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The eradication of parasitic diseases is not a new concept. The most successful programs of parasite eradication have occurred with species of veterinary importance. The first such program, the eradication of Texas Cattle Fever from the United States, is one of the great success stories of disease eradication. The American screwworm eradication program is ongoing and is serving as a guiding impetus for many of the ongoing or proposed vector eradication schemes around the world. The success of these programs prompted similar successful operations in human health. Although they once led the way, veterinary parasitologists have taken second place in eradication planning. The only three parasitic diseases of veterinary importance that have been targets of recent eradication programs are Hypoderma species in Great Britain and Europe, Cochliomyia hominivorax after its introduction into Libya from the Americas, and Echinococcus granulosus in Tasmania, Australia. There is also work on the eradication of the tick, Amblyomma variegatum, from the Caribbean Islands. Some animal diseases are targeted under the auspices of the human eradication programs, most notably the eradication of the tsetse fly from parts or all of Africa. This paper reviews some of the past or ongoing successful eradication programs and presents a brief summary of the history of the programs, the methods used or planned, and potential controversies surrounding their success and implementation.  相似文献   

Waterfowl, whether free-living or in captivity, are hosts to a wide variety of internal and external parasites. With few exceptions, the significance of most parasitic infections is unknown, due, in part, to the fact that mixed parasitic infections are the rule rather than the exception. Therefore, effects of any one parasite species must be made in light of the other parasites, diseases, or stressors (eg, malnutrition) that may be present. Furthermore, the pathogenicity of a parasite may differ among species of birds as well as different populations of the same species. Experimental assessment of the effects of some parasites have been attempted using the mallard duck as the model; however, in light of species differences, the applicability of such studies to other species of waterfowl is unclear. Of the several hundred parasites that are present, nasal leeches, Leucocytozoon simondi, certain species of coccidia, some nematodes, the trematode Sphaeridiotrema globulus, cestodes in the genus Gastrotaenia, and some acanthocephalans have been associated with morbidity and/or mortality in captive or wild waterfowl. Detection of many parasitic infections can be accomplished through traditional diagnostic techniques (eg, fecal flotation, blood smears); however, the presence of parasites does not automatically equate with the presence of disease. Control and treatment measures are few, especially for free-ranging waterfowl. However, excellent sanitation can help combat many parasites in captive situations.  相似文献   

Ireland ran a conventional test and slaughter Bovine Tuberculosis eradication programme from 1954 until 1988. This programme fulfilled our trading requirements but failed to eradicate TB. At this point a major initiative, ERAD, was launched targeted with reducing the disease levels by half within a four-year period and devising the strategy and supports necessary to achieve final eradication. The lessons learned at that time have informed Ireland's eradication programme ever since. Eradication was not possible without developing solutions to address the wildlife disease reservoir and other identified constraints. Since 1992 the programme objectives have been restated. It is now effectively an interim control programme where significant resources have been invested in research and development aimed at overcoming the identified constraints to eradication. Policy is informed by science and debate among stakeholders is generally knowledgeable and balanced. This paper outlines developments in recent years and sets out our expectations for progress in the period ahead.  相似文献   

Anthelmintic resistance in nematodes of horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Suppressive anthelmintic treatment strategies originally designed to control Strongylus vulgaris in horses were extremely successful in reducing morbidity and mortality from parasitic disease. Unfortunately, this strategy has inadvertently resulted in the selection of drug-resistant cyathostomes (Cyathostominea), which are now considered the principal parasitic pathogens of horses. Resistance in the cyathostomes to benzimidazole drugs is highly prevalent throughout the world, and resistance to pyrantel appears to be increasingly common. However, there are still no reports of ivermectin resistance in nematode parasites of horses despite 20 years of use. It is unknown why resistance to ivermectin has not yet emerged, but considering that ivermectin is the single most commonly used anthelmintic in horses most parasitologists agree that resistance is inevitable. The fecal egg count reduction test is considered the gold standard for clinical diagnosis of anthelmintic resistance in horses, but diagnosis is complicated by lack of an accepted standard for the performance of this test or for the analysis and interpretation of data. Presently there is very little data available on the molecular mechanisms of anthelmintic resistance in cyathostomes; beta-tubulin gene is the only anthelmintic-resistance associated gene that has been cloned. The increasingly high prevalence of anthelmintic-resistant cyathostomes must be taken into account when designing worm control programs for horses. Strategies to decelerate further selection for drug resistance thereby extending the lifetime of currently effective anthelmintics should be implemented whenever possible. Considering the nature of the equine industry in which horses often graze shared pastures with horses from diverse locations, transmission and widespread dispersal of resistant parasites is virtually assured. A proactive approach to this problem centered on understanding the molecular basis of anthelmintic resistance in cyathostomes is required if we are to expect chemical control of nematodes in horses to remain a viable element of parasite control in the future.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if intermediate footrot (IFR) can be eradicated from a flock of sheep by inspection and culling of cases during a non-transmission period and if prior antibiotic treatment or vaccination increases the likelihood of eradication. PROCEDURE: A replicated field experiment that compared the three eradication strategies was followed by an observational study of the best of these applied in a commercial flock of 3000 sheep. RESULTS: In the replicated experiment, IFR was eradicated either by inspection and culling alone, or when combined with vaccination. Eradication failed when the sheep were treated with parenteral antibiotics before inspection and culling during the non-transmission period. In the whole-flock program, eradication by repeated inspection and culling of footrot cases during the non-transmission period was successful and the flock remained free of infection 3 years later. CONCLUSIONS: IFR can be eradicated by inspection and culling but latent infections, which may persist undetected for at least 34 weeks, require surveillance inspections to be repeated during the non-transmission phase of the program. The use of parenteral antibiotics as an aid to the eradication of IFR is contraindicated.  相似文献   

To understand the infection of main internal parasites in yaks, total of 402 fecal samples of yaks were collected from Hongyuan county in Aba prefecture and Litang county in Ganzi prefecture, the morphological characteristics of 4 kinds of internal parasitic eggs or oocysts were observed and the numbers of them were counted using the modified Liao's counting method. The results showed that in yaks of Hongyuan county, the average infection intensities of EPG or OPG of nematodes, cestodes, trematodes and coccidian were 11.59, 23.77, 42.45 and 14.72, respectively, and the total number of infections was 92.53 (48.91 to 154.90); The average infection rates of eggs or oocysts of these 4 kinds of parasites were 18.01%, 36.62%, 44.68% and 17.37%, respectively, and the total infection rate was 76.39%, which proved that trematodes was the dominant parasitic species and cestodes was also an important one in this area. In yaks of Litang county, the average infection intensities of EPG or OPG of nematodes, cestodes, trematodes and coccidian were 52.38, 13.10, 20.24 and 1.19, respectively, and the total number of infections was 86.90, the average infection rates of eggs or oocysts of these 4 kinds of parasites were 52.38%,19.05%,23.81% and 2.38%, respectively, the total infection rate was 78.57%, which proved that nematodes was the dominant parasitic species in this area. The infection patterns of internal parasitic eggs or oocysts in yaks in Hongyuan and Litang county were all mainly the single and double infection, the sums of these two patterns were 69.31% and 78.57%, respectively, which accounted for 90.73% and 100% of the total infection rate, respectively. The results in this paper showed that the parasitic disease in yaks was still an important disease harmful to yak production and herdsman health, meanwhile these results enriched the epidemiological data of the internal parasitic disease of yaks in Northwest plateau of Sichuan province and provided a theory basis for prevention and control of parasitic diseases in yaks in this area.  相似文献   

采集川西北阿坝州红原县和甘孜州理塘县总计402份牦牛粪便样本,采用廖氏计数法(改良)对4类常见体内寄生虫虫卵进行形态学观察并计数,以了解该地区牦牛体内寄生虫感染情况。结果表明,红原县牦牛体内线虫、绦虫、吸虫、球虫虫卵或卵囊(EPG或OPG)的平均感染量分别为11.59、23.77、42.45和14.72,总感染量为92.53(48.91~154.90);平均感染率分别为18.01%、36.62%、44.68%、17.37%,总感染率为76.39%,表明吸虫是红原的优势寄生虫虫种,绦虫也是重要虫种。理塘县牦牛线虫、绦虫、吸虫、球虫的虫卵或卵囊(EPG或OPG)的感染量分别为52.38、13.10、20.24和1.19,总感染量为86.90;感染率分别为52.38%、19.05%、23.81%和2.38%,总感染率为78.57%,表明线虫为该地区的优势虫种。红原县和理塘县两地牦牛体内寄生虫虫卵感染主要以单一感染和二重感染为主,二者的总和分别为69.31%和78.57%,分别占总感染率的90.73%和100%。本研究结果证实牦牛寄生虫病目前仍是危害牦牛生产和当地牧民健康的一类重要疫病。该研究丰富了川西北高原地区牦牛体内寄生虫病的流行病学资料,为该地区牦牛寄生虫病的防控提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Exotic tick species and tick-borne diseases are serious threats to live-stock, companion animals, and wildlife in the United States. Recurring introductions of exotic tick species into the United States are a significant indicator of the degree of risk. Successful tick-eradication campaigns, such as the national program that eradicated Boophilus annulatus and B. microplus from the United States, the Cattle Fever Tick Eradication Program of the US Department of Agriculture's Veterinary Services that protects against the re-entry and dissemination of Boophilus ticks from Mexico back into their former haunts in the southern states, and the eradication action that eliminated Rhipicephalus evertsi from a game park in Florida, are sources of useful information that aid in elucidating essential elements of successful eradication programs. Examples of failed eradication programs in places such as Puerto Rico and St. Croix also have heuristic value. Among the varieties of tick species and related infectious agents that threaten the United States, Boophilus ticks and bovine babesiosis, Amblyomma species (especially the tropical bont tick) and heartwater, and equine babesiosis, for which endemic vectors exist, are of special concern. Risk assessments to accumulate, evaluate, and synthesize information needed to appraise risks, consequences, and preparedness are necessary not just to inform federal, state, and local officials, as well as producers and stakeholders, but also to facilitate the creation of emergency response plans.  相似文献   

Since 1993 a voluntary eradication program for bovine paratuberculosis is established in Northrhine-Westfalia. After an effectivity control of the serological diagnostics it is combined with the fecal culture since August of 2000. Parallel use of both methods is necessary for a successful eradication. It could be monitored that a high percentage of the newly bought cattle in the herds participating in the eradication program was considered positive. Since paratuberculosis eradication is time and cost extensive besides intensive eradication programs the spread of the disease must be stopped.  相似文献   

Strongylid gastrointestinal nematodes are an important cause of disease and economic loss in small ruminants. These parasites are particularly important in the eastern United States where the bloodsucking parasite Haemonchus contortus is the predominant species. Sheep and goats are infected with gastrointestinal nematodes while grazing and the biology of the infective larvae on the pastures is important in planning effective control programs. Fecal egg counts can be used to monitor control programs and drug efficacy and evaluate levels of pasture contamination.  相似文献   

Combinations of anthelmintics with a similar spectrum of activity and different mechanisms of action and resistance are widely available in several regions of the world for the control of sheep nematodes. There are two main justifications for the use of such combinations: (1) to enable the effective control of nematodes in the presence of single or multiple drug resistance, and (2) to slow the development of resistance to the component anthelmintic classes. Computer model simulations of sheep nematode populations indicate that the ability of combinations to slow the development of resistance is maximised if certain prerequisite criteria are met, the most important of which appear to concern the opportunity for survival of susceptible nematodes in refugia and the pre-existing levels of resistance to each of the anthelmintics in the combination. Combinations slow the development of a resistant parasite population by reducing the number of resistant genotypes which survive treatment, because multiple alleles conferring resistance to all the component anthelmintic classes must be present in the same parasite for survival. Individuals carrying multiple resistance alleles are rarer than those carrying single resistance alleles. This enhanced efficacy leads to greater dilution of resistant genotypes by the unselected parasites in refugia, thus reducing the proportion of resistant parasites available to reproduce with other resistant adults that have survived treatment. Concerns over the use of anthelmintic combinations include the potential to select for resistance to multiple anthelmintic classes concurrently if there are insufficient parasites in refugia; the potential for shared mechanisms of resistance between chemical classes; and the pre-existing frequency of resistance alleles may be too high on some farms to warrant the introduction of certain combinations. In conclusion, anthelmintic combinations can play an important role in resistance management. However, they are not a panacea and should always be used in accordance with contemporary principles for sustainable anthelmintic use.  相似文献   

The diseases caused by parasitic nematodes in domestic and companion animals are major factors that decrease production and quality of the agricultural products. Methods available for the control of the parasitic nematode infections are mainly based on chemical treatment, non-chemical management practices, immune modulation and biological control. However, even with integrated pest management that frequently combines these approaches, the effective and long-lasting control strategies are hampered by the persistent exposure of host animals to environmental stages of parasites, the incomplete protective response of the host and acquisition of anthelmintic resistance by an increasing number of parasitic nematodes. Therefore, the challenges to improve control of parasitic nematode infections are multi-fold and no single category of information will meet them all. However, new information, such as nematode genomics, functional genomics and proteomics, can strengthen basic and applied biological research aimed to develop improvements. In this review we will, summarize existing control strategies of nematode infections and discuss ongoing developments in nematode genomics. Genomics approaches offer a growing and fundamental base of information, which when coupled with downstream functional genomics and proteomics can accelerate progress towards developing more efficient and sustainable control programs.  相似文献   

Internal parasitism is a pervasive constant that reduces returns in beef cattle production. Parasitism may influence production sufficiently so that data derived investigating performance response will be erroneous. The interaction of internal parasites of cattle with other facets of their lives makes it imperative that more parasite research be done on cattle to consider their impact. Results of trials designed to determine forage production at various stocking densities may not reflect the nutritive value of the forage, but instead the severity of parasite exposure. Relative resistance or susceptibility to certain parasites vary with the breed of livestock and the species of parasite. Extensive work to evaluate the ability of various breeds and sires to influence parasitic numbers has been conducted in sheep but not in cattle. Some parasite trials have ignored the effects of nutrition on the establishment and retention of parasites. This becomes especially important where multiple parasite exposure may occur. Susceptible cattle, even on an optimal diet, will become parasitized, but if reexposed to the same species of parasite, cattle on an optimal diet may be able to resist reinfection, whereas those on deficient diets will not.  相似文献   

Seriously escalating global anthelmintic resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes of small ruminants has spawned a variety of alternatives to anthelmintics for worm management, based on the need for sustainable Integrated Parasite Management (sIPM). Pivotal to the sIPM approach is the concept of refugia, the proportion of a given parasite population that escapes exposure to control measures. By balancing drug applications with the maintenance of refugia, the accumulation of anthelmintic resistance alleles in worm populations can be considerably delayed, while still providing good levels of control. The over-dispersed nature of parasitic infections provides an opportunity to achieve this balance, by targeting treatments to the members of a flock or herd that are least tolerant to nematode infection. However, implementation of this strategy has only recently become feasible, with the development of the FAMACHA((c)) system for clinical evaluation of anaemia due to haemonchosis. Subsequently, the use of milk yields has proven an effective indicator in dairy goats infected predominantly with nematodes other than Haemonchus contortus. In addition, short-term weight changes and perhaps also body condition scoring may provide indices of parasitism, permitting the rapid identification of animals likely to benefit from treatment. However, sIPM and refugia-based approaches are more complex than whole-flock treatments in conventional programs, and adoption by farmers is most likely where the theoretical basis is understood. As close communication with informed advisors is generally limited, there is a danger that sIPM will remain a theoretical concept without alternative modes of communication. The development of computer-based decision support programs, which use epidemiological, seasonal and clinical information to provide recommendations for specific situations, should be accorded high priority in the future development of worm management systems.  相似文献   

Treatment regimes for the control of parasitic nematodes in cattle and sheep are reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of each strategy are outlined and the veterinarian's judgement of the management and economic constraints involved when recommending a particular system to a client is emphasised.  相似文献   

为了解神木县羊寄生虫的感染情况,2011年7月~8月,采用蠕虫学完全剖检法抽样检查30只羊。共发现寄生虫11种,其中线虫8种:粗纹食道口线虫(Oesophagostomum asperum)、捻转血矛线虫(Haemonchus contortus)、毛尾线虫(Trichuris sp.)、细颈线虫(Nematodirus sp.)、羊仰口线虫(Bunosto-mum trigoncephalum)、毛圆线虫(Trichostrongylus sp.)、美丽筒线虫(Gongylonema pulchrum)、尖尾线虫(Oxyuris sp.);吸虫1种:矛形歧腔吸虫(Dicrocoelium lanceatum);绦虫2种:莫尼茨绦虫(Monieziasp.)、细颈囊尾蚴(Cysticercus tenuicollis)。其中线虫、绦虫感染率高,感染强度大。捻转血矛线虫感染率80%,粗纹食道口线虫感染率45%,细颈囊尾蚴感染率45%,为优势种。  相似文献   

Mechanisms involved in parasitic nematode survival must be considered with reference to their host and environmental interrelationships since these interrelationhips ultimately influence any parasite adaptations aimed at survival.The most important of the potential environmental constraints are climatic, particularly temperature and humidity, and these can drastically influence larval development and survival.One of the major host factors influencing successful parasite survival is the availability of suitable (susceptible) new hosts to the infective stages of the parasite at the appropriate time for transmission to be achieved. Other host factors that influence parasite survival are those that affect the entrance, establishment and reproduction of the parasite within its new host; mainly problems of acclimatization to a parasitic way of life as well as the countering or adaptation to a variety of host resistance factors, both molecular and cellular, by the parasite.Finally in order for life cycles to be completed, the parasite must evolve means whereby its larval forms can leave the host so that eventual transmission to a new host can be accomplished.In this paper a number of adaptations which enable the parasite to overcome these constraints are discussed. These include such things as larval resistance to environmental effects, the utilization of intermediate hosts or vectors for transmission, seasonally-increased fecundity rates, anti-host immunity stratagems and hypobiosis.This latter phenomenon, hypobiosis or prolonged but temporarily arrested larval development, represents one of the most useful of life cycle adaptations to ensure parasite adaption enables the parasite to synchronize its life cycle to changing environmental or survival and appears to be widespread among parasitic nematodes. Among its benefits, this host conditions. It can thus be of major importance in ensuring survival of the parasite during periods of environmental adversity when conditions for transmission are poor and survival of free-living forms may be minimal. It also enables the parasite to have available large numbers of infective forms at points in the host reproductive cycle which coincide with the production of the susceptible neonates thereby greatly facilitating transmission. Additionally, with certain species of nematodes, occurring as it does at times of the year when the numbers of infective stages may be high while host resources may be limited, oscillations in parasite biomass can be avoided. It thus serves as a highly adaptive mechanism for regulating populations of adult worms, lessening stress on the host and favoring parasite survival as a result.  相似文献   

Anisakid nematodes have complex life-cycles that include invertebrate and vertebrate hosts at various levels of the marine food chain. Different types of habitat disturbances of the marine ecosystem (pollution, overfishing, by-catch) could impoverish the host population size, resulting in concomitant and detrimental effects on parasitic nematode populations. This in turn would lead to the loss of genetic diversity of these parasites at both the species and population levels. In order to test for a correlation existing between the genetic diversity of anisakid nematodes and habitat disturbance, the genetic variability, estimated by nuclear markers (19 allozyme loci), was evaluated among several anisakid populations from fish and marine mammals in various areas of the Boreal and Austral regions. Antarctic and sub-antarctic populations showed significantly (P<0.001) higher levels of genetic diversity (on average, He=0.23) than those from the Arctic and sub-Arctic populations and species (on average, He=0.07). Correlations between the degree of genetic variability and the levels of parasitic infections within their hosts were considered. Data revealed higher intensities in anisakid infections in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic hosts, presumably resulting from a lower degree of habitat disturbance in less stressed areas. The absence of disturbance presumably allowed anisakid species to reach a larger population size, with a reduced probability of genetic drift in their gene pools. This suggests that anisakid nematodes, and their levels of genetic diversity may be suitable indicators of the integrity of marine food webs and of the general biodiversity of a marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

Non-technical constraints to eradication: the Italian experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Moda G 《Veterinary microbiology》2006,112(2-4):253-258
Although technical constraints to eradication of bovine tuberculosis are well-recognised, non-technical constraints can also delay progress towards eradication, leading to inefficiency and increased programme costs. This paper seeks to analyse the main non-technical constraints that can interfere with the successful implementation of tuberculosis eradication plans, based on experiences from an area of high tuberculosis prevalence in Regione Piemonte, Italy. The main social and economic constraints faced in the past 20 years are reviewed, including a social reluctance to recognise the importance of seeking eradication as the goal of disease control, effective communication of technical issues, the training and the organization of veterinary services, the relationship between the regional authority and farmers and their representatives, and data management and epidemiological reporting. The paper analyses and discusses the solutions that were applied in Regione Piemonte and the benefits that were obtained. Tuberculosis eradication plans are one of the most difficult tasks of the Veterinary Animal Health Services, and non-technical constraints must be considered when progress towards eradication is less than expected. Organizational and managerial resources can help to overcome social or economic obstacles, provided the veterinary profession is willing to address technical, but also non-technical, constraints to eradication.  相似文献   

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