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Conjunctival swabs collected in 1991-92 from 333 pedigree and non-pedigree cats were tested for the presence of Chlamydia spp. antigen using an ELISA antigen kit. Forty (18.4%) of the 217 samples from cats with conjunctivitis were positive. Seven (6%) of 116 samples from cats which were in contact with cats with conjunctivitis but which showed no clinical signs at the time of sample collection were positive. Positive-testing cats were frequently from multi-cat households. Chlamydia spp. is present and associated with conjunctivitis in cats in New Zealand. Infection may occur concurrently with viral diseases. Feline calicivirus was recovered from 27 (21 with conjunctivitis) of 37 cats tested in five catteries. Four cats (with conjunctivitis) were FIV-positive.  相似文献   

Conjunctival swabs collected in 1991-92 from 333 pedigree and non-pedigree cats were tested for the presence of Chlamydia spp. antigen using an ELISA antigen kit. Forty (18.4%) of the 217 samples from cats with conjunctivitis were positive. Seven (6%) of 116 samples from cats which were in contact with cats with conjunctivitis but which showed no clinical signs at the time of sample collection were positive. Positive-testing cats were frequently from multi-cat households. Chlamydia spp. is present and associated with conjunctivitis in cats in New Zealand. Infection may occur concurrently with viral diseases. Feline calicivirus was recovered from 27 (21 with conjunctivitis) of 37 cats tested in five catteries. Four cats (with conjunctivitis) were FIV-positive.  相似文献   

Giardia intestinalis is a pathogenic protozoan which infects humans and a wide range of animal hosts, including cats and dogs(1). However, the status of animals in New Zealand with respect to Giardia infection has not received much attention, so we undertook a preliminary study of cats and dogs in Palmerston North and Hamilton to determine the prevalence of infection, as indicated by the presence of cysts in faeces.  相似文献   

In a field study, rabies virus neutralizing antibody titres were determined by the microtest modification of the rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test before and after primary vaccination in 30 puppies, and before and after booster vaccination in 59 previously vaccinated dogs. A commercial modified live virus vaccine was used. Three weeks after primary vaccination the mean antibody titre was 102 ± 90, but only 24 dogs presented for booster vaccination had detectable antibody levels (mean titre 12 ± 16). The antibody responses three weeks after booster vaccination (mean 380 ± 216) were significantly greater than the responses to primary vaccination. It was concluded that previously vaccinated dogs could have an anamnestic response to booster vaccination, even when antibodies were not detected in their sera before revaccination.  相似文献   

Rhinitis and virus antibody titres in chelonians   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of rhinitis in the two Mediterranean chelonians, Testudo graeca and T. hermanni was investigated. The results of the bacteriological examination of nasal swabs from cases of rhinitis were inconclusive. Serological tests were carried out using Sendai virus and pneumonia virus of mice (PVM) antigen on serum from 34 chelonians, seven of which were showing signs of rhinitis. The incidence of significantly high titres against Sendai virus indicated that an infection with a Sendai-like virus occurs in chelonians.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the use and utility of collars for companion cats in New Zealand, and to explore public perception of collar use.

METHODS: An online questionnaire was distributed using emails and social media to members of the general public in New Zealand. The questionnaire collected details of respondents, cat ownership status, and responses to a number of questions regarding collar use in cats.

RESULTS: A total of 511 responses were collected. Of these, 393/511 (76.9%) reported owning ≥1 cat at the time of the survey, and 141/393 (35.9%) stated that ≥1 of their cats wore collars and 211/393 (53.7%) had ≥1 of their cats micro-chipped. Of the respondents with a pet cat, 351/393 (89.3%) allowed their cats some outdoor access. Respondents mainly used collars for identification and to reduce predation. Reasons for not using collars included cat intolerance of collars, repeated collar loss and concern over collar safety. Differences were found between cat owners and non-owners regarding whether they agreed that cats were important for pest control (43 vs. 25%, p<0.001); that not all cats will tolerate collars (81 vs. 64%, p<0.001); that cats should be kept indoors at night (37 vs. 58%, p<0.001); or disagreed that well fed cats will not catch birds (60 vs. 70%, p=0.04); and disagreed that a cat without a collar was likely to be a stray (85 vs. 76%, p<0.001). Respondents most trusted veterinarians and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals as sources of pet care information.

CONCLUSIONS: Collar use within this sample of cat owners in New Zealand appeared to be low, with more using microchips for identification. The majority of cat owners in this study indicated their cats had some outdoor access, with collars being used for cat identification and to reduce hunting behaviour. Significant differences existed in opinions on cat management between cat owners and non-owners in this study. It should be noted that this preliminary exploration was based on a self-selected group of respondents and so results and conclusions cannot be extrapolated to the wider population.

RELEVANCE: As the most trusted source of information about pet care, an enhanced understanding of cat ownership and management may be of use to veterinarians to promote responsible pet ownership and to develop national policies and practices to improve cat welfare.  相似文献   

A total of 2238 feline serum samples submitted to the New York State Diagnostic Laboratory over a 1-year period were tested for the presence of coronavirus antibodies, using the computer-assisted, kinetics-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (KELA). Cats from which sera were obtained were categorized by sex, age, breed, and disease status, and variations in mean antibody titers for different sub-classifications within each category were analyzed by computerized statistical analysis. As expected, higher mean antibody titers were recorded for cats with feline infectious peritonitis, and for cats with a recent history of possible coronavirus exposure. However, an unexpected inverse relationship between coronavirus antibody titer and age was also found. Certain cattery-oriented pure breeds appeared to have higher mean antibody titers, because their sample populations contained a higher percentage of younger cats and cats of unknown age-groups which, over-all, had higher mean titers. Taken together, the data substantiated the efficacy of the computer-assisted KELA for routine detection of serum coronavirus antibodies in cats.  相似文献   

Faecal samples from 51 cats were examined by negative stain electron microscopy to investigate a possible association between the syndrome of bilateral protrusion of the nictitating membranes and torovirus infection. Although toroviruses were not observed in any sample, other viruses or virus-like particles were observed in faeces from one of 15 cats with the syndrome, six of 21 cats which had experienced prior episodes of the syndrome and four of 15 healthy control cats. The findings of this study do not support the hypothesis that the syndrome is associated with torovirus infection.  相似文献   


AIMS: To ascertain the levels of awareness of legislation governing the welfare of cats, and provision of basic care, including vaccination, by cat-owners within two locations in New Zealand. To assess the ability of respondents to differentiate between the terms ‘stray’ and ‘feral’.

METHODS: A face-to-face questionnaire, consisting of 12 questions in three sections, was distributed by volunteers within Auckland (n=255) and Kaitaia (n=99) to gather information pertinent to the study's aims. Section 1 covered respondents’ personal details; Section 2, ownership and care of cats, including whether or not the cats were vaccinated against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukaemia virus (FeLV); and Section 3, awareness of legislation and differences between the terms ‘stray’ and ‘feral’.

RESULTS: Overall, fewer than half of respondents were aware of the animal welfare legislation within New Zealand or the semantic differences between the terms ‘stray’ and ‘feral’ as they appear in the dictionary. Respondents ≥41 years old, and individuals employed in the animal-related sector, were significantly more likely to be aware of the legislation and make the correct distinction between the terms compared with those aged ≤40, and those working in a non-animal-related profession.

A significantly greater percentage of cat-owners (42%) provided care for cats they did not own compared with non-owners (26%). Results also indicated a large majority of cat-owners may consider standard annual vaccinations to include vaccination against FIV and FeLV.

CONCLUSION: Dissemination of information about animal welfare legislation is important for the care of cats within New Zealand, and the definitions of the terms ‘stray’ and ‘feral’ need to be more clearly stated in order to prevent confusion. This is especially important when cats may be controlled using lethal measures under different legislative precedents that are not necessarily consistent with one another.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Veterinary clinics may act as a primary source for the dissemination of information about relevant welfare acts as well as preventative health care, thus improving the welfare of cats. Cat-owners need to be better educated about the diseases covered by annual vaccination.  相似文献   

This study was done to identify risk factors for obesity in an urban cat population in New Zealand. A door-to-door survey (conducted within the city limits of Palmerston North) obtained information on the diet, health and behaviour of 202 cats. One hundred and eighty-two of these cats were weighed and their back and leg lengths were measured. The interviewer's assessment of the body condition of each cat was the dependent variable used in this study. Variables that were identified as significant (p< or =0.1) following univariable analysis were grouped into one of the three models for stepwise logistic multiple regression (one each for cat characteristics, environmental and management variables and feeding variables). A combined logistic-regression analysis was performed on the significant variables identified from the three component models. In the combined model, only three variables were significant: the presence of dogs in a household (decreased odds of obesity), longer leg length and owners underestimating cats' body condition (both increased odds).  相似文献   


In October, 1964, a case of human trichinosis was diagnosed in Auckland and it seemed likely that the disease had been contracted by eating locally raised pigmeat which was infected with Trichinella spiralis. Subsequently, the Parasitology Department of this Centre, in association with the Meat Inspection Division of the Department of Agriculture, conducted a survey on adult pigs killed in the Auckland Province to determine whether infection of pigs occurred in the area and to try to obtain an indication of its prevalence.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the distribution of feline blood types in a sample of non-pedigree, domestic cats in New Zealand, whether a difference exists in this distribution between domestic short haired and domestic long haired cats, and between the North and South Islands of New Zealand; and to calculate the risk of a random blood transfusion causing a severe transfusion reaction, and the risk of a random mating producing kittens susceptible to neonatal isoerythrolysis.

METHODS: The results of 245 blood typing tests in non-pedigree cats performed at the New Zealand Veterinary Pathology (NZVP) and Gribbles Veterinary Pathology laboratories between the beginning of 2009 and the end of 2014 were retrospectively collated and analysed. Cats that were identified as domestic short or long haired were included. For the cats tested at Gribbles Veterinary Pathology 62 were from the North Island, and 27 from the South Island.

RESULTS: The blood type distribution differed between samples from the two laboratories (p=0.029), but not between domestic short and long haired cats (p=0.50), or between the North and South Islands (p=0.76). Of the 89 cats tested at Gribbles Veterinary Pathology, 70 (79%) were type A, 18 (20%) type B, and 1 (1%) type AB; for NZVP 139/156 (89.1%) cats were type A, 16 (10.3%) type B, and 1 (0.6%) type AB. It was estimated that 18.3–31.9% of random blood transfusions would be at risk of a transfusion reaction, and neonatal isoerythrolysis would be a risk in 9.2–16.1% of random matings between non-pedigree cats.

CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study suggest that there is a high risk of complications for a random blood transfusion between non-purebred cats in New Zealand. Neonatal isoerythrolysis should be considered an important differential diagnosis in illness or mortality in kittens during the first days of life.  相似文献   

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