干物质(DM)和粗蛋白(CP)的瘤胃降解特性和小肠消化率。[结果]结果表明,DM瘤胃有效降解率由高到低为玉米粉、麦麸、苜蓿干草、豆粕、菜籽粕、玉米青贮、醋糟、白酒糟;CP瘤胃有效降解率由高到低为苜蓿干草、麦麸、豆粕、醋糟、玉米粉、玉米青贮、菜籽粕、白酒糟;DM小肠消化率由高到低为豆粕、菜籽粕、玉米粉、白酒糟、醋糟、麦麸、苜蓿干草、玉米青贮;CP小肠消化率由高到低为豆粕、菜籽粕、玉米粉、苜蓿干草、麦麸、白酒糟、玉米青贮、醋糟。[结论]试验表明,不同饲料瘤胃降解特性不同,为小肠提供过瘤胃可消化蛋白的能力不同,且饲料的DM小肠消化率小于CP小肠消化率。  相似文献   

翟翯  柳公卿  王尧 《中国饲料》2022,1(4):21-24
文章用不同谷物原料替代幼犬饲料中常用的碎米,研究其对幼犬生长性能、养分消化及粪便特征的影响.试验将48只6周龄、平均体重为(661.51±3.55)g的幼犬分为3组,每组4个重复,每个重复4只.3组幼犬在5周的饲养试验期间分别饲喂碎米型日粮(碎米含量为50%)、玉米型日粮(玉米含量为50%)+200?mg/kg复合酶、...  相似文献   

Soybean hulls, wheat midds, and corn gluten feed are viable alternative supplements for forage-fed cattle. All three result from the processing of major Unites States agricultural crops, so large supplies are available. Their value is better for ruminant animals than for monogastrics because they contain digestible fiber components. These byproducts are widely available throughout the Unites States and will generally be more economical than traditional feed grains or commercial feeds when used appropriately as supplements to forage-based diets. Knowledge about the composition of base forage must be used in planning supplementation strategies because base forages vary in protein and mineral content [9]. Soybean hulls alone may be a good selection in situations in which forages are adequate or high in protein. In situations where forage is marginal or deficient in protein, wheat midds, corn gluten feed, or a mix of soybean hulls and corn gluten feed might be most desirable. All three feeds can be variable in nutrient composition, so they should be analyzed to ensure a balanced nutrient level in diets. Soybean hulls are especially variable in crude protein content and should always be analyzed when forages are marginal or deficient in protein. Despite the fact that published energy levels are substantially lower, research has shown that soybean hulls and wheat midds have a value comparable to corn and soybean meal in forage-based diets. Corn gluten feed has also been comparable to corn and soybean meal in most reports but is closer in value to its published energy levels. In general, results with soybean hulls have been surprisingly good and consistent, whereas responses to wheat midds and corn gluten feed supplementation have been more variable and sometimes disappointing. Feeding rates for soybean hulls can range from low to extremely high depending on forage availability and desired performance. Wheat midds should be limited in most situations to 50% of the expected dry matter intake because of their rapidly digested starch content. Corn gluten feed should be limited to approximately 50% of expected dry matter intake because of its high sulfur content. Several research groups are currently evaluating self-feeding programs for these byproducts, and while the potential for health and production problems exist, results have been encouraging in most cases. Self-feeding would reduce the labor costs of hand feeding and could provide backgrounders with a program to expand cattle numbers on a limited land base.  相似文献   

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