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新华社2007年8月16日消息:商务部15日发布的监测显示,上周(8月6日至12日)全国食用农产品从大类看,肉类、水果价格下跌,粮食、食用油、白条鸡、鸡蛋、水产品、蔬菜价格上涨。监测的40种主要产品中,价格周环比上涨的有26种,占65%;下降的有11种,占27.5%。监测表明,肉类价格两个月以来首次下跌.跌幅为1.2%。随着国家稳定生猪生产和保障市场供应的政策相继出台,部分地区生猪收购价格下滑,  相似文献   

<正>国家发展和改革委员会价格司副司长周望军2月28日就落实控物价,保民生工作接受新华社记者专访时说,今年我国将进一步完善生猪市场调控预案,稳定生猪市场生产和价格;推动建  相似文献   

五月份,江苏省农林厅发布农产品价格走势信息:与4月份相比,蔬菜、生猪等农产品价格开始回江苏淡水水产品价格高位运行落,淡水水产品价格上涨明显。  相似文献   

<正>从今年初开始,粮食、蔬菜和饲料等农产品价格出现了不同程度的上涨,然而,自今年1月中旬以来,生猪价格出现持续下跌的行情,养猪效益持续下滑,生猪养殖户亏损严重,这对生猪产业发展产生了重大影响。1生猪及饲料市场行情回顾春节后,生猪价格持续下跌,目前生猪价格已经跌至盈亏点以下,养殖效益快速下降,生猪生产压力加大。以安居区城区生猪定点屠宰场生猪收购价为例,三元杂交生猪收购价从2013年1月16日每千克18元向下滑行,到  相似文献   

<正>国家发改委、财政部等部委4月22日联合发布《缓解生猪市场价格周期性波动调控预案》。国家有关部门将于近期适时启动政府冻猪肉收储工作,稳定生猪市场价格,防止生猪养殖出现大面积亏损,损害养殖户利益。发改委价格司副司长周望军介绍,此次发布的预案是对2009年初发布的《防止生猪价格过度下跌调控预  相似文献   

蔬菜价格是农产品价格体系的重要组成部分,由于蔬菜本身储藏时间短、易腐烂等特性,使得蔬菜价格的形成具有自身的诸多特点。在实地调研了山东、北京蔬菜流通各环节的基础之上,本文归纳出我国蔬菜产业链价格传导的模式,以及整个流通体系的内在运行规律和各个环节的成本收益,分析了我国蔬菜价格波动的深层次原因,并提出必须建设以公益性中央批发市场为主体的多种措施并行的“五多五少”的长效调控机制。  相似文献   

生猪价格的周期性波动严重制约了生猪产业发展,甚至给整个畜牧产业的快速、健康发展带来了艰巨性和复杂性。1995年以后,生猪市场价格已经历了3个完整的波动周期,目前正处在第四个周期的由高价下滑阶段。导致生猪价格周期性波动的原因主要有生猪市场供求关系不平衡;猪业从业者中"机动性较强"的散养户、投机商的无门槛进入和撤出生猪市场;生猪生产规模化水平低,控制疫情灾害的能力差,抵御市场风险能力弱;业内相关产品价格的波动等。缓解生猪价格周期性的对策主要有建立稳定的扶持政策,使生猪生产始终处于政府的调控之下,稳定生猪的市场供给量;规模养猪;解决好生猪健康管理和实现健康养殖等。  相似文献   

<正>据新华社电据国家发展和改革委员会介绍,发展改革委今年将完善农产品市场价格和调控机制,探索推进农产品价格形成机制与政府补贴脱钩的改革,逐步建立农产品目标价格制度,在市场价格过高时补贴低收入消费者,在市场价格低于目标价格时按差价补贴生产者。发展改革委表示,今年我国将在保护农民利益的前提下,更好发挥市场在农产品价格形成中的决定性作用。为此,2014年将选择部分品种和  相似文献   

根据《缓解生猪市场价格周期性波动调控预案》,在猪粮比连续低于6∶1与5.5∶1,甚至更低水平运行时,国家将进行中央冻猪肉储备等措施,对生猪市场予以支持,而当猪粮比超过8.5∶1时,国家将进行冻猪肉储备投放等措施进行相应调控以压制猪肉价格。  相似文献   

<正>在猪肉价格不断高涨的热浪中,7月份国务院常务会议出台了一系列扶持生猪养殖的政策措施。由于中央这一轮调控与2007年国内猪价暴涨时推出的政策在很大程度上有类似性,并  相似文献   


This paper reviews recent developments in China's fishery and aquaculture sectors, as well as the policies affecting rural households in general and fisheries households in particular. It explores how China's policies may change as a result of the nation joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001 and the likely impacts of these changes on China's fishery and aquaculture sector. It was found that the domestic fish markets are gradually integrating, suggesting that fish price shifts in one area will affect prices in most parts of the country. It was also found that, compared with the prices of other agricultural commodities, the domestic prices of most aquatic products are well below world prices. This suggests that exports of aquatic products would be able to expand now that the nation has joined the WTO and that fishers would gain from this move.  相似文献   

In this article, we measure the extent of price transmission and test price leadership in the salmon supply chain. The data represent monthly observations (2005–2014) on export price of fresh salmon from Norway and on retail prices for a variety of salmon products in France and United Kingdom. The contribution is to use a Johansen bivariate time-series approach to quantify the degree of price transmission on a broader set of consumer salmon products than has been previously studied. Of the original 17 retail products examined only 8 cointegrate with export prices. Of these, all but one reject a null of full price transmission and all show price causality from export to retail level. Price transmission to retail prices decreases, as more processing is involved and increases for packaged salmon products compared to salmon sold in the fresh fish counter.  相似文献   


The growth of global aquaculture has put intense pressure on sources of fish oil and fishmeal for aquafeeds. The nutraceuticals industry has added further pressure on fish oils with high Omega-3 fatty acids. GM soybeans could provide substitutes in high Omega-3 soybean oil (STA oil), as well as soy protein concentrate (SPC). This article examines the technological and economic feasibility of substituting STA oil for one-half the fish oil in the diet of Seriola rivoliana, a species often destined for sushi markets. Previous studies have shown that the substitution results in no change in flesh quality or consumer acceptance. We find that the two feed technologies result in essentially identical growth pattern and feed consumption. Economic feasibility depends upon the price of STA oil being lower than the price of fish oil. Based on our market analysis, we estimate that STA oil will enter the market at a price about two-thirds of the fish oil price. The estimated cost savings at these prices are small, a 2.8% reduction in feed costs and 0.9% reduction in total costs. However, the potential global market for STA oil could be as much as 252 thousand metric tons annually, which would require soybean production equivalent to that from 1.63% of current U.S. soybean area.  相似文献   


The study applies a dynamic model of the almost ideal demand system to derive long‐run estimates of demand for catfish products. Adjustment coefficients towards long‐run equilibrium for purchasers of catfish are estimated. The hypothesis that catfish buyers fully adjust to changes in real price and expenditure instantaneously is rejected. Following a deviation from equilibrium, about 16% of the adjustment takes place instantaneously while full adjustment is completed within the subsequent two‐month period. Purchasers of catfish adjust fairly quickly to a new equilibrium after disequilibrium movements suggesting a low cost of adjustment. Elasticity estimates obtained from the model indicate that the dynamic model is well behaved, with negative own‐price effects in the compensated and uncompensated form. In the uncompensated form whole fish is found to be less own‐price inelastic while fillet is found to be own‐price elastic. The sensitive nature of the products to changes in own prices suggests the need for processors to make whole fish and fillets more price‐competitive through efficient production and marketing processes. Expenditure elasticities obtained from the model are also consistent with economic theory.  相似文献   

In 2003, the United States adopted anti-dumping tariffs for Vietnamese catfish products entering the country. This study examines how these tariffs have impacted the price relationship between domestically produced and imported catfish products. Cointegration tests confirm a long-run price relationship between domestic and imported catfish, which has persisted despite the anti-dumping tariffs. However, imports are composed of catfish from Vietnam and other countries, with only the former subjected to tariffs. Results from vector error correction models suggest that Vietnamese catfish prices do not significantly influence domestic prices. Conversely, the price of catfish from countries other than Vietnam continues to impact prices received by domestic catfish farmers and processors. The domestic catfish industry is still affected by lower-priced imports from countries other than Vietnam, although some of these may be transshipments that truly originate in Vietnam. This research methodology could be adapted to investigate trade and price interactions among other aquacultured species, which will become increasingly important as global aquaculture expands.  相似文献   

从对国内外渔业油价补助政策的实践来看,该政策对于稳定渔业生产发展有着重要作用。通过会议座谈、重点调查和问卷调查等方法对我国现行渔业油价补助政策进行了调研分析,认为我国渔业油价补助方法不够科学合理,不仅与现行渔业政策不协调,还暴露出实际操作比较困难、支撑渔业油价补助发放的配套制度不够健全等问题。结合我国渔业产业实际,建议应调整完善海洋捕捞业和水产养殖业的油价补贴办法、统一细化全国渔业柴油补贴扣减政策、完善渔船管理和渔政执法管理相关制度等,提高渔业油价补助决策的科学性和民主性。  相似文献   

海洋捕捞渔业是中国海洋渔业的重要组成部分,产值核算是反映海洋捕捞渔业转型升级成效的重要方式。借助渔业统计指标数据,对2018年近海捕捞渔业和远洋渔业产品的平均单价进行了测算。结果显示:近海捕捞渔业产品平均单价为18.82元·kg^-1,广东的平均单价最低,仅为10.88元·kg^-1;远洋渔业产品平均单价为11.64元·kg^-1,河北的平均单价最低,仅为2.55元·kg^-1。通过对海洋捕捞渔业产量、产值统计方法进行梳理与案例分析,认为造成这种结果的可能原因包括:产值核算与结果公布的机构衔接不充分,产值核算过程中的产品价格种类不齐,海洋捕捞渔业专业及辅助性活动产值统计不足。提出加强统计数据发布前的沟通与协调,完善捕捞渔业产品与价格调查目录,完善海洋捕捞渔业专业及辅助性活动产值统计制度,理顺渔业二、三产业产值数据统计调查制度等建议,以期建立有效的评估方法,为评估海洋捕捞渔业绿色高质量发展成效提供参考。  相似文献   

The price of farmed Atlantic salmon from Norway has increased in recent years. This new regime follows several years of consistently falling prices. At the same time price volatility has increased substantially. This article models the volatility of salmon prices and establishes empirically that volatility is on an increasing trend. Further empirical analysis suggests that the volatility trend is largely accounted for by the common trend in other food prices relevant to salmon, including meats, cereals, oils and fish meal observed in recent years. Other potentially contributing factors to volatility are also discussed. This includes the role of the 2005 maximum total allowable biomass restriction, the 2006 introduction of the Fish Pool ASA futures market for salmon, the Chilean Salmon crisis and the increasing use of bilateral contracts.  相似文献   

We investigate empirically market interactions in the Turkish wild and farmed sea bass and sea bream markets. For gilthead sea bream and European sea bass, we conduct a Granger causality test between the prices of the wild and farmed products, based on the estimation of a vector autoregressive model. Our data set consists of annual fish prices from 1996 to 2016. Our empirical results show that the wild and farmed sea bass are neither substitutes nor complements: the markets for each product are independent. However, in the case of sea bream, the price variations for farmed sea bream have a causal impact on the price of wild sea bream. Moreover, the price of wild sea bream Granger-causes the price variation of farmed sea bream. Thus, the wild and farmed sea bream markets are integrated.  相似文献   

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