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The fruit of Vitellaria paradoxa is an ideal raw material in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and confectionery industries. There are no accurate data on annual fruit yield due to the lack of objective assessment tools. The objectives of this study were to develop fruit yield prediction models based on dendrometric and fruiting variables, to examine variations in these variables between upland and lowland populations in Burkina Faso, and associations between these variables. A total of 191 fruiting trees were selected according to crown accessibility, and 17 dendrometric and fruiting variables were recorded. The fruit yield, expressed in number of fruits per tree, fresh and dry weights of fruits, was assessed by collecting fruits dropped overnight until the end of the fruiting period. Fruit yield prediction models were derived for each population using partial least squares regression. The results showed significant differences in dendrometric and fruiting variables between populations (P < 0.01). The lowland population had the highest values for most of the dendrometric variables while fruiting variables were the highest for the upland population. A strong significant correlation (P < 0.01) was found between number of shoots and fruiting variables. Within individual trees, fruit yield was lowest for the bottom part of the crown and the section of the crown with north-east orientation. Fruit yield parameters were successfully predicted based on selected dendrometric and fruiting variables (prediction error = 0.092 and 0.125 for upland and lowland populations, respectively). All fruiting variables, number of shoots and crown attributes had the highest influence on the models.  相似文献   

Vitellaria paradoxa leafing, flowering and fruiting patterns were monitored in Otuke county (Lira district), northern Uganda, over a period of 25 months. The monitoring revealed that leaf shedding takes place in the middle of the dry season and the trees are in full leaf by the onset of the wet season. New leaves continue to appear on the new shoots while old leaves persist during the leaf-fall period. The pattern of leafing and leaf loss, flowering and fruiting are unimodal with major peaks in flowering and fruiting, although in the study area rainfall is bimodal. Flowering was concentrated in months when the atmospheric relative humidity begins to rise from an initially low value (around November), peaks three months later and usually ends when rainy conditions persist. Flowers produced during the rainy season usually abort. Fruiting starts at the end of the dry season (December/January) and peaks from February to April. Seed matures during the rainy season (March to May) and fruit harvesting occurs mainly from May to August, when the soil is well supplied with plant available water but coinciding with high pre-growing season famine risk in the community.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The shea tree, Vitellaria paradoxa, is a socio-economically important tree for the rural population in parts of West Africa. Our study assessed the current status of this native tree species with regard to increasing human pressure in northern Benin. We compared distribution of adult shea trees, seedlings and saplings in farmed lands with protected areas in the Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari (BRP). At our study site near BRP, agricultural activities foster recruitment of shea trees by regularly cropping of vegetation cover. Furthermore, traditional farming practices preserve adult individuals thus permitting regular fruit harvests. Consequently, most of the tallest and largest individuals of shea trees are found in framed lands. In contrast, the highest density of juvenile trees including seedlings (dbh <5 cm) and saplings (dbh 5–10 cm) occurred within BRP. Saplings were negatively affected by farming activities. Furthermore, spatial point pattern analysis revealed differences in the spatial structure of juveniles. Juveniles showed significant aggregations at small scale (<20 m) in BRP as well as significant and positive small-scale associations with adult trees. This contrasts with farmed lands where we did not find such spatial patterns at similar small scale but only a weak aggregation between juveniles and absence of association (attraction) of adults to juveniles. Although our analyses indicate that shea trees are rather well preserved, we conclude that the observed severe reduction of saplings in farmed lands is likely to negatively impact the long-term viability of the tree population. Therefore agroforestry practices must consider the preservation of sapling populations in farming areas for long-term conservation.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of humans in shaping a shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn.) population in Prata, central-west Burkina Faso. Four management regimes or land uses were considered: fields cultivated by indigenous Gurunsi farmers, fields cultivated by migrant Moose farmers, fallows, and bush lands. The structure of the shea population differed between Gurunsi and Moose fields and between these fields and fallow and bush lands. The size class distribution of V. paradoxa in fallows and bush lands was skewed towards the lower classes and the slope of the distributions was negative and significant, indicating the occurrence of recruitment. In comparison, Gurunsi fields carried young and mature trees with 95 % of individuals in the 15.5–90 cm range, whereas Moose fields carried no specimen with dbh <16.5 cm. The slope of the size class distribution was slightly negative for Gurunsi fields and slightly positive for Moose fields, but non significant in both cases. Vitellaria paradoxa densities did not significantly differ between Gurunsi (35 stems/ha) and Moose (26 stems/ha) fields, but were higher in fallows (172 stems/ha) and in the bush (161 stems/ha) than in cultivated fields. Nearest neighbour distances were progressively greater from uncultivated fields to Gurunsi and finally Moose fields, whereas shea trees were increasingly aggregated from Moose to Gurunsi fields to fallows and bush lands. In Prata, shea tree management is thus associated with ethnicity and/or with a host/migrant status that confers different farm sizes and levels of tenure security to farming households. Gurunsi and Moose farmers cited productivity, spacing and shading effects as the main factors influencing their decision to conserve specific shea trees in their fields. Results signal favorable prospects for V. paradoxa regeneration in Prata’s fallows and bush lands and to a lesser extent in Gurunsi fields.  相似文献   

The effects of crown pruning of mature indigenous fruit trees of Vitellaria paradoxa C. F Gaertn (commonly known as karité) and Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R. Br. ex G. Don (commonly known as néré) on recovery of crown size and fruit yield were assessed during 6 years in an agroforestry parkland system in Burkina Faso. Three treatments of crown pruning (total-pruning, half-pruning and a control of no-pruning) were applied to karité and néré. Each treatment comprised ten individuals of each species or a total of 60 trees of both species. Six years after pruning, higher recovery (81%) of crown diameter was achieved in total-pruned trees of néré as opposed to karité which recovered by only 73%. On the contrary, fruit production in total-pruned trees of karité recovered by 83% 5 years after pruning and fully (100%) 6 years after pruning as opposed to néré which recovered by only 57% 5 years after pruning but declined to 16% on the sixth year probably due to interannual variability. Fruit yields did not differ significantly between unpruned and half-pruned trees of both species throughout the experiment period. Total pruning may, therefore, be recommended to farmers to rejuvenate old trees of karité in parklands on the basis of fast recovery of fruit and slow recovery of crown in the species. Slow recovery of crown in pruned trees is the most desirable characteristic in parklands in order to avoid the negative effect of tree shade on adjacent crop.  相似文献   

The role of Azteca sp. ants as potential biological control agents was studied in an organic coffee farm in Chiapas, Mexico. Individual larvae of Pieris rapae were placed on trees with artificially enhanced ant activity and both time to disappearance of the larvae and ant activity were recorded. There was a general negative relationship between time to disappearance and ant activity. A census of spiders was made of coffee bushes with and without foraging Azteca, encountering a negative relationship between ants and spiders. These results indicate that Azteca ants have potential as pests through their positive effect on scale insects, but also have potential as biological control agents, through their negative effect on potential herbivores. Furthermore, the correlation between ant and spider densities suggests a complicated relationship between these two predatory organisms, implying a more complicated food web structure than simply ants, homoptera and other herbivores.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sorghum grain yields under the karité and the néré are reduced by an average of 50% and 70% respectively, in comparison with yields in the open field. Soil fertility, limiting primary production in the region, is at least as favorable under the tree canopies as in the open field. Reduced light intensity, to a minimum of 20% under the néré canopy, is probably largely responsible for low sorghum production under the tree canopies. Benefits from the tree products are more valuable than losses in cereal yields, explaining why trees are maintained on the agricultural fields. Pruning of tree branches, selection of (shade-) crops and tree selection could reduce crop yield losses but cannot be expected to increase tree- and crop production.
Résumé Les rendements en graines de sorgho sous le karité et le néré sont respectivement environ 50% et 70% plus basses que celles hors des houppiers. La fertilité du sol, étant le facteur limitant pour la production primaire dans la région, est au moins assez favorable sous les arbres que hors des houppiers. L'ombre sous les arbres, réduisant la lumière sous le néré à 20% au minimum, est probablement largement responsable pour la réduction des rendements sous les arbres. Les profits par la vente des produits des arbres sont plus élevés que les pertes de rendements céréaliers, ce qui explique pourqoui les arbres sont conservés dans les champs. La taille des branches, la selection des cultures qui résistent l'ombre et la selection des arbres peuvent réduire les pertes de rendements, mais n'auront pas un grand effet sur la productivité des arbres ni des cultures.

Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn.) is arguably socio-economically and environmentally the most important plant species in the semi-arid and arid zones of Africa where it is widely distributed. Apart from the economic gains in international export markets where shea butter is valued for use in luxury cosmetic, pharmaceutical and confectionary industries, locally the fat (butter) is the main cooking oil for over 86 million inhabitants. Research during the past decades has acknowledged the chemical and nutritional composition as well as the ethnobotanical uses of shea which has resulted in its butter being used in a wide array of products. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the morphological and genetic diversity; propagation, initial growth, and management; ecology and population structure; chemical and nutritional composition as well as the socioeconomic and livelihood empowerment potential of shea. Little is known about the fruiting behaviour and the responses of shea to the inevitable changes in climate. We suggest ecophysiological and dendrochronological studies as an option to predict how the domestication of this multipurpose tree species can be sustained even under the prospects of global climate change.  相似文献   

A basic understanding of the relationships between key phenotypic characters of the shea butter tree is considered a crucial step to its genetic improvement. As such fruit samples of the shea butter tree, Vitellaria paradoxa, were collected from nine locations in July, 2006, to determine the fruit and nut characteristics of the species. The choice of the locations was informed by the need to have as broad a picture of the trait diversity as possible. The nine locations covered were Akwanga, Ilorin, Lokoja, Makurdi, Minna (in the Southern Guinea Savanna), Jalingo, Kachia (in the Northern Guinea Savanna), Kano and Yola (in the Sudan Savanna), recognized as the main shea butter tree belt in Nigeria. Analysis of variance indicated significant (P < 0.05) variations in fruit and nut traits across agro-ecologies and specific locations (representing individual accessions). The Northern Guinea Savanna accessions had higher values for nut weight, nut length kernel weight and fruit weight. The Southern Guinea Savanna fruits were, however, superior in percent pulp weight. Nuts sourced from Akwanga were comparatively heavier and longer, had wider diameters, heavier kernels and higher percent testa weights which did not differ from those of Minna. Also fruits from Akwanga had significantly (P < 0.05) higher values for fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight and pulp weight. The Lokoja accession was superior to the rest in percent pulp weight, but it recorded least nut weight and nut length values. Nut shape index varied from 2.3 (Makurdi) to 1.5 (Jalingo). Nuts from Akwanga, Jalingo and Kachia had wide variation in nut weight in contrast to those from Lokoja, Makurdi and Yola (that were relatively similar). Fruit length had significantly (P < 0.05) positive relationship with pulp weight, fruit weight and fruit diameter. Nut diameter, however, had a negative relationship with percent pulp weight. A strong influence of some environmental variables on certain phenotypic traits was detected. Principal components analysis indicated nut weight, nut shape index, percent pulp weight and fruit shape index as the key discriminant variables for grouping shea butter fruit and nut in Nigeria. Results of this study indicated considerable diversity in fruit and nut traits of the shea butter tree in Nigeria, suggesting the possibility of selection for desirable traits.  相似文献   

The litchi stink bug (Tessaratoma papillosa Drury) is one of the major pests of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) in tropical Asia. Systemic effects of azadirachtin (at a concentration of 0.17 g active ingredient per centimeter trunk diameter) on T. papillosa were examined by injecting the dissolved product (NeemAzal U) into the trunks of four caged litchi trees in an orchard in northern Thailand. Four untreated caged trees served as control. Mean weekly mortality rates of individuals released on the treatment date (initially 55 nymphs per cage) were significantly higher in the treatment cages (55%) than in the control cages (10%) between the second and the fourth week of the experiment. Mortality in the treatment cages was probably due to both toxic effects (ecdysis inhibition) and antifeedant effects (starvation). Weekly mortality rates of individuals released 2 weeks after tree injection (initially 20 nymphs per cage) were not significantly different between treatment and control cages, indicating a weakening effect of azadirachtin, 2–3 weeks after tree injection. Azadirachtin concentration in ripe fruits was less than 5 mg/kg fruit pulp 18 days after tree injection. Although the results of this study are not yet sufficient for practical recommendations, they provide indications of alternative options for integrated pest management approaches. The azadirachtin tree injection method should also be tested against other pests of litchi, and of fruit trees in general.  相似文献   

Concerns about sustainable management and conservation of multipurpose trees in their habitat have led to increased number of studies on the ecological characterization of their population. Such knowledge on Faidherbia albida, the most used tree in agroforestry parklands in Ethiopia, is limited. F. albida population was characterized in and compared between two agroforests having different conservation status in Northern Ethiopia. Population structural parameters along with environmental factors and human activities were assessed in 42 randomly installed plots using a transect method. Size class distribution was used to describe and analyze the species long-term population dynamics. Adult density was almost three times higher in Zongi agroforest (19.9 ± 2.9 trees ha?1) where the species has been conserved and managed for longer time compared to Abraha-atsbeha agroforest (7.9 ± 2.5 trees ha?1). The same trend was observed for tree morphological parameters which were significantly higher at Zongi than Abraha-atsbeha. However, size class distributions coefficient of skewness and the median diameter indicated a declining and vulnerable population at Zongi and an increasing population at Abraha-atsbeha. Species population characteristics were influenced by environmental factors such as altitude, stone cover, erosion severity, slope, and human-related disturbances including land use, fodder harvesting, distance away from the center of the village and proximity of household to the plots. The study confirms the impact of conservation, environmental factors and human disturbances on shaping F. albida population and recommends the consideration of the trade-offs between them to design effective conservation and management strategies to sustain F. albida agroforests.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted in which label rate (0.3 g per kg of wheat) with diatomaceous earth (DE) formulation Protect-It. Exposure studies were carried out at two levels of relative humiditiy (40% and 55%), two levels of insect density (10 or 20 adults per vial), and three levels of exposure periods. Test insects were placed in vials containing 40 g of soft white winter wheat mixed with either 0 or 0.3 g Protect-It per kg of wheat. After relating exposure periods for both insect density and relative humidity levels, highest mortality was only 16%. Mortality, regardless of the dose rate applied (0 and 0.3 g) were not significantly increased as the exposure period increased. Regardless of relative humidity (r.h.) (40% and 55%r.h.), mortality in control were not significantly increased as the exposure period increased for the same insect density. However, significant differences among the three exposure periods in 10 adults’ density in 0.3 g DE application. Mortality was significantly increased in 10 adults’ density. In this case mortality of R. dominica adults increased with the increasing of the exposure intervals. As for 20 adults’ density, mortality in 0.3 g DE application was not significantly changed along with the exposure intervals. After insects were exposed for 1, 2, or 3 week, dead and live insects were removed, and the wheat in the vial were returned to relating humidity box and kept for 8 week until F1 adults emerged. Then, the number of F1 adult was counted. The mean numbers of F1 adults on untreated wheat at all density and r.h. combinations, regardless of exposure periods were significantly higher than that of 0.3 g DE- treated wheat (Fig. 3). At each density and treatment, the mean number of F1 adults at 55% r.h. were higher that that of 40%r.h. The comparison between adult densities at each r.h. and treatment showed that adult densities influenced the F1 production of R. dominica and F1 adults were always higher at 20 adults’ density. The mean number of F1 adults at each density, regardless of treatment progressively increased as the exposure period increased. Fewer progeny were produced at 10 adults’ density compared to 20 adults’ density for same exposure periods. The highest reproduction occurred in 3 week of exposure period for both insect densities. Regardless of adult densities, the mean number of F1 adults was significantly increased as the exposure period increased (Fig. 5) for both control and 0.3 g DE treatment. Reduction of F1 adults at 0.3 g DE application compared to control were found to be 76.88, 74.78 and 67.63% for 1, 2 and 3 week of exposure period, respectively.  相似文献   

Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) strongly contribute to livelihood security in the semi-arid tropics. There is increasing concern about the population status of NTFP-providing trees and therefore a need for their sustainable use. Thus, this study examines the impact of land-use type on the multipurpose baobab tree (Adansonia digitata L.) in Burkina Faso, combined with rates and patterns of bark- and leaf-harvesting, and their impact on fruit production. We compared stands in a protected area (W National Park of Burkina Faso) with those of surrounding communal area (fallows, croplands and villages) to obtain an indication on the status of the baobab population, to assess its harvesting tolerance and to estimate to what extent their actual use is sustainable. Our results reveal that land-use type has an impact on the population structure of the baobab. The size class distribution curve of park stands was inverse J-shape which indicates good rejuvenation, while the curve of fallows, croplands and villages stands was bell-shaped, indicating a lack of recruitment. However, a high number of seedlings were recorded in villages. Nearly all baobabs were pruned and debarked in villages, croplands and fallows while half of the individuals were harvested in the park. Most of the trees were pruned and debarked moderately. Debarking and pruning were slightly size specific. Pruning in interaction with tree-size had a significant impact on fruit production. In contrast, debarking had no effect on fruit production. We conclude that despite the land-use impact and the intense harvesting, baobabs are still well preserved in the communal area due to their longevity, extremely low adult mortality rates and traditional management practices. However, land-use intensifications may lead to increasing pressure on baobab populations in the future. Therefore, adapted management strategies are needed to guarantee the persistence of this important species and to avoid a shortage of baobab products.  相似文献   

American ash and green ash were used about 100 years ago in the lowland regions of Croatia to afforest and fill the depressions where narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) could not survive. The growth of mean stand trees of green ash and narrow-leaved ash were studied in 14 sites (a systematic sample of 0.03 ha circular plots). A total of 212 trees were cored and 11 cross-section samples were taken for stem analysis. The Mann-Whitney U-test showed statistically significant differences in radial growth between narrow-leaved and green ash at all sites. In green ash, the test revealed a statistically significant difference in the radial growth between the last 20-year-period and the preceding 20-year-period. Green ash are characterised by the fact that annual radial growth in the first 20–30 years is very high (above average), while after that it is consistently suppressed below average growth and amounts to only about 1.5 mm. The obtained results of faster growth and a low final growth value suggest that green ash should be managed with short rotations, since this important pioneer species is intended to improve the conditions in those sites where forest vegetation has regressed.  相似文献   

Little is known about the influence of former agricultural use of soils on the forest recovery process in post-agricultural black alder (Alnus glutinosa) woods – the most fertile and the wettest forest habitats among the European temperate forest types. Thus, studies focusing on edaphic, hydrological and light conditions responsible for colonization mechanisms present in such woodlands adjoining ancient ones were undertaken in south-western Poland. In the 16 m2 quadrats of the 33 transects laid out perpendicularly across the ancient-recent forest boundary, data were collected on herb layer composition, chemical soil properties, as well as illumination level. Additionally, groundwater level in the spring months was recorded in piezometers. The number and cover of true woodland herbs were higher in ancient woods, regardless of forest type. Soils in ancient woodlands reached higher levels of Al3+, K+, cation exchange capacity (CEC), available K, P, and organic C, whereas their pH was lower. The illumination level of the forest floor was greater in recent woods. Linear regression showed that recent wood age had a negative effect on pH and base cations, but positive on Fe2+, Ca2+, available P and Mg, CEC, and on C and N contents. CCA results showed that woodland age, pH, humus type, groundwater level, available Mg and K were always among those variables having the highest contribution in explaining the distribution pattern of woodland species in recent woods. Total N and available P contents were always higher in ancient woodland soils than in recent, and their content grew with time. Thus, they cannot be treated as indicators of former agricultural use of recent alder wood soils. Urtica dioica, Poa trivialis and Galium aparine, the three competitive herbs, avoided sites with a high level of groundwater, combined with poor illumination level. In order to create the best possible conditions allowing for effective forest recovery in habitats of such high fertility, it is essential to maintain a good water regime and shade in the forest floor. This in turn reduces the competitive exclusion of woodland flora by the aggressive herbs and facilitates the immigration of typical woodland herbs.  相似文献   

We compared morphological and genetic attributes of prog-eny obtained from three seed production areas (SPAs) and three corre-sponding unimproved stands (UIS) of teak (Tectona grandis L.f) at three bro...  相似文献   

The likely environmental changes throughout the next century have the potential to strongly alter forest disturbance regimes which may heavily affect forest functions as well as forest management. Forest stands already poorly adapted to current environmental conditions, such as secondary Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests outside their natural range, are expected to be particularly prone to such risks. By means of a simulation study, a secondary Norway spruce forest management unit in Austria was studied under conditions of climatic change with regard to effects of bark beetle disturbance on timber production and carbon sequestration over a time period of 100 years. The modified patch model PICUS v1.41, including a submodule of bark beetle-induced tree mortality, was employed to assess four alternative management strategies: (a) Norway spruce age-class forestry, (b) Norway spruce continuous cover forestry, (c) conversion to mixed species stands, and (d) no management. Two sets of simulations were investigated, one without the consideration of biotic disturbances, the other including possible bark beetle damages. Simulations were conducted for a de-trended baseline climate (1961–1990) as well as for two transient climate change scenarios featuring a distinct increase in temperature. The main objectives were to: (i) estimate the effects of bark beetle damage on timber production and carbon (C) sequestration under climate change; (ii) assess the effects of disregarding bark beetle disturbance in the analysis.Results indicated a strong increase in bark beetle damage under climate change scenarios (up to +219% in terms of timber volume losses) compared to the baseline climate scenario. Furthermore, distinct differences were revealed between the studied management strategies, pointing at considerably lower amounts of salvage in the conversion strategy. In terms of C storage, increased biotic disturbances under climate change reduced C storage in the actively managed strategies (up to −41.0 tC ha−1) over the 100-year simulation period, whereas in the unmanaged control variant some scenarios even resulted in increased C sequestration due to a stand density effect.Comparing the simulation series with and without bark beetle disturbances the main findings were: (i) forest C storage was higher in all actively managed strategies under climate change, when biotic disturbances were disregarded (up to +31.6 tC ha−1 over 100 years); and (ii) in the undisturbed, unmanaged variant C sequestration was lower compared to the simulations with bark beetle disturbance (up to −69.9 tC ha−1 over 100 years). The study highlights the importance of including the full range of ecosystem-specific disturbances by isolating the effect of one important agent on timber production and C sequestration.  相似文献   

Fragmentation is a critical issue for tree populations because the creation of small patches can reduce local population size and increase isolation, both of which can promote inbreeding and its negative consequences, as well as loss of genetic diversity. To test the hypothesis that patch size and isolation influence mating patterns or seed production in forest trees, we utilize the spatial array of trees of an urban population of Chinese Pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) planted in patches around Beijing. Our design includes 28 urban patches, with patch size ranging from 1 to 2000 adult trees and isolation (edge distance index) ranging from 37.5 m to 245.8 m. We examined the average number of seeds per cone and percentage of viable seed per cone for each patch as measures of seed production. By utilizing seven paternally inherited chloroplast microsatellite loci, we estimated the mating pattern parameters for each patch, including the level of selfing, the amount of immigrant pollen and the effective number of pollen sources (Nep). Using a general linear model selection procedure based on AIC value, we found patch size was the best predictor of the selfing and immigration rate; smaller patches had a higher selfing and immigration rate. Small patches with one adult had relatively high Nep which indicates connectivity among urban patches. However, due to the reduced amount of immigrant pollen and limited diversity of local pollen, intermediate sized patches (with 5–10 adults) had the lowest Nep among the study patches. For patches with more than 10 adults, Nep was increased with patch size. The percentage of viable seeds per cone significantly decreased with patch size, indicating a possible negative consequence of inbreeding. The effect of patch size on mating patterns and seed production suggests that the patches of trees experience less connectivity than trees within continuous forest. These findings indicate that forest management practices should emphasize the maintenance of an optimal patch size because, despite the fact that tree species show the potential for long distance pollen movement, the number of local trees strongly influences the mating patterns.  相似文献   

黄金梨在岗丘瘠薄地优质高效生产综合因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南阳市东大岗是典型的岗丘瘠薄地,通过为期5a的无公害黄金梨优质生产技术试验,研究证明:株行距2m×3m的栽植密度在岗丘瘠薄地最为合适;研究选出了黄金梨低干矮冠疏层分散形丰产树形。  相似文献   

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