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介绍了薄壳山核桃果实采收加工方法,通过该方法可统一果实成熟度,提早采收时间,减少产量损失,提高果实品质卖相,并有效提高薄壳山核桃售价。  相似文献   

‘绿宙1号’是从薄壳山核桃实生群体中选出的优良新品种。中大果,雌先型,雌雄花不相遇,自花不实。平均单果质量7.83 g,果壳厚0.80 mm,出仁率47.78%,出油率78.04%,果形指数为2.10。果仁中亚油酸含量266.70 g ? kg-1,亚麻酸含量13.21 g ? kg-1,总氨基酸含量92.25 g ? kg-1,7种人体必需氨基酸含量36.60 g ? kg-1。抗病性强,早实,丰产稳产(大小年不明显),综合性状优良。  相似文献   

(1Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry;Key Laboratory of Tree Breeding of Zhejiang Province,Fuyang,Zhejiang 311400,China;2Jiande Forestry Bureau of Jiande,Jiande,Zhejiang 311600,China;3Dongfanghong Forest Farm of Zhejiang Province,Jinhua,Zhejiang 321025,China)  相似文献   

薄壳山核桃品种‘贝克’的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
‘贝克’为引种驯化薄壳山核桃品种,坚果椭圆形,平均粒重4.8 g,纵径3.52 cm,横径1.94 cm;壳薄,壳面灰白色;果顶钝尖、稍歪、凹陷,底钝圆;仁内脊沟窄,取仁易,仁黄白色,出仁率56%,仁含油率76.45%。雌雄花期不相遇,属雌先型品种。2013年通过云南省林木良种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

2013年引进薄壳山核桃品种波尼在山东省济宁市汶上试栽,经多年观察表明,该品种为早熟品种,平均单果重10. 25g;早实丰产,抗旱耐涝,适应性强,果实生长期145~165天,成熟期9月底~10月初。栽培时用科尔比、威奇塔、金华等做授粉树。  相似文献   

以南京地区7株薄壳山核桃单株果实为研究对象,通过测定果实大小、出仁率、粗蛋白质、可溶性糖、水分、灰分、粗脂肪和淀粉含量等指标,研究其果实品质并进行发芽试验比较发芽特性,以期为薄壳山核桃的良种选育、品种改良及良种推广提供基础参考依据。结果表明:不同单株的果实品质存在显著差异;果实出仁率是影响种子发芽率的重要指标;淀粉与幼苗长势呈显著正相关;分析选育出5号单株为培育砧木苗的最优单株,适宜作为南京地区优良单株进行培育和推广。  相似文献   

薄壳山核桃品种‘卡多’的引种与选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
‘卡多’(‘Caddo’)是从美国引入的薄壳山核桃品种。坚果平均重5.4 g,纺锤形,平均横径1.79 cm,平均纵径3.45 cm,果顶、果底锐尖,表皮有紫红色花纹,平均壳厚0.69 mm,取仁易,出仁率57%。种仁黄白色,外脊沟窄,无次脊沟,风味香甜;粗脂肪含量75.13%,其中油酸含量70.38%,亚油酸含量19.96%,棕榈酸含量5.78%,α-亚麻酸含量1.10%。在云南省大理地区,坚果10月上中旬成熟。  相似文献   

薄壳山核桃优良品种‘马罕’果个大,果形指数好,深受种植者和消费者的亲睐。该研究阐述了该品种在产业化发展过程中存在的主要问题,究其原因进行分析,并提出了相应的关键栽培技术要点,以期为薄壳山核桃‘马罕’种植者提供参考依据。  相似文献   

薄壳山核桃育苗技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薄壳山核桃是一种优良的城乡绿化树种和果材兼用树种,它的树干笔直,根系发达,具有较强的耐水湿和可孤植的优势。我国的科学院植物研究所从20世纪50年代起就展开了对它进行研究。笔者结合相关研究成果就薄壳山核桃的育苗技术进行了简要阐述,希望能对该育苗技术起到推广作用。  相似文献   

针对美国薄壳山核桃人工林发展的需求,在不断总结完善的过程中对其苗木培育、建园、抚育管理、病虫防治等方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

简要介绍了薄壳山核桃生物学与地理生态学特性特性,阐述了薄壳山核桃引种驯化、种苗繁育、栽培技术等方面当前研究进展概况,指出薄壳山核桃研究的发展趋势,以期为六安市的林农经济结构调整和农民致富做出贡献。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,89(2):155-169
Susceptibility of kernels of 11 pecan [Carya illinoensis (Wangenh) K. Koch] genotypes to infection by Aspergillus flavus Link (strain 7757-3) and A. parasiticus Speare (strain CI 13-3) at 0.86, 0.90 and 0.97 water activity (Aw) was evaluated. For each genotype, Aw, and fungal species, five pecan kernels were inoculated with a spore suspension and incubated at 22–24°C; the test was performed three times at different times. Fungal development was evaluated for time of infection to symptom development (t’SD), time of complete colonization (t’CC), and rate of infection (RI). A. flavus and A. parasiticus showed lower t’SD values at higher Aw, but there was a difference between the two fungal species in levels of t’SD values. At 0.97, 0.90 and 0.86 Aw levels, means of t’SD were 6.4, 14.4 and 39.9 days, respectively, for A. flavus. The corresponding values for A. parasiticus were 5.2, 10.2 and 22.9 days, respectively. Complete colonization was not reached when kernels were kept at 0.86 Aw. Means of RI for 0.90 and 0.97 Aw were 0.20 and 0.73 for A. parasiticus and 0.13 and 0.53 for A. flavus, respectively. Although susceptibility of genotype rankings was not always kept, “Wichita” showed superior t’SD as compared to other genotypes at all Aw levels for A. flavus. Greater relative resistance to mycelium development in Wichita was also at 0.90 and 0.97 Aw for A. parasiticus. RI also differed significantly between tested genotypes at all water activities tested for both of the Aspergillus species. A negative correlation was observed between tannin content and RI by A. parasiticus when kernels were incubated at 0.97 Aw. We conclude that A. parasiticus develops faster than A. flavus at all Aw levels and for every pecan kernel genotype. Susceptibility to infection by A. flavus and A. parasiticus varied significantly among pecan genotypes studied. Wichita almost always showed more resistance to infection than other genotypes. These results suggest that it is possible to select pecan cultivars for kernel resistance to Aspergillus infection.  相似文献   

以薄壳山核桃1年生盆栽实生苗为试材,研究了不同磷素水平条件下薄壳山核桃光合生理指标的变化,为薄壳山核桃肥料施用提供相应的参考依据。结果表明:磷素有利于提高薄壳山核桃叶片的叶绿素含量,磷缺乏和磷过量对叶绿素含量有抑制作用。磷缺乏和磷过量叶片气孔导度降低,胞间CO_2浓度和蒸腾速率均增加,而净光合速率下降。综合不同磷素水平研究结果,在磷水平(P2O5)0.5mmol·L~(-1)条件下可以保障薄壳山核桃幼苗的正常生长,促进光合作用和生理代谢。  相似文献   

在室内外对美国山核桃荔枝拟木蠹蛾形态特征及生活习性进行初步观察和研究。结果表明:在云南漾濞该虫1a发生1代,以老熟幼虫在树干坑道内越冬。4月上旬至5月上旬化蛹,蛹期10~15d。4月中旬至5月下旬成虫羽化,卵多产在枝干树皮裂缝、伤口等处,孵化率高达80%以上,卵期16d;4月下旬幼虫开始孵化,一直取食到11月中旬才逐渐减少活动,进入越冬。  相似文献   

以赣西地区6个不同品种(“马罕”“波尼”“肖尼”“金华”“卡多”“威奇塔”)的薄壳山核桃为试材,采用野外观测的方法,研究了不同品种的花期特性,得出适宜的品种配置组合,以期为江西发展薄壳山核桃产业提供参考依据。结果表明:1)6个品种雄花期12~30 d,盛花期4~7 d;雌花花期8~17 d,盛花期3~7 d;雄花散粉期4~6 d,雌花最佳可授期2~7 d; 2)6个品种雄花期最长的“金华”花期19~30 d;最短的“肖尼”花期15~16 d;盛花期较长的为“金华”“马罕”“卡多”,花期6~7 d;而盛花期较短的为“肖尼”与“波尼”,花期4~5 d;“马罕”与“波尼”的雌花期最长,其花期14~17 d;最短的为“肖尼”,花期8~9 d;“波尼”“金华”“马罕”盛花期较长,花期5~7 d;“肖尼”与“卡多”较短,花期仅2~3 d; 3)不同品种的雌雄花比差异显著,“威奇塔”“波尼”的雌雄比最大,约为1∶5.81与1∶6.46;4)观测5个品种的雄花散粉期和雌花可授期的相遇情况,得出适宜的授粉组合,分别为“波尼”ד马罕”、“波尼”ד肖尼”、“波尼”ד威奇塔”、“马罕”ד卡多”、“马罕...  相似文献   

不同嫁接方法对美国山核桃成活率及苗木生长比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以美国核桃1、2a生苗为试材,研究比较了劈切和腹接2种嫁接方法对美国山核桃苗嫁接成活率及其生长状况的影响。结果表明:不同年龄的苗木应采用不同的嫁接方法,1a生美国山核桃砧木苗直径较小,采用腹接法比劈接法成活率高,2a生砧木苗则应采用劈接法成活率高,达到89.3%。2种嫁接方法苗木高生长差异达到了极显著水平,但直径生长差异不显著。砧木直径和接穗生长高有极强的线性回归关系(P0.01)。  相似文献   

薄壳山核桃引种云南弥渡的表现及栽培技术要点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004—2008年对引种到云南省大理州弥渡县的云光、云星、抛尼(Pawnee)、卡多(Caddo)、肖尼(Shawnee)等5个薄壳山核桃优良品种的生长情况、丰产性、物候期、抗性、坚果质量、种仁营养品质等进行系统观测和分析。结果表明,这5个良种在弥渡县表现良好,开花结果正常,丰产性、生态适应性和抗病虫为害性较强,坚果质量优良,种仁营养成分丰富,可以推广种植。  相似文献   

[目的]赤霉素3-氧化酶(gibberellin 3-oxidases,GA3ox)是赤霉素(GAs)生物合成途径中关键酶之一,对山核桃(Carya cathayensis)中CcGA3ox基因进行克隆,并进行序列分析和功能验证.[方法]以山核桃体细胞胚为材料,提取RNA,采用PCR扩增技术,克隆山核桃CcGA3ox基...  相似文献   


Pink mould is a disease caused by the common saprophytic fungus Trichothecium roseum (Pers.:Fr.). Pink mould rarely infects kernels of pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangeh.) C. Koch] in the southeastern USA, but the disease was a major problem in 2002. T. roseum enters the pecan fruit via scab lesions on the shuck caused by the fungus Fusicladoporium effusum, (G. Winters) Partridge & Morgan-Jones. This study examined the association between pink mould and weather during nut maturation. Average daily temperatures and two or more consecutive days of rainfall were identified as critical factors in 2002, and were compared with weather data between 1963 – 2001 when there was no recorded evidence of pink mould. Both the average daily temperatures and the number of consecutive rainy days during nut maturation were above the 40-year average in 2002. Consecutive rainy days during the nut drying period in 2002 were more than double the 40-year mean, implicating humidity as a critical factor in mould development at this time. Normal variations in temperature were minor factors in disease development following the initial infection. Thus, the onset of mould was associated with the development of scab lesions in late July, a combination of warm temperatures in September and October, and above-average humidity in September and during nut drying from mid-October until mid-November. This combination of factors occurred in only one year out of the past 41 years, explaining the rarity of the disease. The incidence of mould was sigmoidal, with the log-phase overlapping the period of rapid sugar accumulation in the kernel, and potential substrates for the mould to grow.  相似文献   

In this study, strength and frictional properties of pecan was determined as a functional of moisture content. A pecan was loaded between two parallel plates to determine the rupture force, deformation, power and firmness required to initiate pecan rupture and determined static and dynamic friction. The tests were carried out at five moisture contents of 5.23?%, 10.36?%, 15.78?%, 20.08?% and 25.42?% db and three axes (X, Y, Z). Physical characteristics of the pecan such as mass, dimensions (length, thickness and width), geometric mean diameter, sphericity, volume, and shell thickness were determined. The force required to initiate nut rupture decreased from 112.321 to 98.723 N, from 82.872 to 63,988 N and from 80.093 to 62.758 N for the length, suture and width orientations of loading with an increase in moisture content. The highest toughness (20.460 Jmm??3) was obtained at moisture content of 25.42?% db. The firmness decreased to a minimum value when moisture content was increased from 5.23 to 10.36?% db and later increased as moisture content was increased further from 10.36 to 25.42?% db. The static and dynamic coefficients of friction on various surfaces, namely, plywood, mild steel and galvanized metal also increased linearly with increase in moisture content. The plywood surface offered the maximum friction followed by mild metal and galvanized metal.  相似文献   

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