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野生动物行为与安全管理关系密切.研究动物行为可以提高动物园安全管理质量和水平.本文浅谈与安全相关动物行为. 众所周知,动物园的野生动物受笼舍或隔离网的保护,参观通道的游客可以非常安全观赏它们.而管理人员长期与野生动物直接或间接接触有可能受到伤害.动物园的管理人员除严格按照操作规程和安全守则执行外,有必要了解研究与安全相关的动物行为,有效地保护动物和自身的安全.  相似文献   

动物园动物的应激行为与动物福利管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物园动物是人工驯养的动物,动物的应激行为表现是动物与饲养管理人员、游人之间和与笼舍环境的应激,是人为造成的。分析广州动物园动物应激行为表现,与广州动物园动物的福利水平,提出动物园动物福利管理思路和方法。减少动物园动物的应激行为,在饲养管理中定人、定点、定时、定量。在动物繁殖期分笼,设立专门的产房和育幼室。应用动物行为丰容技术和动物园笼舍建设生态化。让动物康乐生活,防疫好,疾病少,寿命长,合理繁殖。  相似文献   

动物园是迁地保护的重要场所,研究动物行为与游客行为可以为动物和游客管理提供有价值的信息。本文分析了济南动物园孟加拉虎、非洲狮的日行为活动节律,以及其行为与游客行为之间的关系。结果显示:孟加拉虎的日行为中走动时间所占比例最大,占45. 47%;其次是睡眠,占43%,卧息占10. 88%,其他行为仅占0. 65%;非洲狮卧息时间所占比例最大,占62. 76%;其次是睡眠,占27. 82%,走动行为占7. 24%;其他行为仅占2. 18%。二者行为与游客召唤、拍照行为以及游客停留时间存在一定的相关关系。游客停留时间与孟加拉虎的活跃状态存在显著相关性;当其睡眠时,游客的召唤行为增加,游客的停留时间也随之增长。游客拍照行为与非洲狮卧息行为有一定相关性。因此动物园应增加环境丰富度,促进动物自然、多样的行为表达;加强游客教育,为游客创造更好的观赏体验,以提高动物园的综合效益。  相似文献   

动物丰容作为提高动物福利的重要方法越来越受到重视。本文从笼舍环境营造、喂食丰容、行为丰容道具的使用及动物行为训练等方面来阐述福州动物园对灵长类动物的丰容。  相似文献   

浅谈动物行为学理论与畜牧生产实际的结合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>动物行为是指动物的动作或动作的变化,是动物适应环境的表现。从生理学机制分析,动物行为是动物与环境相互作用、维持内环境稳态的复杂过程。动物行为的表现形式多种多样,具体包括摄食行为、排泄行为、性行为、母性行为、群体行为等。在畜牧生产实际中,适宜的行为对动物的生长发育及繁殖性能起着重要作用,但一些有害的行为则会产生不利影响,如动物的长途密集运输造成的运输应  相似文献   

动物行为学研究在动物福利养殖中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
动物行为学(Ethology)是专门研究动物行为的学科,最早是由于人们对动物行为的好奇心而开始关注和研究的。动物行为学以研究动物与环境和群体内个体之间的关系以及和其它生物的互动等为主要内容,并在研究动物行为本身、行为维系群体的作用、个体发育进化史、行为的控制及社会性组织等方面进行了扩展。  相似文献   

动物行为训练是动物园管理的主要组成部分,是动物福利的一种表现形式,并与动物丰容有着紧密的联系.对3只虎进行了串笼和称重训练,目的在于增加虎与人的信任感、减少转移虎过程的应激、准确称量虎不同季节的质量为兽医给药提供准确依据.经过行为训练,3只虎均能完成串笼和称重训练.并对相关训练要点进行了总结和探讨,以期为同行提供参考.  相似文献   

采用7种丰容物品对南京市红山森林动物园2只笼养黑色美洲虎进行环境丰容,研究其对动物行为的影响。结果表明,7种丰容物均使美洲虎在外笼的停留时间增加,影响最大的为长颈鹿粪便,在外笼停留的时间增加45.84%。7种丰容物品均对美洲虎积极行为有不同程度的影响,影响最大的为空纸盒,使动物积极行为增加23.34%。结果表明,环境丰富度的提高可以改变动物的行为,诱导动物表现出更多的积极行为。  相似文献   

南京红山森林动物园圈养的3只猩猩在接受了行为训练后,相继完成了串笼、称重、肌肉注射、前臂静脉穿刺,及眼、耳、口、鼻、腹部和四肢检查等训练项目。所有训练项目均使用食物、响片正强化,动物在完全放松的状态下主动完成,去除了化学保定或强制保定对动物造成的伤害。动物行为训练极大地方便了日常管理,丰富了动物行为,减少了刻板行为,提高了动物福利。训练发现,训练效果主要受不同的强化物、强化时间和训练环境的影响。刺激强烈或动作复杂的训练项目可以通过动作拆分来解决。  相似文献   

动物行为能为判断动物的心理和生理提供依据,当前的动物行为分析研究是基于人工观察的结果进行统计分析,主观性影响很大。文章介绍了借助机器视觉技术对动物行为进行自动识别,比较了各研究中的视频获取装置及反映动物行为的特征参数的不同,并阐述了利用机器学习技术构建能自动完成对动物行为分类的分类器,为后期的研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

于学伟 《野生动物》2012,33(2):97-99,107
从时代发展、保护教育与游客需要、动物的生理与心理需求和动物园自身发展的角度说明了动物园进行环境丰容的必要性。对野外生活环境下与圈养条件下动物生存条件的差异进行了比较,丰容工作应依据野生动物的自然史,充分利用动物学、动物生态学、动物地理学、保护生物学和动物行为学等相关学科的基础知识及其研究成果,根据动物的生物学特性,增加自然因素,提供更多的刺激,给动物更多的选择,增强动物的主体能动性,使动物展示出更多的自然行为,并结合动物园实际指出了进行丰容工作的注意事项。  相似文献   

本研究利用问卷调查收集了上海动物园游客类型与特征、游园目的、游客游览时获得野生动物科普知识的途径、游客对现有科普活动的评价、对科普教育的需求、游客满意度、意见与建议等,并进行了研究。结果表明,大部分(66.02%)游客为本市居民和暂居本市的中青年。近9成(89.51%)游客携带孩子游览动物园,其中超过半数(52.34%)为父母与孩子共同出行。游客游园目的主要为观看动物、游玩娱乐和让孩子学习动物知识。观察动物和阅读动物科普说明牌是游客学习动物科普知识的主要途径。互动类和深度游类项目,是游客最愿意参加的活动类型。游客更希望园方从动物科普设施、饲养员讲解、志愿者讲解这3方面提升其教育功能。总体而言,游客对上海动物园感到满意,超过半数(53.81%)表示很满意。具体而言,动物说明牌的满意度最高,其次是路面状况和路标指示牌。基于研究结果,提出以下建议:提升科普活动的内涵和互动性;提升游园体验,延长游览时间;寻找迎合和引导的平衡;完善基础设施。  相似文献   

These guidelines for veterinary medical care and veterinary hospitals are written to conform with the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act, which states that programs of disease prevention and parasite control, euthanasia, and adequate veterinary care shall be established and maintained under the supervision of a veterinarian. Ideally the zoo and aquarium should be providing the best possible veterinary medical care for the animals in their collections. Many of these animals are rare and endangered and the institutions should endeavor both to provide for the long term health and well being of these animals and to advance the field of non-domestic animal medicine. It is hoped that this publication will aid in this process.  相似文献   

本文以受众对科普解说需求度的调查结果为依据,针对性地设计了以动物知识、动物行为、动物故事趣谈和互动体验为素材的鸟类科普解说资源包,并对资源包使用效果进行了评估。结果显示,科普教育资源包使用后,受众对有资源包的科普解说兴趣度明显提高,有效延长了受众在展区的停留时间;在保护野生动物的认知和情感上也有了很大的提升,86%的受众表示会再次参观动物园,100%的受众会持续关注野生动物保护相关内容;受众满意度从68%提升到88%。结果表明,科普解说资源包的应用有效提升了科普解说效果,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

Since the establishment of the Exhibited Animals Protection Act, 1986 in New South Wales (NSW), a number of standards have been developed to help regulate the animal exhibition industry, to improve the industry's professionalism and to satisfy society's desire for exhibited animals to be cared for appropriately. The task of setting such standards is a difficult one. Due to the diversity of animals and the complexities of their needs, the process in NSW depends on regulators consulting with 2 major interest groups: the animal exhibition industry and the animal welfare lobby. Both groups claim to have animals' interests at heart but there are also differences of opinion between the groups and within each group. Science-based information that could assist in solving such disputes is often unavailable. This review of the standards creation process in NSW shows that something akin to the wisdom of Solomon is often required. The NSW regulators have addressed the deficiency of information about captive animal spatial requirements by considering the space required to carry out particular behaviors. A recent conflict over space requirements for zoo elephants is used to illustrate this approach. Other agencies involved in setting standards for exhibited animals can benefit from the NSW experience as they face similar difficulties. Interest groups, with a greater appreciation of the process, will hopefully support the acquisition of more science-based information.  相似文献   

This article discusses the history of the field of zoo and wildlife pathology, training opportunities for veterinary students and graduate veterinarians, and current and future job opportunities. The niches occupied by veterinarians in this field and their contributions to animal and human health are also highlighted. The field of zoo and wildlife, or "non-traditional" species, pathology has its roots in comparative anatomy, zoology, wildlife biology, and medical pathology in the mid- to late nineteenth century. The initial emphasis was on comparisons between animal and human diseases or on management of game animals. Veterinarians became increasingly involved during the twentieth century, gradually changing the emphasis to improvement of conservation strategies, captive care, and elucidation of diseases of concern for the animals themselves. Currently there are several zoos and wildlife agencies in the United States employing full-time veterinary pathologists. Private and government diagnostic laboratories, veterinary schools, and other academic institutions in the United States with pathology departments are other employers. The field requires post-DVM training by means of a residency program leading to board certification, graduate school (MS or PhD degrees), or both. Veterinary students can gain valuable experience in the field through externships and, at some schools, through elective courses in the curriculum. Current concerns about ecosystem health, bioterrorism, and the recognition that captive and free-ranging wildlife can serve as sentinel species will increase the demand for veterinary pathologists choosing this very rewarding career path specializing in non-traditional species.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E is a human disease mainly characterized by acute liver illness, which is caused by infection with the hepatitis E virus (HEV). Large hepatitis E outbreaks have been described in developing countries; however, the disease is also increasingly recognized in industrialized countries. Mortality rates up to 25% have been described for pregnant women during outbreaks in developing countries. In addition, chronic disease courses could be observed in immunocompromised transplant patients. Whereas the HEV genotypes 1 and 2 are mainly confined to humans, genotypes 3 and 4 are also found in animals and can be zoonotically transmitted to humans. Domestic pig and wild boar represent the most important reservoirs for these genotypes. A distinct subtype of genotype 3 has been repeatedly detected in rabbits and a few human patients. Recently, HEV genotype 7 has been identified in dromedary camels and in an immunocompromised transplant patient. The reservoir animals get infected with HEV without showing any clinical symptoms. Besides these well‐known animal reservoirs, HEV‐specific antibodies and/or the genome of HEV or HEV‐related viruses have also been detected in many other animal species, including primates, other mammals and birds. In particular, genotypes 3 and 4 infections are documented in many domestic, wildlife and zoo animal species. In most cases, the presence of HEV in these animals can be explained by spillover infections, but a risk of virus transmission through contact with humans cannot be excluded. This review gives a general overview on the transmission pathways of HEV to humans. It particularly focuses on reported serological and molecular evidence of infections in wild, domestic and zoo animals with HEV or HEV‐related viruses. The role of these animals for transmission of HEV to humans and other animals is discussed.  相似文献   

Various studies have shown the associations between differences in human behavioral traits and genetic polymorphism of neurotransmitter-related proteins such as receptors, transporters and monoamine oxidase. To clarify the genetic background of animal behavior, corresponding regions in animals have been analyzed. The study has been especially focused on primates, as the evolutionally closest animal to humans, and on dogs, as the socially closest animal to humans. In primates, polymorphisms were discovered between or within species, and the functional effects on neural transmission were found to be different by alleles. Even in apes, the closest species to humans, function was different from that in humans. In dogs, allele distributions of several genes were different among breeds showing different behavioral traits, and genes associated with individual differences in aggressiveness and aptitude of working dogs were surveyed. The survey of behavior-related genes has also been carried out in other mammals such as horses and cetaceans. Genes controlling various behaviors in birds have also been reported. The marker genes for behavior will provide useful information for human evolution, welfare of zoo animals and effective selection of working dogs and industry animals.  相似文献   

Students enrolled in an introductory animal science course (ASG 3003) at the University of Florida were surveyed (n = 788) over a 3-yr period to ascertain their current experience and career goals in animal agriculture. Sixty-one percent of the students indicated that they were from an urban background. Only 4% were raised on a farm or ranch where the majority of family income was attributed to production agriculture. Eighty-six percent of the students had minimal or no experience working with large domestic farm animals, but nearly 64% of the students wanted to pursue a career in veterinary medicine. Disciplinary and species interests of the students were highly associated with previous background experiences. Students from nonagricultural backgrounds, who were most likely to indicate a career interest involving veterinary medicine, were most interested (P < 0.05) in animal behavior, whereas the students of rural background were more interested (P < 0.05) in animal management. Thirty-three percent of students were primarily interested in small companion animals; 22% in horses; 20% in domestic farm animals, including beef, dairy, swine, or sheep; and 24% in undomesticated zoo animals or wildlife. The career goals indicated by most students necessitate practical application of animal husbandry skills that are often assumed as general knowledge. Thus, a multispecies large animal management and production practicum (ANS 3206) was developed to provide students with hands-on experience. It was an elective course, and students were encouraged to enroll for two consecutive semesters. Teams of students rotated responsibilities among four livestock species (beef, dairy, equine, and swine). Daily responsibilities at each of the units included feeding and monitoring growth of feedlot cattle and finishing swine, farrowing assistance and baby pig processing, and equine training and foaling assistance. Students were also involved with all facets of a working dairy. Additionally, students completed written assignments specific to their individual species responsibilities that included daily journals, worksheets, or calculation of performance measures. Weekly class meetings allowed for instruction and were used to manage the varied course activities. Using a 5-point scale (1 = poor, 5 = excellent), students indicated that the course further stimulated their interest (4.73) and facilitated their learning (4.63) of animal science concepts. Overall course evaluations ranged from 4.54 +/- 0.55 to 4.85 +/- 0.38 over a 4-yr period. As more students enter animal science programs with nonagricultural backgrounds, it will become necessary to reemphasize basic animal-handling skills and practical applications through experiential learning activities.  相似文献   

This review considers the importance of safety for various species of domestic animals and explains how the need for safety may motivate them to offer a variety of unwelcome responses. We argue that the value of safety to animals is often overlooked by trainers and handlers. As a result, animal owners, handlers, trainers, and veterinarians are regularly injured, and training may fail. Reinforced responses that increase the animal's perceived sense of safety but simultaneously endanger the safety of handlers or trainers may lead to the inadvertent training of dangerous responses. This review offers suggestions about how safety can be used effectively and humanely as a resource in operant training. Training calmness in the presence of a specific stimulus that is associated with safety may deserve closer attention. The ethics of creating the need for safety in domestic animals as part of a training regime are discussed. It emerges that the highly prized attribute of so-called trust in animal–trainer dyads may, at least sometimes, be a manifestation of trainers acting as safety signals. Similarly, animals said to have confidence in and regard for their handlers may value the relative safety they afford.  相似文献   

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