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苹果谢花后至套袋前病虫害的防控 (1)苹果谢花后第一次用药主要防治红蜘蛛、霉心病、苹小卷叶蛾和轮纹病,同时兼治蚜虫、锈病、白粉病、斑点落叶病等。用药时间在谢花后5~10天。另外,用药时间要根据害螨的发生虫类等情况选择,以防治山楂红叶螨为主的果园,在谢花后7~10天用药防治效果最好:以苹果全爪螨为主要害螨的果园,用药时间再适当提前3~5天。  相似文献   

<正> 苹果树上的两种叶螨-山楂叶螨(Tetranychus viennensis Zacher)和苹果叶螨(Panon ychus ulmi Koch),目前在生产上仍然猖獗为害,它们对许多种曾经在果树上使用过的杀螨剂如内吸磷、乐果、敌敌畏、三氯杀螨砜、螨卵酯等都产生了抗药性,甚至七十年代中期才开始应用的杀虫脒,也反映药效有降低的现象.在某些杀螨剂品种少、供应量不足的果区,用药种类单一,喷洒次数频繁,害螨抗药性发展的速度更快.因此对于抗性害螨只有换用新药,才能提高防治效果.若从"协调防治"的观点  相似文献   

乔进军  王剑勇 《河北果树》1999,(3):36-36,38
我市为害果树的螨类以山楂叶螨或苹果全爪螨为主。由于为害期长,发生世代多,繁殖力强,发育速度快,因而其抗药性和防治难度均增长迅速。尽管生产上用于防治的药剂种类不断更新,用药次数及剂量不断增加,防治费用不断上升,许多果园在生长季内仍然时常出现叶螨暴发危害...  相似文献   

树瘿螨从2003年开始为害连城县油。笔者从2005年开始在省果树站的指导下对瘿螨为害进行观察、调查,并于2010年开始进行防治试验。提出人工摘除受害枝(芽)、适时防治和合理用药等防治措施。  相似文献   

李光武  姜林 《北方果树》1991,(2):4-6,29
山楂叶螨(Tetranychus viennesisZacher)是为害苹果树叶子的主要害螨,其繁殖力强,世代多,为害重。近些年由于长期单一使用三氯杀螨醇,水胺硫磷等药剂,加之使用技术不当,致使害螨对其产生抗性。这样即是增加用药次数,提高用药浓度,亦很难控制螨害。结果是不仅造成环境污染,提高防治成  相似文献   

辣椒茶黄螨为害与病毒病的诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>在辣椒病虫害的诊断过程和田间防治实践中,有些人(甚至于一些农技人员)把茶黄螨为害误认为是病毒病,这不仅增加了用药次数,加大了防治成本,还耽误了病虫害的有效防治时机。现将茶黄螨为害症状及容易与其混淆的病毒病症状的区别,防治介绍如下。辣椒被茶黄螨为害后,叶背油渍状,渐变黄褐色,叶缘向背面卷  相似文献   

用国产20%双甲脒乳油、螨克、20%三唑锡胶悬剂、20%三氯杀螨醇的不同浓度药液对元帅、新红星苹果树喷布,调查对苹果全爪螨和山楂叶螨的防治效果。结果表明:国产双甲脒和进口螨克对防治苹果两种叶螨均有特效。使用浓度1000~1500倍,有效控制期在30天以上,全年用药1~2次即可基本控制螨害。  相似文献   

<正>危害仁果类的叶螨主要有3种:山楂叶螨、苹果叶螨和苜蓿红叶螨。1发生规律果树发芽期,山楂叶螨越冬雌虫大量出蛰,正是苹果叶螨和目蓿叶螨越冬卵孵化期,此期3种叶螨可同时防治。苹果树落花后,山楂叶螨第1代卵大量孵化期,正是苹果叶螨和苜蓿叶螨第1代成虫尚未大量产卵以前,成虫活动盛期,此时用药可以消灭山楂叶  相似文献   

<正>苹果山楂叶螨俗称苹果红蜘蛛,是苹果主要害虫之一,具有适应性强、繁殖率高、易产生抗药性等特点,防治比较困难,对产量和品质影响极大。只有了解其发生规律,准确把握用药时机,合理选择农药品种,科学用药,才能有效防治。1发生规律及危害特点以幼螨、若螨和成螨危害叶片,群集在叶片上吐丝结网,在网下刺吸叶片的汁液。被害叶片出现失绿斑点,严重枯黄甚至脱落。在树冠内的危害分3个阶段:第1个阶段在树冠内膛为害繁殖,繁殖速度不快,大多数害螨集中在少量叶片上,有时1个叶片上有上百只害螨。6月下旬至7月上旬是第  相似文献   

苯丁锡防治柑桔、苹果螨类应用技术苯丁锡是一种长效有机杀螨剂,防治柑桔、苹果螨类持效期可达2-3个月,一般全年施药2次就能起到控制作用,很受果农欢迎。在使用时应注意以下几点:①用药浓度。使用50%苯丁锡可湿性粉剂2000-3000倍液防治柑桔红蜘蛛、锈...  相似文献   

为比较41.7%氟吡菌酰胺悬浮液灌根法、药土穴施法和滴灌法3种施药方式对田间番茄根结线虫的防治效果,以10%噻唑膦颗粒剂处理为药剂对照,以清水为空白对照,在田间开展了41.7%氟吡菌酰胺悬浮液不同施药方式的效果评价试验。结果显示:灌根和药土穴施2种施药方法对番茄根结线虫有较好的防效,分别达到70.4%和66.2%,与10%噻唑膦颗粒剂处理均无显著差异;滴灌方式处理对番茄根结线虫防效仅达到41.8%,显著低于灌根和药土穴施2种处理方式,防治效果较差;因此,建议在田间使用41.7%氟吡菌酰胺悬浮液防治番茄根结线虫时,推荐采用灌根和药土穴施2种施药方式,不建议采用滴灌施药。  相似文献   

为明确新型无机杀虫剂C610及其与化学药剂复配后对蓟马的防治效果,选择常用防治蓟马的化学药剂60 g/L乙基多杀菌素悬浮剂作为药剂对照开展田间防效试验。结果表明:单独使用C610杀虫剂具有较好的速效性,第1次药后3 d防效达80.33%,但其持效性稍差,建议可在田间连续多次使用;C610复配处理组第2次药后7 d的防效高于药剂对照,说明其与化学药剂复配应用可有效防治蓟马,同时减少了化学药剂用量。  相似文献   

张京社  阎世江 《蔬菜》2018,(10):53-57
物联网技术应用于设施蔬菜质量安全控制体系,可实现蔬菜产前、产中、产后的全过程监控,对蔬菜标准化生产、蔬菜质量安全监管、保障食品安全、设施蔬菜产业升级都具有十分重要的意义。在介绍物联网技术在蔬菜质量安全控制中的应用现状基础上,具体列举了山西省农业科学院蔬菜研究所与合作单位开发的一款蔬菜安全生产管理平台应用实例,包括系统总体方案、通信系统设计、智能控制子系统和智能管理系统,以及其应用效果,并对物联网技术和蔬菜质量安全控制管理体系的进一步开发和应用提出了相应建议,以期加快蔬菜质量安全控制体系的发展。  相似文献   

木霉菌是目前生防菌中的研究热点,被普遍认为是最有可能代替多种化学杀菌剂的生防因子。随着木霉菌在农业生产中的广泛应用,木霉菌在园林园艺植物中的生物防治也受到广泛关注。现对木霉菌在园林园艺植物中生物防治和促生作用的研究进展进行概述,进一步阐述木霉作为生防菌的优势和不足,并对其在园林园艺植物上的应用进行前景展望。  相似文献   

以日光温室黄瓜为试材,分析了黄瓜主要病害的发生情况,研究了弥粉法施药技术模式对黄瓜主要病害的防治效果,以期获得设施黄瓜减药的技术模式。结果表明:在2017年春茬试验中,弥粉法施药技术模式对黄瓜霜霉病、白粉病的防效分别为85.74%、86.70%;2017年秋茬试验中,弥粉法施药技术模式对黄瓜霜霉病、白粉病、灰霉病的防效分别为84.18%、85.57%、80.91%,显著优于常规喷雾处理,且农药使用量减少了85.20%。说明弥粉法施药技术模式适合在日光温室黄瓜主要病害防治中使用。  相似文献   

Oil cake, widely used as an organic source of nutrients in horticultural production in South Korea, is a by-product when oil is extracted from various oilseeds. Split applications of oil cake were supplied to evaluate their effects on tree growth and fruit production in organic, non-astringent persimmon (Diospyros × kaki Thunb.) trees in 2009 and in 2010. Treatments included a single annual application of oil cake at 150 kg N ha?1 in April (single application), two applications in April and July (105 and 45 kg N ha?1, respectively; two-split application), or three applications in April, June, and August (60, 45, and 45 kg N ha?1, respectively; three-split application), as well as zero application of oil cake (control). All applications of oil cake significantly increased the amount of ground-cover vegetation compared to the control. The single and two-split applications increased soil organic matter (OM), K2O, CaO, and MgO concentrations, and cation exchange capacity to a soil depth of 0–30 cm in 2010. Oil cake applications increased soil porosity in 2010, as well as overall chlorophyll (SPAD values) and macronutrient concentrations in leaves in 2009 and 2010. Single and two-split applications stimulated water-sprout development, reduced the light intensity inside the tree canopy, and increased fruit drop. Fruit yield was higher in the two-split [24.7 metric tonnes (MT) ha?1] and three-split application trees (25.0 MT ha?1) compared to zero application control trees (19.8 MT ha?1) and single application trees (21.0 MT ha?1) in 2010. A single application resulted in soft fruit and slow skin colouration during maturation. Total soluble solids contents were higher in the control and three-split application trees in both years. The three-split application in 2010 increased the estimated production income by approx. 21% compared to the zero application, and by approx. 33% compared to a single application of oil cake.  相似文献   

Two applications of 5 herbicides were evaluated during spring and summer for weed control and phytotoxicity on 25 species of trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials. Weed control was considered to be effective if herbicide-treated pots contained at most 20% of the weeds in untreated pots. Oxyfluorfen applied at 1.25, 2.5 and 5.0 kg ha?1 provided effective control of grass and broad-leaved weeds for 8 weeks after the first application, and the 2 higher rates effectively controlled all weeds for 12 weeks after the second application. Oxadiazon at 2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 kg ha?1 effectively controlled all weeds for 8 weeks after the first application, but only the highest rate was effective 12 weeks after the second application. Napropamide at 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 kg ha?1 effectively controlled grasses for up to 12 weeks, but only effectively controlled broad-leaved weeds at the 2 higher rates for 8 weeks after the first application and failed to control them after the second application. Alachlor at 4.0, 8.0 and 16.0 kg ha?1 and oryzalin + trifluralin at 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 kg ha?1 provided effective control of grasses for 8 weeks after the first application. These herbicides at the highest rate also controlled broad-leaved weeds for 8 weeks after the first application. However alachlor and oryzalin + trifluralin failed to provide effective control of any weeds after the second application.Competition from weeds reduced the shoot dry weight (SDW) of unweeded control pots by 20% compared with hand-weeded control pots. None of the herbicides produced visible clamage in any plants. The SDW of 8 species treated with some of the herbicides was significantly lower than the corresponding hand-weeded control plants, and for 6 of these species some herbicide treatments were identified as being possibly phytotoxic. Oxyfluorfen appeared to inhibit the growth of Photinia and Coleonema, and alachlor inhibited the growth of Photinia, Eriostemon, Azalea ‘Splendens’, Lavendula and Coleonema. Oryzalin + trifluralin appeared to inhibit the growth of Bauhinia, and napropamide and oxadiazon inhibited the growth of Coleonema.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPR) and boron (Bio-B) on the plant freeze injury, antioxidant enzyme activity and fruit yield of grapevine cultivar. The experimental plot was a completely randomized design with 5 replicates. As a trial model Bio-B and control were used as fertilizer agent. Bio-B fertilizer has been applied in different ways as soil?+?foliar, soil and foliar application methods to grapevine plants. Data through 2 years trials results showed that the use of Bio-B significantly decreased freeze injury and increased antioxidant enzyme activity of grapevine leaf. The highest damage rate at control group occurred with ?20?°C and 94.89% ratio. In the same temperature degree at grape plant, the damage ratio of the Bio-B application from soil decreased by 21.55%; the application from leaf by 25.53% and with the application from soil?+?leaf by 26.24%. In addition to this, compared with control, in the CAT, POD and SOD enzyme activities increases occurred with the ratios as 28.57%, 22.05% and 39.25%, respectively. Generally, as results of this study under field conditions, Bio-B fertilizer application decreased freeze injure and increased antioxidant enzyme activity of the grapevine plant.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca fuliginea Pollacci) infection in cucumber was significantly reduced by foliar application of a mixture of riboflavin and methionine (RM). The effects of fungicidal activity on leaves applied with RM were detected through restriction of progress of colonies and disease severity compared with control plants. The initial response to foliar application of RM was abrupt generation of hydrogen peroxide in the leaves of cucumber plants. Activities of antioxidant enzymes such as SOD and POD were abruptly increased by foliar application of RM. However, activities of antioxidant enzymes in control plants were increased with disease development 9 d after pathogen inoculation. Cucumber leaves have six major SOD isoforms. When plants were foliar-applied with RM, densities of three SOD isozyme bands at SOD-1, SOD-2, and SOD-3 were increased 3 d after foliar application. Leaves of cucumber plants have three major POD isozyme bands. Densities of three POD isozyme bands were increased 3 d after foliar application with RM. Four major PPO isozyme bands were determined in cucumber leaves. Though the overall banding patterns of PPO in control and RM-applied plants were similar, the band profiles in leaves applied with RM were characterized by high densities of the three major isoforms. Activities of PPO in leaves applied with RM increased rapidly during the 3 d after foliar application, and then remained relatively constant for 15 d. Although activities of PPO in the leaves of control plants also abruptly increased after 9 d, it was lower than those of RM-applied plants during the whole time. The difference in lignin content between control and RM-applied plants was detected 9 d after foliar application; it was high in leaves applied with RM.  相似文献   

以4年嫁接树龄的“贵长”猕猴桃为试验材料,采用田间试验的方法,共设置4个试验处理,测定了不同施肥处理下猕猴桃的产量和品质指标,研究了生物炭和有机肥混施以及单施处理下对猕猴桃产量以及品质指标的影响,以期为“贵长”猕猴桃果实品质和产量的提升提供参考依据。结果表明:与对照相比,各施肥处理极显著提高了果实的产量及单果质量、可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、糖酸比和维生素C含量,显著降低了可滴定酸含量;通过主成分分析得到各处理下的果实品质综合得分,表现为2种肥的混合配施效果优于单施,而单施优于对照。生物炭和有机肥的施入可以提升猕猴桃的果实品质和产量,其中生物炭肥和有机肥混合施肥的处理施肥效果最佳。  相似文献   

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