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The objective of this research was to estimate the effects of temperature and relative humidity on the inactivation of airborne porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus by ultraviolet light (UV(254)). Aerosols of PRRS virus were exposed to one of four doses of UV(254) under nine combinations of temperature (n=3) and relative humidity (n=3). Inactivation constants (k), defined as the absolute value of the slope of the linear relationship between the survival fraction of the microbial population and the UV(254) exposure dose, were estimated using the random coefficient model. The associated UV(254) half-life dose for each combination of environmental factors was determined as (log(10)2/k) and expressed as UV(254) mJ per unit volume. The effects of UV(254) dose, temperature, and relative humidity were all statistically significant, as were the interactions between UV(254) dose × temperature and UV(254) dose × relative humidity. PRRS virus was more susceptible to ultraviolet as temperature decreased; most susceptible to ultraviolet inactivation at relative humidity between 25% and 79%, less susceptible at relative humidity ≤ 24%, and least susceptible at ≥ 80% relative humidity. The current study allows for calculating the dose of UV(254) required to inactivate airborne PRRS virus under various laboratory and field conditions using the inactivation constants and UV(254) half-life doses reported therein.  相似文献   

Aerosols of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus were generated with a Devilbiss 40 nebulizer from Eagle's minimum essential medium, nasal secretion from a noninfected calf and nasal secretion from a calf artificially infected with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus and aged in a rotating drum at temperatures of 6 degrees C or 32 degrees C and relative humidities of 30% or 90%. The aerosols were sampled at seven minutes after start of spraying, one hour, two hours and three hours with an all glass impinger (AGI-30) and titrated for infectivity in cell cultures. Physical decay was determined by a rhodamine B tracer technique. During spraying (seven minutes from start of spraying), the virus was usually more stable in aerosols of nasal secretion from a noninfected calf and at 90% relative humidity. In nasal secretion from a noninfected calf the virus survived best at 90% relative humidity when the temperature was 6 degrees C and best at 30% relative humidity when the temperature was 32 degrees C. During aging, biological decay was greater at the higher temperature, and at 6 degrees C, the highest decay rates occurred at 30% relative humidity in Eagle's minimum essential medium and at 90% relative humidity in nasal secretion from a noninfected calf. The stability of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus infected nasal secretion was not widely different from that in noninfected nasal secretion, although under certain conditions greater survival occurred in the noninfected secretion.  相似文献   

An experimental infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) was established in 150 five-month-old pigs housed in a fan-ventilated finishing facility, the infected barn. To determine whether air exhausted from the wall fans contained infectious PRRSV, a trailer containing 10 four-week-old PRRSV-naive sentinel pigs was placed 10 m from the building from day 3 after the 150 pigs were infected until day 10. To connect the two airspaces, one end of an opaque plastic tube, 15 m in length and 5 cm in diameter, was fastened to the wall fan of the infected barn, and the other end was placed inside the trailer. Air from the building was exhausted into the trailer 24 hours a day for seven consecutive days and PRRSV infection was monitored in the infected pigs and the sentinel pigs. Air samples were collected from the infected barn and the trailer. PRRSV infection was detected in the infected pigs three and seven days after they were infected, but not in the sentinel pigs. All the air samples were negative for PRRSV by PCR, virus isolation and a pig bioassay.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a model to evaluate the aerosol transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory disease virus (PRRSV). PRRSV (MN 30-100 strain, total dose 3 x 10(6) virus particles) was aerosolised and transported up to 150 m and a portable air sampler was used to collect air samples at 1, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 m (five replicates at each distance) and the air samples were tested by TaqMan PCR and virus isolation. The infectivity of the aerosolised PRRSV was tested by exposing six PRRSV-naive pigs for three hours to aerosolised virus that had been transported 150 m. PRRSV RNA was detected in all five replicate air samples collected at 1, 30, 60 and 90 m, in four of the five collected at 120 m, and in three of the five collected at 150 m. Infectious PRRSV was detected by virus isolation at 1 and 30 m (all five replicates), 60, 90 and 120 m (three of the five) and 150 m (two of the five). There was a 50 per cent reduction in the log concentration of PRRSV RNA every 33 m. Three of the six pigs exposed to PRRSV-positive aerosols became infected, and PRRSV RNA was detected in air samples and on swab samples collected from the interior of the chambers that housed the infected pigs while they were being exposed.  相似文献   

Heparin inhibited haemagglutination by porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and by Aujesky's disease virus, but failed to inhibit haemagglutination by parainfluenza virus type 3. The minimal inhibitory concentration of heparin required to inhibit 8 HA U of PRRSV haemagglutinin ranged from 0·1 to 1 U ml−1. Mouse erythrocytes failed to combine with the haemagglutination inhibitory factor of heparin. However, mouse erythrocytes treated with heparinase had greatly reduced agglutinability by PRRSV. The formation of a haemagglutinin-heparin complex could be observed by sedimenting heparin with the haemagglutinin. All these findings suggest that a heparin-like molecule on the surface of mouse erythrocytes serves as the virus-cell receptor.  相似文献   

猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒XH株感染性克隆的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为构建猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)反向遗传操作系统,本实验采用RT-PCR方法将PRRSV-XH株的基因组序列分为6个片段进行扩增,连接至低拷贝载体pOKQ中,获得全长cDNA克隆。将该克隆体外转录,经脂质体转染Marc-145细胞,观察细胞病变。经RT-PCR、间接免疫荧光和western blot等试验验证,表明构建了具有感染性的PRRSV-XH株全长cDNA克隆。本实验为在分子水平上研究PRRSV的复制、致病机理和基因产物的功能等方面提供技术支持,并为构建新型病毒载体和开发安全有效的活病毒疫苗奠定基础。  相似文献   

猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
猪繁殖与呼吸综合征 (Porcine reproductiveand respiratory syndrome,PRRS)是 1 987年发现的一种新的猪病 ,它主要是引起母猪的繁殖障碍 ,如流产、早产、死胎、木乃伊胎和呼吸道症状的一种由猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒 (PRRSV)引起的接触性传染病。此病最初在美国首先被发现 ,随后相继在世界各国报道 ,我国台湾省也有疫情的报道。 1 995年我国首次从进口猪中检出 PRRS阳性猪 ,并从中分离到 PRRSV。 1 996年郭宝清等首次从国内 PRRS血清阳性猪群中分离到 PRRSV,从而证实了我国也有此病的流行[1] 。由于 PRRS主要是引起母猪的繁殖…  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to determine the duration of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) survival in houseflies (Musca domestica Linnaeus) following feeding on an infected pig, and to determine whether the virus was present on the exterior surface or within the internal viscera of the fly. A total of 210 laboratory-colonized houseflies were allowed to feed to repletion on a pig, experimentally infected with PRRSV on day 7 postinoculation, and then maintained alive under laboratory conditions (27°C). Two subsets (A and B) of 30 flies were collected at each of the following sampling points; 0, 6, and 12 hours post feeding (pf). Subset A contained an extra group of 30 flies collected at 24 hours pf due to the availability of extra flies. Flies in subset A were processed as whole fly homogenates, while the exterior surface washes and digestive organs were collected from flies in subset B. Whole fly homogenates, collected at 0, 6, and 12 hours pf, were positive by both polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and swine bioassay. Digestive organs, collected at 0 and 12 hours pf, were positive by PCR and swine bioassay. The PRRSV RNA was detected by PCR from the exterior surface wash of subset B flies collected at 0, 6, and 12 hours pf; however, only the subset collected at 0 hour pf was swine bioassay-positive. This study indicates that infectious PRRSV can survive within the intestinal tract of houseflies for up to 12 hours following feeding on an infected pig, but only for a short period on the exterior surface of the flies.  相似文献   

猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒的分离与鉴定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从广东地区发病猪场的病料中,分离到1株致Marc-145细胞病变的病毒ShB6。扩增猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)主要结构蛋白基因ORF2-ORF7并进行序列分析,结果表明,该分离株与国内PRRSV分离株HB-1(sh)/2002的同源性为96.9%;与ATCC VR-2332株的同源性为91%;而与Lelystad株的同源性仅为59.8%;用美洲型PRRSV单抗进行免疫组化染色,结果显示在细胞病变处呈现明显的阳性着色(为棕黄色)。综合可见,所分离的病毒为美洲型PRRSV。  相似文献   

猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒分子生物学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)是引起猪繁殖与呼吸综合征的病原体,本文对PRRSV的分子生物学研究进展进行了综述,主要包括PRRSV的基因组结构、病毒蛋白及其功能、抗原变异等,旨在为诊断技术、免疫机理研究、疫苗设计与疫病防制提供借鉴.  相似文献   

应用针对 PRRSV ATCC VR- 2 332株基因组 ORF6片段的 4 6 3bp的 c DNA探针 ,对 4 5日龄 SPF仔猪分别人工感染 ATCC VR- 2 332株及北京分离株 B96 - 4后不同时间呼吸系统及繁殖系统组织中病毒核酸的分布进行了研究。结果显示 ,在感染后 30 h,即可在鼻黏膜、气管、肺脏、睾丸、附睾、精囊、前列腺、子宫、扁桃体等组织中检出阳性杂交信号 ,且一直持续到感染后 2 8天。其中扁桃体中病毒的数目远多于呼吸系统及繁殖系统组织中的数目 ,说明扁桃体可作为活体检查的目的器官之一  相似文献   

为深入认识猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)气溶胶的发生与传播机制,将35日龄无PRRSV抗体仔猪预饲1周后分为4组(PRSSV攻毒组、直接接触组、间接接触组和阴性对照组),饲养于正负压隔离器中。2个隔离器置于不同室内并通过管道相连,采用AGI-30收集器收集其空气样品。然后,将其接种Marc-145细胞,再用RT-PCR检测病毒;并检测血常规和抗体变化。结果发现,攻毒组于攻毒后4d开始形成气溶胶,并持续到试验结束。气溶胶高峰出现在攻毒后15d。气溶胶传播的间接接触组从临床症状、病理变化、提取病理组织核酸和抗体检测等多个方面都证明其感染了PRRSV,并经鼻腔向外排毒;直接接触组和间接接触组几乎同时感染PRRSV。试验表明,PRRSV不仅能形成气溶胶并且能够通过其迅速感染临近猪群。  相似文献   

猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)是严重威胁养猪业发展的一种重要的病原。近几年来,国内外学者对其进行了深入的研究,尤其在病原的分子生的学方面取得了许多新的进展。病毒的基因组结构及其所编码的蛋白质的功能已基本搞清,这些研究为进一步研究有效的基因工程疫苗、有效控制该病的发生提供理论依据。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate retention of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in houseflies for various time frames and temperatures. SAMPLE POPULATION: Fifteen 2-week-old pigs, two 10-week-old pigs, and laboratory-cultivated houseflies. PROCEDURE: In an initial experiment, houseflies were exposed to PRRSV; housed at 15 degrees, 20 degrees, 25 degrees, and 30 degrees C; and tested at various time points. In a second experiment to determine dynamics of virus retention, houseflies were exposed to PRRSV and housed under controlled field conditions for 48 hours. Changes in the percentage of PRRSV-positive flies and virus load per fly were assessed over time, and detection of infective virus at 48 hours after exposure was measured. Finally, in a third experiment, virus loads were measured in houseflies allowed to feed on blood, oropharyngeal washings, and nasal washings obtained from experimentally infected pigs. RESULTS: In experiment 1, PRRSV retention in houseflies was proportional to temperature. In the second experiment, the percentage of PRRSV-positive houseflies and virus load per fly decreased over time; however, infective PRRSV was found in houseflies 48 hours after exposure. In experiment 3, PRRSV was detected in houseflies allowed to feed on all 3 porcine body fluids. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: For the conditions of this study, houseflies did not support PRRSV replication. Therefore, retention of PRRSV in houseflies appears to be a function of initial virus load after ingestion and environmental temperature. These factors may impact the risk of insect-borne spread of PRRSV among farms.  相似文献   

为构建高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)感染性克隆,本实验根据PRRSV HuN4株基因组序列设计并合成PRRSV特异性引物,应用RT-PCR技术分6段扩增了PRRSV HuN4株全基因组cDNA.将扩增的各个cDNA部分重叠片段分别克隆于pBlueScript Ⅱ SK(+)载体中构建了感染性重组质粒pHuN4.并在病毒cDNA 5′末端引入sp6启动子序列便于后期的体外转录获得病毒的转录本,在3'末段Poly (A)尾引入Not Ⅰ酶切位点用于线性化pHuN4;此外,将HuN4基因组第14680位的A沉默突变为G产生一个Mlu Ⅰ酶切位点作为鉴定拯救病毒的分子标记.pHuN4通过酶切线性化后经体外转录及转染BHK细胞,并在Marc-145细胞中救获病毒.结果显示:救获的病毒能够在Marc145细胞引起明显的细胞病变;间接免疫荧光检测以及分子标记验证结果表明病毒拯救成功,而且拯救的病毒与亲本强毒生长曲线没有显著差异.利用拯救的第5代克隆病毒株对本动物进行致病性试验,结果显示实验猪在感染后第3d开始出现体温升高、厌食、消瘦等临床表现,发病率达100%,在感染后20 d内陆续死亡,表明拯救的病毒保持了与亲本病毒株相一致的致病特征,以上研究证实我们成功的构建并获得PRRSV强毒HuN4株感染性克隆,为从基因水平上研究PRRSV的致病机制提供了技术平台.  相似文献   

This study was focused on the changes observed in the serum concentration of haptoglobin (Hp), C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA) and Pig-major acute protein (Pig-MAP), during experimental porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection and in their relationship with the expression of interleukin 1β (IL-1β), interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). Hp and Pig-MAP serum levels were increased at 10 dpi, but CRP and SAA showed a delayed and highly variable increase. All three proinflammatory cytokines were poorly expressed, and only a mild increase in IL-1β was observed at 7 dpi. The increased expression of Hp coincided with the light enhancement observed in both IL-6 and TNF-α, and might be related with an increased expression of IL-10. The low expression of TNF-α might point to a possible mechanism of viral evasion of host-immune response. This issue and the delayed expression of CRP and SAA should be taken into account in future studies about modulation of the immune response by PRRSV infection.  相似文献   

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