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To study C chemistry and nutrient dynamics in decomposing residues and P dynamics at the residue-soil interface, young pea (Pea-Y) and mature pea (Pea-M) residues were incubated in a sandy soil with low P availability. The study was conducted in microcosms in which the residues were separated from the soil by a nylon mesh. Controls consisted of microcosms without residues. Residues and the soil in the immediate vicinity of the nylon mesh were sampled after 5, 15, 28, 42 and 61 days. Residue chemistry was studied by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and determination of C, N and P concentrations. Compared to Pea-M, Pea-Y was characterised by higher N and P concentrations, higher percentage of proteins, esters, fatty acids and sugars, and was more easily decomposable in the first 15 days. Pea-M residues had a greater percentage of cellulose and other polysaccharides than Pea-Y and showed a more gradual loss in dry weight. Differences in C chemistry and N and P concentration between the residues decreased with time. The decomposition of Pea-Y and Pea-M residues resulted in an increase in microbial P in the residue-soil interface compared to the control, but available P was increased only in the vicinity of Pea-Y residues.  相似文献   

The efficacy of applying plant residues to agricultural soils as a carbon (C) source for microorganisms and C sequestration is dependent on soil physiochemical properties, which can be improved by aggregation using soil conditioners. However, no attempt has been made to assess the effects of soil conditioners such as biochar (BC), biopolymer (BP) or polyacrylamide (PAM) on plant residue decomposition. We assessed the effects of BC, synthesized BP and anionic PAM on the decomposition of 14C‐labelled maize residues and on their stabilization in aggregate fractions in sandy and sandy loam soils. Polyacrylamide and BP were applied at 400 kg ha?1 and BC was applied at 5000 kg ha?1, and the soils were incubated for 80 days at 22°C. The conditioners improved the physical and biological properties of both soils, as shown by a 24% increase in the 1–2 mm aggregates. Biochar and BP accelerated the decomposition of plant residues as indicated by 14CO2 efflux, and resulted in reduced stabilization of residues in both soils relative to that observed in the control and PAM treatments. The reduction in 14C incorporation and C stabilization in the BC‐ and BP‐treated soils was observed mainly in the < 0.25‐mm aggregates. This was confirmed by reduction of activity of hydrolytic enzymes (β‐cellobiosidase and β‐glucosidase). Decomposition of plant residues in sandy soil was more sensitive to BP and PAM application than that in sandy loam soil. Improved soil structure after applying BC and BP increased aeration and decreased the contact between plant residues and mineral soil particles and consequently accelerated plant residue decomposition and reduced C sequestration.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of winter cover crop (CC) residues on soil pH and phosphorus (P) availability. Three incubation assays were performed in pots using two CC: vetch (V) (Vicia villosa Roth.) and oats (Oa) (Avena sativa L.). Soil samples were taken from 10 sites at 0–20-cm depth. The rate of residues were 0 (D0), 10 (D1), 20 (D2), 30 (D3), and 40 (D4) g dry matter kg?1 soil and the soil sampling was after 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days of incubation. Soil pH, extractable P (Pe), and soil organic matter (SOM) and its fractions were determined. The pH increase was correlated with the rate applied (D1 < D2 < D3 < D4). No differences were found for pH comparing V and Oa residues with low residue rates. Soil pH changes were dependent from initial pH and SOM fractions in different soils across the incubation period. The multiple regression models showed that the pH changes were dependent on initial pH level and SOM fractions with a high R2 (0.81). CC residues and its quantities produced different changes on pH – especially at the beginning of the incubation – which influenced the P availability.  相似文献   

以7年氮肥定位试验地玉米根茬为研究对象,通过把玉米根茬按2%比例与15 cm和45 cm土层深度的土壤混合后田间埋袋的方法,研究长期不同施氮量处理[分别为0 kg(N)?hm?2、120 kg(N)?hm?2和240 kg(N)?hm?2]的玉米根茬(分别用R0、R120、R240表示),在陕西省长武黑垆土中埋藏分解1 a后对土壤碳、氮组分的影响及根茬有机碳的分解特性。与未添加玉米根茬的对照土壤相比,玉米根茬加入能够显著增加各层土壤的微生物量碳、可溶性有机碳和矿质态氮含量,3种施氮量处理间差异不显著。随着分解时间延长,土壤可溶性有机物中结构相对复杂的芳香类化合物比例逐渐增加。分解1 a后,R0、R120和R240根茬的有机碳残留率在15 cm土层中分别为44.4%、35.3%和34.9%,在45 cm土层中分别为53.3%、44.3%和42.5%。R0根茬的碳残留率显著高于R120和R240;玉米根茬在15 cm土层的碳分解率和分解速率常数显著高于45 cm土层。采用一级动力学方程拟合玉米根茬碳残留率变化结果显示,R0、R120和R240根茬有机碳分解95%所需要的时间在45 cm土层比15cm土层分别长3.2 a、2.3 a和1.9 a。氮肥施用量影响玉米根茬在土壤中的分解特性,在评价农田氮肥施用与土壤固碳时,应考虑不同氮肥用量下残茬养分组成及其在土壤中分解的差异。  相似文献   

针对新增耕地重构土壤地力低等关键问题进行池栽模拟试验,以生土为池栽用土,以发酵后的农业废弃物为主料,结合苜蓿粉、聚丙烯酰胺、膨润土以及蛭石通过混合造粒制成9种配方不同配比的土壤调节剂(分别以F1~F9表示),以玉米“郑单958”为试验材料,通过测定不同配方土壤调节剂对重构土壤的土壤容重、田间持水量、饱和含水量、有机质、养分(N、P、K)含量、脲酶和蔗糖酶活性的含量以及玉米光合与产量指标,探究不同配方的土壤调节剂对重构土壤物理、化学、生物方面的改良效果以及对玉米光合与产量的影响,并筛选出最佳土壤调节剂配方。试验设置常规施肥处理(CK1)、商品有机肥处理(CK2)以及施用9种不同配比的土壤调节剂处理(F1~F9)共计11个处理。结果表明:较CK1处理,施用土壤调节剂处理的土壤容重显著降低了4.85%~11.52%,田间持水量显著提升了21.58%~46.43%,有机质显著提升了21.27%~45.33%,脲酶活性显著提升了16.67%~27.24%。F7处理在具备优良的土壤改良作用的同时增产效果最佳,较CK1及CK2处理,产量显著提升了26.11%、21.69%。因此,选择F7处理的配比为...  相似文献   

The use of organic residues as soil amendments or fertilisers may represent a valuable recycling strategy. In this study, a series of laboratory assays was performed to study the effects of the application of organic residues on C and N mineralization and biochemical properties in a Mediterranean agricultural soil. Two crop residues (straw and cotton) and two animal by-products (meat bone meal and blood meal) were added at three rates (5, 10 and 20 mg g?1 on dry weight basis) to a moist (40% water holding capacity) sandy soil and incubated at 20 °C for 28 days. Each residue underwent a different mineralization pattern depending on the nature and complexity of its chemical constituents. In all cases, the addition of the waste produced, after a short lag-phase, an exponential increase in the soil respiration rate, reflecting the growth of microbial biomass. The amount of total extra CO2-C evolved after 28 days, expressed as % in respect to added C, differed significantly (P < 0.005) among application doses: 5 > 10 > 20 mg g?1 and residue type: meat bone meal > blood meal > cotton cardings > wheat straw. Plant residues led to a rapid immobilisation of N that affected microbial size and activity and further mineralization. Animal by-products produced an immediate and remarkable increase of mineral N in the soil. However, the large amounts of NH4+ released in the soil at high rates of animal residues led, in some cases, to temporary adverse effects on microbial biomass growth and nitrification. All residues produced a significant increase in soil microbial biomass size and activity, being the intensity of the response related to their chemical properties.  相似文献   



This work investigated changes in priming effects and the taxonomy of soil microbial communities after being amended with plant feedstock and its corresponding biochar.

Materials and methods

A soil incubation was conducted for 180 days to monitor the mineralization and evolution of soil-primed C after addition of maize and its biochar pyrolysed at 450 °C. Responses of individual microbial taxa were identified and compared using the next-generation sequencing method.

Results and discussion

Cumulative CO2 showed similar trends but different magnitudes in soil supplied with feedstock and its biochar. Feedstock addition resulted in a positive priming effect of 1999 mg C kg?1 soil (+253.7 %) while biochar gave negative primed C of ?872.1 mg C kg?1 soil (?254.3 %). Linear relationships between mineralized material and mineralized soil C were detected. Most priming occurred in the first 15 days, indicating co-metabolism. Differences in priming may be explained by differences in properties of plant material, especially the water-extractable organic C. Predominant phyla were affiliated to Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi, Gemmatimonadetes, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Euryarchaeota, and Thaumarchaeota during decomposition. Cluster analysis resulted in separate phylogenetic grouping of feedstock and biochar. Bacteria (Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes, Planctomycetes), fungi (Ascomycota), and archaea (Euryarchaeota) were closely correlated to primed soil C (R 2?=??0.98, ?0.99, 0.84, 0.81, 0.91, and 0.91, respectively).


Quality of plant materials (especially labile C) shifted microbial community (specific microbial taxa) responses, resulting in a distinctive priming intensity, giving a better understanding of the functional role of soil microbial community as an important driver of priming effect.

An experiment was carried out to investigate the decomposition and microbial use of maize leaf straw incubated in packed soil columns at different depths. The straw was incorporated into the top layer at 0–5 cm depth and into the bottom layer at 15–20 cm depth of a sandy or a loamy soil. Microbial biomass C was significantly increased after adding straw to the bottom layer of both soils. After adding straw to the top layer, this increase was significantly lower in the sandy soil and significantly higher in the loamy soil. Maize straw application significantly increased the ergosterol-to-microbial biomass C ratio in both soils from 0.26% to a mean content of 0.72% after adding straw to the top layer and to a mean content of 1.11% after adding straw to the bottom layer. The calculation of the maize-derived CO2 production revealed that the mineralization rates of maize C were always higher in the sandy soil, with a mean of 20%, than in the loamy soil, with a mean of 14%. The application of maize straw always significantly increased the soil organic matter-derived CO2 production. This increase was stronger in the loamy soil than in the sandy soil and stronger after application of the maize straw to the top layer than to the bottom layer. On average, 100% of the maize straw C was recovered in the different fractions analysed. In the layers with maize leaf straw application, 28% of the maize C was recovered as particulate organic matter (POM) > 2 mm and 32% as POM 0.4–2.0 mm, without a significant difference between the two soils and the depth of application. In the layers with maize leaf straw application, 19% of the maize C was recovered as microbial residue C and 3.1% as microbial biomass C. In the three layers without straw, the microbial biomass incorporated a further 2.4% of the maize C in the sandy soil, but only 0.9% in the loamy soil. Considerable amounts of substrate C were transferred within the microbial biomass over a decimetre distance. The finer pore space of the loamy soil seems to obstruct the transfer of maize-derived C. This was especially true if the maize leaf straw was added to the bottom layer.  相似文献   

The soil water retention curve is a fundamental characteristic of unsaturated zone flow and transport properties. Recent studies show that an air‐entry value is needed in a soil water retention equation in order to provide a better prediction of relative hydraulic conductivity. A new equation considering the air‐entry value is proposed to describe the soil water retention curve. The performance of the proposed equation is contrasted with a well‐supported equation by comparing measured and calculated data for 14 soils, representing various soil textures, which range from sandstone to clay. Results show that the proposed equation provides adequate characterization of the soil water retention curves. The equation for predicting relative hydraulic conductivity is derived from the proposed soil water retention equation. An empirical equation for relative hydraulic conductivity is also used. Our results show that the agreement between the predicted and measured relative hydraulic conductivities is improved by the combinations of the proposed equation and the relative hydraulic conductivity equations. The proposed equation is mathematically simple and it can easily be implemented in unsaturated flow and multiphase flow numerical models.  相似文献   

Summary This study is concerned with the way alachlor, atrazine and metolachlor interfered with phosphatase activity in a clay loam soil unenriched and enriched with maize residues. Enrichment caused an increase in all phosphatase activities (acid and alkaline phosphomonoesterase, phosphodiesterase, phosphotriesterase) tested. Interference with phosphatase activity following herbicidal treatment was found in both unenriched and enriched soil samples. Statistically significant interference was dependent on soil enrichment, the type of herbicide and its rate of application and the time elapsed since the herbicidal treatment. The observed changes in phosphatase activities are attributed to herbicidal action on phosphatase-producing microorganisms. Among the herbicides tested, the acetanilide derivatives exerted a lesser inhibiting effect than atrazine. Nevertheless, all the altered phosphatase activities showed a tendency, more or less rapid, to reach the levels in the corresponding untreated soil samples.  相似文献   

A 28-day incubation experiment at 12°C was carried out on the decomposition of maize leaf litter to answer the questions: (1) Is the decomposition process altered by chemical manipulations due to differences in the colonization of maize leaf litter? (2) Do organisms using this maize material contribute significantly to the soil microbial biomass? The extraction of the maize straw reduced its initial microbial biomass C content by 25%. Fumigation and extraction eliminated the microbial biomass by 88%. In total, 17% of added maize straw C was mineralized to CO2 during the 28-day incubation at 12°C in the treatment with non-manipulated straw. Only 14% of added C was mineralized in the treatment with extracted straw as well as in the treatment with fumigated and extracted straw. The net increase in microbial biomass C was 79 μg g?1 soil in the treatment with non-manipulated straw and an insignificant 9 μg g?1 soil in the two treatments with manipulated straw. However, the net increase did not reflect the fact that the addition of maize straw replaced an identical 58% (≈180 μg g?1 soil) of the autochthonous microbial biomass C3-C in all three straw treatments. In the two treatments with manipulated straw, the formation of maize-derived microbial biomass C4-C was significantly reduced by 25%. In the three straw treatments, the ratio of fungal ergosterol-to-microbial biomass C ratio showed a constant 60% increase compared to the control, and the contents of glucosamine and muramic acid increased by 18%. The average fungal C/bacterial C ratio was 3.6 in the soil and 5.0 in the recovered maize straw, indicating that fungal dominance was not altered by the initial chemical manipulations of the maize straw-colonizing microorganisms.  相似文献   

Poplar leaf litter and crop residues (leaves and stems) of two main crops (soybean and maize) collected from semiarid agroforestry systems of Northeast China were used in our microcosm study. The aims were to examine whether non-additive effects (synergistic or antagonistic) between poplar leaf litter and crop residues exist during decomposition and to identify the influence of residue mixing proportion on the incidence of non-additive effects of residue mixture for the same plant residues. We determined residue decomposition rate by measuring mass loss and N release. Synergistic effects between poplar leaf litter and crop residues were more common than additive effects in terms of mass loss and N release. Moreover, the interactive effects between tree leaf litter and crop residues on decomposition varied with the number of component residues and their mixing proportion. Three-residue mixtures produced synergistic effects on mass loss and N release, although two-residue mixtures showed an additive effect in some cases. In addition, as compared with equal proportion, mixing residues with unequal proportion increased the incidence of non-additive effects during decomposition of residue mixture. These findings highlight that residue decomposition dynamics in ecosystems should be assessed on the basis of plant residue mixtures and their mixing proportions, which may help us better understand nutrient dynamics and guide our decisions on nutrient management.  相似文献   

During re‐conversion of short‐rotation poplar tree plantations back to arable land use, large amounts of tree residues must be incorporated into soil. A 90‐d pot experiment with and without N addition was carried out after mixing the same amounts of chaffed poplar root residues into the pots at 0–5 cm or at 0–20 cm depth. The objective was to investigate whether shallow mixing has positive effects on maize growth, reduces poplar root residue decomposition, and changes the microbial community structure towards fungi. Aboveground maize yield was strongly reduced after mixing of poplar root residues at 0–20 cm depth without N fertilization, but was not affected if mixed at 0–5 cm depth. Neither the mixing nor N fertilization had significant effects on root residue decomposition, estimated as recovered particulate organic matter. The total increase in microbial biomass C and biomass N was strongest after homogenous mixing of root residues at 0–20 cm, but remained unaffected by N fertilization. In contrast, the total amount of ergosterol remained unaffected by the mixing treatments, but responded positively to N fertilization. Shallow incorporation of poplar root residues did not affect the microbial biomass C/N ratio but disproportionately increased the fungal ergosterol to microbial biomass C ratio. Shallow incorporation of poplar root residues seems to reduce the demand for N fertilization of following crops, which should be further tested in field experiments.  相似文献   

A field survey was conducted to determine the numbers and biomass of earthworms in soils receiving different tillage and cropping treatments, and to investigate in a greenhouse study the effect of earthworms on the rate of breakdown of soybean (Glycine max) and maize (Zea mays L.) residues. The numbers and biomass of earthworms under continuous soybeans were greater than those present under maize, possibly due to the adverse effects of insecticide and anhydrous ammonia fertilizer used with maize. No-tillage doubled the population of earthworms under soybeans, when compared with ploughing. Numbers (141 m?2) and biomass (26.5 g m?2) of earthworms under no-till soybeans were still much lower than the numbers (1298 m?2) and biomass (224.5 g m?2) under pasture receiving heavy applications of animal manure. Using 16-1 pots in the greenhouse, the effect of 0, 15 (250m?2) and 30 (500m?2) earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) pot?1 on the rate of breakdown during 54 days of 50 g of soybean or maize residues in the Raub silt loam (Aquic Argiudoll) was studied. At 36 days, 60% of the soybean residues were recovered from pots to which no earthworms had been added, whereas in the presence of earthworms, only 34% of the soybean residues remained. In the absence of earthworms, 85% of the maize residues were recovered at 36 days, compared with only 52% in the presence of earthworms. At 36 days, 48% of the original maize residues added were still > 2 mm in length in the absence of earthworms, whereas only 26% were > 2 mm in length in the presence of earthworms. Earthworms also increased the aggregate stability of the Raub soil, when determined on moist (19–22% w/w) samples, but had no effect on soil water retention at ?33 and ?1500 kPa. The possible implications of greater earthworm activity on increasing residue incorporation and breakdown and subsequent effects on soil temperatures under no-till maize production are also discussed.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was carried out (1) to compare C and N yield of different plant parts, nutrient concentrations, and root colonization between the non-mycorrhizal mutant P2 (myc ?) and the symbiotic isoline Frisson (myc +), (2) to investigate the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and growing pea plants on microbial decomposition of 15N-labeled maize residues, and (3) to follow the distribution of the added substrate over different soil fractions, such as particulate organic matter, soil microbial biomass, and microbial residues. Yields of C in straw, grain, and roots of myc + peas were significantly higher by 27%, 11%, and 92%, respectively, compared with those of myc ? peas. The δ13 C values in the different plant parts were significantly higher in myc + than in myc ? tissue with and without maize. Application of labeled maize residues generally resulted in 15N enrichment of pea plants. At the end of the experiment, the ergosterol concentration in roots of mature peas did not differ between the two isolines, indicating similar colonization by saprotrophic fungi. The decomposition of added maize residues was significantly reduced by the myc ? peas, but especially by myc + peas. The formation of microbial residue C was increased and that of microbial residue N was reduced in the presence of plants. The insufficient N supply to soil microorganisms reduced decomposition of maize residues in the presence of peas, especially myc + peas.  相似文献   

The intensity of a fire is an important factor determining the recovery of soil microorganisms after a forest fire, since it can alter the quality and quantity of carbon sources. Recovery of the microbial community was studied in a Mediterranean pine forest soil subjected to different temperatures to simulate the short-term effects of fire intensity on bacterial and fungal growth, estimated using leucine incorporation for bacteria and acetate incorporation into ergosterol for fungi. Soil samples were heated for 15 min at 50, 80, 120, 200, 300, 400 and 500 °C. After inoculation with fresh soil, and adding water to achieve 60% WHC, the soils were incubated at 20 °C for 21 days. Bacterial growth was initially inhibited in the samples heated above 50 °C (totally inhibited ≥ 200 °C), but recovered within days to levels much higher than the control, except for the samples heated at 500 °C, where growth remained low throughout the incubation period due to the destruction of most of the organic matter. After the first week of incubation, the bacterial response decreased to values close to, but still above, that of the control. Samples heated at 200 °C showed the highest cumulative bacterial growth. Fungal growth was initially lower than in the control in all the heated samples (totally inhibited ≥ 200 °C). Fungal growth recovered slowly during incubation in soils heated at ≤ 300 °C, but the cumulative growth in heated soils did not exceed that in the control. No fungal growth was observed in samples heated at the two highest temperatures. Soil respiration was initially totally inhibited in soil heated at ≥ 200 °C, but recovered rapidly in all soils; the highest respiration being observed already 1 day after inoculation. This is the first time both fungal and bacterial growth has been directly estimated in heated soils. High soil pH favouring bacteria can explain these results, but the differences in fungal and bacterial responses suggest a competitive interaction between these groups.  相似文献   

采用田间小区试验研究了秸秆还土方式对旱地土壤培肥和玉米产量的影响。结果表明,秸秆翻压与覆盖均有明显培肥土壤,提高玉米产量的作用,但两种还土方式之间的差异不明显。  相似文献   



Identifying the impact of inorganic-nitrogen (N) availability on soil amino sugar dynamics during corn (Zea mays L.) residue decomposition may advance our knowledge of microbial carbon (C) and N transformations and the factors controlling these processes in soils. Amino sugars are routinely used as microbial biomarkers to investigate C and N sequestration in microbial residues, and they are also involved in microbial-mediated soil organic matter (SOM) turnover. We conducted a 38-week incubation study using a Mollisol which was amended with corn residues and four levels of inorganic N (i.e., 0, 60.3, 167.2, and 701.9 mg N kg−1 soil). The objective of this study was to examine the effects of inorganic-N availability on fungal and bacterial formation and stabilization of heterogeneous amino sugars during the corn residue decomposition in soil.  相似文献   

不同还田方式对玉米秸秆腐解及土壤养分含量的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
通过土壤耕作和秸秆还田试验,以玉米秸秆为研究对象,探讨东北棕壤土区适宜的秸秆还田方式,为秸秆资源的高效利用提供理论依据。在辽宁沈阳设置连续两年(2014-2015年)的田间定位试验,采用尼龙网袋法研究免耕覆盖(NTS)、旋耕还田(RTS)和翻耕还田(PTS)3种秸秆还田方式下秸秆腐解率和碳氮磷钾养分释放率,分析秸秆还田方式对耕层土壤养分含量的影响。结果表明,RTS和PTS秸秆腐解速率均表现为前期快、后期慢,秸秆养分释放率均表现为钾 > 磷 > 碳 > 氮。NTS、RTS和PTS处理秸秆两年平均腐解率分别为38.8%、78.0%、65.9%,两年平均碳释放率分别为56.5%、78.8%、69.4%,氮释放率为16.7%、53.5%、38.8%,磷释放率为81.3%、92.5%、89.8%,钾释放率为92.0%、99.4%、98.9%。NTS处理秸秆腐解率及碳氮释放率与还田时间符合逻辑斯蒂曲线方程,RTS和PTS处理秸秆腐解率、碳氮释放率及3种还田方式秸秆磷钾释放率随还田时间变化符合米氏方程。秸秆还田有助于提高耕层土壤有机碳和全氮含量,RTS处理土壤全磷含量显著高于PTS处理(P<0.05),与NTS处理全磷含量差异不显著,3种还田方式土壤全钾含量差异不显著。综合分析秸秆腐解和耕层土壤培肥效果,东北棕壤土区建议玉米秸秆还田方式为旋耕秸秆还田。  相似文献   

为探究不同粒径生物炭对土壤物理化学特性以及土壤碳库的影响,在盆栽条件下,设置5个生物炭粒径施用水平:CK(不施生物炭)、T1(500~2 000μm)、T2(250~500μm)、T3(20~250μm)、T4(20μm)。结果表明:(1)不同粒径生物炭均能显著降低土壤容重,以T4降幅最大(4.13%)。(2)不同粒径生物炭均能显著提高田间持水量(WHC),提高幅度表现为T4T3T2T1,但施生物炭处理间差异不显著。(3)施生物炭均能显著提升水稳性团聚体平均重量直径,以T4处理最高,但T4、T3、T2处理间差异不显著。(4)施用生物炭处理的土壤全碳、水溶性有机碳、易氧化态碳均显著高于CK,常规粒径生物炭在烤烟生育初期较不施生物炭显著增加了土壤微生物量碳(MBC)含量,后期则降低土壤MBC含量。小粒径生物炭较常规粒径生物炭T1在烤烟移栽45d后显著降低了土壤微生物量碳含量。(5)生物炭粒径越小,对土壤碳库管理指数的提升效果越好,T4对土壤碳库管理指数提升显著。综上所述,生物炭粒径越小对土壤容重、田间持水量及团粒结构的改良效果越优,同时,小粒径生物炭施用下土壤有机碳活性和碳库管理指数均优于常规粒径生物炭,更有利于提升地力和改善土壤质量。  相似文献   

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