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H. U. Anaso 《Euphytica》1991,53(2):81-85
Summary Comparative cytological studies were carried out on Gilo and Shum cultivar groups of Solanum aethiopicum (scarlet eggplant) and their ancestor-Solanum anguivi, in order to elucidate the evolutionary relationships between them. Results indicated preferential pairing of chromosomes in S. anguivi and non-preferential pairing of chromosomes in Gilo and Shum cultivar groups of S. aethiopicum during early stages of meiosis. The low degree of pairing in Gilo and Shum cultivar groups of S. aethiopicum and higher percentage of chromosomal abnormalities (12.50 and 10.58% respectively showed cases of translocation heterozygotes and suggest that the two taxa have hybrid origin. Conversely, the high degree of pairing and very low percentage of chromosomal abnormalities (2.50%) tend to suggest that S. anguivi is more ancient than either the Gilo and Shum cultivar groups of S. aethiopicum. It had already been proved that the Gilo and Shum cultivar groups of S. aethiopicum together with the Kumba and Aculeatum groups originated from S. anguivi (Lester & Niakan, 1986). Also studies on external morphology and cytological studies have shown the Gilo cultivar group to be more complex morphologically and having higher percentage of chromosomal aberrations (12.50% as against 10.58% observed in Shum cultivar group). It is suggested that the Gilo cultivar group might have evolved from the Shum cultivar group through hybridization and selection, while the S. anguivi was already stabilized as their ancestor.  相似文献   

Isozyme and cytogenetic analyses were performed on selfed progenies of a synthetic amphidiploid between scarlet eggplant, Solanum integrifolium (= S. aethiopicum),and eggplant, Solanum melongena `DMP', for estimating genetic uniformity. Isozymes in the 379 examined seedlings segregated into five genotypes (phenotypes) each at the four loci examined, Pgd-2 of phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (E.C., Idh-2 of isocitrate dehydrogenase (E.C., Pgm-2 of phosphoglucomutase (E.C. Skdh-1 of shikimate dehydrogenase (E.C., indicating that the selfed seedlings were not genetically uniform. Most of the examined 15 selfed seedlings exhibited a somatic chromosome number of 48, that is the same number of the synthetic amphidiploid, whereas isozyme genotypes among them were variable. It is suggested that the segregation of isozymes was not caused by variation of chromosome number but by genetic segregation of isozyme genes. The genome of the synthetic amphidiploid was indicated to be unstable. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Variation in 39 polymorphic RAPD markerswas studied for 18 populations of Solanum anguivi, S. aethiopicum Gilogroup and S. aethiopicum Shum groupin Uganda. UPGMA and PCO analyses of thedata revealed no clear groupingscorresponding to the species and groups. AnAMOVA analysis of the genetic variationshowed that the variation among species andgroups was less than 10%, whereas thevariation within species and groups wasmore than 90%. A Mantel test showed nocorrelation between genetic distance andgeographic distance. The data gives onlyvery weak support for the separation of themore morphologically distinct S.aethiopicum and S. anguivi. TheGilo- and Shum-groups of S.aethiopicum, which were previouslyregarded as two separate species can not beseparated on the basis of RAPD data, and itis most likely that they are keptmorphologically distinct by a strongman-made selection pressure.  相似文献   

Summary Egg plant is one of the most common vegetable crop grown in India and other parts of the world. The cultivated egg plant Solanum melongena is found to be susceptible to the shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis). Whereas the species Solanum macrocarpon is resistant. In order to incorporate the resistance of shoot and fruit borer to the cultivated egg plant, an interspecific hybridization between Solanum melongena and Solanum macrocarpon and reciprocals were carried out. The hybrids were found to be sterile, the investigations revealed that the failure of seed set in hybrids is due to the ovule abortion. In order to overcome the sterility, the colchicine has been applied to the interspecific hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary Doubling the chromosome number of sterile F1 hybrids of S. etuberosum × S. pinnatisectum resulted in fertile allotetraploid hybrids (code 4x-EP) with nearly normal chromosome pairing at meiosis. Many seeds were obtained from selfing and sibbing, but seed set varied considerably. The 4x-EP hybrids were successfully crosses as females with S. stoloniferum and S. polytrichon and as males with S. verrucosum. The crosses with S. stoloniferum and S. polytrichon were carried out reciprocally and unilateral incompatibility was detected. Crosses of 4x-EP hybrids as males onto S. phureja and S. tuberosum cv. Gineke produced parthenocarpic berries only. Nearly 1700 flowers of colchicine-doubled S. pinnatisectum × S. bulbocastanum and the trispecific hybrid (S. acaule × S. bulbocastanum) × S. phureja did not yield a single berry after pollination with a pollen mixture from 20 4x-EP plants.It is concluded that the use of the bridging species S. pinnatisectum and either S. stoloniferum, S. polytrichon or S. verrucosum may enable gene transfer from the non-tuberous Etuberosa species to potato cultivars.  相似文献   

Yoshito Asano 《Euphytica》1982,31(1):121-128
Summary Meiotic observations in PMCs were made in eight kinds of interspecific hybrids in Lilium. Three hybrids, 6134-S × L. cernuum. L. regale × L. leichtlinii maximowiczii and L. auratum platyphyllum × L. henryi showed respectively the mean chromosome association frequencies of 1.4II, 0.8II and 1.5II per cell at MI which were the lowest values hitherto reported in Lilium hybrids. In L. longiflorum × L. henryi, 33.3° of the cells had 1 or 2 multivalents of three to five chromosomes in addition to uni- and bivalents. 12° bivalents and 12 univalents were invariably observed in the triploid hybrid L. longiflorum × L. cernuum. The hybrids between the species belonging to the different sections of the genus generally showed high pollen sterility, with some exceptions. A more or less remote genomic homology was found between the different sections in Lilium.  相似文献   

M. Wagenvoort  W. Lange 《Euphytica》1980,29(2):281-293
Summary Initial single and double trisomics of S. tuberosum Group Tuberosum cv. Gineke were successfully crossed with and backcrossed to clones obtained through inbreeding of self-compatible dihaploids of the same variety. Some trisomics showed reduced flowering or flower abnormalities and contributed therefore only to a small extent. Berry-set and seed-set varied considerably. There was no relation between these phenomena, nor was there any relation between either berry-or seed-set and the identity of the extra chromosome in the female parent. Seed-set seemed to be influenced by the male parent. When a more inbred male parent was used in the crosses with trisomics this often resulted in less seed per cross. There was no clear relation between seed-set and stainability of the pollen grains, but both the strong selection for good pollen and the high level of self-compatibility, have apparently contributed to the success of the crosses. The double trisomic plants yielded less seed than most single trisomics. Only three of the single trisomics produced stainable pollen and two of them yielded progeny when used as male parent in crosses or selfings.In the progenies several of the trisomic types could be distinguished on the basis of plant morphology in the young seedling stage. For ten different trisomics the morphotype is being described. The average rate of female transmission of the extra chromosome was about twenty per cent, but there was a wide variation, both between and within the various trisomic types. The results indicated that for chromosomes 3 and 8 the rate of transmission was higher than the average value. In one out of two trisomic types male transmission of the extra chromosome occurred, with a rate of 4.7%. The possible causes for the observed differences in female transmission of the extra chromosome are being discussed.  相似文献   

Eleven somatic hybrids (2n = 68 to 74) obtained between S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum cv. Dejima (2n = 48) and ATDH-1 (2n = 24), an anther-culture-derived dihaploid of S. acaule (Yamada et al., 1997), were characterized by nuclear RFLP markers using 49 single-copy DNA probes distributed throughout the potato genome (2 to 6 probes per chromosome). One of the somatic hybrids, DA8-2, had 72 chromosomes and all the Dejima- and ATDH-1-specific markers (124 and 103 bands, respectively), suggesting the presence of a whole set of both parental chromosomes. The other somatic hybrids lost varying numbers of markers up to seventeen. The pattern of the loss of markers indicated the elimination of five chromosomes among four somatic hybrids. A nucleolar organizer region of chromosome 2 was often eliminated in the somatic hybrids. The somatic hybrids studied here had higher frequencies of multivalent formation than the S. tuberosum parent. They had reasonably good seed set when pollinated with S. tuberosum pollen. Hence, homoeologous recombination between S. acaule and S. tuberosum chromosomes is possible and useful traits from S. acaule may be transferred to the S. tuberosum gene pool. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence of natural triploid hybrids between tetraploid Solanum acauleBitter subsp. acaule and diploid S. infundibuliformePhilippi both tuber-bearing Solanums, in the Puna region of Jujuy, is reported. The natural hybrids, which are morphologically intermediate between their putative parents and completely male sterile, have a somatic chromosome number of 36. The artificial hybrids, obtained by crossing both parental species, closely resemble the natural ones thereby confirming their parentage. It is proposed to designate the natural hybrids Solanum x viirsooi hybr. nov.  相似文献   

Summary Fertility restoration genes in Triticum aestivum L. in Texas Restorer Composite (TRC), D6301, and four CIMMYT restorer lines were studied, and selection was made for higher fertility in TRC. Mean-while, outcrossing percentages of seed set for 27 spring habit cytoplasmic male sterile (cms) varieties were evaluated for 3 to 5 years at Davis. The winter-habit TRC material did not restore reasonably good fertility, and the response to selection for higher fertility seemed to be slow. This poor fertility could be partly due to its late winter growth habit causing flowering at a period of high temperature and low humidity at Davis. The highest F1 fertility was 46.6% in the cross cms Ramona x TRC-6, and its F2 segregated into the ratio of 15 fertile to 1 sterile, with fertility ranging from 3.2 to 100%. Suggested for its improvement was intensive selection in the original TRC material and in the segre-gating F2 population, followed by intercrossing. D6301 has 2 fertility restoration genes with different strengths which restore fertility up to 45.2% when both genes are heterozygous. D6301 is quite likely heterogeneous for these genes. Four CIMMYT restorer lines, D7464, D7465, D7466, and D7467, had satisfactory F1 fertility restoration after crossing with cms Ramona 50. In 1975, the fertilities of the F1's ranged from 71 to 85% and were over 90% in 1976. The F2 population of the cross cms Ramona 50 × D7464 segregated into a ratio of 3 fertile to 1 sterile, indicating that D7464 has a single dominant gene for fertility restoration. The F2's of crosses cms Ramona 50 × D7465, cms Ramona 50 × D7466, and cms Ramona 50 × D7467 gave a ratio of 15 fertile to 1 sterile, indicating that two gene pairs in these three lines were responsible for the fertility restoration. The best of this group was D7467 which restored fertility fully after being crossed with cms Ramona 50 (T. timopheevi cytoplasm).The early-flowering cms male-sterile varieties had higher outcrossing rates (16 to 38%) than late varieties (6 to 30%) over a 5-year period. This was due to hot and dry weather during the late growing season as well as to the rarity of windborne pollen. In 1970, 1971, 1972, and 1976, the variation among varieties was rather great. Some of them such as Roque 66 and Bajio 67, had consistently high outcrossing rates. This outcrossing ability seemed to be inherited and probably associated with the open-flowering characteristics of each variety.  相似文献   

Summary Symmetric somatic hybrids were produced by electrofusion of protoplasts of two dihaploid tuber-bearing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) lines and Solanum brevidens Phil., a diploid non-tuber-bearing wild potato species. A total of 985 plants was obtained. Verification of nuclear hybridity of putative hybrids was based on additive RAPD patterns, general morphological characteristics and chromosome counts. 53 (90%) calli regenerated into plants which were identified as somatic hybrids. Most of the hybrids were aneuploids at the tetraploid (4×) or hexaploid (6×) level. The 20 hybrids tested expressed a high level of resistance to potato virus Y (PVY N ) characteristic of the S. brevidens parent. Resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) varied between hybrids, but was on average better than that of the fusion parents. Resistance of hybrids to bacterial stem rot (Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica (van Hall) Dye) was not superior to that of commercial potato cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary Attempts to obtain a successful interspecific cross between Solanum khasianum Clarke and Solanum mammosum L. were unsuccessful, and the probable reasons for this failure were investigated. A reduced number of viable pollen grains and low receptivity of the stigmas of S. mammosum L. and heterostyly in both species are the probable reasons for the failure of the attempted interspecific crosses between S. khasianum Clarke and S. mammosum L.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybrids between Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Gracia (2n=4x=48) and Solanum brevidens Phil. (2n=2x=24) were produced via fusion of mesophyll protoplasts. Selection of the protoplast derived putative hybrid calli was based on their vigorous growth. Additive isozyme patterns and chromosome numbers as well as the expression of parental morphological characters have proved the hybrid origin of the selected regenerants. Extensive chromosome loss during the regeneration process resulted in aneuploid hybrids with high frequency. Genomic instability could not be detected in these plants during the period of vegetative propagation. Regenerants from hybrid tissues exhibited wide morphological variation especially in tuber formation. The detailed morphological analysis based on the use of multivariate method (principal component analysis, PCA) enabled to identify morphological groups among the hybrid clones. The positioning of hybrid clones in the PCA space could not be correlated with chromosome numbers. The genomic ratio represented by the tetraploid and diploid parents influenced the morphology of somatic hybrid population according to the applied analytical system. Two selected hybrid clones have exhibited an intermediate degree of frost tolerance compared to the parents, based on the recovery of plants from lower buds after freezing of potted plants.  相似文献   

Three Greek eggplant cultivars, ‘Langada’, ‘Tsakoniki’ and ‘Emi’ (2n= 24), were crossed with two wild species (Solanum torvum Sw., 2n= 24 and Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam., 2n= 24). Ovules isolated 15-27 days after pollination were cultured in a modified MS medium at 24°C and a 16h photoperiod. Fifty days later, the ovules were dissected and the interspecific embryos were cultured in the same medium. Interspecific hybrids were achieved only from crosses between the eggplant cultivars and S. torvum. The hybridity of the putative interspecific F1 hybrid (Solanum melongena×S. torvum) was confirmed by using morphological and biochemical (isozyme isocitrate dehydrogenase A, phosphoglucomutase A, phosphoglucose isomerase B, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase A, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase B) markers. The F1 plants (‘Langada’×S. torvum) were selfpollinated and backcrossed to both parents. Fruits, however, were produced only when the F1 hybrid was backcrossed as female with the eggplant cultivar ‘Langada’.  相似文献   

Summary Three staining methods (acetocarmine, fuchsin and oxidation of benzidine) and germination in vitro and in vivo were applied to estimate pollen fertility in Solanum species and dihaploids. Pollen was divided into six classes based on shape and contents of the grains. With acetocarmine, fuchsin, peroxidase and germination in vitro 4, 3, 2 and 1 classes, respectively, are supposed to be included in the percentage of good pollen as measured by these methods. This percentage therefore, in more than 96% of the cases studied, shows a decrease in the order indicated. Neither aging of pollen at room conditions nor collecting pollen from flowers on 1–9 days after anthesis does influence the percentage of good pollen with acetocarmine and fuchsin, whereas this percentage drops sharply to zero with peroxidase and germination in vitro. The latter two methods apparently measure as good pollen only the grains with living cytoplasm. When pollen is collected at three successive dates from the same flowers the percentage of good pollen drops sharply with all methods used. There is a relation between quantity of pollen per flower and pollen quality (% good), low-quantity pollen containing significantly lower percentages of good pollen than medium- and high-quantity pollen. The latter two are not significantly different in this respect.From calculations of correlation coefficients it is concluded that only germination of pollen in vitro is significantly correlated with berry and seed set and thus gives a reliable estimate of male fertility. This does not hold true for the two staining methods without due reserve. The peroxidase method is not useful for the Solanum material studied.After standardized pollination the average number of haploid pollen grains on diploid stigmata was found to be 1625±127, that of diploid pollen on tetraploid stigmata 2863±98.A. W. B. Janssen 1975.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific somatic hybrid plants were regenerated after electrofusion of mesophyll protoplasts with the objective of transferring resistance to Verticillium dahliae from Solanum torvum into potato. Early selection of the putative hybrids was based on differences in cultural behaviour of the parental and hybrid calli (particularly the ability of the latter to regenerate early) in combination with morphological markers. Four putative hybrids were recovered from hundreds of calli, probably resulting from complementation of the two parental genomes. The regenerates were tetraploids (2n=4×=48 chromosomes) and exhibited intermediate traits including leaf form, plant morphology and the presence of anthocyanin. The hybrid nature of the four selected plants was confirmed by examining isoenzyme patterns for isocitrate dehydrogenase (Idh), malate dehydrogenase (Mdh), phosphoglucoisomerase (Pgi) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-Pgd). While the hybrid plants rooted readily and grew vigorously under in vitro conditions, in the greenhouse their development and growth were retarded by difficulties in rooting. When grafted on potato or S. torvum rootstocks, the hybrid plants recovered normal development and growth. Again, they exhibited intermediate morphological traits. Tests for resistance realized in vitro with medium containing 50% Verticillium wilt filtrate showed that all the somatic hybrids were resistant to the fungus filtrate.  相似文献   

Summary The interspecific (C. arabica × tetraploid C. canephora) F1 hybrid showed a low but highly variable fertility. An almost complete restoration to normal fertility was observed in individual trees of BC1 and BC2 generations with C. arabica as recurrent parent. From a comparison of various tests of fertility, it was found that pollen viability is a satisfactory measure of fertility.  相似文献   

Intraspecific somatic hybrids have been produced by protoplast fusion in eight combinations involving 10 dihaploids (2n= 2x= 24) in an attempt to provide new material for potato breeding. Cytological analysis revealed extensive variation in chromosome number, such as aneuploid, aneusomatic and mixoploid hybrids. Most of the hybrids represented the expected chromosome number of 48; however, the frequency of aneuploids reached 50% in some combinations. Some hybrids carried structurally rearranged chromosomes and exhibited a high frequency of aberrant anaphases. Isozyme and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns of the hybrids from the same fusion combination were uniform. In the field, somatic hybrids showed wide phenotypic variation in 20 morphological characters. There was a significant correlation between certain leaf characters and the ploidy level, which may be used to distinguish the tetraploid hybrids from hexaploids and octoploids. Tuber yield and flowering intensity were highest in tetraploid hybrids (2n= 4x= 48). Eighteen of the 73 hybrids reached higher yields than the standard variety ‘Adretta’. Floral development and fertility were restored in hybrids derived from fusions between non-flowering or sterile dihaploids.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence is provided that hybridization of the tetraploid (2n=4x=48), self-fertile tuber-bearing species Solanum acaule Bitt. with the diploid (2n=2x=24), self-incompatible, tuber-bearing S. megistacrolobum Bitt. takes place in several localities of the province of Jujuy in the high, cold plateaux of the Argentine Puna. The triploid hybrids (2n=3x=36) closely resemble S. acaule in growth habit, leaf morphology and floral structures and for this reason they can be easily overlooked for that species in the field. Experimental data show that S. acaule can be crossed with S. megistacrolobum though the crossability is rather low and variable according to the particular cross considered. The artificial hybrid obtained compares well with the natural hybrid in morphology and chromosome number. The hybrids, though almost completely male sterile, are successful colonizers of disturbed areas around farmers' dwellings, cattle enclosures and other areas where the soil is rich in organic matter.There is some evidence that the Tilcara material of S. acaule subsp. aemulans and the hybrids of S. acaule x S. megistacrolobum have some characters in common, which can be interpreted as having a similar origin.It is postulated that S. acaule subsp. aemulans, in Jujuy at any rate, is not a primitive form of S. acaule as thought by Hawkes and Hjerting, but rather a fertile hybrid derivative of S. acaule x S. megistacrolobum through the functioning of 2n gametes.We also provide evidence that S. bruecheri Correll should not be considered a hybrid of S. acaulle x S. megistacrolobum but a synonym for S. gourlayi Hawkes. The new name, S. x indunii Okada et Clausen, is proposed to designate this hybrid.  相似文献   

H. Ghiasi  K. A. Lucken 《Euphytica》1982,31(1):253-259
Summary Many conventional hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) lines, including several North Dakota cultivars, carry a gene (or genes) which restore partial male fertility to male sterile plants with Triticum timopheevi Zhuk. cytoplasm. Since this gene has no fertility restoration function in T. aestivum cytoplasm, the postulation can be made that it is being retained in conventional lines because of pleiotropic effects, favorable linkages or chance. The research reported in this paper examined these possibilities. Forty F6 lines, derived from a single F2 plant which was heterozygous for a gene (or genes) for partial fertility restoration, were evaluated for two years in a yield trial planted at Fargo, North Dakota. The 40 lines were testcrossed to a male sterile line having T. timopheevi cytoplasm, and the mean seed set of testcrosses was used as a measure of a line's fertility restoration potential. Twenty-seven lines had the gene for partial fertility, and 13 lines apparently lacked this gene. The 40 lines differed for heading date, anther extrusion, plant height, grain yield, 200-kernel weight, test weight, and grain protein percentage. However, comparisons of lines having the restorer gene with those lacking the gene did not provide any obvious explanation for the retention of the partial fertility restorer gene in the breeding stocks of the North Dakota conventional hard red spring wheat breeding program. The possibility that the restorer gene was linked with genes for resistance to stem rust or leaf rust also was evaluated by testing lines for their reaction to several races of rust. No conclusive association was found.Contribution from the Agric. Exp. Sta., North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105, Journal Article no.  相似文献   

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