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枣树产量低 ,是枣树栽培中一个较为普遍的现象 ,原因是坐果率较低。那么 ,哪些方法可以提高枣树坐果率 ?一、环状剥皮 环剥又称开甲 ,此法可减少落果 ,促使成熟期一致 ,提高枣果品质。方法是在盛花初期 ,选择晴朗的天气对树势旺盛、干粗 1 0~ 1 2cm的枣树进行环剥。环剥时 ,先刮去老皮 ,使白色的韧皮部外露 ,然后用开甲刀或切接刀环剥一周 ,深达木质部 ,宽 0 3~ 0 8cm。初次环剥时 ,在主干距地面 2 0~ 30cm处开第一刀 ,以后逐年上升 ,每次环剥间距 3~ 5cm。剥后用旧报纸将剥口包严 ,2 0~ 2 5天后解开。二、花期“三喷” 即…  相似文献   

通过在冬枣的初花期、盛花初期、中期和后期的环剥试验、表明环剥时期对冬枣的果实品质、坐果率和产量有明显的影响。环剥期越早,果实品质越好;盛花初期和中期环剥坐果率和产量接近,且明显高于其他两个时期,初花期环剥坐果率和产量最低,盛花后期其次。综合比较以盛花初期环剥效果最好。  相似文献   

对枣树采用花期避雨、疏蕾、疏果、枣吊摘心及对照等 5 种处理,研究了5 种处理对枣树落花落果的影响.结果表明:枣树落花高峰是在开花后第 2,3 周,落果有 2 次高峰;花期避雨以及适度的疏蕾、疏果可减少落花落果,大大提高果吊比;枣吊摘心能抑制落花落果,但不能提高果吊比  相似文献   

本文通过对延川县枣果的生长发育及落花落果原因的调查分析,提出了枣树花期管理的措施,即断根、摘心、环切、环剥;喷布植物激素和微量元素;改善花期座果的环境条件等。并通过提高座果率,达到枣树增产、增值的目的。  相似文献   

在金丝小枣花期,其枣吊生长、花芽分化、开花座果等物候期重叠,营养消耗多,各器官对养分竞争剧烈,同时花期遇不良天气(如低温、干旱、多风),造成枣树落花落果严重,座果率低。通过增施肥水、花期环剥、夏剪、喷激素和虫害防治,可提高金丝小枣座果率。现将主要技术总结如下:1增施  相似文献   

环剥与环割处理对冬枣生长结果及果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以8年生冬枣为试材,研究不同时期环剥与环割对冬枣生长结果及果实品质的影响,旨在为改进枣树的栽培技术和提高枣树的产量与枣果质量提供理论依据。结果表明:主干环剥及主枝环割适宜在盛花期即开花30%~50%时进行,可明显提高冬枣果实及花序坐果率,提高产量;环剥与环割后果实的维生素C、总酸、总糖和可溶性固形物含量提高;环剥处理后的枣果总糖含量较环割处理高,硬度较环割处理低,果实品质更好;盛花后期即开花60%~80%进行环剥与环割,可提高枣果纵横径及单果质量,促使果实膨大,所以在栽培中可结合盛花期进行环剥、环割后,在盛花后期根据树势情况进行2次环剥、环割处理;木质化枣吊的坐果率、可溶性固形物含量、平均纵横径和单果质量均高于脱落性枣吊,说明在生产中应注意培养木质化枣吊,这是提升枣果产量及品质的有效方法。  相似文献   

通过对避雨栽培条件下里扎马特和美人指2个葡萄品种不同时期的环剥处理,发现环剥可以提高果粒和果穗重,并对提早成熟时间和改善果实品质效果明显,可增加单位面积的经济效益,增加果农收入。就环剥的总体效果来看,以盛花后20 d环剥效果最好。  相似文献   

不同环剥强度对枣树座果率影响试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在枣树盛花期对赞皇大枣进行单道环割、双道环割、环剥等不同强度处理,对提高枣树座果率具有不同影响。结果表明:双道环割和环剥均可显著提高枣树座果率。促花王2号及环割对提高黄骅冬枣幼树座果率无明显效果。  相似文献   

影响甜柿坐果率因素试验研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决甜柿坐果率低的问题,采取了人工授粉、花期喷施赤霉素和主干环剥等技术措施。结果表明:人工授粉、花期喷施赤霉素和主干环剥与对照比较分别高24.28%,17.15%,13.87%,均能显著提高甜柿的坐果率。虽然花期喷施赤霉素和主干环剥的平均单果重显著小于对照,但甜柿单位面积产量与对照相比仍有显著提高。  相似文献   

正为促进花芽形成,对银杏树栽培达3年以上树的旺盛枝干,于5月下旬、6月下旬、7月下旬进行3次环剥,环剥宽度为银杏树枝干粗的1/10。5月中旬银杏树新梢生长至15cm左右时,连续摘心也是成花的一个有效措施。银杏树每年5月中旬至6月上旬分别有2次生理落果。花期喷0.3%的硼砂加0.2%的磷酸二氢钾,能有效地控制落花落果,确保银杏树栽培的丰产丰收。——摘自湖北林业网  相似文献   

We investigated phloem-xylem interactions in Acer rubrum L. and Acer saccharum Marsh. Our experimental method allowed us to determine xylem conductance of an intact branch by measuring the flow rate of water supplied at two delivery pressures to the cut end of a small side branch. We found that removal of bark tissue (phloem girdling) upstream of the point at which deionized water was delivered to the branch resulted in a decrease (24% for A. rubrum and 15% for A. saccharum) in branch xylem hydraulic conductance. Declines in hydraulic conductance with girdling were accompanied by a decrease in the osmotic concentration of xylem sap. The decrease in xylem sap concentration following phloem girdling suggests that ion redistribution from the phloem was responsible for the observed decline in hydraulic conductance. When the same measurements were made on branches perfused with KCl solution (approximately 140 mOsm kg(-1)), phloem girdling had no effect on xylem hydraulic conductance. These results suggest a functional link between phloem and xylem hydraulic systems that is mediated by changes in the ionic content of the cell sap.  相似文献   

金花茶高空压条繁殖技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究不同生长调节剂、基质、环剥宽度和压条径粗对金花茶高压繁殖生根成活率的影响,结果表明:在5月份,选取径粗1.1~1.5 cm的营养枝作压条繁殖材料,在枝条平直处作带宽1.6~2.0 cm的环剥处理,用1 000 mg.L-1的ABT生根粉或萘乙酸(NAA)溶液涂刷环剥切口上方,以竹屑、苔藓作包扎基质,能明显提高金花茶高压繁殖苗的生根成活率。并总结了金花茶高空压条苗的离体移栽技术。  相似文献   

Girdling has been suggested as a way to improve earliness and intensity of flowering in mango (Mangifer indica L.). However, the accumulation of carbohydrates associated with girdling may result in a decrease in photosynthesis. We assessed the long-term effect of branch girdling during the prefloral period on leaf net photosynthesis (A(n)) of 3-year old mango trees, cv. Cogshall, growing on La Réunion island. Leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were measured monthly from March to August 2004 on recently matured leaves on girdled and non-girdled branches. Within 28 days after girdling, A(n) was reduced by 77% and remained at about 2 micromol CO(2) m(-2 ) s(-1) until the beginning of flowering. The decrease in photosynthetic electron transport rate (J) and sustained photoprotection (reflected by the decrease in predawn maximal efficiency of photosystem II) effectively protected leaves on girdled branches from photodamage, as shown by the vigorous recovery of A(n) and J observed immediately after the appearance of inflorescences. These increases in A(n) and J were unaccompanied by a decrease in leaf carbohydrate concentration during the first month following the onset of flowering, indicating that there are carbohydrate-dependent and carbohydrate-independent mechanisms of sink regulation of photosynthesis. It is concluded that girdling does not necessarily lead to irreversible damage, even in the presence of a fourfold increase in leaf starch concentration and in the absence of any sink activity. However, the decrease in leaf nitrogen concentration indicates that there may exist long-term negative effects of branch girdling on photosynthetic capacity. A modified version of the biochemical model of A(n) is presented that takes account of the effect of leaf starch concentration on J.  相似文献   

大荔冬枣早熟优质高效栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了大荔冬枣生产过程中存在的主要问题,提出了冬枣优质高效栽培的关键技术。提出重施有机肥和配方施肥,合理调节冬枣不同生育期对水分的需求,花期适当环剥和喷施激素,及时有效防治病虫危害,可以保证冬枣生产的优质高效。  相似文献   

广西海岸沙地木麻黄防护林带的生物量和生产力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对海岸沙地木麻黄防护林带生物量和生产力的研究结果表明:13年生木麻黄林带的生物量为100.01t.hm-2,生物量的大小序列为干材>根系>树枝>叶枝>干皮>枯枝。立木生物量总量的空间格局是随树高的增加而减少,不同器官生物量的空间分布却有所不同,干材和干皮生物量随树高的增加而减少,树枝生物量则主要集中在树冠中层或中下层,叶枝则主要分布在上层或中上层。沙地木麻黄林带具有较高的生产力,为7.693t.hm-2.a-1。海岸沙地木麻黄这种生物量和生产力水平足以说明它对海岸沙地的生态环境具有很强的适应能力。  相似文献   

Domec JC  Pruyn ML 《Tree physiology》2008,28(10):1493-1504
Effects of trunk girdling on seasonal patterns of xylem water status, water transport and woody tissue metabolic properties were investigated in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex P. Laws.) trees. At the onset of summer, there was a sharp decrease in stomatal conductance (g(s)) in girdled trees followed by a full recovery after the first major rainfall in September. Eliminating the root as a carbohydrate sink by girdling induced a rapid reversible reduction in g(s). Respiratory potential (a laboratory measure of tissue-level respiration) increased above the girdle (branches and upper trunk) and decreased below the girdle (lower trunk and roots) relative to control trees during the growing season, but the effect was reversed after the first major rainfall. The increase in branch respiratory potential induced by girdling suggests that the decrease in g(s) was caused by the accumulation of carbohydrates above the girdle, which is consistent with an observed increase in leaf mass per area in the girdled trees. Trunk girdling did not affect native xylem embolism or xylem conductivity. Both treated and control trunks experienced loss of xylem conductivity ranging from 10% in spring to 30% in summer. Girdling reduced xylem growth and sapwood to leaf area ratio, which in turn reduced branch leaf specific conductivity (LSC). The girdling-induced reductions in g(s) and transpiration were associated with a decrease in leaf hydraulic conductance. Two years after girdling, when root-to-shoot phloem continuity had been restored, girdled trees had a reduced density of new wood, which increased xylem conductivity and whole-tree LSC, but also vulnerability to embolism.  相似文献   

采用单因素设计进行基质施肥对高阿丁枫苗木生长的影响试验。结果表明:①施肥极显著地影响苗木密度、地径、苗高和侧枝萌发;②苗木密度随施肥量的增加呈递减趋势;③施肥量为0.0~3.0 kg/m2时,地径随施肥量的增加而增大,施肥量>3.0 kg/m2时,各处理间的地径无显著性差异;④0.0~7.0 kg/m2施肥范围内苗高随着施肥量的增大而增长,施肥量大于8.0 kg/m2时抑制苗高生长;⑤施肥量0.0~7.0 kg/m2时,侧枝数与施肥量正相关,施肥量>7.0 kg/m2时,侧枝发育受到抑制;⑥除密度与侧枝数间未达到显著相关外,其余指标两两间相关极显著,其中密度与苗高、地径呈负相关,而地径、苗高与侧枝数之间呈正相关。  相似文献   

研究了避雨设施栽培对"湖景蜜露"和"玉露"2个桃树品种桃果实生长及品质的影响效应,结果表明避雨设施处理对桃果实横、纵径生长的效应因品种而异,对中熟品种"湖景蜜露"有明显促进作用,对成熟期果实单果重的影响不大,不会造成产量的明显波动;对提高桃果实品质具有较好的促进作用,能显著提高果实糖分含量,且果实糖分含量较为稳定,随单果重量变化的影响较露地对照组小;单果重与其糖分含量呈一定的正相关,但因品种而异。  相似文献   

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